The Simulation Environment for Radiotherapy Applications (SERA) software program was developed for boron-neutron capture therapy (BNCT) patient treatment planning by researchers at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) and students and faculty at Montana State University (MSU) Computer Science Department.
SERA has a flexible, user-friendly GUI for all modules. It allows the use of CT, MRI, or PET image data. Unique neutron transport geometry provides rapid Monte Carlo solutions. Geometric modeling fidelity is equivalent to image resolution. Please note that all development of SERA has ceased, this update contains only bug fixes. The patches included are:
- sera_dose_image.diff Fixes bug in SeraDose involving image handling.
- sera_dose_font_0.diff Fixes first problem with fonts in SeraDose.
- struct_improve.diff Improves code by removing some pointer indirection.
- cfree_remove.diff Removes uses of obsolete function cfree and using more standard header files.
- rst_util.diff Adds a very simple utility for dealing with rst files.
- sera_dose_font.diff Fixes second problem with fonts in SeraDose.
- sera_mc_modern.diff Modernizes part of seraMC code.
- random_number_mod.diff Makes it easier to switch seraMC random number generator (note that editing the source code is still required to switch the random number generator).
Either the patches can be applied, or the sera1src1c1.tar.gz can be used which has the patches and updated files already added.