- APPRENTICE interactively prepares a text input file for the near-term (Approximately 1 to 100 years) environmental dosimetry programs and a batch processing file to manage the file handling needed to control the operations of the five subsequent codes and prepare an output report.
- ENVIN controls the reading and organization of the input files for ENV, which then calculates the environmental transfer, uptake and human exposure to radionuclides that result from the chosen scenario for the defined source term.
- ENV writes the annual media concentrations and intake rates to intermediate data transfer files for use by DOSE.
- DOSE converts these data to radiation dose, calculating the external dose using factors generated by EXTDF and the internal dose using factors generated in INTDF. DOSE calculates the one-year dose, committed dose, cumulative dose, and maximum annual dose and prepares the normal output report of doses and optional doses by pathway and by radionuclide.
- EXTDF calculates the external dose-rate factors for submersion in an infinite cloud of radioactive materials, immersion in contaminated water, and direct exposure to plane or slab sources of contamination. EXTDF used the ISOSHLD point kernel integration technique whereby numerical integration is carried out over the source volume to obtain the total dose.
- INTDF estimates the dose equivalents in a number of target organs from the activity in a given source organ based on ICRP-30 models and biokinetic values for radionuclide residency and transport in the body. The dose equivalent in a target organ is the product of the total number or nuclear transformations of the radionuclide and the energy absorbed per gram in the target organ. This initial value problem is solved using a coupled set of differential equations.
- DITTY calculates long-term total population exposure based on air and water source terms, atmospheric dispersion patterns, and exposed population. A straight-line cross-wind-averaged Gaussian plume model is used for the dispersion calculation, and the regional population is defined as a function of time for airborne and waterborne pathways. The time frame may be any 10,000-year period, broken into 143 periods of 70 years each.
On GENII-LIN-2.0 the following additional modules are available:
- ENV13 is an updated version of the original module ENV. Writes the annual media concentrations and intake rates to intermediate data transfer files for use by DOSE13.
-DOSE13 is an updated version of DOSE. Converts data from ENV13 to radiation dose, calculating the external dose using factors generated by EXTDF13 and the internal dose using factors generated in INTDF13. DOSE13 calculates the one-year dose, committed dose, cumulative dose, and maximum annual dose and prepares the normal output report of doses and optional doses by pathway and by radionuclide. It provides risk estimates for health effects to individuals or populations, by applying appropriate risk factors to the effective dose equivalent or organ dose; for ease future development, it has been splitted into six independent modules (DOSE1, DOSE2, DOSE3, DOSE4, DOSE5, DOSE6) which are called depending on the age class considered.
-EXTDF13 is an updated version of EXTDF. It uses the same point kernel integration technique. It uses more recent and detailed data libraries, calculates the dose rate factors for each organ and organizes data for cancer risk calculation.
-INTDF13 is a full replacement of the original INTDF module. It reads the absorbed dose rate libraries, available from FGR 13, and calculates the incremental organ equivalent doses for any year following an initial intake. For each of the six ages considered, one output file is generated containing yearly incremental dose to each of 29 organs.
The GENII-LIN system includes a wizard-like graphical user interface written in c++, built on the Qt libraries by Trolltech, which allows the user to effectively address the parameters required for scenario generation and data input, internal and external dose factor generators, and environmental dosimetry programs.
A series of well-ordered screens steps the user through the process of problem definition and selection of options for setting up the files for input to the environmental dosimetry programs and dose factor generators and all the necessary processing files to manage the file handling needed to control the operations of the five subsequent modules. As may be required for each of the selected options, GENII-LIN activates other pages to control input of parameters for user selected scenarios.
Information transferring between computational modules is done through the data communication files.These files are supplied by the user through the GUI or generated by the computational modules to provide information to subsequent modules. The content and format of these files is defined by the requirements of the GENII-LIN software package. The computational modules must read and write information consistent with these requirements. The user can modify the content of the files with a text editor but not the format.
GENII-LIN has both text and graphical full featured file viewers for output management. The plots produced are fully customizable, by changing fonts and colors, and can be printed, copied to clipboard or saved with several formats (bmp, jpeg, tiff, eps...).