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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
CINDER 1.05 | CCC-0755/01 | Tested | 26-NOV-2012 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
CCC-0755/01 | Linux-based PC,PC Windows | PC Windows |
The NEA Databank is authorized to distribute CINDER for non-commercial purposes only. Non-commercial purposes include:
Use of CINDER by employees with academic or nonprofit status;
Use of CINDER by employees of US-Government entities.
Other requests including all requests for commercial applications should be addressed to:
Kathleen H. McDonald, Los Alamos National Laboratory at +1 505/667-5844
This CINDER 1.05 package includes the CINDER'90 code Version 7.4.2, ACTIVATION 1.0, GAMMA_SOURCE 1.0. CINDER'90 is the latest in the sequence of data and code evolution built upon the original work of T. England at Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory (BAPL) in the early 1960s. It is used to calculate the inventory of nuclides in an irradiated material. Utilizing a self-contained nuclear data library, CINDER'90 calculates the atom density (atoms per unit volume) and activity density (curies per unit volume) of each and every nuclide present at a specified time. Though always providing a nuclide inventory, its functional identity depends upon the application. In nuclear reactor applications, such a code is commonly called a burnup code, since it follows the temporal burnup of fissionable material and the associated production of fission products. It may also be called an activation code since it well describes the conversion of stable nuclides to radioactive nuclides by particle bombardment. In keeping with more recent vernacular, the code is identified as a transmutation nuclide inventory code, since the code follows all paths of nuclide transmutation -- the conversion of a nuclide to a different nuclide by particle absorption and/or radioactive decay. Nuclide evolution code has recently become popular terminology, perhaps linked to R- and S-process applications in astrophysics.
The CINDER'90 library of 63-group cross sections describes 3400 nuclides in the range 1 >le; Z >le; 103. The code requires a multi-group neutron flux for En >le; 20 MeV and nuclide production rates for reactions at higher neutron energies or for additional particles. Although developed for accelerator-driven problems, the code is applicable to any transmutation problem for which simulation calculations of particle reactions are available.
The ACTIVATION script prepares the input files for various activation codes from MCNPX output and runs them. Three activation codes are presently supported: CINDER'90, SP-FISPACT from the EASY code package, and ORIHET3. The script assumes that the requested activation code is installed on the computer with all ancillary files and data libraries such that it can be executed through the settings of the PATH environment variable or by defining the absolute path of the executable name in the input of the ACTIVATION script.
The GAMMA_SOURCE script prepares decay gamma source descriptions for subsequent MCNPX calculations from decay gamma information provided by the CINDER'90 or SP-FISPACT codes for a requested list of MCNPX cells and a requested time step.
MCNPX is required but is not included in this distribution. With the package are distributed two tarballs of code extensions to be applied on official distributions of the MCNPX code versions 2.4.0 and 2.5.0. Note that some CINDER90 functionality (for criticality calculations only) is included in MCNPX 2.6.0.
Package ID | Computer language |
CCC-0755/01 | FORTRAN-90, FORTRAN-95, PERL |
Working versions of PERL and MCNPX (Version 2.40 or 2.50) are required and are not included in this distribution.
Executables created with the gfortran compiler (within the MINGW cross-compiler environment) are distributed for Windows. No source files are included in the Windows installation file. The source version includes Fortran source code and Makefiles set up to use gfortran. Testing was done at RSICC with version 4.1.2 of gfortran on Linux, as well as recent versions of the PGI and Intel Fortran compilers on Linux and Windows. No Linux executables are included.
Contributed by: Radiation Safety Information Computational Center
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Developed by: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA
Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
Keywords: activation, fission products, gamma ray source, isotope inventory, neutron.