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Wuerenlingen Iron Benchmark Experiment (PROTEUS)

1. Name of Experiment:
 Wuerenlingen Iron Benchmark Experiment (PROTEUS)

2. Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
 Determination of neutron spectra and reaction rates at different
 depth in a bulk iron and stainless steel shield about 80 cm thick.

3. Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
 The neutron source is the PROTEUS fast/thermal mixed critical reactor
 in which thermal driver zones surround a central test zone containing
 a mixed PuO2/UO2-fuelled gas-cooled fast breeder pin lattice.
 For the experiments a large cylindrical shield block was situated
 axially directly above the pin fuelled test zone. The prime source of
 neutrons entering the shield block is thus the mixed oxide fuel, and the
 source spectrum is typical of a gas-cooled fast power reactor (GCFR) core.

 The iron shield consists of steel-37 (98% iron) blocks of total
 thickness of 80 cm and a diameter of 120 cm. The central part of the
 shield of a diameter of 38 cm was composed either of steel-37 or
 steel 18-8.

 The measurements were carried out during the period April 1972 to April

4. Measurement System and Uncertainties:
 The detectors used were:

 Detector Diameter Thickness Systematic Total
 (mm) (mm) Error (%) Error (%)
 Rh-103(n,n') 0.2 10 10

 In-115(n,n') 18 0.5 7 7-8

 S-32(n,p)pellet 30 1.0 8 8-30

 SP2 proton recoil Spectr. 5-15

5. Description of Results and Analysis:

 Activation measurements were carried out at 6 different depth into
 the iron shield: 0, 10, 20, 35, 50 and 65 cm. Spectra were measured
 at 10, 20, 35 and 50 cm in iron (steel-37), and at 20, 35, 50 cm in
 steel 18-8.

 The spectra were unfolded by the SPEC4[3] computer code.
 A 2-D calculational model has been recommended by the authors.

6. Special Features:


7. Author/Organizer
 Experiment and analysis:
 K. Gmur, M. Jermann, C. McCombie, R. Richmond, V. Herrnberger:
 Swiss Federal Institute for Reactor Research
 CH-5303 Wurenlingen

 Compiler of data for Sinbad:
 I. Kodeli
 OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France

 Reviewer of compiled data:
 Dr. R. Seiler
 Paul Scherrer Institute
 CH-5232 Villingen PSI

8. Availability:


9. References:

 [1] K. Gmur, M. Jermann, C. McCombie, R. Richmond, V. Herrnberger:
 The Revised PROTEUS Iron Shielding Benchmark Experiment,
 NEACRP Specialist Meeting on Shielding Benchmarks, Paris (Sept.1984)
 [2] M. Lanfranchi, J. F. Jaeger:
 Shielding Benchmarks. Some Considerations on Three Iron Shielding
 Benchmarks, EIR Report TM-45-86-33, NEACRP Specialists Meeting on
 Shielding Benchmarks, Paris (Oct.1986)
 [3] P. W. Benjamin:
 The analysis of recoil proton spectra, AWRE 09/68, Aldermaston,
 Berks (1968)
 [4] R. Richmond et al.:
 Measurements of Neutron Spectrum and Reaction Rates in a GCFR Lattice,
 EIR Report 239 (1973)
 [5] K. Gmur, M. Jermann, C. McCombie, R. Richmond:
 Benchmark Shielding Experiments in a GCFR Spectrum,
 1977 Winter Meeting of the ANS, San Francisco (1977)
 [6] C. McCombie, K. Gmur, M. Jermann, R. Richmond, U. Schmocker, S. Seth:
 Assessment of Iron and Steel Cross Section Data for Shielding by
 Integral Experiment Measurement and Analysis,
 Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics, Gatlinburg, USA (1978)
 [7] C. McCombie, K. Gmur, M. Jermann, R. Richmond, U. Schmocker, S. Seth:
 Benchmark Shielding Experiments for Testing Iron and Steel Data,
 Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics, Gatlinburg, USA (1978)
 [8] R. Richmond, Measurement of the Physics Properties of Gas-Cooled
 Fast Reactors in the Zero Energy Reactor PROTEUS and Analysis of
 the Results, EIR-Bericht Nr. 478 (1982)
 [9] R. Chawla, K. Gmur, M. Jermann, R. Richmond, U. Schmocker,
 Fast Reactor Experiments with Thorium at the PROTEUS Facility,
 EIR-Bericht Nr.444 (1981)

10. Data and Format:
 Filename Size[bytes] Content
 ---------------- ----------- -------------
 1 prot-abs.htm 8.165 This information file
 2 prot-exp.htm 23.067 Description of Experiment
 3 PROTE-1V.TIF 55.456 Figure 1: Horizontal sections of the PROTEUS reactor 
   (high quality)
 4 PROTE-2V.TIF 141.676 Figure 2: Vertical sections of the PROTEUS reactor 
   (high quality)
 5 PROTE-3V.TIF 14.308 Figure 3: Schematic view of the PROTEUS experiment 
   (high quality)
 6 PROTE-4V.TIF 16.642 Figure 4: 2-D modelling of the PROTEUS experiment 
   (high quality)
 7 PROTE-5V.TIF 9.644 Figure 5: Fuel rod (high quality)
 8 PROTE-1V.gif 87.069 Figure 1: Horizontal sections of the PROTEUS reactor 
 9 PROTE-2V.gif 309.175 Figure 2: Vertical sections of the PROTEUS reactor 
10 PROTE-3V.gif 34.232 Figure 3: Schematic view of the PROTEUS experiment 
11 PROTE-4V.gif 46.935 Figure 4: 2-D modelling of the PROTEUS experiment (preview)
12 PROTE-5V.gif 6.592 Figure 5: Fuel rod (preview)
13 PROTE_1.pdf 615.381 Reference
14 PROTE_4.pdf 1.918.903 Reference
15 PROTE_5.pdf 199.332 Reference
16 PROTE_6.pdf 286.526 Reference
17 PROTE_7.pdf 482.430 Reference
18 PROTE_8.pdf 3.113.701 Reference
19 PROTE_9.pdf 4.068.281 Reference

 Figures are included in TIFF image format and GIF (preview).

 Tables: One table (1) of the chemical compositions of materials used, a
 table (2) giving details of the fuel elements, a table (3) describing
 the core fission rate distribution, and three tables (4,5,6) of measured