[back to index] [Exp. 1: He & C ions on C, Al, Cu, Pb] [Exp.2:Ne ions on C, Al, Cu, Pb] [Exp.3:Ar, Fe, Xe & Si ions on C, Al, Cu, Pb]


HIMAC experiments with He, C, Ne, Ar, Fe, Xe and Si ions on C, Al, Cu & Pb targets

 1. Name of Experiment:
    HIMAC experiments stopping He, C, Ne, Ar, Xe, Fe & Si ions on Al, C,
    Cu & Pb targets.

 2. Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
    Carbon, Aluminum, Copper and Lead targets were bombarded with He, C, Ne,
    Ar, Fe, Xe and Si ions of energies ranging from 100 to 800 MeV/nucleon.

    They were performed at the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator of Chiba (HIMAC)
    depending of the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) of
    Japan in different experimental sets from 1997 to 1999.

 3. Description of Source and Experimental Configuration:
    The energy of the projectile is 100 and 180 MeV/nucleon for He ions,
    100, 180 and 400 MeV/nucleon for C and Ne ions, 400 MeV/nucleon for Ar, Fe
    and Xe ions and 800 MeV/nucleon for Si ions. The Si ions are only stopped
    on C and Cu targets.

    The beam is extracted from the synchrotron with a time pulse of 0.5 seconds
    every 3.3 seconds. The microtime structure corresponds to 5 MHz.

    The target is a 10x10 cm2 plate of carbon, aluminum, copper and lead. Its
    thickness is calculated to stop completely the incident particles and is
    given in Table 1.

 4. Measurement System:
    Neutron detectors are located at laboratory angles of 0, 7.5, 15, 30, 60
    and 90 deg. The measurements were performed simultaneously at 3 detectors
    each time.

    Each neutron detector consists of a NE-213 liquid scintillator 12.7 cm in
    diameter and 12.7 cm thick, covered first with glass 1 mm thick and
    externally with aluminum 1.6 mm thick. These are the E counters.

    Other detectors, plastic scintillators NE102A, are 15x15 cm2 plates 0.5 cm
    thick. These are the delta-E counters to discriminate charged particles.

    The detectors-target layout can be seen in Figure 1 for a typical
    measurement position, and is taken from Ref. 1.

    The detectors efficiency has been calculated by using the M.C. code by
    Cecil et al. (Ref. 5).
    Background neutrons were measured by interposing iron bars 15x15 cm2
    square and 60 cm long.

 5. Description of Results and Analysis:
    The numerical results of the experiments are given in terms of neutrons
    produced per angle unit(sr), per energy unit(MeV) and per incident particle.

    They are presented as follows:

    in Tables 2 to 7   for He ions with 100 MeV/nucleon
    in Tables 8 to 13  for He ions with 180 MeV/nucleon
    in Tables 14 to 19 for C ions with 100 MeV/nucleon
    in Tables 20 to 25 for C ions with 180 MeV/nucleon
    in Tables 26 to 31 for C ions with 400 MeV/nucleon
    in Tables 32 to 37 for Ne ions with 100 MeV/nucleon
    in Tables 38 to 43 for Ne ions with 180 MeV/nucleon
    in Tables 44 to 49 for Ne ions with 400 MeV/nucleon
    in Tables 50 to 55 for Ar ions with 400 MeV/nucleon
    in Tables 56 to 61 for Fe ions with 400 MeV/nucleon
    in Tables 62 to 67 for Xe ions with 400 MeV/nucleon
    in Tables 68 to 73 for Si ions with 800 MeV/nucleon

    The statistical uncertainties vary from 2 to 5% at low and mid-energy but
    increases until 30% for the energy threshold. The room scattered background
    is less than 10%. The total normalization uncertainty is less than 14%.

    The transport calculations using MCNPX code were done by P. Ortego and are
    described in Ref. [8]. Some results are provided in file HIMAC_PO.xls. The two
    models for HIMAC experiments with alpha particles on C, Al, Cu and Pb are given
    in files mcnpxhim.015 and mcnpxhim.390. Two models are necessary because of
    the target is turned 45 deg. for some detectors, so HIM015 is the case for
    detectors 0 to 15 deg. (no turn of target) and HIM390 is the case for
    detectors 30 to 90 deg. (target turned 45 deg.). 
    The different atom densities for other target materials are given in comment
    lines. The same is done for the alpha particle energy. Default values for
    high energy models are used.

 6. Special Features:

 7. Author/Organizer:

    Experiment and Analysis:
    T. Kurosawa, T. Nakamura, H. Iwase and H. Sato (Cyclotron and Radioisotope
    Center of Tohoku University), N. Nakao and T. Shibata (High Energy
    Accelerator Research Organization), Y. Uwamino and N. Nakanishi (The
    Institute of Physical and Chemical Research), A. Fukumura and  K. Murakami
    (National Institute of Radiological Sciences).

    Phone (Kurosawa): +
    Fax (Kurosawa):   +

    Compiler of data for Sinbad:
    P. Ortego
    SEA, Shielding Engineering and Analysis S.L., Avda. Atenas 75,
    Las Rozas, 28230 Madrid, Spain
    Phone: +34 91.631.7807
    Fax: +34 91.631.8266

    Reviewer of compiled data:
    I. Kodeli
    OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France

 8. Availability:

 9. References:

   [1] T. Kurosawa et al. "Measurements of Secondary Neutrons Produced
       from Thick Targets Bombarded by High Energy Helium and Carbon Ions",
       Nuclear Science and Eng. vol. 132, p. 30 (1999)

   [2] T. Kurosawa et al. "Spectral measurements of neutrons, protons,
       deuterons and tritons produced by 100 MeV/nucleon He bombardment",
       Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research,
       Vol. A 430, p. 400 (1999)

   [3] T. Kurosawa et al. "Measurements of Secondary Neutrons Produced
       from Thick Target Bombarded by High Energy Neon Ions"
       Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, vol. 36, p.41 (1999)

   [4] T. Kurosawa et al. "Neutrons yields from thick C, Al, Cu and Pb
       targets bombarded by 400 MeV/nucleon Ar, Fe, Xe and 800 MeV/nucleon
       Si ions", Physical Review C, vol. 62, p. 044615-1 (2000)

   [5] R.A. Cecil et al. "Improved predictions of neutron detection
       efficiency for hydrocarbon scintillators from 1 MeV to about 300 MeV",
       Nuclear Instrum. and Methods, Vol. 161, p. 439 (1979).

   [6] N. Nakao et al. "Measurements of response function of organic liquid
       scintillator for neutron energy range up to 135 MeV", Nuclear Instruments
       and Methods in Physics Research, Vol. A-362, p. 454 (1995)

   [7] T. Kurosawa, T. Nakamura and L. Heilbronn, Experimental Data of Neutron
       Yields from Thick Targets Bombarded by 100 to 800 MeV/nucleon Heavy Ions.
   [8] P. Ortego, Benchmarking of MCNPX with the Experimental Measurements of
       High-Energy Helium Ions in HIMAC Facility, 
       also in Rad. Prot. Dosimetry, 116(1-4), Pp.43-49 (2005)

10. Data and Format:


      Filename      Size(kb) Content
      ------------- -------- -------------------------
  1  himac-a.htm      10     This information file
  2  himac-e1.htm     56     1st. part of experiment description
  3  himac-e2.htm     33     2nd. part of descrip. (Ne tables)
  4  himac-e3.htm     46     3rd. part of descrip. (Ar-Si tables)
  5  HIMFig1.pdf       7     Plane view of the experiment
  6  mcnpxhim.015      6     MCNPX input file (P. Ortego) - 0 to 15 deg.
  7  mcnpxhim.390      6     MCNPX input file (P. Ortego) - 30 to 90 deg.
  8  HIMAC_PO.xls    740     Calculational results by P. Ortego
  9  nse-132.pdf    2665     Paper Nucl. Sci. & Eng.
 10  nima-430.pdf   1836     Paper N. Instr. and Methods
 11  nst-36.pdf     1211     Paper J. of N. Science & Technol.
 12  prc-62.pdf     1864     Paper Physical Review C vol. 62
 13  nim-161.pdf     838     Cecil et al. on detector efficiency
 14  m001.pdf         37     Paper by T. Kurosawa et al.
 15  p_ortego.pdf    184     Paper by P. Ortego

SINBAD Benchmark Generation Date: 01/2003
SINBAD Benchmark Last Update: 03/2006