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Cadarache Sodium (HARMONIE)

1. Name of Experiment:
 Cadarache Sodium Benchmark Experiment (HARMONIE)

2. Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
 Study of the neutron propagation in pure sodium.
 A buffer zone representative of the blanket of a commercial fast reactor
 is interposed between the source reactor and the sodium. The aim was to
 improve the performances of the propagation formulaire PROPANE which
 should allow in particular the calculation of the sodium activation in the
 heat exchanger of a French fast power reactor, pool type.

3. Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
 The experiments have been performed from 1976 to 1978. The source reactor
 HARMONIE, located at Cadarache has been used. This reactor allows to
 obtain a fast neutron spectrum within a slab source geometry. The reactor
 core containing 93% enriched uranium is a vertical cylinder with a
 diameter of 123 mm and a height of 129 mm. It is surrounded by a depleted
 uranium blanket and a stainless-steel reflector.

 Two experiments have been performed :
 (1) with HARMONIE stainless-steel reflector;
 (2) with a spectrum converter of the type of an UO2-Na blanket, in the
 place of the reflector to simulate the neutron spectrum at the edge of
 a fast reactor blanket.

 The sodium mockup, forming a 280 cm cube, is placed above the HARMONIE
 reactor 51 cm from the core mid plane, and is composed of five tanks
 filled with metallic sodium. The whole system is surrounded by wood
 walls and a wool roof.

 The fission density distribution in the reactor core and in the blanket
 regions as obtained by the DOT 3.5 criticality calculations is given only
 for the case (1) with stainless steel reflector. The fission densities
 for the case (2) with the spectrum converter are not included since the
 quality of the document [1] was not sufficient for reproduction. In
 addition the information available on geometry and materials is probably
 not sufficient to allow a reliable criticality calculations and thus to
 provide the neutron source distribution for this case.

4. Measurement System and Uncertainties:
 The detectors used were:

 Detector Standard
 Deviation (%)
 Rh103(n,n') 15

 S32(n,p)pellet 15

 Na(n,gamma) /Cd 5

 Mn(n,gamma) /Cd 5

 Au(n,gamma) /Cd 5

 SP2 proton recoil Spectr. 10 (80keV - 1.35MeV)
 No information on the dimensions of the detectors was found in the

 For the sodium, the concentrations of impurities were not known very
 accurately, particularly the concentrations of oxygen and hydrogen.

5. Description of Results and Analysis:

 Detector activation measurements were carried out at 7 different
 distances from the core mid plane: 51, 73, 123, 173, 223, 273, and 323 cm.
 (Channels 0 to 6). Only relative values, normalised to 1 in the channel 1
 are given.

 Spectra in the energy range between 80 and 1350 keV were measured at two
 positions (in channel 0 - outside of Na, and in channel 1 - 73 cm from the
 centre of the core). The results are normalised to 1. The counting ratio
 between the channels 0 and 1 is also given.

 A 1-D and 2-D calculational model have been developed by the authors
 (using ANISN, DOT 3.5 [1], [3] and TRIPOLI [2] codes).

 Note: The available information on the geometry, materials and neutron source
 allows only very approximate and partial calculations of this experiment.

6. Special Features:


7. Author/Organizer
 Experiment and analysis:
 J. P. Trapp, D. Calamand
 CEA, CE Cadarache, SPRC/LPEX, 13108 St-Paul Lez Durance CEDEX

 Compiler of data for Sinbad:
 I. Kodeli
 OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France

 Reviewer of compiled data:
 J. C. Cabrillat
 CEA, CE Cadarache, SPRC/LPEX,
 13108 St-Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France
 tel. +33 (0)4 4225 7758

8. Availability:


9. References:

 [1] J. P. Trapp, D. Calamand, M. Salvatores,
 Deep Penetration in Pure Sodium Experiments Using the HARMONIE Source
 Reactor, NEACRP Meeting on Shielding Benchmark, Paris (Sept. 1984)
 [2] J. C. Nimal, T. Vergnaud, Interpretation par le code TRIPOLI-2 des
 mesures de propagation de neutrons dans le sodium sur le reacteur
 HARMONIE, NEACRP Meeting on Shielding Benchmark, Paris, (Oct. 1986)
 [3] A. De Carli, M. Guma, A. Grosso, D. Calamand, M. Salvatores,
 JEF-1 Data Validation on Shielding Neutron Propagation Benchmarks,
 NEACRP Specialists' Meeting on Shielding Benchmark, Paris (Oct. 1986)

10. Data and Format:

 Filename Size[bytes] Content
 ---------------- ----------- -------------
 1 harm-abs.htm 8.170 This information file
 2 harm-exp.htm 13.214 Description of Experiment
 3 HARM-ANI.INP 3.601 Input for Sn code ANISN.
 4 HARM-DOT.INP 2.881 Input for Sn code DOT 3.5.
 5 HARM-F1.TIF 50.656 Figure 1: Schematics of the reactor HARMONIE (high quality).
 6 HARM-F2.TIF 14.502 Figure 2: Three core positions (high quality).
 7 HARM-F3.TIF 31.610 Figure 3: Sodium tanks (high quality).
 8 Harm-f1.gif 22.908 Figure 1: Schematics of the reactor HARMONIE (preview).
 9 Harm-f2.gif 8.974 Figure 2: Three core positions (preview).
10 Harm-f3.gif 13.158 Figure 3: Sodium tanks (preview).
11 HARM_1.pdf 2.006.615 Reference
12 HARM_2.pdf 1.422.034 Reference
13 HARM_3.pdf 536.147 Reference
14 HARM_4.pdf 331.562 Reference
15 HARM_5.pdf 218.147 Reference
16 Jason-1.pdf 4.185.046 Reference

 Tables: One table (1) of the chemical compositions of materials used, and
 three tables (2,3,4) of measured results.

 The Figures are stored in TIF4 image and GIF (preview) file format.

 Inputs for Sn codes ANISN and DOT 3.5 are included.