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1. Name of Experiment: ------------------ FNG-ITER NEUTRON STREAMING EXPERIMENT (1997-1998) 2. Purpose and Phenomena Tested: ---------------------------- Determination of neutron reaction rates and of nuclear heating in a neutronic mock-up of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) shielding system irradiated with 14-MeV neutrons, in presence of a streaming path. 3. Description of Source and Experimental Configuration: ---------------------------------------------------- The 14-MeV d-T Frascati Neutron Generator (FNG, [1]) was the neutron source. The angular dependence of the source intensity is presented in Figure 1. The angular dependence of the source energy distribution is shown in Figure 2. The x-y view of the geometry of the mock-up is outlined in Figure 3. It consists of a combination of slabs made of the water equivalent material Perspex and the stainless steel AISI-316 (simulating shield-blanket and vacuum vessel) and has a front cross-section area of 100 cm x 100 cm. The total thickness of the assembly is 94.26 cm including a 1 cm thick Cu layer in front (simulating first wall). The assembly is provided with a channel with high aspect ratio (inner diameter a=28 mm, length l = 39.07 cm, channel wall thickness t = 1 mm stainless steel AISI316 ), (see Fig.3). At the end of the channel, a cavity is also realised. A parallelepipedal stainless steel box fitting exactly the cavity is inserted to locate the detectors in their positions. The inner size of the box is 52 mm (z) x 148 mm (x) x 48 mm (in the deuterium beam direction-y). The cavity is symmetrically located with respect to the channel axis. Behind this assembly a block of Cu and SS316 plates was arranged (simulating the coils for the toroidal magnetic field of the TOKAMAK; dimensions: depth 30.8 cm, area 47 cm x 47 cm). The rear part of the assembly was surrounded with a polythene shield covering also the last 30 cm of the Perspex/AISI316 block in order to reduce room-return background. The following quantities are measured : a - Measurements in the channel : Neutron reaction rates by activation foils to monitor the flux gradient in the channel b - Measurements in the cavity : Neutron reaction rates by activation foils c - Measurements behind the channel : Neutron reaction rates by activation foils Nuclear heating d - Measurements in the SC magnet : Nuclear heating The detectors were placed on the axis of the d-beam of the neutron generator. All measurements (a,b,c and d) were performed with the neutron source in axis with the channel/cavity, at 5.3 cm distance from the shielding block surface (ON-AXIS set-up). The activation foils measurements in the channel and in the cavity (a and b) were performed also with the neutron source shifted with respect to the channel axis to simulate the effect of the extended neutron source from the plasma (OFF-AXIS set-up). The source lateral shift is 5.3 cm, i.e. equal to the distance between the target and the mock-up surface. In this case the channel mouth is located at an angle of p/4 with respect to beam direction (see Fig.4). 4. Measurement System: ------------------ The following activation reactions were selected to measure the neutron flux: Reaction Effective Threshold (MeV) 93Nb(n,2n)92Nb 10.8 27Al(n,a)24Na 8.5 58Ni(n,p)58Co 2.9 197Au(n,g)198Au - All foils had a diameter of 18 mm. 1-3 mm thick foils were used for Nb, Al and Ni detectors (1 mm up to the depth of 38.65 cm and in the cavity, 2 mm behind the cavity between 46.35 and 73.90 cm, and 3 mm in the last 3 positions). For 197Au(n,g)198Au reaction 0.05 mm thick foils were used. Inside the channel the foils were located in axis with the channel, at y = 0.25, 12.95, 25.95, 38.65 cm (foil centers) from the shielding block surface. Eleven activation foils were located inside the cavity to monitor the neutron flux gradient and the effect of the void channel. The foils were located in the positions shown in Fig. 4, between y = 39.12 cm and y = 43.82 mm depth (foils centers). Eight activation foils are located behind the cavity, at depths: y = 46.35, 53.30, 60.05, 66.90, 73.90, 80.60, 87.25, 91.65 cm (foil centers). Nuclear heating was measured in the shielding assembly behind the channel/cavity, in the same positions as for activation foils, and inside the superconducting magnet, using CaF2:Tm thermo-luminescent detectors (TLD-300) of size 0.32 x 0.32 x 0.09 cm3 provided by Harshaw Company. The measured absorbed dose in TLD-300, Q-TLD (E) is obtained from the peak 3 response in the glow curve relative to Co-60 calibration. The air kerma was converted into absorbed dose in TLD-300 using the photon energy attenuation coefficient from [2]. 5. Description of Results and Analysis: ----------------------------------- Measured neutron reaction rates are given in Tables 5-7. They were compared with the same quantities calculated with the same tools used in the ITER design, i.e. MCNP 4A/B [10] code and FENDL-1/FENDL-2 [11,12] nuclear data libraries. Analysis was performed also using the EFF-3 [13] library. Dosimetric cross sections were taken from IRDF-90 [14] to compute the nutron reaction rates in the MCNP run. The geometry model for MCNP-4B used in the calculation of reaction rates, including neutron source backing and the experimental environment (walls, floor, racks, ...) is given in mcnpfoil.inp. C/E values were provided for all measured reaction rates, they are reported in Tables 9-11. Measured absorbed dose in TLD-300 is given in Table 8. It is compared with the same quantity calculated with MCNP code and FENDL-1/FENDL-2, EFF-3.1 nuclear data libraries. The geometrical model for MCNP used in the calculation of nuclear heating, is given in mcnp_nh.inp. The comparison with TLD measurements requires, however, the calculation of the absorbed dose in TLD, taking into account the effects of the electron transport at the interface between the TLD and the surrounding material. The absorbed dose in TLD (QTLD) is related to total dose in material Q according to the following expressions: Q = Qn+Qp (QTLD ) = Cp Qp + Ce Cn Qn (1) where QTLD is the absorbed dose in TLD, Qn, Qp is the absorbed dose due to neutrons, photons in material (i.e. steel or copper), Cn is the ratio of the TLD/materialabsorbed neutron dose, Cp is the ratio of the TLD/material absorbed photon dose, Ce is the TLD neutron dose efficiency with respect to the photon dose efficiency, taken from published data and weighted over the neutron spectra. Simplified models have been adopted representing a smaller region limited to the TLD volume and to a sufficient amount of surrounding material, to calculate Qn, Qp, Cn and Cp. A neutron or photon surface source is applied to the boundary of the limited region in the simplified models, with energy spectra recorded from the mcnp_nh.inp run. These models are given in mcnp_hss.inp, mcnp_hcu.inp and mcnp_tld.inp for steel, copper and TLD material respectively. The Cn, Cp, Ce factors and Qn, Qp calculated using FENDL-1, FENDL-2 and EFF-3.1 are used to derive the calculated dose in TLD according to Eq.1. For all calculated absorbed doses the fractional standard deviation is about 5% or less. C/E values are given in Tables 12. The calculations performed using the 2D discrete ordinates transport method is described in [5] and [15]. The input data are also provided, including inputs for the codes TRANSX, GIP, GRTUNCL and DORT. 6. Special Features: ---------------- None 7. Author/Organizer: ---------------- Experiment and analysis: P. Batistoni, M. Angelone, M. Pillon, L. Petrizzi ENEA Centro Ricerche Energie Frascati UTS Fusione Via E. Fermi 27 C.P. 65 I-00044 Frascati (Rome) Italy Compiler of data for Sinbad: P. Batistoni ENEA Centro Ricerche Energie Frascati UTS Fusione Via E. Fermi 27 C.P. 65 I-00044 Frascati (Rome) Italy E-mail: batiston at efr406.frascati.enea.it Reviewer of compiled data: I. Kodeli OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France e-mail: ivo.kodeli at oecd.org Acknowledgement --------------- The experiment and the corresponding analysis was performed in the framework of the EFDA (European Fusion Development Agreement) ITER Task (T-362-1997). 8. Availability: ------------ Unrestricted 9. References: ---------- [1] M. Martone, M. Angelone, M. Pillon, The 14 MeV Frascati Neutron Generator, Journal of Nuclear Materials 212-215 (1994) 1661-1664; [2] J.H. Hubble, Photon mass attenuation and energy-absorbtion coefficients from 1 keV up to 20 MeV, Int. J. Appl. Rad. Isot. 33 (1982) 1269 [3] P. Batistoni, M. Angelone, L. Petrizzi, M. Pillon, “Neutron streaming experiment for ITER bulk shield at the Frascati 14-MeV neutron generator”, Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Marseille, France, 7-11 September 1998, Edited by B. Beaumont, P. Libeyre, B. de Gentile, G. Tonon, CEA Cadarache 1998, Vol.2, pag. 1417 [4] M. Angelone, P. Batistoni, L. Petrizzi, M. Pillon, “Neutron streaming Experiment at FNG :results and analysis”, Fusion Engineering and Design 51-52, (2000) 653-661 [5] L. Petrizzi, P. Batistoni, I. Kodeli, “Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis performed on a 14-MeV neutron streaming experiment”, Fusion Engineering and Design 51-52, (2000) 843-848 [6] K. Seidel, M. Angelone, P. Batistoni et al., “Investigation of neutron and photon flux spectra in a streaming mock-up for ITER”, Fusion Engineering and Design 51-52, (2000) 855-861 [7] Nucl. Sci. Eng, 126, 176-186 (1997) [8] P. Batistoni et al, ITER Task T.362: Neutron Streaming Experiment - Final Report, EFF-Doc-639, July 1998 [9] P. Batistoni, L. Petrizzi, Analysis of the Neutron Streaming Experiment using FENDL-1.0/2.0 and EFF-3.0/3.1 nuclear data libraries, EFF-DOC-673 [10] J. F. Briesmeister (Ed.), MCNP - A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code, Version 4B, Report, Los Alamos National Laboratory, LA-12625-M, March 1997. [11] S. Ganesan and P. K. McLaughlin, FENDL/E - evaluated nuclear data library of neutron interaction cross-sections and photon production cross-sections and photon-atom interaction cross-sections for fusion applications, version 1.0, Report IAEA-NDS-128, Vienna, May 1994. [12] M. Herman, A. B. Pashchenko, Extension and improvement of the FENDL library for fusion applications (FENDL-2), Report INDC(NDS)-373, IAEA Vienna, 1997. [13] A. J. Koning, H. Gruppelaar, A. Hogenbirk, Fusion Eng. Des. 37 (1997) 211-216. [14] N. P. Kocherov, P. K. McLaughlin, The International Reactor Dosimetry File (IRDF-90), Report IAEA-NDS-141, Rev. 2, Oct. 1993. [15] I. Kodeli, Report on the 1999 Activity on ND-1.2.1 Subtask: Processed Multigroup Covariance Files with extended options for EFF-3, EFFDOC-698 10. Data and Format: --------------- FILE NAME bytes Content ---- ----------- ------ ------- 1 fngstr-a.htm 17,611 This information file 2 fngstr-e.htm 58,935 Description of Experiment 3 mcnpfoil.inp 73,096 3-D model for MCNP-4A calculations of neutron activation reaction rates 4 mcnp_nh.inp 86,865 3-D model for MCNP-4A calculations of nuclear heating 5 mcnp_hss.inp 11,787 3-D simplified model for MCNP-4A calculations of nuclear heating in stainless steel 6 mcnp_hcu.inp 11,837 3-D simplified model for MCNP-4A calculations of nuclear heating in Copper 7 mcnp_tld.inp 12,110 3-D simplified model for MCNP-4A calculations of nuclear heating in TLD-300 8 source.for 45,178 FORTRAN subroutine for MCNP source description 9 trx-fng.inp 1.777 Input data for TRANSX cross-section preparation 10 dort-fng.inp 10,880 Input data for GIP cross-section mixing, GRTUNCL first collision source and DORT transport codes 11 fig1.gif 5.242 Fig. 1: Angular dependence of the source 12 fig2.gif 9.505 Fig. 2: Energy/angular dependence of the source 13 fig3.gif 20,911 Fig. 3: Geometry of the experimental mock-up 14 fig4.gif 14,342 Fig. 4: Activation foils position in the channel and in the cavity 15 fig5.gif 9,633 Fig. 5: Geometry of the source 16 fed2000.pdf 455,809 Reference 4 17 fed2000a.pdf 699,972 Reference 5 18 eff-639.pdf 700,204 Reference 8 19 eff-673.pdf 66,110 Reference 9 19 eff-698.pdf 336.644 Reference 15 File fngstr-e.htm contains the following tables: Tab. 1: Angular dependence of the source Tab. 2: Angular/energy dependence of the source energy distribution Tab. 3: Geometrical arrangement of the bulk shielding assembly Tab. 4: Chemical composition of stainless steel AISI316 Tab. 5: Experimental results (E) of reaction rates measurements along the central mock-up axis (ON-AXIS) Tab. 6: Experimental results (E) of reaction rates measurements inside the cavity (ON-AXIS) Tab. 7: Experimental results (E) of reaction rates measurements in the channel and in the cavity (OFF-AXIS) Tab. 8: Measured dose in TDL-300, QTLD(E) Tab. 9: Calculated reaction rates (C) along the central mock-up axis. Comparison between calculated and measured values (C/E ratios) (ON-AXIS) Tab. 10: Calculated reaction rates (C) in the cavity. Comparison between calculated and measured values (C/E ratios) (ON-AXIS) Tab. 11: Calculated reaction rates (C) in the channel and in the cavity. Comparison between calculated and measured values (C/E ratios). (OFF-AXIS) Tab. 12: Calculated reaction rates (C) in the channel and in the cavity. Comparison between calculated and measured values (C/E ratios). The figures are included in gif format. SINBAD Benchmark Generation Date: 6/2003 SINBAD Benchmark Last Update: 6/2003