Winfrith Graphite Benchmark Experiment (ASPIS)
1. Name of Experiment: ------------------ Winfrith Graphite Benchmark Experiment (ASPIS) 2. Purpose and Phenomena Tested: ---------------------------- Determination of the accuracy of methods used to calculate the neutron component of nuclear heating. Threshold reaction rates were measured up to 0.7 m in graphite. 3. Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration: -------------------------------------------------------- The source is a fission plate constructed of 93% enriched uranium aluminium alloy driven by a thermal flux from the extended graphite reflector of the NESTOR reactor. The energy spectrum of the source is the one of neutrons emitted from the fission of U-235. The absolute source strength is determined by fission product counting and the spatial distribution via detailed low energy flux mapping with activation detectors. The graphite assembly had lateral dimensions 180 cm x 190 cm and total length was 177.32 cm. It was built from graphite block of various sizes. The concrete of the approximate thickness 76 cm encases the whole assembly. The detectors were placed in the central block in the cylindrical plug, inserted in 6.45 cm radius hole along the major axis of the block. 4. Measurement System and Uncertainties: ------------------------------------ The detectors used were: Detector Diameter Thickness Mass Counting Systematic (mm) (mm) (g) System Error (%) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Al-27(n,alpha) 50 3.1 16.72 Ge detector 4.0 S-32(n,p) 38.1 2.41 5 Plastic scint. 4.0 In-115(n,n') 38 1.63 12.79 GeLi detector 3.0 Rh-103(n,n') 12.7 0.015 0.20 NaI 3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ The uncertainties (1 sigma) may be taken as uncorrelated, and derive essentially from the absolute calibration of the counting system. 5. Description of Results and Analysis: ----------------------------------- Detector activation measurements were carried out at several graphite distances: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 cm. The positions correspond approximately to the fission plate axis. Not all detectors were placed in all positions. The results were corrected for the background responses due to the NESTOR core. They were measured for Al-27, S-32 and Rh-103. For In115 those for Rh-103 were assumed. Calculations were carried out with the Monte Carlo code McBEND and the discrete ordinates code DOT 3.5. The corresponding input to the 2-D discrete ordinates transport code DOT-3.5 is provided. 6. Special Features: ---------------- None 7. Author/Organizer ---------------- Experiment and analysis: M.D. Carter, P.C. Miller, A. Packwood: AEA Technology WINFRITH, Dorchester Dorset DT2 8DH UK Compiler of data for Sinbad: I. Kodeli OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France Reviewer of compiled data: Alan F. Avery Reactor Physics, Shielding and Criticality Department , AEE Technology WINFRITH, Dorchester Dorset DT2 8DH UK 8. Availability: ------------ Unrestricted 9. References: ---------- [1] M.D. Carter, P.C. Miller, A. Packwood, The ASPIS Graphite Benchmark Experiment. Part 1 - Experimental Data and Preliminary Results, NEACRP-A-630 (1984) [2] N. Sasamoto, K. Sakurai, A. Tsubosaka, H. Narita, M. Takemura, K. Hayashi, Analysis of the ASPIS Graphite Benchmark Experiment with Discrete Ordinates and Monte Carlo Codes, NEACRP Specialists' Meeting on Shielding Benchmarks, Paris (1986). [3] Alan F. Avery, AEA-RS-5628, private communication. [4] G. A. Wright, A. Avery, M. J. Grimstone, H. F. Locke, S. Newbon, Benchmarking of the JEFF2.2 Data Library for Shielding Applications, Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, April 24-28, 1994, Arlington, Texas, U.S.A., vol.2, p.816. 10. Data and Format: --------------- Filename Size[bytes] Content ---------------- ----------- ------------- 1 ASC-ABS.HTM 7.462 This information file. 2 ASC-EXP.HTM 20.668 Description of Experiment. 3 dot35.INP 4.684 2-D Model for Sn code DOT-3.5. 4 ASPC-1V.TIF 27.464 Figure 1: Cross-section of the ASPIS graphite benchmark experiment. (high quality) 5 ASPC-2V.TIF 17.362 Figure 2: Detail of the fission plate.(high quality) 6 ASPC-3V.TIF 17.696 Figure 3: Section through the ASPIS graphite benchmark model. (high quality) 7 ASPC-4V.TIF 16.136 Figure 4: RZ geometry of the ASPIS graphite benchmark for the DOT 3.5 calculation. (high quality) 8 ASPC-1V.gif 20.266 Figure 1: Cross-section of the ASPIS graphite benchmark experiment. (preview) 9 ASPC-2V.gif 12.183 Figure 2: Detail of the fission plate. (preview) 10 ASPC-3V.gif 14.797 Figure 3: Section through the ASPIS graphite benchmark model. (preview) 11 ASPC-4V.gif 11.482 Figure 4: RZ geometry of the ASPIS graphite benchmark for the DOT 3.5 calculation. (preview) 12 WIN_C_1.pdf 2.237.854 Reference 13 WIN_C_2.pdf 458.475 Reference 14 WIN_C_3.pdf 789.823 Reference 15 WIN_C_4.pdf 578.980 Reference Figures describing the geometry of the experiment are included in TIFF file format and GIF (preview) format. Tables in Asc-exp.htm: one table of axial dimensions and of chemical composition of materials present in the configuration, 3 tables describing the source, and 4 tables of the measured reaction rates.