Benchmark and databases for data and code validation
Maintained by the NEA division of Nuclear Science (Nuclear Science Committee)
International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project
The primary purpose of this project is to compile critical and subcritical benchmark experiment data into a standardised format that
allows criticality safety analysts to easily use the data to validate calculation tools and cross-section libraries.
The work of the ICSBEP is documented in the International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments
ICSBEP Handbook).
International Fuel Performance Experiments database
The aim of this project is to provide a comprehensive and well-qualified database on fuels, mostly Zr clad UO2 fuel but not exclusively, for model development and code validation.
The data encompasses both normal and off-normal operation and include prototypic commercial irradiations as well as experiments performed in
Material Testing Reactors.
To request this database, please read the guidelines
International Reactor Physics Experiments Project
This project aims to provide the nuclear community with qualified benchmark data sets by collecting reactor physics experimental
data from nuclear facilities, worldwide.
The work of the IRPhE is documented in the International Handbook of Reactor Physics Experiment Evaluation
IRPhE Handbook).
Radiation shielding and dosimetry experiments database
This database is aiming to collect a unique set of experiments for the validation and benchmarking of computer codes and nuclear data
used for radiation transport and shielding problems; for the needs of today and tomorrow.
Last modified: 06 December 2018