NEA Mandates and Structures
Expert Group on Legacy Management (EGLM)
Chair(s): |
Malgorzata K. SNEVE, Norway
Secretary: |
Edward LAZO (
Vice-Chair(s): |
Graham SMITH, United Kingdom
Member(s): | All NEA member countries* |
| Russia (Suspended*) |
| *Russian Federation suspended pursuant to a decision of the OECD Council. |
EU participation: |
The European Union (EU) takes part in the work of the NEA, in accordance with the NEA Statute and the Supplementary Protocol to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Observer(s)(International Organisation): |
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) By agreement
Date of creation: | 15 April 2016 |
End of mandate: | 30 April 2019 |
Mandate (Document reference):
- Group created during the 74th Session of the CRPPH held from 13 to 15 April 2016 [NEA/CRPPH(2016)4]
- Draft Terms of Reference for the Expert Group on Legacy Management (EGLM) [NEA/CRPPH/EGLM(2016)1/PROV]
- Mandate of the Expert Group on Legacy Management [NEA/CRPPH/EGLM(2016)1]
- Summary Record of the 75th Session of the CRPPH held on 27-29 March 2017 [NEA/CRPPH(2017)2] (in preparation)
- Extended mandate of the Expert Group on Legacy Management (EGLM) [NEA/CRPPH/EGLM(2018)1]
Mandate (Document extract):
Extract from document [NEA/CRPPH/EGLM(2018)1]
The EGLM has a mandate to:
- assist NEA member countries in deriving practical interpretation and application of generic radiation protection guidance to nuclear legacy site management and other existing exposure situations, and will develop or support the development of international guidance specific to the regulation of nuclear legacy sites;
- enhance safety and security culture as it applies to legacy sites and make transparent the application of the principle of optimisation in the context of the regulation of legacy sites;
- address specific situations at real sites within NEA member countries;
- support a holistic approach to all the risks, to which end it may be appropriate to include international organisations concerned with chemical and other risks, including other parts of the OECD, but also the UN Environment Programme and the World Health Organisation; and
- consider risk management by developing a better understanding of the diverse types of radiation-induced risk to diverse groups of people on diverse temporal and spatial scales. The regulation process faces important challenges in accommodating these issues.
The EGLM shall develop a practical and harmonised approach for the regulation of nuclear legacy sites and installations, taking into account the results of other relevant activities of: NEA (e.g. EGFWMD, etc.); IAEA (e.g. Safety Fundamentals, the International Basic Safety Standards, relevant guidance documents, etc.); ICRP (e.g. Pub 103, TG98 on Existing Situations, TG76 on NORM, Pub 126 on Radon, etc.); and good practice at different types of legacy sites as illustrated by specific examples.