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Baikal-1 Skyshine Benchmark Experiment

For final re-evaluated version published in ICSBEP-2009 (recommended version) see reference [21]

 1. Name of Experiment: 
    Measurements of spatial energy distributions of neutrons and photons
    scattered in the air near the ground-air interface (skyshine-experiment)

 2. Purpose and Phenomena Tested: 
    Detailed studying of the spatial energy distributions of neutrons and 
    photons scattered in the air near the ground-air interface for 
    generation of a database (of experimental and analytical nature) to 
    verify the computer codes that are used for justification of the 
    radiation and ecological safety of population residing in direct 
    proximity to nuclear power plants.  

 3. Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration: 
    The experimental studies were carried out at the research RA reactor 
    incorporated in the "Baikal-1" unique complex of research reactors near 
    Semipalatinsk, belonging to Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy in the 
    Kazakhstan National Nuclear Centre (IAE NNC RK), being constructed in 
    thinly populated steppe area. The altitude differences in the region of 
    measurements (0.0 - 1500 m from the source) never exceed ±5 m. The 
    distance from the nearest residential settlements was at least 60 km. 
    The vegetative cover is purely grass; its height doesn't exceed 20-30 cm 
    above the soil layer. 
    The core of the RA research reactor was the source of neutron and photon 
    radiation; the core was 700 mm high and 297 mm in diameter comprising 37 
    air-cooled fuel assemblies with highly enriched fuel made of uranium 
    carbide. A zirconium hydride cylinder 339 mm in diameter was used as a 
    moderator. There were 372 holes (3 mm in diameter) bored in it for 
    cooling. Lateral reactor side shielding consisted of the beryllium 
    reflector 102 mm thick, the 16 mm steel vessel and additional graphite 
    reflector 180 mm thick. 
    Biological shielding made of heavy serpentinite concrete, 1100-1400 mm 
    thick, was arranged around the core and reflectors; from outside the 
    shielding was surrounded with a steel bell-shaped structure, about 350 
    mm thick. In the upper direction the shielding consisted of a steel 
    plate (reactor cover) ~ 120 mm thick, and a concrete block (shielding 
    plug) – its thickness was about 850 mm immediately above the reactor. 
    This block was removed during the experiments to ensure release of 
    highly intensive fluxes of neutron and photon radiation to the air. The 
    measurements which were made close to the reactor on the outer surface 
    of biological shielding at the levels of ground surface and 1-2 m above 
    it showed that reactor radiation is completely released to the air 
    uprightly, and there was no reactor-caused radiation that directly 
    reached the detectors as line-of-sight beams. During the experiment the 
    spatial detection points were located at the height of 1.0 m above the 
    ground at a distance from 50 to 1500 m from the reactor axis.
    Reactor power during measurements was 300 kW.  

 4. Measurement System and Uncertainties: 
    Measurements of neutron energy spectra were conducted within the wide 
    range of energy (30 keV - 10 MeV) applying the following sets of 
    spectrometric instruments:  

    • 1H-spectrometer with a cylindrical counter (Ø32×150 mm), its 
    energy range is 30 - 400 keV; the measurement error is ±(20 - 30)%.  

    • 3He-spectrometer with a cylindrical counter (Ø32×150 mm),  
    its energy range is 0.05 - 2.5 MeV; the measurement error within the 
    range of energy higher 1 MeV is ±(15 - 20)%, and it doesn't exceed 
    ±(10-15)% for the range of 0.1 - 1 MeV;  

    • scintillation spectrometer of fast neutrons with a stilbene 
    crystal (Ø40×40 mm) and the energy range of measurements is 0.8 - 10 
    MeV; the measurement error is ±(10 - 15)% for the range of 1-3 MeV, and 
    ±(15 - 20)% - if the energy is higher that 3 MeV;  

    • multisphere spectrometer with a set of 6 spheres, their 
    diameters varying from 51 to 305 mm. The spectrometer features a high 
    sensitivity and ability to measure in the energy range of 1 eV - 10 MeV.  

    The photons energy spectra were measured by:  

    • scintillation gamma-spectrometer with a stilbene crystal 
    (Ø40×40 mm) in 0.1 - 10 MeV energy range; the measurement error within 
    the range of energy of 0.1 - 2.0 MeV is ±(15 - 20)%, and it increases up 
    to ±(30 - 40)% for the energy higher than 2.0 MeV.  

    The neutron fluxes were measured by:  

    • MKS-01R radiometer-dosimeter with the BDKN-03R detection unit 
    and two polyethylene spheres have 240 and 150 mm in diameter; the 
    measurement error doesn't exceed ±20%.  

    • scintillation fast neutron counter with pellet of ZnS(Ag) + 
    organic glass detector (Ø80×6 mm); the measurement error for fast 
    neutron flux is ±(15-20)%;  

    • scintillation thermal neutron counter with ZnS(Ag) + boron 
    detector (Ø40×200 mm); the measurement error is ±(20-30)%.  

    For the photon dose rates the following instruments were used:  

    • MKS-01R radiometer-dosimeter with the BDKG-02R detection unit 
    and tissue-equivalent scintillator (Ø25×25 mm) and DBG-01-N, DRG-01T 
    dosimeters; the measurement error doesn't exceed ±(20 - 30)%.  

    • a set of the IKS-A type thermoluminescent dosimeters based on 
    the aluminophosphate glass, the energy range is 0.5 - 1000 rad. The 
    measurement error within the photon energy range of 30 keV to 6.1 MeV 
    does not exceed ±20%.  

    Sets of threshold and resonance detectors were used to measure the 
    reaction rates and unfolding of neutron spectra near the core; the 
    energy range is 0.1 eV - 10 MeV, and total error of measurements does 
    not exceed ±30%.  

 5. Description of Results and Analysis: 
    Basic parameters of neutron and photon radiation released to the 
    atmosphere were measured during 1996-1997 in several series of 
    experimental studies at the RA reactor:  

    • Fast and thermal neutron fluxes, dose rates of neutron and 
    photon radiation at various altitudes from the reactor cover;  

    • Spatial differential energy distributions of neutrons at various  
    distances from the reactor axis (100, 200, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000 m);  

    • Spatial distribution of neutron radiation dose rate at 50 from 1500 m;  

    • Energy distribution of photon radiation fluxes and photon dose 
    rates at various distances off the reactor.  

    In addition  

    • Influence of weather conditions and soil composition on 
    radiation field characteristics has been studied;  

    • It has been demonstrated that neutron radiation makes the major 
    input to the total dose rate in the vicinity of the reactor;  

    • It has been showed that for the case of long distances from the 
    reactor the photons emerging as a result of thermal neutrons radiation 
    capture in the soil, give a major contribution into photon dose rate in 
    comparison to the photons emerging as a result of inelastic scattering 
    of neutrons in the air. 

 6. Special Features: 
    1. The work was accomplished during the years of 1996-1998 
       within the project # 517 of the International Scientific and Technical 
       Centre under the contract with Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs;  

    2. As the result of work the set of experimental and computed 
       data which provided detailed description of radiation situation both 
       around the reactor and the regularities in radiation fields formation 
       stipulated by scattering of reactor-caused radiation in the air, ground 
       reflection and emerging of photons due to neutrons radiation capture in 
       the soil under different weather conditions has been received;  

    3. At all stages of work analytical estimation of data using 
       the codes and methods of high accuracy (Monte-Carlo method, method of 
       discrete ordinates) was carried out.  

 7. Author/Organizer 
    Yu.V.Orlov, V.N.Avaev, G.A.Vasiljev, N.N.Soukharev, A.I.Yashnikov  
    (FSUE RDIPE, P.O. Box 788, Moscow, 101000, Russia)  

    M.E.Netecha, O.F.Dikareva, V.P.Zharkov, I.A.Kartashev  
    (FSUE RDIPE, P.O. Box 788, Moscow, 101000, Russia)  

    Compiler of data for SINBAD: 
    M.E.Netecha, O.F.Dikareva, V.P.Zharkov, I.A.Kartashev  
    (FSUE RDIPE, P.O. Box 788, Moscow, 101000, Russia)  

    Evaluators for ICSBEP:
    O. F. Dikareva, I. A. Kartashev, M. E. Netecha, V. P. Zharkov
    Research Development Institute of Power Engineering
    Reviewer of SINBAD compiled data:
    I. Kodeli
    OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France

    ICSBEP Internal Reviewer:
    A. P. Vasiliev
    ICSBEP Independent Reviewers
    Dale Hankins, USA
    Virginia Dean, USA
    International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP)

 8. Availability: 

 9. References: 
     [1] I.I. Deryavko, V.S. Zhdanov, I.G. Perepelkin, Yu.S. Cherepnin,
         Radiating stability of carbide materials at an irradiation in 
         the reactor with low neutron fluxes. VANT, ser. Physics of radiating 
         damages and radiating materiology. Kharkov, v. 1, ð.48, 1992  
     [2] Zh.R. Zhotabaev, D.I. Zelensky, Î.S. Pivovarov, V.P. 
         Smetannikov, Yu.S. Cherepnin. Possibilities of the experimental base
         of Kazakhstan for tests of elements of space nuclear reactors. Bulletin
         NNC RK, "Nuclear engineering and safety of the nuclear power station", 
         v.1, ð.7, 2000  
     [3] Sc.T. Tuhvatulin, I.L. Tazhibaeva, V.P. Smetannikov, V.P. 
         Pavshuk, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoj, I.I. Fedik, Yu.S. Cherepnin. Reactor 
         complexes of the National nuclear center of Republic Kazakhstan. Proc. 
         of the International conference "Experience of Designing of nuclear 
         reactors", Moscow, 2002  
     [4] MCNP - A General Monte-Carlo N-Particle Transport Code, Version 4B,
         LA-12625-M (March 1997)  
     [5] S. Berg. Modification of SAND-2. BNWL-855, 1968  
     [6] I.A. Bochvar, T.I. Imadova  et al. Method of IKS Dosimetry,
         M., Atomizdat, 1977  
     [7] MKS-01R Radiometer-Dosimeter. Certificate Zh1P.289.201PS  
     [8] V.N. Avaev, G.A. Vasiliev  et al. Experimental Studies of 
         Gamma and Neutron Radiation Fields. Edited by Yu.A. Egorov, M., 
         Atomizdat, 1974  
     [9] R.L. Bramlett, R.I. Ewing, T.W. Bonner. A New Type of Neutron
         Spectrometer. Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 1960, v. 9, n.1, p. 1  
    [10] R.H. Johnson, B.W. Wehring, J.J. Dorning. Nucl. Sci.Eng., v.73,
         1980, p.93  
    [11] R.V. Hemming, Numerical Methods. Nauka, M., 1968  
    [12] L.Z. Rumshinsky. Mathematical Processing of Experimental Results,
         M., Nauka, 1971  
    [13] R.D. Vasiliev et al. Method of Reaction Rate Calculation and 
         Its Errors. In collection: Metrology of Neutron Measurements at 
         Nuclear-Physical Facilities. M., Atominform, 1976  
    [14] A.A. Gui, J.K. Shultis, R.E. Fow. Response Functions for Neutron
         Skyshine Analysis. Nucl. Sci. Eng., 1997, v. 125, No. 2, p.111-127  
    [15] W.A. Rhoades, R.L. Childs. The DORT Two-dimensional Discrete Ordinates
         Transport Code. Nucl.Sci.Eng. 99, 1, 88-89 (May 1988)  
    [16] RSIC library DLC-23/CASK. 40-Group coupled neutron and gamma-ray
         cross-section data, 1973 
    [17] Zharkov V.P., Dikareva O.F., Kartashev I.A., Kiselev A.N., Netecha M.E.,
         Sakamoto H., Nomura Y., Naito Y., Analytical Study of Reactor Radiation
         Scattering in the Atmosphere, Proc. of ANS conference "Technologies for
         the New Century", Tennessee, Nashville, USA, April 1998
    [18] Yu.V. Orlov, M.E. Netecha, V.N. Avaev, G.A. Vasiljev, Yu.L. Istomin,
         D.I. Zelensky, Yu.S. Cherepnin, H. Sakamoto, Y. Nomura, Y. Naito,
         Neutron and Gamma-Radiation Skyshine Experiment at Nuclear Reactor,
         Proc. of ANS conference "Technologies for the New Century",
         Tennessee, Nashville, USA, April 1998       
    [19] M.E. Netecha, O.F. Dikareva, V.P. Zharkov, I.A. Kartashev,
         Compilation of the series of measurements of spatial energy distributions
         of neutrons and photons scattered in the air near the ground-air
         interface in standard SINBAD Database format, Final Report, Federal
         Agency for Atomic Energy, Federal State Unitary Enterprise, Research
         and Development Institute of Power Engineering, Moscow 2005.  
    [20] Final Report on ISTC Project No. 517-96:  
         Experimental study of reactor radiation scattering in the atmosphere  
         (for a period of 24 months from September 1, 1996 to August 31, 1998),  
         Mikhail E. Netecha, (Project Manager),  
         Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering,  
         September, 1998
    [21] "BAIKAL-1 SKYSHINE EXPERIMENT" ICSBEP evaluated version September 2009 
         (NEA/NSC/DOC/(95)03/VIII Volume VIII)

  10. Data and Format: 

        Filename    Size[bytes] Content 
    --------------- ----------- ------------- 
  1 sks_a.htm           22.140  This information file  
  2 sks_e.htm           64.742  Description of Experiment  
  3 sks-f1.gif          61.675  Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of the RA reactor 
  4 sks_f2.gif          72.122  Fig. 2: Detailed diagram of the RA reactor core 
                                1) Radial cross section of the fuel assembly; 
                                2) Radial cross section of the some part of RA core 
                                   with the steel vessel and reflector;  
                                3) RA core and its vicinity. Material zone numbers 
                                   are taken in the Tables 1-2. 
  5 sks_f3.gif          68.093  Fig. 3: Detailed model of the experiment 
  6 sks_f4.gif           9.055  Fig. 4: "Simplified" model of the experiment  
  7 table1.htm           7.494  Table 1: Material composition of zones.  
  8 table2.htm           2.421  Table 2: Meteorological data and nuclear concentrations
                                of atmospheric air elements at the period of on-site
  9 table3.htm           2.678  Table 3: Characteristics of threshold detectors  
 10 table4.htm           3.121  Table 4: Characteristics of resonance detectors  
 11 table5.htm           4.636  Table 5: Characteristics of detectors used for on-site
 12 table6.htm          12.001  Table 6: Radial distribution of 115In(n,n') reaction rates,
                                thermal neutron fluxes and photons dose rates at various
                                altitudes from the reactor cover  
 13 table7.htm          31.555  Table 7: Neutron spectrum measured by foils activation for
                                the RA reactor
 14 table8.htm           5.647  Table 8: Neutron dose rates measured at the RA reactor
 15 table9.htm           5.706  Table 9: Photon radiation dose rate measured at the RA reactor  
 16 table10.htm          5.708  Table 10: Thermal neutron fluxes measured at the RA reactor 
 17 table11.htm          5.739  Table 11: Intermediate and fast neutrons fluxes measured
                                at the RA reactor  
 18 table12.htm          7.542  Table 12: Relative count rates of spherical moderators at various
                                distances from the RA reactor 
 19 table13.htm         71.785  Table 13: Differential neutron spectra, measured by scintillation 
                                spectrometer with a stilbene crystal at different distances from
                                the RA reactor  
 20 table14.htm         70.286  Table 14: Differential photons spectra measured by scintillation
                                spectrometer with a stilbene crystal at different distances from 
                                the RA reactor  
 21 table15.htm         16.636  Table 15: Comparison of computed (MCNP) and experiment-determined
                                (Exp.) functionals of the radiation fields near the RA reactor core  
 22 table16.htm          6.566  Table 16: Normalized neutron and photon energy distributions for
                                "effective" sources
 23 table17.htm          6.114  Table 17: Spatial distribution of neutron and photon dose rates,
                                total neutron flux and thermal neutron flux for the cases with and
                                without ground presence  
 24 table18.htm          6.427  Table 18: Comparison of computed and experiment-determined values
                                of neutron dose rate measured at the RA reactor  
 25 table19.htm          5.089  Table 19: Comparison of computed and experiment-determined values
                                of photon radiation dose rate measured at the RA   
 26 table20.htm          6.424  Table 20: Comparison of computed and experiment-determined values
                                of thermal neutron fluxes measured at the RA reactor  
 27 table21.htm          5.127  Table 21: Comparison of computed and experiment-determined values
                                of intermediate and fast neutron fluxes, measured at the RA reactor
 28 table22.htm          8.130  Table 22: Relative counting rate of spherical moderators at various
                                distances from the RA reactor
 29 table23.htm          9.904  Table 23: Energy dependence of sphere effectiveness for multisphere 
 30 table24.htm          2.232  Table 24: Counting rates of multisphere moderators for 252Cf source
 31 table25.htm          9.955  Table 25: Comparison of neutron differential spectra calculated by 
                                the MCNP code, with experimental data  
 32 table26.htm          9.551  Table 26: Comparison of photon differential spectra calculated by
                                the MCNP code, with the experimental data  
 33 sk_eranp.mcnp       26.848  Input file for MCNP, neutron + secondary photon transport  
 34 sk_erapp.mcnp       17.209  Input file for MCNP, primarily photon transport  
 35-48   im01.jpg - im15.jpg    Corresponding formulae      
 49 skycal.pdf         149.262  Ref. [17]: Report on ANS conference, Tennessee, April 1998
 50 skyexp.pdf         252.948  Ref. [18]: Report on ANS conference, Tennessee, April 1998
 51 skyshine_rep.pdf 1,709,413  Ref. [19] by M.E. Netecha, et al., Compilation of the series 
                                of Measurements of spatial energy distributions of neutrons and
                                photons scattered in the air near the ground-air interface in
                                standard SINBAD Database format.  
 52 517_report.pdf   1,218,021  Ref. [20]: M.E. Netecha, Final Report on ISTC Project No. 517-96,  
 53 Rearsk01.pdf     1,743,437  Ref. [21]: Recommended evaluation of the benchmark (September 2009)

Figures are stored in GIF format.  

SINBAD Benchmark Generation Date: 6/2006
SINBAD Benchmark Last Update: 9/2009