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FNG HCPB Tritium Breeder Module Mock-up
1. Name of Experiment: ------------------ FNG Helium-cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) Tritium Breeder Module (TBM) Mock-up (2005) 2. Purpose and Phenomena Tested: ---------------------------- The scope of the experiment was the neutronics of the Helium-cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) TBM mock-up for ITER. 3. Description of Source and Experimental Configuration: ---------------------------------------------------- The HCPB TBM mock-up [1, 2] was irradiated at the 14-MeV d-T Frascati Neutron Generator (FNG, [3]). The 14 MeV FNG neutron source was located 5.3 cm in front of the experimental block. The angular dependence of the source intensity is presented in Figure 1 and in Table 1. The angular dependence of the source energy distribution is ilustrated in Figure 2 and is given in Table 2. Note that these figures were obtained using the obsolete D-T source subroutine (source.for) and may vary slightly from those of the new recommended subroutine (DT_MCNP5.TXT for MCNP5, source.F and srcdx.F for MCNPX). Details of the FNG target are shown on Figure 3. The geometry of the mock-up is outlined in Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6. It consisted of an AISI 303 stainless steel (density = 7.954 g/cm3) box with external dimension 31.0 cm (x) x 29.0 cm (y) x 30.9 cm (z). The thickness of the steel box walls was 0.5 cm. The box was filled with metallic beryllium (density = 1.85 g/cm3) and contained two double layers made of breeder material (Li2CO3 powder - with natural Li, density = 1.123 g/cm3). The breeder layers had a thickness of 1.2 cm and were separated by 1 mm thick stainless steel walls. The rear box was made of AISI-316 stainless steel with the 0.5 cm thick box walls, and the external dimensions of 31. cm (x) x 14.8 cm (y) x 30.9 cm (z). The box contains Li2CO3 powder (natural enrichment: 7.5% 6Li and 92.5% 7Li). The total amount of Li2CO3 powder in the rear cassette is 11690.4 +/- 0.1 g, corresponding to a powder density of 0.9413 g/cm3. The material compositions are given in Table 3. Note that the breeder material contains natural litium, i.e. with abundances 7.5 at.% 6Li, 92.5 at.% 7Li. For the ITER TBM design the use of Li4SiO4 or Li2TiO3 with enriched Li is considered. The block was located on an aluminium support 5.3 cm in front of the FNG target. The box contained the lateral access channels for locating detectors of the various types (activation foils, Li2CO3 pellets). 4. Measurement System: ------------------ The following quantities are measured : a - Neutron reaction rates by activation foils placed in the beryllium central layer b - tritium production by Li2CO3 pellets (containing natural lithium) in the double ceramic layers c - Nuclear heating by thermo-luminescent detectors (TLD-300) in the double ceramic layers Four reactions, 197Au(n,g), 58Ni(n,p), 27Al(n,a) and 93Nb(n,2n) were used to derive the neutron flux, from low energy up to the fusion neutron peak. The reaction rates were measured at four experimental positions at about y=4.2, 10.5, 16.8 and 23.1 cm from the block surface, using the radiometric techniques based upon the use of absolutely calibrated HPGe detectors. During the activation foil measurements, the lateral access channels were completely closed by means of 4 ad hoc cylinders. The arrangement of the foils for the activation measurements is described in the MCNP input file mcnp-hcpb.i and shown in Figure 7. The tritium production was measured using the 6Li(n,t) and 7Li(n,t) reactions, covering respectively fast ant thermal neutron energies. The detectors were placed in the removable tubes (see hcpb-5.jpg) at four positions along the central beam axes of the block at about y=4.2, 10.5, 16.8 and 23.1 cm from the front surface of the mock-up. Altogether 16 measurement positions were available. The experimental results are given in Table 4. 5. Description of Results and Analysis: ----------------------------------- The experiment was analysed by the Monte Carlo code MCNP-4C and the deterministic codes DORT and TORT using the cross sections derived from EFF-3.1 and FENDL-2.1. All dosimetric reactions needed for the calculation of reaction rates were taken from the IRDF-90.2 and -2002 libraries [7]. The MCNP model of the experimental set-up is given in mcnp-hcpb.i. The track length estimator was used (tally 4 of MCNP) for fluxes and reaction rates calculation. The deterministic transport and cross section sensitivity/uncertainty analyses using the DORT, TORT and SUSD3D codes are presented in [10], [11] and [12]. The following input data used in these analyses are included here: - TRANSX (cross section preparation), - GIP (cross section preparation), - GRTUNCL and DORT (uncollided/first collision source and 2D transport calculation) - GRTUNCL3D and TORT (neutron 3D transport using first collision approach). 2-dimensional (2D) cylindrical and 3D geometry models were used in the DORT and TORT deterministic transport calculations, respectively. 6. Quality assessment: ------------------ The FNG HCLL experiment is ranked as benchmark quality experiment. 7. Author/Organizer: ---------------- Experiment and analysis: P. Batistoni, M. Angelone, M. Pillon, L. Petrizzi ENEA Centro Ricerche Energie Frascati UTS Fusione Via E. Fermi 27 C.P. 65 I-00044 Frascati (Rome) Italy E-mail: batiston@efr406.frascati.enea.it Compiler of data for Sinbad: I. Kodeli Institut Jozef Stefan, Jamova 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mail: ivan.kodeli@ij.si Quality assessment: I. Kodeli Institut Jozef Stefan, Jamova 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mail: ivan.kodeli@ij.si Reviewer of compiled data: S. Villari ENEA Centro Ricerche Energie Frascati UTS Fusione Via E. Fermi 27 C.P. 65 I-00044 Frascati (Rome) Italy E-mail: villari@frascati.enea.it Acknowledgement --------------- The experiment and the corresponding analysis was performed in the framework of the EFDA (European Fusion Development Agreement) Task (TTMN-002-2002). 8. Availability: ------------ Unrestricted 9. References: ---------- [1] P. Batistoni, R. Villari, TBM - HCPB Neutronics Experiments: Comparison and Check Consistency among Results Obtained by the Different Teams, Implications for ITER TBM Nuclear Design and Final Assessment, FUS-TEC–MA–NE-R-019, ENEA, Dec. 2006 [2] P.Batistoni, P. Carconi, R. Villari, M. Angelone, M. Pillon, G. Zappa, Measurements and Analysis of Tritium Production Rate (TPR) in Ceramic Breeder and of Neutron Flux by Activation Rates in Beryllium in TBM Mock-up, FUS-TEC-MA-NE-R-014, Dec. 2005 [3] M. Martone, M. Angelone, M. Pillon, The 14 MeV Frascati Neutron Generator, Journal of Nuclear Materials 212-215 (1994) 1661-1664; [4] P. Batistoni, Status of the Neutronics Experiment on a Mock-up of a Test Blanket Module (TBM), EFF-DOC-896 (2004) [5] P. Batistoni, P. Carconi, M. Angelone, G. Zappa, Design of TBM Neutronics Experiment, Part 2: Design of the Measurements of Tritium Production and of Nuclear Heating in the Mock-up: Benchmarking of Experimental Techniques, Assessment of Uncertainties, FUS TEC MA-NE- R - 008 (2003). [6] P. Batistoni, Status of TBM Neutronics Experiment, EFF-DOC-938, EFF/EAF Meeting, NEA Data Bank, Paris, 28 December 2005 [7] S. Villari, P. Batistoni, M. Angelone, Status of the HCPB-TBM Benchmark Experiment, TBM Neutronics Experiment Meeting, Frascati, 12 Sept. 2005 [8] D. Leichtle, U. Fischer, I. Kodeli, R. L. Perel, M. Angelone, P. Batistoni, P. Carconi, M. Pillon, I. Schäfer, K. Seidel, R. Villari, G. Zappa, "Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analyses of the Tritium Production in the HCPB Breeder Blanket Mock-up Experiment", Fusion Engineering and Design, 82 (15), p.2406-2412 (2007) [9] P. Batistoni, M. Angelone, L. Bettinali, P. Carconi, U. Fischer, I. Kodeli, D. Leichtle, K. Ochiai, R. Perel, M. Pillon, I. Schäfer, K. Seidel, Y. Verzilov, R. Villari, G. Zappa, "Neutronics Experiment on a HCPB Breeder Blanket Mock-up", Fusion Engineering and Design, 82 (15)}, p.2095-2104, (2007) [10] I. Kodeli, 2D and 3D Deterministic Transport, Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of HCPB Tritium Breeder Module Mock-up Benchmark, IJS-DP-9312, January 2006 [11] I. Kodeli, Deterministic 3D Transport, Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of TPR and Reaction Rate Measurements in HCPB Breeder Blanket Mock-up Benchmark, EFF Meeting, OECD/NEA, 22 May 2006, EFF-DOC-981 [12] A. Milocco, A. Trkov, MCNPX/MCNP5 Routine for Simulating D–T Neutron Source in Ti-T Targets, IJS-DP-9988, July 2008 [13] I. Kodeli, Deterministic 3D Transport, Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of TPR and Reaction Rate Measurements in HCPB Breeder Blanket Mock-up Benchmark, Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2006 International Conference (Portoroz, Slovenia, September 18-21, 2006) 10. Data and Format: --------------- FILE NAME bytes Content ---- ----------- ------ ------- 1 fnghcpb-a.htm 16,073 This information file 2 fnghcpb-e.htm 31,408 Description of Experiment 3 DT_MCNP5.TXT 51,672 Patch with the source subroutines for MCNP5 to calculate 14-MeV D-T source (new revised version) 4 source.F 29,688 source.F subroutine for MCNPX-2.6f to calculate 14-MeV D-T source (new revised version) 5 srcdx.F 12,709 srcdx.F subroutine for MCNPX-2.6f containing also subroutines for numerics to calculate 14-MeV D-T source (new revised version) 6 D-T.pdf 586,723 Document describing the D–T source routine for MCNPX(5), ref.13 7 source.for 45,178 D–T FORTRAN source routine for MCNP-4A (obsolete). 8 mcnp-hcpb.i 84,053 3-D model for MCNP-4C calculation of activation reaction rates (Fe and In foils) 9 trx-hcpb.inp 1,566 Input data for TRANSX cross-section preparation 10 gip-hcpb.inp 666 Input data for GIP cross-section preparation 11 dort-hcpb.inp 8,366 Input data for 2D GRTUNCL first collision source and DORT transport codes 12 grt3-hcpb.inp 61,979 Input data for GRTUNCL3D first collision source code 13 tort-hcpb.inp 10,169 Input data for TORT 3D transport code 14 fig1.gif 5,242 Fig. 1: Angular dependence of the source 15 fig2.gif 9,505 Fig. 2: Energy/angular dependence of the source 16 fig3.gif 9,633 Fig. 3: Geometry of FNG target 17 hcpb-1.jpg 212,524 Fig. 4: Y-Z view of FNG-HCPB mock-up with detectors 18 hcpb-2.jpg 184,947 Fig. 5: X-Y view of FNG-HCPB mock-up 19 hcpb-3.jpg 129,586 Fig. 6: X-Z view of the mock-up (Y=0) 20 hcpb-4.jpg 181,709 Fig. 7: Geometry of ENEA activation foil detectors 21 hcpb-5.jpg 259,664 Fig. 8: Arangement of Li2CO3 pellets for T measurements 22 hcpb-6.jpg 394,799 Fig. 9: Geometry of JAEA detector arrangement 23 room-walls.jpg 390,121 Fig. 10: Geometry of room/wall around the mock-up 24 09-02.cdr 127,908 Figures in Corel Draw 25 room-walls.cdr 34,916 Figures in Corel Draw 26 FR_TW6_TTMN_002.pdf 1,489,396 Reference 1 27 TBM_Report4.pdf 1,126,168 Reference 2 28 effdoc-938.pdf 391,621 Reference 6 29 tbm-hcpbrev.pdf 126,535 Reference 7 30 IJS-DP-9312.pdf 1,752,164 Reference 11 31 effdoc-981.pdf 815,748 Reference 12 32 510_port2006_rev_IVO.pdf 257,099 Reference 14 Files fnghcpb-e.htm and fnghcpb-c.htm contain the following tables: Tab. 1: Angular dependence of the source Tab. 2: Angular/energy dependence of the source energy distribution Tab. 3: Chemical compositions and the densities Tab. 4: Measured neutron reaction rates Tab. 5: Measured tritium production rate dose in Li2CO3 pellets The figures are given in jpg and cdr format. SINBAD Benchmark Generation Date: 2/2010 SINBAD Benchmark Last Update: 2/2010