Winfrith Iron 88 Benchmark (ASPIS)
1. Name of Experiment: ------------------ Winfrith Iron 88 Benchmark Experiment (ASPIS) 2. Purpose and Phenomena Tested: ---------------------------- Determination of the neutron transport for penetrations up to 67 cm in steel. 3. Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration: -------------------------------------------------------- The source is a fission plate constructed of 93% enriched uranium aluminium alloy driven by a thermal flux from the extended graphite reflector of the NESTOR reactor. The effective radius of the fission plate is 56 cm and the thickness 2 mm. The energy spectrum of the source is that of neutrons emitted from the fission of U-235. The absolute source strength is determined by fission product counting and the spatial distribution via detailed low energy flux mapping with activation detectors. The shield is made from 13 mild steel plates, each approximately 5.1 cm thick, with a gap of average thickness of 7.4 mm between them, to allow detector access within the shield. Each plate is 1.8 m x 1.9 m in cross-section. Behind this array is a deep backing shield manufactured from mild and stainless steel, respectively 20.32 cm and 22.41 cm thick. The outer boundaries of the experimental region are formed by the walls and floor (steel plates) of the ASPIS trolley and by the roof of the ASPIS cave. Concrete encases the whole assembly. 4. Measurement System and Uncertainties: ------------------------------------ The detectors used were: Typical Cadmium Counting Systematic Detector Diameter Thickness Mass Cover System Absolute (mm) (mm) (g) (inches) Calibration (uncertainty) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Au197(n,gamma) 12.7 0.05 0.12-0.13 50/1000 NaI 0.9% Rh103(n,n') 12.7 0.015 0.20 - NaI 3.0% In115(n,n') 38 1.63 12.79 - GeLi 1.9% detector S32(n,p) 38.1 2.41 5 - Plastic 5.0% Pressed Pellet Scintillator S32(n,p) 51 5.6 22 - Plastic 5.0% Cast Pellet Scintillator Al27(n,alpha) 50 3.1 16.72 - Ge detector 2.2% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Description of Results and Analysis: ----------------------------------- Detector activation measurements were carried out along the fission plate axis at the following shield thicknesses: 0, 5.1, 10.22, 15.34, 20.44, 25.64, 30.79, 35.99, 41.19, 46.44, 51.62, 56.69, 61.81, 66.99 cm. Al27 reaction rates were measured only up to 25.64 cm. Lateral distributions were also measured at various positions in the shields, the foils being located at intervals of 25 cm up and down from the nuclear centre line. The results were corrected for the background responses due to the NESTOR core. Using the hydrogen filled proportional counters the correction was found to be around 2% throughout the shield for the four threshold detectors. For gold measurements the measurement was repeated with the fissile content of the fission plate removed in order to determine the background correction. Calculations were carried out with the Monte Carlo code McBEND version 7B. The corresponding input is included. Three-dimensional fixed source transport calculations in Cartesian (X,Y,Z) geometry were performed [6] using the TORT-3.2 discrete ordinates transport code. The ENEA-Bologna BUGJEFF311.BOLIB (JEFF-3.1.1 data) and BUGENDF70.BOLIB (ENDF/B-VII.0 data) broad-group coupled neutron/photon (47 n + 20 g) working cross section libraries, together with the similar ORNL BUGLE-B7 (ENDF/B-VII.0) and BUGLE-96 (ENDF/B-VI.3) libraries, were used. A TORT input example, is included (court. of M. Pescarini and R. Orsi, ENEA Italy). The transport calculations performed using the MCNP-5 code are described in [7,8,9]. A two-dimensional model was also prepared for the DORT deterministic code and used for the cross section sensitivity and uncertainty calculations (see [9]). 6. Quality Assessment: ---------------- The Iron-88 experiment (NEA-1517/35) is ranked as a BENCHMARK QUALITY experiment. Nevertheless, additional experimental information would be advisable on: - detectors arrangement (e.g. stacking) - gaps between the slabs - absolute calibration of the neutron source (dilution factor) - effect of the cave walls 7. Author/Organizer ---------------- Experiment and analysis: S. Bell, I.J. Curl, G.A. Wright: AEA Technology WINFRITH, Dorchester Dorset DT2 8DH UK Compiler of data for Sinbad: I. Kodeli OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), 2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France Reviewer of compiled data: Alan F. Avery Reactor Physics, Shielding and Criticality Department, AEA Technology WINFRITH, Dorchester Dorset DT2 8DH UK Quality assessment: A. Milocco, Universita' di Milano-Bicocca, piazza della Scienza 3, Milano, Italy 8. Availability: ------------ Unrestricted 9. References: ---------- [1] G.A. Wright, M. J. Grimstone, Benchmark Testing of JEF-2.2 Data for Shielding Applications: Analysis of the Winfrith Iron 88 Benchmark Experiment, Report No. AEA-RS-1231, EFF-Doc-229 and JEF-Doc-421 (1993). [2] I. J. Curl, CRISP - A Computer Code to Define Fission Plate Source Profiles, RPD/IJC/934. [3] M. J. Armishaw, J. Butler, M. D. Carter, I. J. Curl, A. K. McCracken, A Transportable Neutron Spectrometer (TNS) for Radiological Applications, AEEW-M2365 (1986). [4] G. A. Wright, A. Avery, M. J. Grimstone, H. F. Locke, S. Newbon, Benchmarking of the JEFF2.2 Data Library for Shielding Applications, Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, April 24-28, 1994, Arlington, Texas, U.S.A., vol.2, p.816. [5] M. PESCARINI and R. ORSI, Validation of the BUGJEFF311.BOLIB, BUGENDF70.BOLIB, BUGLE-B7 and BUGLE-96 Cross Section Libraries on the Iron-88 Neutron Shielding Benchmark Experiment, ADPFISS-LP1-106, ENEA-Bologna Technical Report (2018). [6] M. PESCARINI and R. ORSI,The Iron-88 (Fe) Neutron Shielding Benchmark Experiment - Deterministic Analysis in Cartesian (X,Y,Z) Geometry Using the TORT-3.2 3D Transport Code and the BUGJEFF311.BOLIB, BUGENDF70.BOLIB, BUGLE-B7 and BUGLE-96 Cross Section Libraries, SICNUC-P9H6-004, ENEA-Bologna Technical Report (2019) [7] A. Milocco, Quality Assessment of SINBAD Evaluated Experiments ASPIS Iron (NEA-1517/34), ASPIS Iron-88 (NEA-1517/35), ASPIS Graphite (NEA-1517/36), ASPIS Water (NEA-1517/37), ASPIS N/G Water/Steel (NEA-1517/49), ASPIS PCA Replica (NEA-1517/75), Dec. 2015. [8] A. Milocco, B. Zefran, I. Kodeli. Validation of nuclear data based on the ASPIS experimeents from the SINBAD database. V: Proc. RPSD-2018, 20th Topical meeting of the radiation protection and shielding division, 26-31 August 2018, Santa Fe., American Nuclear Society. 2018. [9] I. Kodeli, Transport and S/U analysis of the ASPIS-IRON88 Benchmark using recent and older iron cross-section evaluations. Proc. PHYSOR 2018, Reactor physics paving the way towards more efficient systems, 22 - 26 April 2018, Cancun. ANS. 2018. 10. Data and Format: --------------- DETAILED FILE DESCRIPTIONS -------------------------- Filename Size[bytes] Content ---------------- ----------- ------------- 1 as88-abs.htm 8.645 This information file 2 as88-exp.htm 25.009 Description of Experiment 3 MCBEND.INP 14.967 Input for McBEND MC Code (contributed by Dr. Chucas, Winfrith). 4 Fe88-1v.tif 62.008 Figure 1: Schematic Side Elevation of the ASPIS Shield (high quality) 5 Fe88-2v.tif 92.550 Figure 2: Measurement Locations (high quality) 6 Fe88-3v.tif 65.934 Figure 3: The Enriched U/Al Alloy Fission Plate (high quality) 7 Fe88-4v.tif 13.714 Figure 4: U/Al Alloy Fuel Element (high quality) 8 Fe88-5v.tif 76.474 Figure 5: Details of the Fuel Loading Pattern when Viewed Looking Towards the NESTOR Cave (high quality) 9 Fe88-6.tif 648.635 Figure 6: Fission Plate Positioning (high quality) 10 Fe88-1v.gif 22.383 Figure 1: Schematic Side Elevation of the ASPIS Shield (preview) 11 Fe88-2v.gif 30.363 Figure 2: Measurement Locations (preview) 12 Fe88-3v.gif 19.360 Figure 3: The Enriched U/Al Alloy Fission Plate (preview) 13 Fe88-4v.gif 6.976 Figure 4: U/Al Alloy Fuel Element (preview) 14 Fe88-5v.gif 24.229 Figure 5: Details of the Fuel Loading Pattern when Viewed Looking Towards the NESTOR Cave (preview) 15 Fe88-6.gif 20.935 Figure 6: Fission Plate Positioning (preview) 16 IRON_88.pdf 2.195.113 Reference 17 jef-476.pdf 578.980 Reference 18 IRON88-ENEA_BOLOGNA.tar.gz 34.353.704 Input data for TORT-3.2 19 IRON88-ENEA_BOLOGNA_file_list.txt 2.195.113 Contents of IRON88-ENEA_BOLOGNA.tar.gz 20 SICNUC-P9H6-004.pdf 2.195.113 Reference 6 21 QualityAssess.pdf 6,851,768 Document on quality assessment of ASPIS experiments 22 rpsd18.pdf Reference 8 23 PHYSOR2018-fe88m.pdf Reference 9 File AS88-exp.htm contains the following tables: One table of axial dimensions and of chemical composition of materials present in the configuration, one table describing the source distribution, and 5 tables of the measured reaction rates. SINBAD Benchmark Generation Date: 1997 SINBAD Benchmark Last Update: 4/2019