SBE 1.013
1. Name of Experiment: SDT 11. The ORNL Benchmark Experiment for Neutron Transport Through Iron and Stainless Steel, Part I - 1974 2. Purpose and Phenomena Tested: This experiment was designed to verify the accuracy of iron and stainless steel cross sections used in transport calculations. 3. Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration: The source used was the Tower Shielding Reactor at the Tower Shielding Facility located in Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A series of transmission measurements through various thickness of iron slabs up to 3 feet and also through a 12 inch stainless steel slab were performed using a collimated beam of reactor neutrons. These measurements were made behind various combinations of thin 5 ft x 5 ft slabs. All were taken with a 4.25-inch-diameter collimator made of lithiated paraffin bricks and water. The density of the Type-304 stainless steel slabs averaged 7.86 g/cm3, and the density of the iron slabs averaged 7.79 g/cm3. It was observed that the iron slabs were actually carbon steel. 4. Measurement System and Uncertainties: The transmission neutron spectra from ~80 keV to 10 MeV were measured with two detectors: (1) a NE-213 liquid scintillator, and (2) a Benjamin proton recoil spectrometer. The NE-213 spectrometer was used to determine the spectra in the energy range from 0.8 to 10 MeV. The Benjamin spectrometer was used to determine the spectra in the range from ~80 keV to 1.5 MeV. In addition, a set of three BF3 detectors ("Bonner balls") were used to obtain weighted integral flux measurements. The accuracy of the incident absolute neutron spectrum is estimated to be +/-10% down to 200 keV and +/-20% below 200 keV. All the measurements have an estimated reproducibility of +/-5%, due primarily to power calibration uncertainties. Because of the underestimation of the background measurements, the Bonner ball data is accurate to about 10%. 5. Description of Results and Analysis: Spectra were measured behind six different iron slab thickness: 1.5, 4, 6, 12, 24, and 36 inches, and behind one stainless steel slab with a thickness of 12 inches. The spectra measurements obtained from the NE-213 scintillator were unfolded by the FERDoR computer code. The spectra measurements obtained from the Benjamin spectrometer were unfolded by the SPEC4 computer code. Spectral errors in the data unfolding statistics are shown by one sigma percentage values for the Benjamin counters and by high/low values for the NE-213. The calculations were done by multigroup Monte Carlo techniques employing "point" cross sections. 6. Special Features: The NE-213 energy resolution and the Bonner ball response functions are included to aid in computational comparison with results. 7. Author/Organizer: Experiment and Analysis: R.E. Maerker, ORNL-TM-4222 Compiler of data for SINBAD: Jennifer Parsons, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362 Reviewer of compiled data:
Hamilton Hunter, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, fax 423-574-6182, e-mail 8. Availability: Unrestricted 9. References: [1] R.E. Maerker, "SDT 11. The ORNL Benchmark Experiment for Neutron Transport Through Iron and Stainless Steel, Part I," ORNL-TM-4222 (ENDF-188), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1974). [2] R.E. Maerker, F.J. Muckenthaler, "Final Report on a Benchmark Experiment for Neutron Transport Through Iron and Stainless Steel," ORNL-4892, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (April 1974). [3] R.E. Maerker, "SDT 1. Iron Broomstick Experiment -- An Experimental Check of Neutron Total Cross Sections," ORNL-TM-3867 (ENDF-166), Revised, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1972). [4] R.E. Maerker, F.J. Muckenthaler, J.J. Manning, J.L. Hull, J.N. Money, K.M. Henry, Jr., and R.M. Freestone, Jr., "Calibration of the Bonner Ball Neutron Detectors Used at the Tower Shielding Facility," ORNL-TM-3465, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1971). [5] R.E. Maerker and F.J. Muckenthaler, "The Absolute Neutron Spectrum emerging through a 15-1/4-IN.Collimator from the TSR-II Reactor at the Tower Shielding Facility," ORNL-TM-4010. 10. Data and Format: Tables: (1) Source spectrum at the end of the collimator in neuts/cm2/min/W/Group (2) Energy resolution of the NE-213 spectrometer system (3) Bonner ball description (4) Bonner ball response functions (5)-(6) Experimental configurations for the iron and stainless steel slabs (7)-(12) NE-213 spectrum (13)-(16) Benjamin counter spectrum (17) Bonner ball counting rates Figure: (1) Schematic of the experimental geometry for the 4.25 in diameter collimator Document is HTML v.3.02 Format with ASCII Tables and Figures in GIF format. SINBAD Abstract Generation Date: 06/98 SINBAD Abstract Last Update: 06/98