SBE 4.001
IAEA FENDL/Fusion Benchmark
SB5: ORNL 14-MeV Neutron Stainless-Steel/Borated Polyethylene Slab Experiment (1979)
2. Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
The experimental facility was built at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, building 6025, for the express
purpose of conducting fusion reactor shielding experiments. The experiment contains shield configurations,
which consisted of stainless steel or stainless steel and borated polyethylene slabs, was designed to measure
neutron and gamma-ray spectra behind those shields due to 14-MeV neutrons incident on the shields.
Provisions were made for measuring data for shields up to one meter thick, although the thickest measured was
about 57 cm thick. The data obtained from the experiment could be used to test methods and data used in
calculating neutron and gamma-ray transmission through fusion reactor shields having similar material
3. Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
The design of the facility and source was based upon a preconstruction computer analysis using the 2-Dimensional radiation transport code DOT. The room housing the experimental apparatus is roughly 7 m by 9 m lined with 92-cm-thick concrete personnel shields. In an adjacent room, an accelerator is connected via a drift tube to the target assembly for the neutron source generation. A large concrete test shield support structure, supports the test slab materials and reduces the background scattered radiation and was located toward the center of the room.
The source for the experiment was provided by a Sames Accelerator which directed 250-keV deuterons
onto a 4 mg/cm2 titanium titride target. Neutrons with energies averaging about 14 MeV were produced with
various energies and angles. A program used to calculate the source is shown in the full description of the
SBE. The shield slabs are 152.4-cm square (Req=85.98 cm), but in the model they radially fill the 156.21-cm
× 172.72-cm cavity (Req=92.67 cm). An additional thermal-neutron shield was placed behind the detectors to
decrease the effect of neutron backscatter from and gamma-ray production in the concrete wall behind the
detector. Six different shield configurations, housing various thicknesses and arrangements of stainless steel
and/or borated polyethylene slabs, were tested with an additional configuration containing no test slabs ("no-shield" case). A total of sixty-four neutron and gamma-ray spectra were published. Data for three of the
neutron measurements were thought unreliable but are included for completeness.
4. Measurement System and Uncertainties.
Measurements were made with an NE-213 detector manufactured at the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory. Neutron and gamma-ray responses were distinguished through pulse-shape discrimination. The
measured data were unfolded with the FERD code, and results were reported as point data on a fine energy grid
and for a two standard deviation band about the mean values. The uncertainties are not necessarily the
uncertainties of the measurements. Quoted uncertainties for the maximum shield thickness examined include:
NE-213 efficiency (5%), alpha calibration (3%), neutron detector position (1%), nine stainless steel slabs (3%),
and two borated polyethylene slabs (1%). The detector resolutions for the NE-213 measurements are given
for neutrons of energy En MeV and
for gamma rays of energy Egamma MeV, where RN and Rgamma are the full width at half maximum values (in percent)
of the detector response to neutrons and gamma rays, respectively.
5. Description of Results and Analysis:
The various measurements are described using an x-y-z coordinate location of the detector position,
the configuration of material slabs and whether it is a gamma or neutron measurement. Data for runs
R148NS.008, C171NS.016, and C171GS.012 are considered unreliable, as repeated measurements were
substantially different and more consistent with other results. The normalized spectra (MeV-1 cm-2) per
source neutron and energy structure are tabulated and plotted for a total of 64 measurements, behind 7
configurations, at up to 10 different angles or lateral (z positions).
6. Special Features:
Relatively high-energy neutron source. Significant data base of gamma-ray measurements.
7. Author/Organizer/Compiler:
G. T. Chapman, G. L. Morgan, J. W. McConnell, R. T. Santoro, J. M. Barnes,
R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., and E. M. Oblow. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
C. O. Slater, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA 37831-6363.
Reviewer of compiled data:
Hamilton Hunter, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, fax 423-574-6182, e-mail
8. Availability:
All data are included with the benchmark. Access is unrestricted.
9. References:
1. G. T. Chapman, G. L. Morgan, and J. W. McConnell, "The ORNL Integral Experiment to
Provide Data for Evaluating Magnetic-Fusion-Energy Shielding Concepts, Part I: Attenuation
Measurements", ORNL/TM/7356 (August 1982).
2. R. T. Santoro, J. M. Barnes, R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., and E. M. Oblow, "Calculational Procedures for the Analysis of Integral Experiments for Fusion Reactor Design", ORNL-5777 (July 1981).Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA 37831
3. Philip F. Rose and R. W. Roussin, eds., "SB5: Fusion Reactor Shielding Benchmark," in CROSS SECTION EVALUATION WORKING GROUP BENCHMARK SPECIFICATIONS VOLUME II SUPPLEMENT, Brookhaven National Laboratory Report BNL 19302, Vol. II (September 1986) (also ENDF-202).
10. Data and Format:
ASCII Text Format
Table 1 - Energy and Angular Distribution of the Source
Table 2 - Region Boundaries for Full Two-Dimensional Model of the Experiment
Table 3 - Material Compositions for the Analysis of the Experiment
Tables 4 through 69 - Tabular Results of Detector Measurements Behind Mockups
Figure 1 - Experimental Arrangement (GIF Image)
Figure 2 - Three-Dimensional View of the Experimental Enclosure
Figure 3 - Schematics of Experimental Arrangement
Figure 4 - Two-Dimensional Calculational Model of Experiment
Document is HTML v.3.02 Format with ASCII Tables and Figures in GIF format.
SINBAD Abstract Generation Date: 06/97
SINBAD Abstract Last Update: 06/98