EGADSNF Archives

File Name / Title
KFK 3337 (1.6 MB)
The Isotope Correlation Experiment (ICE) Final report (1981)
KFK 3014EN (11.8 MB)
Improved and Consistent Determination of the Nuclear Inventory of Spent PWR Fuel on the Basis of Cell- Burnup Methods Using KORIGEN (1983)
ORNL-TR-88-20(4.6 MB)
Verification of the OREST Depletion Program System Using Post-Irradiation Analyses of FA 168, 170, 171 and 176 from Obrigheim Reactor (1984)
KFK 5072 (10.2 MB)
(GERMAN) Entwicklungsarbeiten für die neutronenphysikalische Auslegung von Fortschrittlichen Druckwasserreaktoren (FDWR) mit kompakten Dreiecksgittern in hexagonalen Brennelementen (1992)

Last reviewed: 17 December 2010