At its fourth meeting of May 1993, the NEA Nuclear Science Committee
recommended to form a Task force to review the chemical thermodynamic
data needs throughout the nuclear fuel cycle in order to determine
which areas might benefit from international collaboration.
During 1994, a survey of existing databases for chemical thermodynamic
and kinetic data relevant to nuclear systems was initiated by
the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). The aim of the survey was to
review the contents and quality of thermodynamic and kinetic data
available for scientific and engineering applications throughout
the nuclear fuel cycle. Questionnaires were distributed to custodians
of databases in OECD member countries as well as some end users
of thermodynamic data. This report reviews the responses from
the questionnaires.
The types of thermodynamic databases can be broadly separated
into three groups. Firstly, there are pure substance databases
which are typically general in application, contain data for thousands
of species and can be used in calculations for a wide temperature
range, but do not consider solution phases. Secondly, there are
databases available which can be used to model solution phases
relevant to metal-metal, metal-oxide and oxide-oxide systems.
The solution databases are very specific in their applications
and are usually focused on a relatively small number of basic
components. Finally, there are a number of databases available
for aqueous systems. In general, these can be in the form of stand-alone
databases or those which are integrated within specific codes.
In order to model aqueous systems, data for both aqueous species
and pure substances are usually required. Therefore, aqueous databases
often contain data for solid and gaseous phases as well as aqueous
ions and complexes. When using aqueous and pure substance databases
together, care must be taken to use a common reference state,
otherwise incorrect results will be obtained.
The survey also showed that kinetic databases are not as common
in use, although there are some which are commercially available
such as the NIST databases for gas and aqueous systems. The lack
of kinetic databases and their possible development needs to be
highlighted and discussed further by expert groups in considering
future requirements.
Canada | Lemire, Robert | AECL | |
Finland | Vuorinen, Ulla | VTT | |
France | Madic, Charles | CEA | |
Germany | Kienzler, Bernhard Qaim, Syed | KFZ KFA | |
Japan | Ogawa, Toru | JAERI | |
Korea | Park, Kyoung-Kyun | KAERI | |
Netherlands | Konings, Rudy | ECN | |
Sweden | Grenthe, Ingmar | RIT | |
United Kingdom | Mason, Paul | AEA | Chairman |
CEC | Fuger, Jean | ITE |
The use of computational thermodynamics can be applied to multicomponent
and multiphase systems to identify the likely species formed for
a defined system relevant to nuclear safety assessments and also
in the optimisation of chemical processes, such as fuel reprocessing.
The central problem in the calculation of thermodynamic
equilibria is to obtain a representation of the Gibbs energy of
all the components of the system as a function of temperature,
pressure and composition. Having derived representations for the
Gibbs energies of all the phases in a system, the equilibrium
state can then be determined by either minimising the total Gibbs
energy or solving a set of nonlinear equations using a suitable
chemical equilibrium code. The calculations depend on:
(i) reliable fundamental data, obtained by critical assessment
and experiments; (ii) reliable models to represent the thermodynamic
functions for the phases and (iii) reliable computer codes to
perform the calculations. The thermodynamic data for given substances
or reactions are typically stored in stand-alone databases which
can be accessed by these specialised computer codes, or in databases
which are integrated with specific codes.
Chemical kinetics techniques have to be employed when equilibrium
conditions are not satisfied or when perturbations such as radiation
and fluctuating heat sources need to be taken into account. These
techniques involve the solution of the mass, energy and momentum
conservation equations using specialised computer codes capable
of solving simultaneous nonlinear equations in addition to the
chemical rate equations applicable to the particular problem.
Databases can be used to store the rate constants for a series
of chemical reactions. An example of where such modelling is important
in terms of nuclear applications is in the modelling of the water
chemistry in a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR). The coolant water
takes a complex flow path through the reactor components such
as the core, jet pumps and re-circulation pipework. The corrosive
species O2 and H2O2
can be generated through the action of radiation on the water
and the production of these species can be modelled by solving
a series of rate equations for points around the reactor circuit.
At its fourth meeting of May 1993, the NEA Nuclear Science Committee
recommended to form a Task force to review the chemical thermodynamic
data needs throughout the nuclear fuel cycle in order to determine
which areas might benefit from international collaboration. During
1994, a survey of existing databases for chemical thermodynamic
and kinetic data relevant to nuclear systems was initiated by
the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). The aim of the survey was to
review the contents and quality of thermodynamic and kinetic data
available for scientific and engineering applications throughout
the nuclear fuel cycle in order that important gaps in the data
could be identified. Questionnaires were distributed to custodians
of databases in OECD member countries as well as some end users
of thermodynamic data. Sixteen responses were received and these
have shown that there are a number of different thermodynamic
databases which are in use and these cover a wide range of applications.
However, in contrast the response also showed that not as many
kinetic databases are in use, although some are commercially available.
The types of thermodynamic databases can be broadly separated
into three groups. Firstly, there are pure substance databases
which are typically general in application, contain data for thousands
of species and can be used in calculations for a wide temperature
range, but do not consider solution phases. Secondly, there are
databases available which can be used to model solution phases
relevant to metal-metal, metal-oxide and oxide-oxide systems.
These databases contain data for pure substances (the stoichiometric
phases in the system) as well as non-ideal interaction terms for
different components of the solution phases which enable complex
phase equilibria calculations to be performed including the calculation
of phase diagrams. The solution databases are very specific in
their applications and are usually focused on a relatively small
number of basic components. Finally, there are a number of databases
available for aqueous systems. In general the aqueous data are
restricted in temperature to 298.15 K and tend to be derived from
the same source, with small differences in the databases arising
from alternative methods used to calculate the reference states.
The data can be in the form of stand-alone databases or those
which are integrated within specific codes. In order to model
aqueous systems, data for both aqueous species and pure substances
are usually required. Therefore, aqueous databases often contain
data for solid and gaseous phases as well as aqueous ions and
complexes. When using aqueous and pure substance databases together,
care must be taken to use a common reference state, otherwise
incorrect results will be obtained. Applications of aqueous databases
include, for example, the optimisation of techniques for fuel
reprocessing and the assessment of leaching behaviour from waste
Section 2 of this report reviews the responses obtained from the
questionnaires and describes the thermodynamic databases that
are currently being used. Some additional databases not highlighted
in the responses from the questionnaires, but which are relevant,
in the opinion of the author, are also described. The databases
are listed in alphabetical order. Only one of the responses to
the questionnaires refers to the use of a kinetic database and
Section 3 of this report discusses where the application of kinetic
data may be important and the problems associated with assembling
a kinetic database. Some kinetic databases which are commercially
available are highlighted also in this Section. The main issues
arising from Sections 2 and 3 are summarised and discussed in
general in Section 4. Tables 1 and 2 show an index of computer
programs which are available from the OECD/NEA for the modelling
of chemical analysis, radiation chemistry and geochemical systems;
some of these programs are described in this report.
The JANAF Thermochemical Tables (1) provide
a compilation of critically evaluated thermodynamic properties
of over 1800 substances. Recommended temperature-dependent values
are provided for inorganic substances and organic substances containing
only one or two carbon atoms. These tables cover the thermodynamic
properties with single phase and multiphase tables for the crystal,
liquid and ideal gas. The properties tabulated are Cp,
S, -(G-H0298)/T, H, G,
H-H0298, DHf, DGf
and log Kf. The reference state used applies
to elements in their stable standard state. Each table is accompanied
by text that describes the data considered, with the literature
references, and the reasons for the choice between conflicting
values. The emphasis of the data are on compounds relevant to
fuel combustion, jet and rocket propulsion and air pollution,
but the data are of some general use for non-nuclear materials
of interest.
The NEA-TDB database (11) managed by NEA contains
data for about 19000 species, of which ~2000 species are part
of the quality assured evaluation project, and 7000 reactions
for pure compounds, gases, liquids and aqueous ions and complexes.
About 25% of the formation data and 80% of the reaction data are
relevant to actinide chemistry, the remaining are for other elements.
The database can be used for temperatures in the range 0 to 300°C,
with most of the data (in particular aqueous data) at 25°C.
CODATA values are used for standard reference states. Data for
other compounds are selected from the literature by an international
group of experts with supporting justification, which is then
peer reviewed by independent experts before being released for
publication. The selected data are corrected through thermodynamic
calculations requiring all selected data to be internally consistent
with the CODATA key values. The data stored are for DGf0,
DHf0, Cp(T), log K, DGr0,
DHr0, DSr0 and to some
extent DGf0(T), DHf0(T)
and S0(T). The database is freely available
for member countries of the OECD and it is not specific to any
particular software package.
The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) market
a number of thermodynamic databases (12).
In all cases, the databases are available on diskette and on-line
through STN.
The NIST Chemical Thermodynamics Database contains recommended
values for selected thermodynamic properties of more than 15000
inorganic substances. These properties include the following standard
properties at 298.15 K and 1 bar pressure: enthalpy of formation
from the elements in their standard state; Gibbs energy of formation
from the elements in their standard state; enthalpy H0(298.15
K) - H0(0 K); heat capacity at constant pressure
and entropy; and the enthalpy of formation at 0 K.
The DIPPR (Design Institute for Physical Property Data) database
contains data for 26 single valued property constants and 13 temperature
dependent functions for 1405 chemicals which are of importance
to the chemical industry. Thermodynamic, physical, transport and
flammability property data are given. The database also includes
estimates of the accuracy of each property value and references
to the sources of measured or predicted data which were used in
selecting the recommended values.
NIST also provide the JANAF Thermochemical Tables on computer
disks and on-line through STN.
The AEA Nuclear Materials Database (13) consists
of critically assessed data for stoichiometric condensed phase
compounds and gases relevant to nuclear applications. Data are
provided for species formed between fission products, coolant,
fuel, cladding and structural materials. The database contains
approximately 550 compounds with the data stored in the same format
as the SGTE database. The data have been obtained from standard
sources of thermodynamic data and from the critical assessment
of data in the open literature. In addition some data have been
derived experimentally by AEA and ECN, as part of a contract with
the CEC, in cases where the species were identified as being important
to nuclear accident assessments, but for which there were no data
available in the literature. The database is available commercially
and can be used with the MTDATA (14) and THERMOCALC
(15) software packages.
SGTE is a consortium of seven European centres set up in 1967
to develop thermodynamic databases for inorganic and metallurgical
systems. The SGTE Pure Substance database (16)
contains data for pure condensed phase substances and gases. Data
are stored in the form of a series of 4 coefficient polynomial
functions describing the heat capacity term as function of temperature
as well as the standard enthalpy and entropy of formation at 298.15
K. Together, these data enable the Gibbs energy of the substance
to be calculated as a function of temperature in the range 298.15
K to 4000 K, with some of the data available at temperatures as
high as 20000 K. The latest version of the database, released
in 1994, contains data for over 4000 substances which enables
it to be applied to a wide range of general applications. This
is a considerable expansion of earlier versions following the
incorporation of data identified by a critical review of the previous
release of the SGTE Pure Substance database as well as the IVTAN
(5) and Thermodata databases. The database is compiled
from a panel of experts by critically assessing data from the
literature and internal consistency is maintained. A single database
manager is responsible for making changes to the database to ensure
that only the same versions are circulated. The database is available
commercially and can be supplied in a format which is compatible
with the thermodynamic computer codes MTDATA (14),
and GEMINI (18).
TBASE (19) was developed by Cordfunke and
Konings in 1985 and contains data for approximately 700 pure substances
related to nuclear materials, fission products and the actinides.
Most of the compounds have been obtained by critical assessments
of the available literature and the remaining information have
been obtained from sources such as CODATA (4),
IVTAN (10) and JANAF (1),
where CODATA is preferred over IVTAN and IVTAN over JANAF. The
data are stored in the form of enthalpy of formation and standard
entropy at 298.15 K and a polynomial function to describe the
heat capacity term as a function of temperature. The temperature
of transition and enthalpy increments are also stored. All critical
assessments are performed using a standard procedure utilising
a set of computer codes. The critical assessments are subjected
to external peer review by publication in the open literature.
The database is available commercially and can be used in conjunction
The THERMOCOMP (20) database supplied by Thermodata
contains thermodynamic data for about 4000 species. The data are
general in application and can be used in the temperature range
298.15 K to 6000 K. The data stored are for DGf0,
DHf0, Cp(T), DG and log K and are obtained
from critical assessments of the open literature by an internal
group of experts while internal consistency is checked. The THERMOCOMP
database is commercially available and can be used with COACH
(a code developed by Thermodata to perform thermodynamic calculations)
or with other similar packages.
The tables compiled by the US Bureau of Mines are published in
three volumes. Bulletin 672 (5) covers the
elements and binary oxides and Bulletin 674 (6)
covers the binary halides. Bulletin 677 (7)
summarises the values from Bulletins 672 and 674 and includes
some additional data (although not complete) for the arsenides,
antimonides, borides, carbides, carbonates, hydrides, nitrides,
phosphides, selenides, silicates, silicides, sulphates, sulphides
and tellurides. The tabulated data are Cp,
S, -(G-H0298)/T, H-H0298,
DHf, DGf and log Kf.
Generally, unless more reliable data were available for the element,
the values given by Hultgren et al (21) were
adopted. Similarly the values for the standard enthalpy of formation
at 298.15 K were taken from the NBS Technical Note 270 Series.
The values for many of the gases were taken from the JANAF Thermochemical
Tables and those for the actinide elements were taken from the
IAEA publication by Oetting, Rand and Ackermann (22),
Estimated data were included where the necessary data were lacking
and these are denoted in the text. However, only brief references
are given to the data sources and no attempt is made to explain
the choice between conflicting values.
JAERI (23) have produced a database related
to actinide transmutation to supplement their use of an early
version of the SGTE Pure Substance and Solution databases. The
supplement includes 93 compounds and gaseous species and data
for about 20 alloy systems (for use with the solution database)
which enable the phase equilibria to be calculated for some alloys
and nitrides (oxycarbonitrides) containing transuranium elements.
The data are in a similar format to the SGTE databases and a program
developed by JAERI produces tables of the Gibbs energy as a function
of temperature and also prepares input files for use with the
CHEMSAGE code. The supplementary data are mostly available in
the open literature (24).
The US Geological Survey have developed a database called THERMPROP
(25) for silicate minerals and related substances.
There are 476 species in the database with data for the temperature
range 298.15 to 1800 K. The database contains only evaluated data
which is obtained from the literature and is reviewed by a senior
scientist. Internal consistency is checked using the third law
method. The data are stored using a flat-file structure on a commercial
spreadsheet and word processing package. The data are available
commercially for a nominal fee.
A database called ALKALI for alkaline metals, compounds and complexes
is currently being developed by the Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear
(ITN, Portugal) (26). When the questionnaire
was completed, the database contained 250 species and data for
50 reactions. The data stored include DH0f,
DH0r, and some U0, DH0V
and bond dissociation energies; most of the data are limited to
25°C. About 85% of the data were obtained from the literature,
with the remainder obtained by experiments at ITN or by estimates.
The database is freely available on request.
The VICTORIA computer code (27) was developed
as a joint USNRC-UKAEA venture to predict fission product release
from fuel, chemical reactions involving fission products, vapour
and aerosol behaviour and fission product decay heating during
a severe accident. There is a thermodynamic database which is
integral to the code. This database contains 26 elements and 110
condensed phase species and 178 vapour species which have been
identified as being the most important for use in relation to
a typical PWR and simulant experiments. The substances can be
broadly separated into two groups; those connected with the fuel
and fissioning processes, and those which are not (such as the
cladding, control rods, grid spacers, coolant and poisons). A
function for the Gibbs free energy for each species is stored
in the database as a polynomial function. This function has been
derived from data in the literature and extrapolated values have
been used for those temperature ranges where no data were available.
However, it is recognised that not all possible combinations of
elements have been included in the database since, in most cases
there is a lack of data, or it can be justified that some species
are not important for the application, or some species have been
simply overlooked. The database also contains latent heats and
entropies of vaporisation for the gaseous species.
The CORCON computer code (28) is used to model
the thermal hydraulic behaviour of core-concrete melts which may
occur during severe accidents in nuclear reactors if the primary
containment vessel fails due to melt-through by the core following
fuel slumping. As with VICTORIA, the code contains an integral
database of thermodynamic data for a small set of species. The
code is used to perform some chemistry calculations to determine
the heats of reaction and predict the production of the combustible
gases (CO and H2) and SiO<g>. However,
the dataset is not fully coherent and very few ternary compounds
are considered.
There are many other reactor safety codes available which include
thermodynamic databases as an integral part of the code which
have not been included as part of this review.
In modelling problems of aqueous systems, data are often needed
for both aqueous species and for pure substances such as condensed
phase minerals and gases. Therefore, most aqueous databases include
a limited sub-set of data for pure substances. Examples include
the NBS Tables (3) and PATH.ARC.DAT (29).
The HATCHES database (30) is separated into two separate
data-sets; one for aqueous species (HATCHAQ) and one for mineral
data (HATCHMIN). However, these must be used in conjunction with
each other, since a different pure substance database will not
have the same reference states. More detailed descriptions of
the mainly aqueous databases are given in Section 2.3.
The Gibbs energies for solution phases are more complicated to
express than for pure substances. An important parameter for a
solution phase is the Gibbs energy of mixing, Gmix,
which is the change in Gibbs energy accompanying the formation
of the solution from its constituents. In the case of an ideal
solution phase Gmix is given by the configurational
entropy change on forming the solution. In a non-ideal solution,
however, Gmix will be given by the ideal configurational
entropy change plus an excess Gibbs energy term, Gex.
The modelling of multicomponent systems is mainly concerned with
deriving suitable representations of Gex which
reproduce the experimental phase relationships of a particular
system. In the development of the representations for the components
of the chemical model, much use is made of all the experimental
thermodynamic data to obtain the various parameters that best
describe the solution phases. The process involves the assessment
of all the available data for all the combinations of the system
components. In this manner the unknown excess Gibbs energy terms
for the solution phases can be estimated. Although, in general,
only binary and ternary data are available, experience has shown
that a multicomponent solution phase can be adequately modelled
using the representations for the lower order systems.
Pelton et al have developed an extensive critically evaluated
database for the thermodynamic properties of an eleven component
oxide system comprising SiO2-Al2O3-CaO-MgO-FeO-MnO-Na2O-K2O-TiO2-T2O3-ZrO2
(31). All of the binary and ternary sub-systems
have been fully evaluated and optimised in order to obtain coefficients
of equations for the thermodynamic properties as a function of
composition and temperature. In this case, the quasi-chemical
model has been used to model the liquid phase. The database is
accessible on the F*A*C*T (Facility for the Analysis of Chemical
Thermodynamics) system (32).
The F*A*C*T code also supports a pure substance database and Pelton
has made a critical assessment of some chloride data, on the commission
of the American Ceramic Society, which may be relevant to pyrochemical
processes in the nuclear fuel cycle (33).
The Department of Theoretical Geochemistry at Uppsala University
in Sweden have developed a database called GEOKEM95 (34)
for silicates and oxides which is mainly concerned with data for
the solid phase. The database contains data for 120 species for
the oxide system CaO-MgO-FeO-Al2O3-SiO2
and the multicomponent fluid system (C-H-O-N-S). Further work
is required in developing the solid solution models and the excess
energy data. The database is internally consistent and is based
on a critical assessment of calorimetry measurements and phase
equilibrium experiments. The data are stored in the form of DHf
and S0, Cp(T), thermal expansion and bulk
modulus, and the database can be used in the temperature range
300 to 3000 K and at 0 to 1 megabars of pressure. The database
is updated regularly, but no single modification is possible without
re-checking all the phases in the system. The database is freely
available on request.
In 1991 a collaborative programme was established between Thermodata
and the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA/France) and AEA
Technology and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL/UK) on the
development of a thermodynamic solution database involving nuclear
materials for molten core-concrete interactions for hypothetical
severe accidents in PWRs. Agreement was obtained between thermodynamic
specialists on the choice of unary data and the models used in
the phase diagram calculations. As part of this collaboration,
the basis of a nine component model was developed comprising the
oxides UO2-ZrO2-SiO2-CaO-Al2O3-MgO-BaO-La2O3-SrO.
Gaseous species are also included in the database in order to
investigate the vaporisation of the components.
Thermodata have continued to collaborate with the French CEA and
have extended the database called MCCI (35)
to include data for the following oxides UO2-ZrO2-SiO2-CaO-Al2O3-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-BaO-La2O3-SrO.
At the end of 1996, the database will include data for all the
condensed and gaseous phases in the complex metal-oxide system:
O / Ag, Al, Ba, Ca, Cd, Fe, In, La, Mg, Ru, Si, Sr, U, Zr. The
database is internally consistent and data are obtained by critical
assessment from the literature and the optimisation of thermodynamic
data to fit experimental phase diagrams. The MCCI database is
available commercially and can be used in conjunction with the
GEMINI (18) code as well as other Gibbs energy minimisation
AEA Technology have also continued to develop the oxide solution
thermodynamic database called NUCLOX (36) which
now contains a fully integrated 12 component system UO2-ZrO2-SiO2-CaO-Al2O3-MgO-BaO-La2O3-SrO-(Fe-O)-CeO2-Ce2O3.
The data are stored as a polynomial expression of the Gibbs energy
with reference to the enthalpies of the constituent elements in
their standard state at 298.15 K. The database can be used in
conjunction with the SGTE Pure Substance database in order to
include gas phase species in calculations. The database is internally
consistent and data are obtained by critical assessment from the
literature and the optimisation of thermodynamic data to fit experimental
phase diagrams. The NUCLOX database is available commercially
and can be used in conjunction with MTDATA and THERMOCALC.
The SGTE Solution database (37) is focused
on metal alloy systems and contains data for multicomponent non-ideal
solution phases. There are assessed data for over 230 binary and
higher order combinations of the derivative components with data
for the liquid, solid-solution and stoichiometric phases. Expressions
for the excess Gibbs energy for solution phases are stored for
specific combinations of the derivative components using various
representations including polynomial descriptions, associate models
and sub-lattice models. In some cases, additional terms are included
to describe the pressure or magnetic contributions to the Gibbs
energy. These descriptions can then be combined for calculations
in higher order systems. As with the Pure Substance database,
the solution database is compiled from a panel of experts by critically
assessing data from the literature and internal consistency is
checked. A single database manager, different to that for the
SGTE Pure Substance database, is responsible for making changes
to the database to ensure that only the same versions are circulated.
The Solution database is available commercially and can be used
in conjunction with MTDATA, THERMOCALC, CHEMSAGE and GEMINI.
Thermodata also market a solution database called THERMALLOY (38)
which is focused on metal alloy systems and contains data for
multicomponent non-ideal solution phases. There are assessed data
for over 300 binary systems. The solution database is compiled
from an internal group of experts by critically assessing data
from the literature and optimising the thermodynamic data to fit
with experiments. The CALPHAD/SGTE (39) approach
to representing the Gibbs energy and estimating data where appropriate
are adopted as a standard. The database can be used to calculate
phase diagrams and thermodynamic properties such as chemical activities.
The Solution database is available commercially and can be used
in conjunction with GEMINI or other Gibbs energy minimisation
AEA Technology have developed two other solution databases which
are relevant to nuclear applications. The first is a metal metal-oxide
database for (U-UO3)-(Zr-ZrO2)-(Si-SiO2)
(40) which also includes data which is consistent
with the NUCLOX database referred above. The database is fully
integrated to enable calculations to be performed for the uranium-zirconium-silicon
system. The data are stored in the same format as the NUCLOX database.
The second database is for the Ag-In-Cd (41)
system which is relevant to modelling the behaviour of control
rods in Pressurised Water Reactors. This fully integrated database
is also in the same format as the NUCLOX database and contains
data for pure substances and solution phases enabling the experimental
phase diagrams to be reproduced. Both of these databases are available
commercially and can be used in conjunction with MTDATA and THERMOCALC.
The National Physical Laboratory have also developed the NPL SALTS
database (42) which contains data for more
than 90 binary systems formed primarily between alkali halides.
The data include representations of the Gibbs energies of the
unary phases as well as for the multicomponent solution phases.
This type of database could be used in modelling, for example,
advanced reprocessing methods.
Traditionally the chemistry of water based processes is understood
from a basic knowledge of relatively simple chemical reactions
and from practical experience. The ability to model quantitatively
speciation and the interaction of the aqueous phase with solid
phases and/or a vapour is a key step towards the understanding
and, in some cases, control of processes. This could lead to an
increase in the efficiency of industrial processes, in particular
complex applications using concentrated solutions at elevated
temperatures. Methods based on thermodynamics can be very useful
for understanding the various processes, for example dissolution
and precipitation, oxidation and reduction, acid-base and coordinative
interactions, which govern the chemical composition of aqueous
chemical systems. Typically, these models require the computation
of equilibrium compositions for systems containing numerous species
distributed among an aqueous phase, a gas phase, and several solid
phases. For this reason, when modelling applications for aqueous
systems, data are required for both aqueous species and for pure
substance compounds. Most aqueous databases include a small sub-set
of pure substance data to enable such calculations to be performed.
An important consideration in the use of the data is the reference
or standard states for the elements. Although the data in a database
should be self consistent, in general, care should be taken in
the mixing of data from different databases. This is particularly
important if critically assessed data are combined with estimated
data for which there is a limited experimental basis and it is
also important when considering data for pure substances which
may not have the same reference state as the aqueous species.
Software which incorporates a comprehensive database suitable
for a wide range of conditions for aqueous systems is not available
at present. A substantial body of thermodynamic data exists for
common substances in dilute aqueous solutions for ambient temperatures,
but the study of many processes would also require data for less
common substances perhaps in hot and/or concentrated solutions
for which data are sparse or non-existent. There is therefore
a need to compile model parameters for the prediction of the behaviour
of multicomponent aqueous inorganic solutions relevant to a wider
range of conditions. In general the available experimental data
are for values at 298.15 K. The lack of high temperature data
has resulted in the development of methods to estimate such data
for species or equilibria. The most widely used method has been
that of Criss and Cobble (43) and requires the entropy
of the species at 298.15 K. The entropy at any temperature could
then be estimated using parameters for broad classes of ions.
Other estimation methods use the heat capacity at 298.15 K and
derive a simple temperature dependence. In ionic aqueous systems,
the behaviour of a component is strongly influenced by the presence
of other species in solution. For very dilute solutions, the interaction
between species is minimal and the activity of a component, A,
can be represented by the concentration, XA, and hence the activity
coefficient, A, is 1. The departure of A from unity is a measure
of the departure from ideal behaviour and hence is a measure of
the interaction between species in solution. Various methods
are used to model non-ideal behaviour in aqueous systems.
Examples of databases for aqueous systems are described in the
following sub-sections. Section 2.3.1 describes the databases
which are stand-alone and can be used in conjunction with a number
of computer codes. Some of the codes which use integral databases
are described in Section 3.2.2. It should be noted that in some
cases the data in the databases are derived from the same source,
for example the National Bureau of Standards Tables of chemical
thermodynamic properties (3)
The AQDATA (44) and HOTAQ (45)
databases have been compiled by the National Physical Laboratory
for use with MTDATA. AQDATA contains data for over 450 aqueous
species including elements, oxides, hydroxides, halides, sulphates,
sulphites, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, ionic and neutral complexes.
The data are derived from the NBS Tables but only include aqueous
species for which heat capacity, entropy and enthalpy of formation
data at 298.15 K are tabulated. The HOTAQ database contains data
for iron, chromium and nickel with carbon and sulphur in dilute
aqueous solution up to 573 K. This database contains both aqueous
and mineral species and has been developed primarily to study
corrosion processes. In using these data with MTDATA the system
is treated as ideal unless the options to treat ionic interactions
is invoked and the appropriate parameters provided. The MTDATA
code uses the Pitzer model (46) to perform calculations
for such non-ideal systems. Using MTDATA a data file can be produced
that combines species from the AQDATA database and the SGTE Pure
Substance database in order to model precipitation reactions although
the Pure Substance database does not include hydrated species.
The AQDATA and HOTAQ databases are available commercially for
use with the MTDATA code.
The CHEMVAL database has been developed by a number of parties
with funding from the CEC (47); the project
coordinators were W S Atkins. It has been recognised that the
use of a number of different databases can often lead to different
results for a common problem. To overcome this, one of the main
objectives of the CHEMVAL project was to construct a comprehensive
and commonly accessible thermodynamic database covering the majority
of elements thought to have radiological significance or an influence
on groundwater speciation. A further objective of the programme
has been to increase confidence in the chemical speciation modelling
of aqueous systems. For example, the CHEMVAL database was intended
to be used for systems which are not ideal, where the concentration
of ions covers an extensive range and the temperature can vary
between 0 and 100°C. This requires the development of models
and interaction data applicable for a wide range of conditions
including the use of the Pitzer equations for the activity coefficients
of the aqueous species; corrections for non-ideality are then
made in the computer codes with which the database is used.
The latest version of the database (Version 6) (48)
contains ~650 aqueous species and ~350 pure solid species with
particular emphasis on actinide chemistry and heavy metal chemistry
in natural solutions, but it is lacking in data for soil organics
and some heavy metals. The log b, Ksp and
DHj values for a given reaction are stored
and the data are obtained by critical assessment of the literature.
The database can be used with codes such as PHREEQC (49),
MINEQL (50) and EQ3/6 (51)
and is freely available within the public domain.
The thermodynamic database HATCHES (HArwell/Nirex Thermodynamic
Database for CHemical Equilibrium Studies) (30)
has been compiled for use in radiochemical modelling work in conjunction
with the codes PHREEQE (52),
EQ3/6 (51) and MTDATA
(15). The database includes data for the actinides
U, Th, Pu, Np, Am and Cm and for several fission products including
Cs, Ru, Tc and Sr; in total there are 1176 aqueous species and
772 solid phases.
The database contains formation constants for the aqueous species
and solubility products for all the solid phases and is divided
into three sections:
The thermodynamic constants (stability constants and solubility
products) included in HATCHES have been selected as the best data
available at the present time and the database is continuously
being updated as improved data becomes available. In a number
of cases, where there was evidence for the existence of a species
but no good experimentally derived constants were found, estimated
data have been included. Throughout the compilation of HATCHES
every effort has been made to produce a self-consistent database.
Each entry includes a full description of the source of the data,
together with details of any calculations that have been performed
on the data, (e.g. correction to zero ionic strength). In addition,
each entry includes all the associated input information required
by the PHREEQE and EQ3/6 codes (e.g. charge, stoichiometry, operational
valency), together with any comments concerning the validity of
the data. At present the database has been largely compiled for
use at 25C. In a limited number of cases the enthalpy data required
for calculations at other temperatures are included (e.g. uranium
dataset) but it has not been extensively used at Harwell.
Complete validation of the HATCHES data for all types of problems
would be an impossible task, however limited validation is achieved
each time a dataset is used to successfully model experimental
results. The database is available from AEA Technology or the
NAGRA (National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste)
use a chemical thermodynamic database for geochemical modelling
(53). The data are separated into two types.
The core data are well characterised aqueous species, minerals
and gases of elements commonly found in significant quantities
in natural waters. The supplemental data are for elements that
are found in natural waters, but not as major components, or that
are of interest principally for the safety assessment of nuclear
waste facilities. The supplemental data are subject to revision
if new and better data become available. However, the core values
are frozen and will not be changed; this is to ensure the compatibility
of results obtained at different times. The core substances include
the common aqueous species and minerals of fluoride, chloride,
bromide, iodide, sulphate, bisulphide, nitrate, ammonia, phosphate,
As(III) and As(IV), carbonate, borate, magnesium, calcium, strontium,
barium, lithium, sodium and potassium. The data for these substances
have been subject to a rigorous peer review before being selected
and frozen. The data for the supplemental components have been
less rigorously reviewed. The supplemental components include
those for silica, iron, manganese, uranium, palladium, nickel,
selenium and some organic complexes. Sources of the supplemental
data include WATEQ4F, HATCHES (Version 3.0), the March 1991 version
of the PSI MINEQL database and the April 1991 version of the PSI
PHREEQE database. A compilation of equilibrium constants for the
association of cations with various organic ligands was obtained
from Hummel (54).
Recommended data are provided for chemical thermodynamic properties
of gaseous, liquid and crystalline substances, for solutions in
water, and for mixed aqueous and organic solutions (3).
Where available, values are given for the enthalpy of formation,
Gibbs energy of formation, entropy and heat capacity at 298.15
K for a standard state pressure of 105 pascal.
The sources of the data are original research papers, private
communications with workers involved in chemical thermodynamics
and data acquired from other evaluators, for example JANAF Tables
This database (12) includes the capability
to calculate, tabulate and graphically display activity and osmotic
coefficients for aqueous electrolyte solutions. Approximately
350 solutes are represented. Temperature dependent properties
are given for some species and activities and osmotic coefficients
for mixed electrolyte solutions are also provided. This database
is available commercially from NIST.
This database (29) contains thermodynamic
data for ~150 condensed phase minerals, ~ 5 gases, liquids, and
~150 aqueous ions and complexes and also includes kinetic data
for the dissolution and precipitation of ~30 minerals. The emphasis
of the database is on aqueous chemistry. The data are obtained
from the literature and the values stored include DG, DH, S0,
Cp(T) and kinetic rate constants for specific reactions. From
this information, the activity coefficients for the aqueous species
are estimated. The database can be used for the temperature range
0 to 300°C and it uses the extended Debye-Hückel model
for aqueous ions. The database is in ASCII format and can be used
in conjunction with any program and it is available
PNC-TDB (Version 0) has been developed by the Power Reactor and
Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC), Japan (55).
The database includes thermodynamic data for pure compounds, gases,
liquids and aqueous ions and complexes comprising 44 elements,
7 gases and 465 reactions. Particular emphasis is on the interaction
between actinide/fission products with key minerals in rocks and
bentonite. Data have been obtained from a number of sources including
USGS (geochemical elements), NEA database (U, Tc), Battelle (Am),
AEA Technology (Sc, Zr, Ra, Pu, Th, Pa, Np) and the EQ3/6 database
(Sn). Most of the data are with reference to 25°C and stored
as log K and DH0r, in the same format used
by the PHREEQE series of codes, but there are also some limited
log K(T) data provided. Checks are made for internal consistency
and a summary of the documentation is available in English (while
the main document is written in Japanese). The database, which
is freely available from the database manager, is currently being
up-dated and a new release is scheduled for 1997.
The SOLMINEQ tables can be used in conjunction with the SOLMINEQ
code. The most recent version, SOLMINEQ-95 (56),
contains data for more than 200 pure minerals and gases and more
than 200 organic and inorganic aqueous species and complexes.
The data are in the format of log K values for dissolution reactions
and complexation constants which have been obtained from the literature.
The data have in some cases been extrapolated for use at higher
temperatures and pressures and the database can be used over the
temperature range 0-350°C for high pressures and salinity.
The data are checked by the database managers and a detailed report
is available.
In most modelling problems of aquatic systems, data for both aqueous
species and for pure substances are needed. Some of the Pure Substance
Databases referred in Section 2.1 also contain data for some aqueous
species. One such example is the NEA-TDB (11) which
contains data for pure compounds, gases, liquids and aqueous ions
and complexes, another is the ALKALI database (26).
CODATA values (8) are also important, since they are
frequently used as standard reference states. However, it must
be stressed that pure substance databases cannot be used with
aqueous databases without first establishing that common reference
states are used.
The CHEQMATE (CHemical EQuilibrium with Migration and Transport
Equations) program (57)
has been developed to model the evolution of spatially inhomogeneous
aqueous chemical systems. Such systems are characterised by simultaneous
chemical-equilibria and ion-migration processes. The program
has principally been used to study the evolution of the chemical
environment in and around a nuclear waste repository. A repository
will consist of a series of engineered barriers of different materials
designed to retard the release of radionuclides. The chemical
environment will evolve as these barriers degrade and interact
chemically, and as aqueous species migrate within the system.
CHEQMATE is a computer code which models one-dimensional diffusion
and electromigration of ionic species with chemical equilibration.
The chemical part of the code is based on the geochemical program
PHREEQE. This calculates the equilibrium water chemistry for
a particular chemical inventory and associated minerals and uses
a database of thermodynamic data. CHEQMATE predicts the evolution
of the aqueous chemistry and mineral inventory in time and space.
It includes an automatic mineral-accounting procedure, so that
solid phases may be added or removed from the system as precipitation
or dissolution occurs.
Unlike a number of other coupled codes under development which
solve the ionic-migration and chemical-equilibria equations in
a single step, the two parts of CHEQMATE are iteratively coupled,
and local chemical equilibrium is maintained as the transport
processes evolve. This approach has several advantages; the main
improvement is that it allows a more complex description of the
chemical system than is possible with many other codes. A second
improvement is that the program runs in a much shorter time, which
clearly facilitates the calculation of complex systems. This
is also particularly advantageous when the code is used in smaller
problems, in which there is some uncertainty in the physical parameters
in the system; sensitivity tests may be performed over ranges
of these parameter values without incurring very large expense.
CHEQMATE is also extremely flexible and can be easily applied
to many different evolving chemical systems.
The EQ3/6 software package (51)
for computing chemical equilibrium problems in aqueous geochemistry
includes two principal source codes, EQ3 and EQ6, and is available
OECD/NEA Data Bank, France and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
USA. Data files support model calculations in the temperature
interval 0-350C, either at pressures on the 1 atm.-steam saturation
curve or at a constant pressure of 500 bars. The activity coefficient
approximations for aqueous species are not suitable to describe
aqueous solutions of concentration greater than about 1 molal
ionic strength. There have been a succession of versions of the
database; the latest issue is Version 22.
EQ3 computes from input analytical data the distribution of chemical
species (ions, neutral species, ion-pairs, and complexes) in an
aqueous solution. The program uses the Newton-Raphson method
to solve the governing equations of chemical equilibrium for the
specified conditions; convergence is aided by optimising starting
estimates and under-relaxation techniques. This calculation produces
a model of the fluid, which specifies the concentration and thermodynamic
activity of each chemical species occurring in the chemical system
and included in the database. The program includes five supporting
data files containing both standard state and activity coefficient-related
data. Three support the use of the Davies equations for the activity
coefficients and two the use of Pitzer's equations. The program
then calculates the saturation state of the fluid with respect
to all relevant mineral phases in the database. The aqueous solution
model calculated by EQ3 is used as a starting point for mass transfer
computations by EQ6.
EQ6 can compute several kinds of mass transfer models. If the
initial model fluid is supersaturated with respect to any mineral
phases, the program first 'equilibrates' it by calculating a new
model of modified fluid plus precipitates. This new model satisfies
the original mass constraints. EQ6 then computes reaction progress
models of compositional evolution and mass transfer in a closed
or open (flow-through) system containing this aqueous solution
(with or without any initial precipitates). Reaction progress
may describe changes in temperature and pressure, irreversible
reaction of the fluid with reactants (rocks, minerals, gases),
or both of these simultaneously. The calculation predicts in
detail the changes in fluid composition, the identity, appearance,
and disappearance of secondary minerals, and the values of reaction
progress at which the fluid saturates with reactants.
ESP is a comprehensive software program (58)
for the simulation of complex chemical systems containing complex
aqueous electrolytes, organic systems, vapours and solids both
for steady state and dynamic conditions. The software was developed
and validated by a consortium of international companies led by
OLI Systems Inc. and is based on the 'ProChem' code, which has
been used to simulate complex chemical systems.
The program simulates both electrolyte and non-electrolyte based
systems by solving mathematical models which accurately represent
these systems. The models are sets of nonlinear algebraic equations
containing the appropriate thermodynamic parameters and are automatically
written by the software. ESP is based upon a thermodynamic framework
for aqueous systems that uses activity coefficient correlations
and ion-ion interactions as well as other properties which are
based upon work carried out by Bromley, Meissner, Pitzer and Zemaitis
and combined in the Helgeson framework. Through careful empirical
extension of activity coefficient correlations along with estimation
and extrapolation techniques, ProChem is generally applicable
in aqueous conditions over the range of 0 to 300°C, 0 to
200 atmospheres and 0 to 40 molal ionic strength, and for some
organic compounds and vapours to much higher temperatures (1500°C).
The ESP database contains over 3000 inorganic and organic compounds
of environmental interest; for each compound there are approximately
35 different thermodynamic and physical property parameters recorded
in the database. The software can search for a compound by species
name, formula, structure or via the periodic table. All the data
is fully referenced and has been thoroughly assessed before being
used in the database. A database management system is available
that allows the creation of user databases which may include previously
undocumented species data as well as data from the main database.
The management system also enables the user to produce reports,
check the references and update data. The database also has the
facility for the estimation and extrapolation of relevant thermodynamic
data, when the relevant data is not documented or the range of
conditions for the case being studied are outside the range of
the documented data. This is extremely important in environmental
processes where a wide variety of compounds can exist.
ESP contains a number of unit operations which can simulate single
stage and multistage steady state chemical phenomena. In these
unit operations the user specifies the conditions (i.e. temperature,
pressure, composition etc.) for which he wants to solve the algebraic
nonlinear equations, which in turn represent an accurate model
of the chemistry involved. The ESP system can predict phase separation
and intraphase speciation in chemical systems and can consider,
for example, equilibria between aqueous liquid, organic liquid,
vapour and solids as well as reaction kinetics.
The ESP system also contains a subsystem called Dynachem which
can simulate the behaviour of process plant, and control systems
together with complex chemistry under time varying conditions.
The process models can be run under real-time/interactive modes
which allow the user to watch the process and enable him to stop
the process at any moment in time, change some process parameter
then restart the process. The software has the capability of
simulating numerous process unit operations including amongst
others chemical reactors, mixing vessels, fractionating/stripping
columns, pumps, piping and heat exchangers.
The computer code MINEQL (50) was adapted
and extended to assess the solubility and speciation of radioactive
waste nuclides in groundwaters under conditions which are expected
to exist in the surroundings of planned underground repositories.
With the use of an additional database which includes standard
reaction enthalpies and heat capacities at 25°C, the relevant
equilibrium constants at 25°C can be converted to other temperatures
using Ulich's formulae. The activity coefficients for dissolved
species are modelled with a temperature dependent function of
the Davies approximation type.
The database at the Paul Scherrer Institute (59)
includes data for 1807 aqueous species/complexes, 415 solid phase
pure compounds and 7 gases with particular emphasis in the areas
of radionuclide chemistry and organic complexation. It is intended
for temperatures in the range 0 to 60°C, but about 20% of
the data have not been temperature corrected. The data are compiled
from the literature and for a particular reaction, the log K value,
DH0r and DCp0 of reaction
is stored. As far as possible a standard of zero ionic strength
is used. The database is compatible for use with the codes MINEQL
and PHREEQE and is freely available on request.
MULTEQ is an interactive computer programme (60)
which calculates the composition, pH and the concentration of
an aqueous solution as that solution is concentrated at a user
programmed temperature. It is designed to be used by water chemists
for nuclear pressurised water reactors (PWRs) concerned about
solution pH and concentration in PWR steam generators.
MULTEQ handles four classes of species; primary, combinations
in solution, combinations limited to the vapour phase, and precipitates.
Primary species may be charged or neutral and may combine to
form combination species or precipitates. The user specifies
the composition of the system by keying in the total concentration
of each primary species that is present. Combination species
in solution arise from the reaction of two or more primary species
or other combination species and are characterised by a charge,
mass balance contributions, and an equilibrium ratio between constituents.
Neutral species (primary or combination) may partition into the
vapour phase. Some species may be limited to the vapour phase.
These are species which have appreciable concentration in the
vapour phase, but are considered to have concentrations in the
liquid phase which are small enough to ignore in that phase.
Precipitates are combination species which are characterised by
solubility products relating the components and mass balance contributions.
Precipitates and vapour phase species always have neutral charge.
The concentration of each species at equilibrium is determined
by solving the set of nonlinear equations simultaneously.
A feature of MULTEQ is that the species database is separated
from the program code itself. The species file is read each time
the program is executed. A representative species data set is
supplied with the program. However, this data set may be altered
without any changes to the program code, thereby avoiding recompilations
and relinkings.
For concentrated solutions, activity coefficient equations are
employed. The equation used is a version of the extended Debye-Hückel
equation. Several assumptions are made in formulating the chosen
model. First, it is assumed that all monovalent ions have the
same activity coefficients. Second, it is assumed that the activity
coefficient z of a multivalent ion of charge z may be expressed
in terms of the monovalent activity coefficient (1) as follows:
The third assumption is that NaCl is the model substance and that
all monovalent cations behave like Na+ and all monovalent anions
behave like Cl-. The fourth assumption is that the Meissner-Lindsay
equation for the activity coefficient of NaCl is accurate from
50 to 335 C and for ionic strengths up to 100 molal. In fact,
this formulation is quite accurate from 150 to 300 C and for ionic
strength less than 10, and it gives reasonable results over the
entire range. The above assumptions were made to simplify the
complex question of activity coefficients and to provide a first
order approximation that does not depend on individual ionic species.
Neutral species also are assumed to have the same activity coefficient,
o, and the activity of liquid water is estimated using a correlation.
The geochemical code PHREEQE (52) was originally
written to model the interactions of natural waters with mineral
phases and simulate the chemical speciation of the aqueous solution.
The program calculates the equilibrium water chemistry for a
particular chemical inventory and associated minerals, and draws
on a database of thermodynamic data. It can model a large number
of aqueous chemical reactions including the mixing of solutions,
the titration of one solution against another, and the addition
of a stoichiometric chemical reaction. In each of these cases,
PHREEQE can simultaneously maintain the reacting solution at equilibrium
with multiple phases. A series of coupled chemical equations
are solved iteratively by the program to yield the following:
The original version of PHREEQE can handle a database of a maximum
of 27 elements, 250 species and 40 minerals. A preliminary thermodynamic
database is provided with the code, derived from the WATEQ2 (61)
database, and includes 120 aqueous species for 19 elements and
24 mineral species. A code PICKER (62) has
been developed which can select a PHREEQE-sized database for a
particular model from a much larger master-database. This allows
information on a large number of elements and species to be stored
as a single database whilst maintaining efficiency by not increasing
the array sizes in PHREEQE.
Some users of PHREEQE have modified the code for their own specific
applications and some examples are given below.
The program PHRQPITZ (63) is essentially a
version of the PHREEQE code which employs Pitzer's equations for
the activity coefficients of the aqueous species. A modified
database is provided with this version of the code.
The program HARPHRQ (64) is a modified version
of PHREEQE developed at Harwell. As PHREEQE has been applied
to an increasing number of problems it became a necessity to incorporate
additional features into the code, as options alongside the original
facilities. These include an additional choice for the method
of ionic strength correction, a method of minerals accounting
and the facility for fixing the pH of the solution.
A new version of the code, PHREEQC (49) developed by
USGS, can also be obtained from the NEA.
WATEQ4F Version 2.1 (65) is a chemical speciation
code for natural waters which also includes a self contained database
of thermodynamic data. The code uses field measurements of temperature,
pH, Eh, dissolved oxygen and alkalinity and the chemical analysis
of a water sample as input and calculates the distribution of
aqueous species, ion activities and mineral saturation indices
that indicate the tendency of a water to dissolve or precipitate
a set of minerals. The model assumes homogeneous aqueous phase
equilibria except for redox species and equilibrium with respect
to the solubility of the minerals is not assumed. The database
may also be used for reaction modelling with the codes BALANCE
WATEQ4F solves a set of non-linear mass action and mass balance
equations using the mathematical method known as the continued
fraction method. The Davies equation is used in most cases to
calculate individual ion activity coefficients for the solute
species. The temperature range over which WATEQ4F can be used
is 0 to 100°C but uncertainties increase considerably when
there are large departures from 25°C. Calculations are performed
at 1 bar pressure, although it should be noted that pressure is
not a variable parameter, and for a range of salinity up to that
for seawater. The database contains thermodynamic data for 650
species (and reactions) with the log K and DH of reaction stored.
Data is obtained by critical assessment of the literature with
internal consistency checked. Where possible the database is tested
against laboratory measurements or well characterised water chemistry.
Further developments of the database could lead to more data for
trace elements and improvements are required for applications
to higher salinity. The database is freely available from the
US Geological Survey.
Other closely comparable programs available include WATEQ (66),
WATEQF (67), WATEQ2 (61),
and WATEQ3 (68). The equilibrium condition
is derived by solving the set of nonlinear equations provided
by the mass law and the mole balance equations. Most of these
programs have been designed to deal with specific aqueous solutions,
in particular geochemical issues, and as such are difficult to
extend their application to other problem areas. There are also
other codes available, similar to ESP, that form part of a larger
suite of programs developed for chemical process modelling, for
example ASPEN PLUS.
Also of note is the SUPCRT92 code developed by Johnson et al (69)
which is a software package which can be used to calculate the
standard molar thermodynamic properties of minerals, gases, aqueous
species and reactions from 1 to 5000 bars and 0 to 1000°C
The Helgeson model, described by Oelkers et al (70),
uses an alternative approach to the Pitzer model and a separate
database which can be used with the SUPCRT92 code has been developed.
One of the major problems associated with developing a kinetics
database is the dependence of the reaction kinetics on the environmental
conditions. It is therefore difficult to apply a standard and
then extrapolate from this. Also for complex systems, the number
of possible interdependent reactions increases as a power series
and therefore obtaining experimental rate data or estimating rate
constants for a multicomponent multiphase problem can be very
onerous. To overcome this lack of kinetic data, a commonly used
approach in assessment studies is to perform thermodynamic calculations
with chemical reactions, which are unlikely to form due to kinetic
constraints, disabled. For example, in geochemical modelling,
most codes consider local equilibria only. Few kinetic data are
available for geochemical systems and, in most cases, meta-stable
phases are hardly considered, even when they are stable for relatively
long periods of time.
As revealed in the survey conducted by NEA, there are very few
kinetic databases which are readily available for widespread applications.
However, NIST market two chemical kinetics databases (12).
The NIST Chemical Kinetics Database provides access to kinetic
data for 7800 gas phase reactions, including data for 23500 rate
constants, 3800 compounds and 6000 references. The database can
be used to provide all of the literature on a particular reaction,
all of the reactions for a particular species, subsets of all
of the reactions and the data available from a given paper. Selected
sets of data may also be fitted to Arrhenius equations using least
squares fitting. The NDRL/NIST Solution Kinetics database provides
access to rate constants for radical processes involving inorganic
radicals and carbon centred organic radicals in aqueous solution
and organic peroxyl radicals in various solvents. This database
is derived from data evaluations at the Radiation Chemistry Centre
at the University of Notre Dame and includes over 13000 entries
for 9500 reactions and 7500 chemical species which may be reactants
or products. The database can be used to search for reactant pairs,
all reactions of a single reactant, reactions of species containing
a particular element, reactions generating a particular product
and author's names. The software also includes the ability to
search by chemical name fragments, as well as to collect various
acid-base forms of a particular species in the same search.
The HARKIN database (71) is currently being
developed by AEA Technology from critically assessed or calculated
rate constants for thousands of chemical reaction steps. Classes
of reactions that are covered include molecule-molecule, radical-molecule,
radical-radical, ion-molecule, electron collision and ion-ion
both in the gaseous and liquid phases. The data are suitable for
use with software such as FACSIMILE (72).
The data are available commercially, but usually a customised
package is prepared for customers to suit their particular problem.
Of the other responses to the survey, only one referred to the
development of a kinetic database. This was the PATH.ARC.DAT database
(29) developed by the Alberta Research Council
where rate data for the dissolution and precipitation of ~30 minerals
was stored in the form of rate constants.
The databases referred above are applicable to gas phase and aqueous
systems. Software is also available which enables diffusion and
the precipitation of phases to be modelled in condensed phase
systems using suitable thermodynamic and kinetic databases. DICTRA
(73) is a general software package for the
simulation of diffusion controlled transformations in multicomponent
systems of a simple geometry. Any number of components can be
treated provided that the necessary thermodynamic and kinetic
data are available. DICTRA is interfaced with THERMOCALC and solves
multicomponent diffusion equations in the various regions of a
material assuming that thermodynamic equilibrium (determined by
THERMOCALC) holds locally at all phase interfaces. Applications
include single phase problems such as the homogenisation of alloys;
moving boundary problems including the reactions in clad steels
and diffusion in dispersed systems such as the carburizing of
The most common problems in developing models for reaction kinetics
are how to treat surface catalysed reactions, reversible reactions,
the identification of rate limiting steps in a multicomponent
system and the formation of intermediate and meta-stable compounds.
However, it is likely that kinetic data could be used in applications
such as those which are relevant to the reprocessing field. Computational
methods in this area are still being developed, in particular
the combination of thermodynamic and kinetic data. There is also
development in the use of thermodynamic packages, such as MTDATA
with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes such as FLUENT and
CFX (74). An example of current applications in this
area include the modelling of high temperature lamp chemistry.
Nuclear applications which use CFD codes, such as fuel performance
modelling, may benefit from the further development of links between
such codes. It is this combination for clearly defined applications
and systems, where all the constraints can be identified at the
start of the model development, which may yield the best progress
in the future.
It is beyond the scope of this report to critically assess the
merits of each database which has been described in the preceding
sections. However some general comments are made here with regard
to the databases and their use.
As indicated in the preceding sections, there are three main types
of thermodynamic database; those for pure substances, solution
phases and aqueous systems. The pure substance databases tend
to be very generic and can be applied to solid and gas phase systems.
In contrast, the solution databases tend to be produced for a
specific purpose and are developed around specific models which
represent the excess Gibbs energy in the solution phases. Generally
solution databases are applied to metallic systems and oxide systems
where the complex interactions between miscible phases can have
a strong influence on the chemistry of the system. The aqueous
databases tend to be in the form of stand-alone databases or integrated
within codes and can be applied, for example, to the assessment
of leaching behaviour from active waste sites.
The response to the questionnaires show that there is a wide range
of substances and data covered by the existing databases and in
particular by the pure substance databases. In general the data
are often obtained from the same standard sources although differences
between the databases arise from the different methods of critical
assessment used; different sets of data being preferred over another;
or the use of different reference states. Weaknesses in the databases
tend to be associated more with the development of adequate models
to represent, for example, the modelling of the excess Gibbs energy
for particular solution phases. Also the ability to model aqueous
systems is still limited at the moment to systems which are very
dilute and most of the data available are restricted to temperatures
near 25°C. The development of solution models to describe
complex systems will be continued in areas where it is important
to reduce the uncertainties associated with treating systems as
ideal mixtures. However, the development of such models and databases
is labour intensive and very specialised because of the effort
required to optimise the thermodynamic data in order to reproduce
experimental phase diagrams. For many simple applications and
in particular gas phase chemistry at high temperatures the use
of pure substance databases is probably adequate.
The extent to which a database is complete and therefore contains
all the possible compounds that can be formed for a given set
of components is referred to as coherency. Not all users of a
particular database will be aware, without performing a literature
review of their own, whether the database is complete or not.
Performing calculations with missing compounds can lead to totally
misleading results. There are two reasons why the substances may
be missing. The first is that there are no data for those substances
and the second is that the formation of that compound is unknown.
One method of informing users of the substances that have been
identified for a particular system and where assessed data may
be found is to establish an international register of thermodynamic
databases with a list of the substances contained in them. Ideally
this would be accessible on-line through a computer network and
could be managed by the NEA.
The use of estimating data is relatively common for substances
where no data are available. In compilations (e.g. such as Barin)
these estimated data are clearly labelled. However, it is recognised
that in the case of databases supplied and used in conjunction
with computer codes, the user will not be aware of whether the
data are measured or estimated. Some methods are available for
the estimation of data but these rely on the expertise and experience
of the estimator. The reasons why data are estimated are to reduce
the problems of incomplete databases, i.e. the lack of coherency
referred above, but it must be recognised that estimated data
have a large degree of uncertainty associated with them.
A number of the databases use CODATA values as standard references.
Also most of the databases are compiled by critical assessment
of data from the open literature. It is likely that many of the
databases will rely on the same original sources although the
format in which the data is stored and the 'fit' obtained by the
critical assessment of the data may be different and therefore
could lead to slight differences between the databases. In general
the databases enable the Gibbs energy of the components to be
either stored as a polynomial function describing its variation
with temperature or calculated from DH0, S0
and a function used to describe Cp(T). For aqueous databases log
K values are usually preferred.
Many of the databases have been described as being internally
consistent. This means for aqueous databases in particular that
a suitable reference species is used. Also in the case of solution
databases it means that if data for a single component has been
changed, then the phase diagrams affected by that particular component
have been re-assessed to ensure that they are still also correct.
In these particular cases, it can be very important not to mix
data from one database with another since they may not be compatible.
For example, databases such as HATCHES, which contain some data
for condensed phase minerals, have a different reference state
from that used by a pure substance databases, such as the SGTE
Pure Substance Database, and therefore should not be used together.
In general users need to be aware that databases are often developed
for specific purposes and the level of review imposed on the data
and the inclusion of data for less common substances will be reflected
by this.
In the responses to the questionnaires it was evident that Quality
Assurance procedures were being followed in both reviewing the
data and in managing the databases. In the case of many of the
commercial databases the data were critically evaluated by a group
of experts rather than a single individual. In some instances,
the data processing associated with assessing data from the literature
was performed using a set of standard frozen computer codes and
therefore was done in accordance with a standard procedure. The
use of conventions such as the CALPHAD/SGTE method have also been
referred. Changes to the databases were also typically done in
a controlled manner by either restricting access to the raw database
to a single database manager or using change control software
to record all changes to the database.
The method of peer review and the competence of the peer reviewers
is another factor which needs to be considered. For all of the
databases which are freely available, the data and the review
of that data are presented in documentation which is openly available.
Conversely, in the case of most of the commercial databases this
is not the case and the peer review process is not published.
While it is recognised that a commercial supplier of databases
will not readily publish their assessed data or the review process
to justify their selection of data, it should be possible to include
the names of the peer reviewers with the product to provide an
element of accountability.
Most of the databases referred to in this report are available
commercially with a few which are freely available on request.
The free databases tend to be flat file structures which can be
accessed by either standard database management codes such as
DBASE, spreadsheet packages or word processors i.e. they are not
specific to any particular computer codes. The commercial databases
tend to be available in formats which can only be directly accessed
by a number of computer codes and the data are in a format which
supports the use of specific models used by these codes. These
have the advantage that they do not need reformatting for use
with these software packages, but they cannot be accessed directly
as standalone databases.
It has been highlighted that there are very few kinetic databases
in use and although there are some which are commercially available,
it is unlikely that these are sufficiently focused on substances
relevant to nuclear applications to meet practical requirements.
The commercial databases are restricted to reactions in gas phase
and aqueous systems and some data are available on precipitation
rates in solutions. Generally those modelling complex systems
using thermodynamic codes can 'disable' specific reactions or
products which are unlikely to form due to kinetic constraints.
High temperature gas phase chemistry is also likely to achieve
near equilibrium conditions. However, there are probably a large
number of applications, in particular involving non-ideal systems,
which could be modelled more accurately if kinetic data were available
and this is perhaps an area which needs to be highlighted and
discussed further by expert groups in considering future requirements.
Modelling techniques are now suitably advanced to use kinetic
and thermodynamic data together as exemplified by the development
of software such as DICTRA and the linking of some thermodynamic
packages with CFD codes. In these areas the development of such
modelling techniques further supports the need to collate kinetic
data appropriate to such applications.
Following the preparation of the first draft of this paper, a
meeting (75) was held at NEA headquarters
to discuss aspects raised by this review. A second draft of the
report was issued following the meeting. After further comments,
received by correspondence, a 3rd draft was prepared; and following
a wider distribution for comment of the 3rd draft to members of
the Nuclear Science Committee Task Force on Chemistry and contributors
to the database survey this final report has been prepared. The
following recommendations were proposed during the meeting on
the basis of the first draft of this review.
Some further comments which have been received by correspondence
are as follows:
Index of Chemical analysis, radiation chemistry computer
Index of geochemical modelling computer programs
2.1.5. NEA-TDB (Nuclear Energy Agency)
2.1.6. NIST Thermodynamic and Thermochemical Databases
2.1.7. NUCLMAT (AEA Technology)
2.1.8. SGTE (Scientific Group Thermodata Europe)
2.1.9. TBASE (ECN)
2.1.10. THERMOCOMP (Thermodata)
2.1.12. Other pure substance databases
2.1.13 Aqueous databases containing pure substance data
2.2. Solution Databases
2.2.1. F*A*C*T Oxide database (Ecole Polytechnic, Canada)
2.2.2. GEOKEM95 (Uppsala University, Sweden)
2.2.3. MCCI (Thermodata)
2.2.4. NUCLOX (AEA Technology)
2.2.5. Solution Database (SGTE)
2.2.6. THERMALLOY (Thermodata)
2.2.7. Other solution databases
2.3. Aqueous Databases
2.3.1. Stand-alone databases AQDATA and HOTAQ (National Physical Laboratory, UK) CHEMVAL (CEC funded programme) HATCHES (AEA Technology / Nirex)
HATCHES has been created using the Ashton-Tate DBASE(III) Plus
software on a PC-DOS/MS-DOS computer. It comprises two database
files, one for the aqueous species and the other for the solid
phases. Each record is indexed on four different fields: NAME,
METAL, LIGAND, and REFERENCE, which enables easy searching and
retrieval of datasets. For each element in the system, one aqueous
species is selected as the 'master species' and all other aqueous
species are then described in terms of mass action involving the
master species and the associated equilibrium constant for that
reaction. The choice of master species for an element is arbitrary
but consistency must be maintained throughout the database. NAGRA Thermochemical Database Bureau of standards Tables NIST/DIPPR Properties of Aqueous solutions database PATH.ARC.DAT (Alberta Research Council, Canada) PNC-TDB (PNC) SOLMINEQ (US Geological Survey) Pure Substance databases
2.3.2. Databases integrated within computer codes CHEQMATE EQ3 AND EQ6 ESP MINEQL/PSI (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland) MULTEQ PHREEQE
The chemical system to be equilibrated by PHREEQE is defined using
analytical data for its chemical composition, pH, redox potential
(Eh) and temperature. The chemical composition of the system
at equilibrium is computed in PHREEQE from the analytical data
and the thermodynamic database. Two main options are available
in the original PHREEQE code for the activity coefficient expressions
of the ionic species:
The latter formulation is preferred but is only accurate up to
a maximum ionic strength of 0.5 M. Other more sophisticated methods
to describe these concentrated solutions could be used in the
code but tend to suffer from a lack of data for additional parameters
particular to the system being modelled. WATEQ4F (US Geological Survey) Other computer codes
available from OECD/NEA (February 1996)
CARBOX Equilibrium of non-stoichiometric mix of oxides, carbides and methane
COLUMN 1-D migration for various physico-chemical processes
CONCHAS-SPRAY Reactive flows with fuel sprays
GTM TRUEX solvent extraction process model
HCT Time dependent 1-D gas hydrodynamics, chemical kinetics, mass transport
KINETICS Chemical reaction kinetics analysis
KIVA Transient multicomponent 2-D, 3-D reactive flows with fuel sprays
RHFPPP SCF-LCAO-MO calculation for closed shell and open shell organic molecules
RICE-LASL Hydrodynamics of chemically reactive mix by 2-D Navier-Stokes equations
SOLGASMIX-PV Chemical system equilibrium of gaseous and condensed phase mix
SOLVEX Dynamic and steady state mixer-settler and centrifugal contactor behaviour
available from
OECD/NEA (February 1996)
EQ-3 and EQ6 Thermodynamic equilibrium for aqueous solution mineral systems
HARPHRQ Geochemical reaction modelling
MINEQL Chemical equilibrium compositions of aqueous systems
MINTEQ Aqueous chemical equilibria
NEARSOL Aqueous speciation and solubility of actinides for waste disposal
PHREEQC Modelling of geochemical reactions, calculation of P-H redox potential
PHREEQE Modelling of geochemical reactions, calculation of P-H redox potential
PHRQPITZ Geochemical calculations in brines
RIPP2 PC interface to geochemical code PHREEQE
SOLGASMIX-PV Chemical system equilibrium of gaseous and condensed phase mix
SOLUPLOT EH-PH diagrams, A02-PH diagram plots for aqueous chemical systems
WATEQ4F Aqueous speciation calculation of natural waters
WHATIF-AQ Geochemical speciation and saturation of aqueous solution
ZZ-HATCHES Thermodynamic data for radiochemical modelling
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