6th Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation
Physics: Nuclear data and Experiments
Materials, Fuels and Targets
D'Hondt (SCK·CEN)
- Design
and Characteristics of the n_TOF Experiment at CERN,
D. Cano-Ott (CIEMAT).
- Recent
Capture Cross-sections Validation on Th-232 from 0.1 eV
to 40 keV and Self-shielding Effect Evaluation,
A. Billebaud et al. (CNRS/IN2P3/UJF).
- Double
Differential Cross-section
for Protons Emitted in Reactions of 96.5 MeV Neutrons on
Enriched Pb-208 Targets,
F.R. Lecolley et al. (CNRS/IN2P3, Subatech, Uppsala
University, ULB, IreS).
- Measurements
of Particule Emission Spectra in Proton Induced Reactions
of Interest for the Development of Accelerator Driven Systems,
N. Marie et al. (CNRS/IN2P3, Subatech, IPN, ULB,
CEA, IreS).
- Intermediate
Energy Neutron-induced Fission Cross-sections for Prospective
Neutron Production Target in ADS,
A.N. Smirnov et al. (Khlopin, Uppsala University).
- Nucleon-induced
Fission Cross-sections Calculations and Development of Transmutation-activation
Data Library for Transitive Energy Region 20-200 MeV,
S. Yavshits et al. (Khlopin, Institute of Nuclear
Power Engineering).
- Neutron
Radiative Capture Cross-section of Th-232 in the Energy
Range from 0.06 to 2 MeV, D. Karamanis et al. (CEN,
- Determination
of the Neutron Fission Cross-section for Pa-233 from 0.5
to 10 MeV Using the Transfer Reaction Th-232(He-3, pf)Pa-234,
M. Petit et al. (CEN, ISN).
- Measurement
of Double Differential Cross-sections for Light Charged
Particles Production in Neutron Induced Reactions at 62.7
MeV on Lead Target, M. Kerveno et al. (Subatech,
IPN, Institute of Atomic Physics Bucharest, LPCC Caen).
- High
and Intermediate Energy Nuclear Data for Accelerator Driven
Systems - The HINDAS Project, J.P. Meulders et al. (UCL, KVI, University of Santiago de Compostela, CEA,
Université de Liège, Subatech, FZ Juelich, NRCG, LPCC/CNRS/ISMRa/Université
de Caen, ZSR-Hanover, Uppsala University, Darmstadt, Braunschweig,
ETHZ-Zurich, PSI).
- A
Study on Burnable Absorber for a Fast Sub-critical Reactor
HYPER, Y.H. Kim et al. (KAERI, Seoul National
Last reviewed: 6 April 2011