6th Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation
Transmutation Systems and Safety
Y. Arai (JAERI) - W. Gudowski (KTH)
paper "Safety Considerations
in Design of Fast Neutron Spectrum ADS
for TRU or MA Burning", D. Wade (ANL)
- Safety
Analysis of Nitride Fuels in Cores Dedicated to Waste Transmutation,
J. Wallenius et al. (KTH).
- Aspects
of Severe Accidents in Transmutation Systems, H. Wider et al. (EC/JRC/Ispra).
- A
Simple Model to Evaluate the Natural Convection Impact on
the Core Transients in Liquid Metal Cooled ADS,
A. D'Angelo et al. (ENEA, Politecnico di Torino).
- Comparative
Study for Minor Actinide Transmutation in Various Fast Reactor
Core Concepts,S. Ohki (JNC).
- Study on a Lead-bismuth
Cooled Accelerator Driven Transmutation System, H. Takano et al. (JAERI).
- Transuranics
Elimination in an Optimised Pebble-bed Sub-critical Reactor,
P. León et al. (ETSI, Soreq NRC).
- Transmutation
of Nuclear Wastes with Gas-cooled Pebble-bed ADS, A.
Abánades et al. (LAESA, ORNL, Universidad Politécnica
de Valencia and Madrid).
- Myrrha, a Multi-purpose
ADS for R&D as First Step Towards Waste Transmutation -
Current Status of the Project, H. Aït Abderrahim et
al. (SCK·CEN, IBA).
- ADS: Status of the Studies
Performed by the European Industry, B. Carluec et
al. (Framatome, Ansaldo).
- Helium-cooled
Reactor Technologies for Accelerator Transmutation of Nuclear
Waste, A. Baxter et al.
(General Atomics).
in the Future?
V. Gonzalez (ENRESA) - M. Salvatores (CEA)
Chairman IEM Summary introducing key-questions and panel discussion,
including A. Colino (ENRESA), J. Arana (MECO) and F. Yndurain
Munoz (CIEMAT). Oral closing remarks were given by M. Hugon
(EC), L. Van den Durpel (OECD/NEA) and A. Colino (ENRESA).
Last reviewed: 6 April 2011