NJOY User Group Meeting
26 November 2007
NEA offices, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
An NJOY user group meeting was held on 26 November at the NEA, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France.
The presentations given at the meeting are listed below, along with related links to further material on NJOY.
Monday, 26 Nov, Room B
9.30 Opening of the meeting
- Welcome and Practicalities
- Introduction, (JEFDOC-1225, Skip Kahler)
- Recent updates in NJOY, (JEFDOC-1225, Skip Kahler)
- New thermal data processing with NJOY-99.252,(JEFDOC-1203, J-Ch. Sublet, R. E. MacFarlane)
- Assessment of survived radiation defects by a modified version of NJOY, (JEFDOC-1223,S. Simakov)
- Development of the PSG Monte Carlo Reactor Physics Code, (JEFDOC-1205,J. Leppanen)
- Nuclear data activities at IRSN, (JEFDOC-1214, W. Haeck and J. Miss)
- ERRORJ in NJOY & processing of covariance matrices, (JEFDOC-1225, Skip Kahler)
- Experience using ERRORJ, (JEFDOC-1227, I. Kodeli)
- Open discussion ( “future update strategies”, “transition from njoy99 to njoy2008”, “future LANL/User interaction”)
NJOY Update Procedures, (JEFDOC-1222, A. Trkov)
- Closing