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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
ENDF-UTILITY-CODES | USCD1235/03 | Tested | 02-OCT-2012 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
USCD1235/03 | Many Computers | Linux-based PC,PC Windows |
More information on the ENDF Utility Codes is available at
The ENDF Utility Codes include 9 codes to check and standardize data in the Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF). Four programs of this release, GETMAT, LISTEF, PLOTEF and SETMDC are no more maintained since release 6.13.
The suite of ENDF utility codes includes:
CHECKR (version 8.01) is a program for checking that an evaluated data file conforms to the ENDF format.
FIZCON (version 8.01) is a program for checking that an evaluated data file has valid data and conforms to recommended procedures.
GETMAT (version 6.13) is designed to retrieve one or more materials from an ENDF formatted data file. The output will contain only the selected materials.
INTER (version 7.01) calculates thermal cross sections, g-factors, resonance integrals, fission spectrum averaged cross sections and 14.0 MeV (or other energy) cross sections for major reactions in an ENDF-6 or ENDF-5 format data file.
LISTEF (version 6.13) is designed to produce summary and annotated listings of a data file in either ENDF-6 or ENDF-5 format.
PLOTEF (version 6.13) is designed to produce graphical displays of a data file in either ENDF-5 or ENDF-6 format. The form of graphical output depends on the graphical devices available at the installation where this code will be used.
PSYCHE (version 8.00) is a program for checking the physics content of an evaluated data file. It can recognise the difference between ENDF-5 or ENDF-6 formats and performs its tests accordingly.
SETMDC (version 6.13) is a utility program that converts the source decks of programs to different computers (DOS, UNIX, LINUX, VMS, WINDOWS).
STANEF (version 8.01) performs bookkeeping operations on a data file containing one or more material evaluations in ENDF format.
The version 8.0X corrects all bugs reported to NNDC as of February 1, 2009 and supersede all previous releases. One code INTER is actually ported from the 7.01 release without any change.
Four programs: GETMAT, LISTEF, PLOTEF and SETMDC are no more maintained since release 6.13.
See the corresponding abstracts of:
CHECKR can recognise the difference between ENDF-6 and ENDF-5 formats and performs its tests accordingly. Integer control fields are checked to see that ENDF/B procedural limits on those fields are not violated. To the extent possible, fatal format errors are trapped to prevent unwanted termination of the program. Any file which passes through CHECKR without error messages fully conforms.
FIZCON can recognise the difference between ENDF-6 and ENDF-5 formats and performs its tests accordingly. Some of the tests performed include:
data arrays are in increasing energy order;
resonance parameter widths add up to the total;
Q-values are reasonable and consistent;
no required sections are missing and all cover the proper energy range;
secondary distributions are normalized to 1.0;
energy conservation in decay spectra.
Optional tests can be performed to check the redundant cross sections, and algorithms can be used to check for possible incorrect entry of data values (Deviant Point test).
INTER performs integrations by using the trapezoidal rule.
PSYCHE checks for energy conservation for emitted neutrons and photons, checks Wick's limit for elastic scattering, analyses resonance parameter statistics, calculates thermal cross sections and resonance integrals, examines continuity across resonance region boundaries and checks "Q" values against mass tables.
STANEF operations include:
Creation or modification of a "tape ID" record,
Creation or update of the directory in MT=451,
Create or modify special hollerith ID records in MT=451 (ENDF-6 only),
Conversion of integer and floating point fields to standard format,
Creation of a binary (ENDF alternate format) file.
Tested at the NEA Databank on:
- COMPUTER : 1) Dell Precision Workstation 670, Intel Xeon CPU 2.66GHz, 1024Kb
2) Dell Power Edge 1750 Server Dual Intel Xeon 3.2 GHz Pentium IV
- OPERATING SYSTEM : 1) Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1.2600)
2) RedHat Entreprise Linux Version 4.8
- COMPILER: 1) Compaq Visual Fortran Professional Edition 6.1
2) Lahey FORTRAN 95
Keywords: ENDF/B, computer graphics, cross sections, data analysis, data processing, information retrieval, libraries, maintenance, plotting, resonance integrals, resonance scattering, thermal neutrons, thermal scattering.