load module mag tapeCOMIBINE.EXE COMBINE executable for IBM PC LODTP
load module mag tapeSCOPE.EXE execut. for an iteractive input LODTP
test-case data mag tapeC01.INP input for a test-case (TRX Lattice)DATTP
test-case output mag tapeC01.OUT printed output file to C01.INP OUTTP
test-case data mag tapeC09.INP test-case input file DATTP
test-case data mag tapeA09.INP ANISN/PC input file DATTP
test-case output mag tapeC09.OUT printed output file to C09.INP OUTTP
test-case output mag tapeA09.OUT ANISN/PC print. output to A09.INP OUTTP
test-case data mag tapeC11.INP test-case input test-case DATTP
test-case output mag tapeC11.OUT printed output file to C11.INP OUTTP
error file mag tapeF77.EER error message for Lahey FORTRAN ERRTP
symb data lib mag tapeFASTLIB.001 fast energy range master Lib. LBSTP
symb data lib mag tapeFASTLIB.002 fast energy range master Lib. LBSTP
symb data lib mag tapeFASTLIB.003 fast energy range master Lib. LBSTP
symb data lib mag tapeFASTLIB.004 fast energy range master Lib. LBSTP
symb data lib mag tapeFASTLIB.005 fast energy range master Lib. LBSTP
test-case data mag tapeFINST.BAT DOS batch file DATTP
load module mag tapeBINPHRG.EXE executable program (IBM-PC) LODTP
test-case data mag tapeBINPHRG.INP input for BINPHRG.EXE DATTP
symb data lib mag tapeTABTABPC.CDS ASCII card-image file LBSTP
test-case data mag tapeRINST.BAT DOS batch file DATTP
load module mag tapeBINTP12.EXE executable program (IBM-PC) LODTP
test-case data mag tapeBINTP12.INP input for BINTP12.EXE DATTP
symb data lib mag tapeTHRMLIB.001 thermal ener. range master Lib.LBSTP
symb data lib mag tapeTHRMLIB.002 thermal ener. range master Lib.LBSTP
symb data lib mag tapeTHRMLIB.003 thermal ener. range master Lib.LBSTP
symb data lib mag tapeTHRMLIB.004 thermal ener. range master Lib.LBSTP
symb data lib mag tapeTHRMLIB.005 thermal ener. range master Lib.LBSTP
symb data lib mag tapeTHRMLIB.006 thermal ener. range master Lib.LBSTP
symb data lib mag tapeTHRMLIB.007 thermal ener. range master Lib.LBSTP
symb data lib mag tapeTHRMLIB.008 thermal ener. range master Lib.LBSTP
test-case data mag tapeTINST.BAT DOS batch file DATTP
load module mag tapeBININCI.EXE executable program (IBM-PC) LODTP
test-case data mag tapeBININCI.INP input for BININCI.EXE DATTP
source program mag tapeC000.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC010.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC100.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC200.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC210.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC220.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC230.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC240.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC250.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC260.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC270.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC300.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC310.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC320.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC330.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC340.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC400.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeC500.FOR FORTRAN source code SRCTP
source program mag tapeSCOPE.FOR source code for interactive inp. SRCTP
source program mag tapeBINPHRG.FOR source fast spectrum Library SRCTP
source program mag tapeBINTP12.FOR source resonance tables SRCTP
source program mag tapeBININCI.FOR source thrm spectr. master Lib.SRCTP
report EGG-2589 Rev. 1 (February 1991) REPPT