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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
SAUNA V1.1 | NEA-1898/01 | Arrived | 09-DEC-2016 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
NEA-1898/01 | PC Windows |
The SAUNA system is a software used to analyze uncertainties by using the TEXAS code (v.5). The SAUNA system is oriented for the TEXAS code. Thus its usage is restricted to authorized users. (The TEXAS code was developed by Corradini at Wisconsin university, and is a program used to analyze a steam explosion).
This system provides graphs and convenient functions such as sampling, execution control of the TEXAS code, and variable selection. This system can be used for the following purposes:
- Random number sampling for the variables of TEXAS code input
Designation of input template file and reading of variables
Adjustment of the range of the variables
Creation of sampling for TEXAS code input or reading of existing sampling
- Control of the TEXAS code execution
Designation of input template file
Make batch file for TEXAS execution
- Execution of created batch file
- Analysis of the TEXAS code results
Designation of variables from the result files
Data extraction for the selected variables from the result files
Statistical analysis from the extracted data
Plot from the extracted data
The license for the TEXAS code v5 should be secured in advance. For this reason, it is recommended not to include TEXAS execution file in the distribution.
1) Random Number Sampling (Tab-1)
Preparation of input template file
Parameter selection (preparation of “Variable List” file for uncertainty analysis)
Sampling generation (normal distribution, uniform distribution)
2) TEXAS code Execution Control (Tab-2)
File check: TEXAS code execution file, Input template file
Select input file including target variables
Preparation of batch procedure (combine input template file with sampling data)
3) Batch processing of TEXAS code (DOS command mode)
4) TEXAS code Result Analysis (Tab-3)
File check: target files of batch processing
Select target variable
Data extraction for selected variable
Result analysis (statistical and plot)
1) Theoretically, there is no limitation of the sample size. However, in consideration of the PC capacity or TEXAS code characteristics, a sample size of 200 and more is recommended.
2) Related to the characteristic of the TEXAS code, during the process of the batch procedure, the execution of the TEXAS code can be terminated abnormally. To solve this problem, the additional program “statistics1” is offered.
3) TEXAS code (t5.exe) is authorized for the limited users. User should be the authorized users.
The TEXAS code within the SAUNA system can be terminated abnormally. During the batch processing, the process of the batch procedure should be examined. After termination of the batch procedure, an abnormal TEXAS code execution can be adjusted through the processing of the “statistics1” program.
Within the SAUNA system, 7 programs are included:
1) sampling: processing the sampling data according to the “VarList.txt” file (used in Tab-1)
2) t5: TEXAS code v5 (DOS version, used in batch processing)
3) MakeInput: process of combining input template file and sampling data (used in Tab-2)
4) statistics1: In the case of an abnormal termination of the TEXAS code, adjust the result files to be excluded from the result. This corresponds the sampling data with statistical analysis data
5) datapro1: After batch processing, extract the variables for a possible analysis and make a variable list (used in Tab-3)
6) datapro2: After batch processing, extract numerical data for the designated variables (used in Tab-3)
7) statistics: Numerical analysis for the extracted numerical data (used in Tab-3)
- M.L.Corradini, M.EI-Beshbeeshy, S.Nilsuwankowsit, J.Tang, "Fuel Fragmentation Model Advance using TEXAS-V", OECD/CSNI Specialist Meeting on Fuel-Coolant Interactions, JAERI, Japan, May 19-21, 1997.
Package ID | Computer language |
NEA-1898/01 | Compaq Visual Fortran, VISUAL STUDIO, VISUAL BASIC |
Sunhee Park, Kwang-Il Ahn
Integrated Risk Assessment Division,
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
111, Daedeok-daero 989Beon-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
Republic of Korea
*Ik Kyu Park*
Thermal Hydraulics Safety Research Division,
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
111, Daedeok-daero 989Beon-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
Republic of Korea
Keywords: severe accident, uncertainty analysis.