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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
TRIPOLI-4 VERSION 9S | NEA-1878/02 | Tested | 29-OCT-2019 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
NEA-1878/02 | Linux-based PC,UNIX W.S. | Linux-based PC |
TRIPOLI-4 version 9S solves the linear Boltzmann equation for neutrons and photons, with the Monte Carlo method, in any 3D geometry. The code uses ENDF format continuous energy cross-sections, from various international evaluations including JEFF-3.1.1, ENDF/B-VII.0, JENDL4 and FENDL2.1. Its official nuclear data library for applications, named CEAV5.1.1, is mainly based on the European evaluation JEFF-3.1.1 and is the only one delivered in this NEA package. TRIPOLI-4 version 9S solves fixed source problems. It has advanced variance reduction methods to address deep penetration issues. Thanks to its robust and efficient parallelism capability, calculations are easily performed on multi-core single units, heterogeneous networks of workstations and massively parallel machines. Additional productivity tools, graphical as well as algorithmic, allow the user to efficiently set its input decks. With its large V&V data base, TRIPOLI-4 version 9S is used as a reference code for industrial purposes (fission/fusion), as well as a R&D and teaching tool, for radiation protection and shielding and nuclear instrumentation.
TRIPOLI-4 is a registered trademark of CEA.
Nuclear data:
Typically any ENDF-6 format evaluation may be used. In this NEA package, TRIPOLI-4 version 9S comes with the CEAV5.1.1 nuclear data library, mainly based on the JEFF-3.1.1 evaluation.
Energy ranges:
Neutron : 10E-11 to 20 MeV
Photon : 1 keV to 100 MeV
3-D surface based and combinatorial with network and network of networks.
The code comes with a 2D interactive display of geometry and material.
Volume, surface, point flux, current, reaction rate, deposited energy, dpa, pka, gaz production.
Variance reduction:
Exponential Transform, splitting/roulette, automated estimation of importance map.
Density, concentration of isotopes, partial cross-sections.
Verification & Validation based on SINBAD for radiation protection and shielding. No V&V documentation is provided with this NEA package.
Data library distributed with TRIPOLI-4 v9S:
CEAV5.1.1 nuclear data library, mainly based on JEFF-3.1.1, with thermal cross sections and probability tables on the same temperature grid
Qfission: energy release during fission library
O. Petit, N. Huot, C. Jouanne, "Implementation of Photonuclear Reactions in the Monte Carlo Transport Code TRIPOLI-4 and its First Validation in Waste Package Field", SNA + Monte Carlo 2010, Tokyo (Japan), Oct. 17-21, 2010.
F.-X. Hugot, Y.K. Lee, "New display tool for the Monte-Carlo particle transport code TRIPOLI-4", SNA + Monte Carlo 2010, Tokyo (Japan), Oct. 17-21, 2010.
C. Trakas, O. Petit, "TRIPOLI-4 Green's Functions & MCNP5 Importance to Estimate ex-core Detector Response on a N4 PWR", SNA + Monte Carlo 2010, Tokyo (Japan), Oct. 17-21, 2010.
J.-C. Trama et al., "Overview of TRIPOLI-4 version 7 Continuous Energy Monte Carlo Code", ICAPP 2011.
O. Petit, N. Huot, C. Jouanne, "Implementation of Photonuclear Reactions in the Monte Carlo Transport Code TRIPOLI-4 and its First Validation in Waste Package Field", Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (PNST), Vol 2, Oct. 2011, pp 798-802.
O. Petit, Y.-K. Lee, C.M. Diop, "Variance Reduction Adjustment in Monte Carlo TRIPOLI-4 Neutron Gamma Coupled Calculations", ICRS-12 & RPSD-2012, Nara, Japon, Sept. 2-7, 2012.
Zoia, E. Brun, C. Jouanne, F. Malvagi, "Doppler Broadening of Neutron Elastic Scattering Kernels in TRIPOLI-4", Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.54, April 2013, pp 218-226.
Y.-K. Lee, "use of TRIPOLI-4.5 mesh tally to investigate power maps of the LEU-COMP-THERM-008 PWR critical lattices", M&C 2009.
Y.-K. Lee and O. Petit, "Display of Collision Sites with TRIPOLI-4 Monte Carlo Code", ANS RPSD 2010, Las Vegas, NV (USA), Apr. 18-23, 2010.
Y.-K. Lee, F.-X. Hugot, "TRIPOLI-4 Shielding Calculation Capabilities for Fusion Facilities", SOFT-12, Liege, Belgique, Sep. 24-28, 2012.
S. Bourganel, O. Petit, C.M. Diop, "3D Particle Transport Using Green's Functions in TRIPOLI-4 Monte Carlo Code. Application to PWR Neutron Fluence and ex-core Response Studies", Nuclear Technology 2013.
LINUX 32 or 64 bits PC or cluster.
TRIPOLI-4.9S requires 100 Mbytes of disk space. The associated nuclear data library, CEAV5.1.1, requires 20 Gbytes of disk space.
Tested at the NEA Data Bank on:
COMPUTER: Dell Precision M6800 with Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-4800MQ CPU at 2.70 GHz x 8, RAM: 16.0 GB
TRIPOLI-4.9S: No sources are included.
The binaries in this package have been produced and tested on Linux32 and Linux64 bits platforms.
Depending on the operating system, the exact version of the system libraries used in Tripoli4 may be available or not. In case of missing libraries, the system manager will install them. The ldd command used on the binary can help to identify if there are missing libraries. The environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH may be used to specify directories containing the missing libraries.
Developed by the TRIPOLI-4 Project Team (in alphabetical order) Emeric BRUN, Frederic DAMIAN, Eric DUMONTEIL, Francois-Xavier HUGOT, Yi-Kang LEE, Fausto MALVAGI, Alain MAZZOLO, Odile PETIT, Jean-Christophe TRAMA, Thierry VISONNEAU, Andrea ZOIA:
CEA Saclay
Nuclear Energy Directorate
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of:
The CEA Nuclear Data Teams at Saclay and Cadarache for their very valuable contributions to the CEAV5.1.1 nuclear data package and its V&V.
The CEA Nuclear Analysis Teams at Saclay, Cadarache and other CEA centers for their very valuable contributions to the code through their extensive use of it and their feedback.
Keywords: 3D, Monte Carlo, continuous energy cross sections, neutron, nuclear instrumentation, photon, radiation protection, radiation shielding.