Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks and Safety Joint Projects
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REACTORPHYSICS-62-91, Archive of Reactor Physics Reports and Summaries of [N]EACRP (1962-1991)

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Program name Package id Status Status date
REACTORPHYSICS-62-91 NEA-1873/01 Arrived 12-DEC-2012

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NEA-1873/01 Many Computers
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Fifty years ago (1962) a group of scientists and nuclear programme managers from 18 European and North American countries established under the auspices of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC now O.E.C.D.) the European-American Committee on Reactor Physics (EACRP).

This Committee, renamed Nuclear Energy Agency Reactor Physics Committee (NEACRP) when Japan joined, has played an essential role in developing "Reactor Physics". International cooperation in this field was established, information was exchanged that was not available in the literature, common projects were set-up and completed, and overall an outstanding progress was achieved. This Committee was then reorganised together with others, which gave birth to the Nuclear Science Committee in 1992.

This archive contains information on when and where this Committee held its meetings, and who formed the Bureau of the Committee. The many scientists who have contributed to this effort, either by representing the work of their countries or carrying out work shared within this Committee are listed on separate tables.

In all over 1500 reports were presented at these meetings from 1962 to 1991. Most of them are still accessible, others have been lost, but the available legacy reports are assembled here as they contain the seeds and ideas for most of the recent nuclear energy developments and innovations, including those now going under the term "Generation IV".

The archive contains reports produced in the following countries:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA, and the USSR.

The purpose of gathering this information is to preserve several original papers describing how ideas of nuclear development were born, discussed and realized, for those who are interested in history of science and technology or the young generation who wishes to get inspiration from the bold ideas developed when nuclear energy was still young.

The list of topics discussed is as follows:
- 3D Benchmark Comparisons
- 3D Transport Solutions for Reactor Calculations with Emphasis on Acceleration Techniques, Including those Used in Diffusion Codes
- Actinide Monitoring - Physics Aspects
- Actinide Production and Burn-up
- Advanced FBR Core Design Studies
- Advanced Fuel Cycles for Thermal and Fast Reactors
- Application of Intense Neutron Sources in Technology
- Application of Neutron Noise in Reactor Systems (excluding Mechanically Induced Noise)
- Application of Spatial Kinetics to Reactivity Measurements
- Assessment of Fast Reactor Breeding Gain
- Benchmark Calculations for Fusion Devices, and Surface Heating and Damage Problems
- Benchmark Test Cases
- Beta and Gamma Decay Heat Measurements for Fast and Thermal Reactors, Particularly For Pu-239
- Beta Values. Reactivity Scales
- Blanket Physics
- Blankets : Neutron Deep-Penetration Problems
- Breeding Assessment for Fast Reactors Including Gas-Cooled Fast Reactors
- Burn-up Physics of Thermal Reactors
- Calculation of Structural Reactivity Feedback Effects such as Bowing during the Normal Operation of Reactors
- Calculational Methods for Evaluating Control Rod Effects in FBRs and their Validation
- Calculations and Measurements of Void Coefficients in Thermal and Epithermal Lattices
- Calculations of Control Rod Worths
- Central Perturbation Discrepancies
- Comparison of Adjusted and Unadjusted Group Cross-Sections
- Comparison of the Reactivity Feedback Properties of Nitride and Metal FBR Fuels
- Compilation of Spectrum Data for Reactor Lattices
- Compilations: Fast critical experiments
- Compilations: Fission product data
- Computers and Code
- Core Instrumentation
- Critical (Integral) Experiment Data Banking
- Critical Experiment Fuel Elements
- Criticality Problems In Fuel Storage and Transportation
- Cross-Section Collapsing Including Adjoint Fluxes
- Current Issues of Plutonium Recycling in LWRs
- Damage Cross Sections : Standard Model Definition and Implications
- Delayed Neutron Data and Reactivity Scales, Beta-effective Data, Central Reactivity Worth Discrepancies
- Detector Cross-Sections
- Discrepancies in Predicted Temperature Coefficients for Thermal Reactors
- Doppler Coefficients In Fast and Thermal Reactor
- Double Heterogeneity
- Effects such as Bowing during the Normal Operation of Reactors
- Engineering and Physics Aspects of Transuranium Burning by Reactors and Accelerators
- Error Files and Error Correlation
- Establishment of Power Peaking Margins in Power Reactors
- Evaluation and Processing of Nuclear Data
- Evaluation of Fission Product Data
- Evaluation of the Uncertainty in FBR Burnup Reactivity Swing
- Fast Reactor Physics
- Fine Structure of Energy Deposition During Operation
- Fine Structure of Neutron and Gamma Energy Deposition During Operation
- Fission Neutron Spectra
- Foil and Detector Standardization
- Fuel Cycles
- Fusion Blanket - Shield Neutronics with Emphasis on the Effects of Data Uncertainties (including Effects of Double Differential Data)
- Fusion Blanket Experiments. Comparison of Measurements and Calculations
- Gamma Energy Deposition (Critical Experiments, Power Reactors, Gamma Production Data)
- Gamma Heating and Coupled Neutron-Gamma Calculations
- Heavy Water Lattice Physics
- Heterogeneous Cores, Including Safety Related Problems
- Heterogeneous Cores, New Physics Related Information
- Heterogeneous Fast Core Studies
- Heterogeneous LMFBR Cores
- Heterogeneous Methods
- Homogenization Problems in Thermal and Fast Reactor Calculations
- Identification of Factors Affecting Local Stability in LWRs and HWRs
- Integral Validation of Recent Delayed Neutron Data
- Intense Neutron Sources
- Intercomparison of Adjusted Cross-Section Sets
- Intercomparison of Fission Chamber Standards
- Intercomparison of Reaction Rate Measurements in Fast Reactors
- Isotopic Correlations for Fuel Exposure History Determinations
- Local Heterogeneity Effects in LMFBR's
- Local Stability in LWRs and WWERs with Emphasis on 3-D Effects
- Methods of Utilisation of Information from Operating Reactors.
- Modular Coding Systems for Reactor Calculations
- Monte Carlo Whole Core Models
- Neutron Damage
- Neutron Deep Penetration Studies
- Neutron Spectra
- Neutron Spectra in Fast Reactors
- Neutron Spectra in Thermal Reactors
- Neutronic Problems in Fusion Reactors
- New Facilities of Importance for Neutronics and Reactor Physics Research (Intense Neutron Sources, etc)
- New High Conversion Light Water Reactors (HCLWR) Results
- New Trends and Impact from Tight Lattice Experiments on Reactor Designs
- Nodal and Coarse Mesh Codes
- Nuclear Data Compilation and Evaluation
- Numerical Methods
- Operational Physics Experiences from LMFBRs
- Optimization of Fuel Management and Control Rod Programming for Thermal and Fast Reactors
- Out-of-Pile Criticality Problems
- Out-of-Pile Production of Fissile Material
- Physics Aspects of Design Innovation to Increase Inherent Safety for Fast and Thermal Reactors
- Physics Aspects of Transuranium Burning by Reactors and Accelerators
- Physics measurements in power reactors
- Physics Methods in Fuel Accountability
- Physics Modelling of Fusion Blankets
- Physics Modelling of Neutron Sources (Research Reactors, Spallation Sources, etc. )
- Physics Modelling of Research Reactors
- Physics of burn-up
- Physics of Thorium in Thermal Reactors
- Physics Problems of Reactor Shielding
- Physics Problems of Tight Pitch Lattices
- Physics Program for Molten-Salt Breeder Reactors
- Physics Related Safety Aspects of Fast Reactors (Reactivity Feedback Properties , Design Tradeoffs and Safety Implications)
- Pin/Plate Heterogeneity Calculation and Comparison with Experiment
- Power Peaking
- Power Reactor Noise
- Prediction of Pin Rating
- Prediction of Rating Distribution in Large FBR Cores through Burnup
- Pressurised Transient Studies, Collapsing the Transient Equations to a 1-D or Point Model Form, Prediction of Moderator Temperature and Reactivity Coefficients
- Primary Circuit Modelling
- Problems in the Interpretation and Analysis of Critical Experiments
- Problems Related to Burn-up and Fuel Cycle in Fast and Thermal Reactors
- Progress of 3-D Deterministic Transport (Sn, Nodal, Finite Element etc)
- Progress on Intercomparison of Reaction Rate Measurements in Fast Reactors
- Progress towards Achieving 3D Transport Solutions for Reactor Calculations
- Prospects For Thermal Breeders
- Pu Recycle in Thermal Reactors
- Pulsed Neutron Research
- Rating Distribution and Reactivity Effects of Gadolinium Poisons in Thermal Reactors
- Reactivity Effects of Fuel Fragmentation in Light Water Cooled Reactors
- Reactor Calculation Models for Burn-up Studies
- Reactor Design Innovations to Increase Passive Safety including the Effects of Uncertainties on the Reactivity Feedback Coefficient
- Reactor Physics Issues Associated with the Chernobyl Reactor Accident
- Reactor Physics Issues Related to Intermediate Spectra Reactors
- Reactor Physics Modelling of Distorted Cores
- Reactor Physics Problems Related to LMFBR Safety
- Recent Concepts to Reduce the Sodium Void Reactivity in Fast Reactors
- Recent Results from Operating Reactors
- Resolution of Local Heterogeneous Effects due to Geometry in Fast Reactors
- Review of Requirements for the Methods of Validating Neutronics Codes
- Review of Sensitivity Analysis Methods
- Short-Lived Fission Product Decay Properties - Integral and Differential Data
- Sodium Void Effects
- Space-Time Dynamics
- Special Applications of Gamma and Neutron Source Modelling (Medical, Therapy, Beam Tubes, etc. )
- Standard Fast Neutron Spectrum
- Status and Future Roles of 3-D Deterministic Methods
- Streaming Problems in Fast and Thermal Reactors
- Structural Materials, Reactivity Effects and Shielding
- Studies of Burnup of FBR Cores including Integral Data on Actinides and Spatial Distributions
- Studies of Reactivity Loss due to Burnup in FBRs
- Studies of the Sensitivity of Shield Performance to Cross-Section Sets
- Subcriticality Reactivity Monitoring in Out-of-Pile Configurations; Reactivity Monitoring by Noise and Pulsed Neutron Methods, Non-Destructive Testing of Burnup, Isotopic Correlation
- Substitution Technique for Lattice Evaluation
- Target Accuracies and the Basis thereof for Commercialized Reactors
- The Reactor Physics of Gas Cooled Thermal Reactors
- The Reactor Physics of Advanced Gas-Cooled and Water Reactors
- The Role of Monte Carlo in Reactor Calculations
- Theoretical and Experimental Determination of Gamma and Neutron Energy Deposition
- Thorium fuelled Reactors - Thorium Fuel Cycles for Thermal Reactors
- Three Dimensional Diffusion Codes
- Three Dimensional Transient Models
- Transformation of Actinides and Fission Product Isotopes by Neutron Irradiation
- Transport Methods (Sn, Nodal, Finite Element, etc.)
- Uncertainties in Reactivity Feedback Coefficients in Fast Reactors
- Uncertainty Analysis and Data Adjustment in Iron and Sodium Deep Penetration Problems
- Usefulness of Integral Experiments and Irradiations
- Utilisation of Information from Operating Reactors, Evidence of Capabilities for Predicting Pin Power Distributions and Doppler Coefficients
- Validation of Criticality Methods, Especially in Geometries Appropriate to Reprocessing Plants
- Validation of Fission Product Data
- Validation of Recent Delayed Neutron Data

The list of benchmarks carried out is:
- 2D LWR box calculations
- 3D LWR calculations
- 3D Dynamics for LWR Cores
- BWR and PWR Multi-dimensional kinetics
- Interactive effects of gadolinium poisoned pins in BWRs
- Calculation of fission product data in thermal reactors
- Criticality of fuel undergoing dissolution
- Criticality Safety: Burnup Credit
- Transport flask criticality calculations
- Shielding in transport casks
- Heat transfer in transport flasks
- Fast reactor benchmarks
- LMFBR burn-up benchmark
- Radial C/E Trends in Large FBRs
- Reaction-Rate Comparisons in MASURCA (IRMA)
- The Pin and Plate CADENZA Assemblies
- Cell heterogeneity effects in pin and plate geometries
- High-Conversion LWR (HCLWR) Benchmarks.
- Hydrogen entry benchmark
- Measurement of Tritium Production Rates
- Noise analysis benchmarks
- Pin Power Distribution within Assemblies.
- PWR U-236 Benchmark
- Radiation shielding benchmarks and Data Base
- Reactivity scale and central worth
- Three-dimensional transport benchmark
- Validation of delayed neutron data
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Package ID Status date Status
NEA-1873/01 12-DEC-2012 Masterfiled Arrived
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The archive lists 1 556 reports produced during 1962-1991 of which 1158 are included in this archive. A number of older reports has gone astray.
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No specified programming language
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There are in all about 1000 authors which are listed in a table of the archive
Reports collected and organized by:
Enrico Sartori
15 rue Georges Pitard
75015 Paris
Last Secretary of NEACRP
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- E. Sartori: Reactor Physics at NEA - The Early Days (1962-1991), October 2012

- Archive of Reactor Physics Reports and Summaries of [N]EACRP (1962-1991)
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  • S. Legacy books-Proceedings
  • Y. Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks

Keywords: GCR, benchmarks, experiments, fast reactors, reactor physics, thermal reactors.