PHYSOR'90 is the first ANS Reactor Physics Topical Meeting organized outside the USA.
More than 300 abstracts were submitted. Contributions were received from 32 countries: 18% US, 17% France, 12% Japan, 10% UK, 10% USSR, 5% Federal Republic of Germany, 16% other OECD countries, and 12% other non-OECD countries. The Technical Program Committee has selected approximately two thirds of them for oral or poster presentation.
The 14 oral sessions covered the following Topics:
1. High Conversion Light Water Reactors and Actinide Burners
2. Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Design
3. Nuclear Data - Measurement and Evaluation, Delayed Neutrons
4. Integral Experiments - Thermal Reactors
5. Integral Experiments - Fast Reactors
6. Use of MOX Fuel in Thermal Reactors
7. Core Physics Parameters Validation for LMFBR
8. Diffusion And Nodal Methods
9. Lattice Physics
10. Sensitivity Theory
11. Fuel Cycle Physics 1
12. Transport Theory
13. On-Line Systems and Aid to Operators
14. Core Management
An invited speaker sessions covered a wide arrange of topics of high relevance.
Five Poster sessions were devoted to:
1. Basic Data and Integral Experiments
2. Transport and Perturbation Theory
3. Advanced Reactors
4. Lattice, Nodal and Diffusion Theory
5. Modern Software and Hardware for Reactor Physics and Operation Methods - Core Management
The articles published in the proceedings are not indexed in the international bibliographic databases and copies of the articles are difficult to obtain, thus an electronic version of the proceedings was prepared for the 9th edition of the Physor conference carrying that name. This edition is distributed on CD-ROM, contains all articles and an index of titles and authors.
This work was carried out in the frame of the OECD/NEA Data Bank knowledge preservation activity.