1. Pazdera F., Valach M.:
Programs PIN-02 and PLOT-1., UJV-5384, 1980.
2. Pazdera F., Valach M.:
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the Thermal Behaviour of an Oxide Fuel Rod. UJV-6124T, 1982.
3. Strijov P., Yakovlev V., Dubrovnin K., Pazdera F., Valach M.,
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An improved version of the PIN code and its verification.
IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Water Reactor Fuel Element
Computer Modelling in Steady-State, Transient and Accident
Preston, England, 19-22 September 1988. IWGFPT/32
4. Strijov P. et al.:
Research of VVER-440-type Fuel Rods in MR-reactor.
IAEA International Symposium on Improvements in Water Reactor
Technology and Utilization, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-18 Sep. 1986.
5. Strijov P., Dubrovnin K., Yakovlev V., Pazdera F.:
Computer and experimental VVER fuel rod modelling for extended
IAEA Techical Committee Meeting on Fuel Performance at High
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6. Svoboda R.: The IAEA CRP FUMEX Influence on the Fuel Rod
Modellng Quality in the Czech Republic, Portland, USA.
NEA-1612/02, included references:
- Pavel Strizhov, Mojmir Valach:
Description of the PIN micro Innovation to the PIN99w code
NRI Rez plc english Report - UJV 11321-T,M (November 1999)