Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks and Safety Joint Projects
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SINBAD REACTOR, Shielding Benchmark Experiments

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1. NAME OF EXPERIMENT:  SINBAD REACTOR, Shielding Benchmark Experiments.

All SINBAD REACTOR datasets.

SINBAD-SDT4. Sodium Broomstick Experiment - An experimental Check of Neutron Total Cross Sections - 1968.

SINBAD-YAYOI-FE. The Iron Shielding Benchmark Experiments at YAYOI - 1976.

SINBAD-HARMONIE-NA. Cadarache Sodium Benchmark Experiment (HARMONIE).

SINBAD-KFK-FE. Karlsruhe Iron Sphere Benchmark Experiment (1975).

SINBAD-NESDIP-3. 18/20 NESDIP-3 Benchmark Experiment (ASPIS) - 1985.

SINBAD-PROTEUS-FE. Wuerenlingen Iron Benchmark Experiment (PROTEUS).

SINBAD-IRI-TUB-DUCT. IRI-TUB Streaming Through Ducts (Jan. 1991).

SINBAD-JAS-AX. Measurements for the JASPER Program Axial Shield Experiment (1990-1991).

SINBAD-JAS-IHX. Measurements for the JASPER program Intermediate Heat Exchanger Experiment (1991-1992).

SINBAD-JAS-RAD. Measurements of the JASPER program Radial Shield Attenuation Experiment (1986).

SINBAD-PCA-PV. Pool Critical Assembly-Pressure Vessel Facility Benchmark (1980).

SINBAD-SB2-GAM. SB2 Experiment on Secondary Gamma-Ray Production Cross Sections Arising from Thermal-Neutron Capture in Each of 14 Different Elements Plus Stainless Steel (1969).

SINBAD-SB3-GAM. Experiment on Secondary Gamma-Ray Production Cross Sections Averaged Over a Fast-Neutron Spectrum for Each of 13 Different Elements Plus a Stainless Steel -1969.

SINBAD-SDT1. Iron Broomstick Experiment - An Experimental Check of Neutron Total Cross Sections - 1968.

SINBAD-SDT2. Oxygen Broomstick Experiment - An Experimental Check of Neutron Total Cross Sections - 1968.

SINBAD-SDT3. Nitrogen Broomstick Experiment - An Experimental Check of Neutron Total Cross Sections - 1968.

SINBAD-SDT5. Stainless Steel Broomstick Experiment - An Experimental Check of Neutron Total Cross Sections - 1968.

SINBAD-SDT11. The ORNL Benchmark Experiment for Neutron Transport Through Iron and Stainless Steel, Part I - 1974.

SINBAD-SDT12. A Benchmark Experiment for Neutron Transport in Thick Sodium - 1974.

SINBAD-BALAKOVO-3 VVER-1000 Ex-vessel Neutron Dosimetry Benchmark.

SINBAD-EURACOS-FE. Ispra Iron Benchmark Experiment (EURACOS) (~1986)

SINBAD-EURACOS-NA. Ispra Sodium Benchmark Experiment (EURACOS) (~1986).

SINBAD-VENUS-3. VENUS-3 LWR-PVS Benchmark Experiment (1988)

SINBAD-NIST-H2O. Neutron Leakage from Water Spheres (NIST Experiment) (~1990).

SINBAD-RFNC-PHOTONS. Measurement of Photon Leakage Spectra from Spherical and Hemispherical Samples of Aluminium, Titanium, Iron, Copper, Zirconium, Lead, and Uranium-238 with a Central 14-MeV Neutron Source (1992).

SINBAD NAIADE60-FE-C. Iron and Graphite Benchmark in NAIADE 1.

SINBAD-NAIADE60-H2O. NAIADE Light Water Experiment (60 cm).

SINBAD-RFNC-PHOTONS2. Measurement of Photon Leakage Spectra from Spherical and Hemispherical Samples of H2O, SiO2 and NaCl compounds with a Central 14-MeV Neutron Source.

SINBAD-LR0-VVER440. Radiation field parameters for pressure vessel monitoring in VVER-440 using the NRI LR-0 experimental reactor (~1990).

SINBAD-LR0-VVER1000. Radiation field parameters for pressure vessel monitoring in VVER-1000 using the NRI LR-0 experimental reactor (~1990).

SINBAD-RA-SKYSHINE. Measurements of spatial energy distributions of neutrons and photons scattered in the air near the ground-air interface (skyshine-experiment)(1996-1998).

SINBAD-NAIADE-CONC. 60cm Fission Concrete Benchmarks in NAIADE 1 followed by pure thermal neutron benchmarks in light water and in concrete.

SINBAD-IPPE-BI. IPPE neutron transmission benchmark experiment with 14 MeV and Cf-252 fission neutrons through bismuth shell (1992-1997)

SINBAD-IPPE-TH. IPPE neutron transmission benchmark experiment with 14 MeV and Cf-252 fission neutrons through thorium shell.


SINBAD-ILL-FE. University of Illinois Iron Sphere Benchmark (1975).

SINBAD-ORNL-SKYSHINE. Photon Skyshine Experiment Benchmark


SINBAD-BERP-POLY. Polyethylene Reflected Plutonium Metal Sphere: Subcritical Neutron and Gamma Measurements (~1987)


SINBAD-ASPIS-FE88. Winfrith Iron 88 Benchmark Experiment (ASPIS).


SINBAD-HBR-2/PVB. H.B. Robinson-2 In- and Ex-Vessel Neutron Dosimetry Experiment


SINBAD-ASPIS-FE. Winfrith Iron Benchmark Experiment (ASPIS).


SINBAD-ASPIS-GRAPHIT. Winfrith Graphite Benchmark Experiment (ASPIS).


SINBAD-WINFRITH-H2O. Winfrith Water Benchmark Experiment (ASPIS)


SINBAD-ASPIS-NG. ASPIS Neutron/Gamma-Ray Transport through Water/Steel Arrays (~1987).


SINBAD-JANUS-1. JANUS Phase 1 (Neutron Transport Through Mild and Stainless Steel) 1986.


SINBAD-JANUS-8. JANUS Phase 8 (Neutron Transport through Sodium and Mild Steel) (1990).


SINBAD-NESDIP-2. NESDIP-2 Benchmark Experiment (ASPIS).


SINBAD-PCA-REPLICA. Winfrith Water/Iron Benchmark Experiment (PCA Replica).

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To submit a request, click below on the link of the version you wish to order. Rules for end-users are available here.

Program name Package id Status Status date
SINBAD REACTOR-- NEA-1517/01 Tested 16-APR-2019
SINBAD-SDT4 NEA-1517/21 Arrived 01-DEC-2000
SINBAD-YAYOI-FE NEA-1517/30 Arrived 01-DEC-2000
SINBAD-HARMONIE-NA NEA-1517/40 Tested 12-SEP-2000
SINBAD-KFK-FE NEA-1517/43 Tested 12-SEP-2000
SINBAD-NESDIP-3 NEA-1517/45 Tested 12-SEP-2000
SINBAD-PROTEUS-FE NEA-1517/47 Tested 12-SEP-2000
SINBAD-IRI-TUB-DUCT NEA-1517/50 Tested 01-MAR-2002
SINBAD-JAS-AX NEA-1517/52 Arrived 01-DEC-2000
SINBAD-JAS-IHX NEA-1517/53 Arrived 01-DEC-2000
SINBAD-JAS-RAD NEA-1517/54 Arrived 01-DEC-2000
SINBAD-PCA-PV NEA-1517/55 Arrived 01-DEC-2000
SINBAD-SB2-GAM NEA-1517/56 Arrived 01-DEC-2000
SINBAD-SB3-GAM NEA-1517/57 Arrived 01-DEC-2000
SINBAD-SDT1 NEA-1517/58 Arrived 01-DEC-2000
SINBAD-SDT2 NEA-1517/59 Arrived 01-DEC-2000
SINBAD-SDT3 NEA-1517/60 Arrived 01-DEC-2000
SINBAD-SDT5 NEA-1517/61 Arrived 01-DEC-2000
SINBAD-SDT11 NEA-1517/62 Arrived 01-DEC-2000
SINBAD-SDT12 NEA-1517/63 Arrived 01-DEC-2000
SINBAD-BALAKOVO-3 NEA-1517/65 Tested 04-NOV-2003
SINBAD-EURACOS-FE NEA-1517/66 Tested 15-JAN-2004
SINBAD-EURACOS-NA NEA-1517/67 Tested 31-MAR-2006
SINBAD-VENUS-3 NEA-1517/69 Tested 21-DEC-2004
SINBAD-NIST-H2O NEA-1517/70 Tested 12-FEB-2004
SINBAD-RFNC-PHOTONS NEA-1517/74 Tested 31-MAR-2006
SINBAD-NAIADE60-FE-C NEA-1517/78 Tested 15-DEC-2006
SINBAD-NAIADE60-H2O NEA-1517/79 Tested 15-DEC-2006
SINBAD-RFNC-PHOTONS2 NEA-1517/80 Tested 16-MAY-2007
SINBAD-LR0-VVER440 NEA-1517/81 Report 10-FEB-2009
SINBAD-LR0-VVER1000 NEA-1517/82 Report 10-FEB-2009
SINBAD-RA-SKYSHINE NEA-1517/83 Arrived 17-SEP-2009
SINBAD-NAIADE-CONC NEA-1517/86 Arrived 21-DEC-2011
SINBAD-IPPE-BIS NEA-1517/87 Arrived 01-MAR-2012
SINBAD-IPPE-TH NEA-1517/88 Arrived 01-MAR-2012
SINBAD-ILL-FE-252 NEA-1517/89 Arrived 20-DEC-2013
SINBAD-ORNL-SKYSHINE NEA-1517/91 Arrived 26-NOV-2014
SINBAD-BERP-POLY NEA-1517/92 Arrived 26-NOV-2014
SINBAD-ASPIS-FE88 NEA-1517/95 Tested 16-APR-2019
SINBAD-HBR-2/PVB NEA-1517/96 Arrived 28-NOV-2019
SINBAD-ASPIS-FE NEA-1517/97 Arrived 15-MAY-2020
SINBAD-ASPIS-GRAPHIT NEA-1517/98 Arrived 15-MAY-2020
SINBAD-WINFRITH-H2O NEA-1517/99 Arrived 26-MAY-2020
SINBAD-ASPIS-NG NEA-1517/100 Arrived 27-MAY-2020
SINBAD-JANUS-1 NEA-1517/101 Arrived 29-MAY-2020
SINBAD-JANUS-8 NEA-1517/102 Arrived 05-JUN-2020
SINBAD-NESDIP-2 NEA-1517/103 Arrived 05-JUN-2020
SINBAD-PCA-REPLICA NEA-1517/104 Arrived 09-JUN-2020

Machines used:

Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
NEA-1517/01 Many Computers Many Computers
NEA-1517/21 Many Computers
NEA-1517/30 Many Computers
NEA-1517/40 Many Computers Many Computers
NEA-1517/43 Many Computers Many Computers
NEA-1517/45 Many Computers Many Computers
NEA-1517/47 Many Computers Many Computers
NEA-1517/50 Many Computers Many Computers
NEA-1517/52 Many Computers
NEA-1517/53 Many Computers
NEA-1517/54 Many Computers
NEA-1517/55 Many Computers
NEA-1517/56 Many Computers
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NEA-1517/61 Many Computers
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NEA-1517/69 Many Computers Many Computers
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NEA-1517/74 Many Computers Many Computers
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NEA-1517/80 Many Computers PC Windows
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NEA-1517/91 Many Computers Many Computers
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NEA-1517/101 Many Computers
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NEA-1517/103 Many Computers
NEA-1517/104 Many Computers
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SINBAD is a new electronic database developed to store a variety of  radiation shielding benchmark data so that users can easily retrieve and incorporate the data into their calculations. SINBAD is an excellent data source for users who require the quality assurance necessary in developing cross-section libraries or radiation transport codes. The future needs of the scientific community are best served by the electronic database format of SINBAD and its user- friendly interface, combined with its data accuracy and integrity. It has been designed to be able to include data from nuclear reactor shielding, fusion blankets and accelerator shielding experiments.
The guidelines developed by the Benchmark Problems Group of the American Nuclear Society Standards Committee (ANS-6) on formats for  benchmark problem description have been followed by SINBAD. SINBAD data include benchmark information on (1) the experimental facility  and the source; (2) the benchmark geometry and composition; and (3)  the detection system, measured data, and an error analysis. A full reference section is included with the data. Relevant graphical information, such as experimental geometry or spectral data, is included. All information that is compiled for inclusion with SINBAD has been verified for accuracy and reviewed by two scientists.
Purpose and Phenomena Tested
This experiment was designed to test a given set of neutron total cross sections for sodium in the range of 0.8 - 11.0 MeV.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration
The source used was the Tower Shielding Reactor II (TSRII) at the Tower Shielding Facility located in Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A 3.5-inch beam of neutrons emerged from the 4-in. collimator made of water and lithiated paraffin. The 24-inch-thick sample of sodium was placed approximately 50 feet away from the source, lengthwise in the neutron beam and housed behind a 4-foot-thick water shield with a 3.5-inch-diameter hole concentric to the beam and sodium sample. The detector was placed approximately 50 feet behind the sample and was shielded with water and lead. The purpose for the distance between source, sample and detector was to minimize in scattered neutrons mixing with the uncollided neutron spectrum.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested  
Transmitted neutron spectra through iron slabs, up to 20-cm-thick, were measured to assess the accuracy of both discrete ordinates and Monte Carlo codes as well as to check neutron cross-section data sets.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration  
The source of neutrons was generated by the YAYOI reactor at the University of Tokyo.  It is a cylindrical core, 20 cm in diameter, surrounded by a depleted uranium metal blanket and a lead reflector. A Fast Column and a Thermal Column on opposite sides of the reactor, collimated the neutron beam used in these experiments.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
Study of the neutron propagation in pure sodium.
A buffer zone representative of the blanket of a commercial fast reactor is interposed between the source reactor and the sodium. The aim was to improve the performances of the propagation formulaire PROPANE which should allow in particular the calculation of the sodium activation in the heat exchanger of a French fast power reactor, pool type.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
The experiments have been performed from 1976 to 1978. The source reactor HARMONIE, located at Cadarache has been used. This reactor allows to obtain a fast neutron spectrum within a slab source geometry. The reactor core containing 93% enriched uranium is a vertical cylinder with a diameter of 123 mm and a height of 129 mm. It is surrounded by a depleted uranium blanket and a stainless-steel reflector.
Two experiments have been performed :
(1) with HARMONIE stainless-steel reflector;
(2) with a spectrum converter of the type of an UO2-Na blanket, in the place of the reflector to simulate the neutron spectrum at the edge of a fast reactor blanket.
The sodium mockup, forming a 280 cm cube, is placed above the HARMONIE reactor 51 cm from the core mid plane, and is composed of five tanks filled with metallic sodium. The whole system is surrounded by wood walls and a wool roof.
The fission density distribution in the reactor core and in the blanket regions as obtained by the DOT 3.5 criticality calculations is given only for the case (1) with stainless steel reflector. The fission densities for the case (2) with the spectrum converter are not included since the quality of the document [1] was not sufficient for reproduction. In addition the information available on geometry and materials is probably not sufficient to allow a reliable criticality calculations and thus to provide the neutron source distribution for this case.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
Determination of neutron leakage spectra from a set of iron spheres of diameters 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 cm, with a Cf-252 neutron source in the centre.
The aim of this experiment was to check especially the iron inelastic scattering cross-sections. Pure iron and a spherical geometry were used to facilitate the interpretation of results.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
The neutron source consisted of about 30 micrograms Cf-252, corresponding to a source strength of about 7E7 n/sec. Cf-252 source was contained in a double-walled capsule and inserted to the centre of an iron sphere through a cylindrical channel, which thereafter was filled up. Six iron spheres having different diameters were  investigated. High purity iron (C 0.07%, Mn 0.05%, P 0.009%, S 0.007%) was used. The arrangement was located in a hall with a minimal distance of 2 m to the ground and more than 3 m to the next wall in order to reduce the background due to scattered neutrons.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
Neutron transport in a shield simulating the radial shield of a PWR, including the cavity region and the backing shield.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
The source is a fission plate constructed of 93% enriched uranium aluminium alloy driven by a thermal flux from the extended graphite reflector of the NESTOR reactor. The effective radius of the fission plate is 56 cm and the thickness 2 mm. The energy spectrum of the source is that of neutrons emitted from the fission of U-235. The absolute source strength is determined by fission product counting and the spatial distribution via detailed low energy flux mapping with activation detectors.
The shield simulates the radial shield of a PWR and consists of 18.32 cm of water,  5.5 cm stainless steel plate simulating the thermal shield, 19.8 cm of water, five mild steel plates giving a thickness of 22.9 cm to simulate the pressure vessel, a 29.4 cm cavity region and a backing shield of aluminium, water and mild steel.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
Determination of neutron spectra and reaction rates at different depth in a bulk iron and stainless steel shield about 80 cm thick.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
The neutron source is the PROTEUS fast/thermal mixed critical reactor in which thermal driver zones surround a central test zone containing a mixed PuO2/UO2-fuelled gas-cooled fast breeder pin lattice. For the experiments a large cylindrical shield block was situated axially directly above the pin fuelled test zone. The prime source of neutrons entering the shield block is thus the mixed oxide fuel, and the source spectrum is typical of a gas-cooled fast power reactor (GCFR) core.
The iron shield consists of steel-37 (98% iron) blocks of total thickness of 80 cm and a diameter of 120 cm. The central part of the shield of a diameter of 38 cm was composed either of steel-37 or steel 18-8.
The measurements were carried out during the period April 1972 to April 1979.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
Fast and thermal neutron reaction rates were measured at several locations in the straight and bent steel-walled cylindrical ducts in concrete, irradiated with a typical reactor spectrum. The benchmark is suitable to test transport codes in real streaming problems.
Description of Source and Experimental Configuration:
A large concrete block with a density of about 2.4g/cm3, containing the cylindrical steel-walled duct, was installed in the irradiation tunnel of the 100 kW research reactor of the Institute of Nuclear Techniques (NTI) of the Technical University of Budapest.
The concrete block was placed at the distance of 25 cm from the tunnel entrance, so the total distance from the core-reflector boundary to the entrance of the ducts, was about 50 cm. The geometry from the core centre to the tunnel entrance is given in Figure 1. The irradiation tunnel is placed so that its centerline goes through core midplane.
At the back of the large concrete block, a small block containing the second leg of the duct with a bend of 0, 30, 60 or 90 degrees, was positioned, with the second leg upwardly directed. In this way four different duct geometries were created. Because the upper side of the block touched nearly the ceiling of the tunnel, the second leg of the 60 degrees bent duct was partly closed and that of the 90 degree bent duct was fully closed. It is suggested in [1] to take into account the backscattering from the ceiling of the tunnel.
About 21 cm behind the last detector position in the straight and the 30 degree ducts measured along the duct axis, a shielding door filled with water was present. It is suggested in [1] and [2] that this shielding door can be neglected in the straight duct, because the last detector position in this duct was positioned further away from the shielding door and the thermal neutron flux was much higher in this duct due to the large contribution of the uncollided flux.
The inner diameters of the steel duct was 11.8 cm and the wall thickness was 4.5 mm.
The active core height of the NTI research reactor is 50 cm, and the horizontal cross section is approximately 36x36 cm2.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested
This experiment was designed to extend the studies of the effectiveness of different axial shield designs beyond the fission gas plenum and at the same time provide a comparison of the neutron attenuation characteristic of stainless steel and boron carbide as they are integrated into the designs.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration
The neutron source was the Tower Shielding Reactor II (TSR-II) located at the Tower Shielding Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The emergent source spectrum was modified to be similar to that predicted for the LMR (liquid metal reactor) design. The spectrum modifier was composed of iron, aluminum, boral, followed by a radial blanket comprised of natural uranium, aluminum, and sodium.
The configurations to be studied included seven hexagons containing three different internal geometrical designs. The designs consisted of: (1) a central blockage type in which the coolant flowed around a central shield plug; (2) a rod bundle type in which the shield material was in the form of small rods spaced for coolant flow; and (3) an annular type in which the coolant flowed centrally through the fuel assembly.These designs were used for two different shield materials, boron carbide and stainless steel. The configurations were positioned in the horizontal beam emerging from the reactor shield, preceded by the spectrum modifier. The seven assemblies were contained in an aluminum honeycomb surrounded by boron carbide and contained in a concrete slab. Changes were made by the removal and insertion of various hexagon assemblies into the aluminum honeycomb.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested
The IHX experiment was designed to investigate and predict the sodium activation that will be generated in the secondary sodium contained with the IHX vessel.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration
The neutron source was the Tower Shielding Reactor II (TSR-II) located at the Tower Shielding Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The emergent source spectrum was modified to be similar to that predicted for the LMR (liquid metal reactor) design using one of two different modifiers.  One modifier used iron, aluminum, boral, and sodium, while the other used aluminum tanks filled with sodium.
The configurations being tested included two general mockups.  The U.S.-sponsored axial locations of the IHX vessel, and the Japanese model in which the IHX vessel was surrounded by partial or full complement shields.  The mockups were centered on the neutron beam emerging from the reactor shield.  Measurements were made using a traversing mechanism that remotely positioned the detector while reactor power was maintained.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested
The radial shield attenuation experiment was designed to investigate neutron transmission through benchmark and representative mockups of radial shield designs for advanced sodium-cooled reactors.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration
The neutron source was the Tower Shielding Reactor II (TSR-II) located at the Tower Shielding Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The emergent source spectrum was modified to be similar to that predicted for the LMR (liquid metal reactor) design using one of two different modifiers.  One modifier approximated the energy distribution for a near core shield while the other was designed to resemble the flux near the intermediate heat exchanger (IHX).
The components used in the experimental mockups were slabs of stainless steel, graphite, boron carbide, boral, and sodium.  All slabs were 1.5m on a side with varying thicknesses. The near-core spectrum modifier of iron, aluminum, boral and a "radial blanket" of natural UO2 was placed in the beam.  For the IHX modifier, the "radial blanket" was replaced with 183cm of sodium.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested
The PCA Benchmark purpose was to validate the capabilities of the calculational methodology to predict the reaction rates in the region outside a reactor core when the neutron source, material compositions, and geometry are well defined.  The PCA facility mocked-up the core-to-cavity region in an LWR.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configurations
The PCA Source was composed of 25 material test reactor (MTR) new fuel elements, with a 93% U235 enrichment.  The light-water moderated reactor core contained fuel plates of 62.548-cm-length and arranged in approximately 40-cm-square.  The core contained 4 control assemblies for reactivity control.  
The power distribution of the fuel elements was obtained from fission chamber measurements and calculations.  The core power is symmetric, therefore only 1/2 the core needs to be specified. Individual fuel element powers are provided by a two-dimensional distribution function.
The PCA mockup consists of stacked slabs of the following: 1)aluminum window simulator 2)Thermal Shield 3)Pressure Vessel Simulator 4)Pressure Vessel Cavity Simulator (Void).  Water filled the gaps between the slabs of materials.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested
To improve existing knowledge of gamma-ray spectra arising from thermal-neutron capture in materials important to reactor shielding, especially above 7 MeV.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration
The Tower Shielding Reactor at ORNL was used as the primary source of neutrons.  A spherical lead-water beam shield surrounded the reactor to collimate the neutrons and to reduce background neutrons.  Cadmium lined the face of the reactor shield and the collimator to eliminate thermal neutrons.  A 2-in.-thick lead disk was inserted in the collimator adjacent to the reactor vessel to reduce the gamma-ray intensity produced by the reactor.  A lead collar, 8-in. thick surrounded the collimator exit to reduce capture gamma rays in the cadmium.
The profile of the source of thermal neutrons was determined by subtracting a cadmium-covered BF3 detector results from the bare results.  The detector was traversed across the vertical and horizontal midplane of the beam at 6 ft from the collimator (without a sample present).  Another horizontal traverse across the midplane of the sample space was performed to more accurately map the thermal neutron flux incident on the face of the sample materials.
The samples of materials were made of slabs of 4-5 ft square placed into the beam centerline at 45 degrees and 6 ft from the edge of the collimator.  The detector was placed at 90 degrees to the reactor beam centerline, 45 degrees with respect to the slab sample normal to reduce to 0.51 MeV or less the reactor-born gamma-rays scattered from the sample.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested
This experiment was performed to improve existing knowledge of secondary gamma-ray production cross sections arising from fast-neutron interactions in different shielding materials.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration
The neutron source was the Tower Shielding Reactor (TSR-II) at the Tower Shielding Facility located in Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The incident neutron spectrum was between 1 and 14 MeV. A spherical lead-water beam shield surrounded the reactor to collimate the neutrons and to reduce background. Cadmium lined the face of the reactor shield and the collimator to eliminate thermal neutron scattering. A 2-inch-thick lead disk was inserted in the collimator adjacent to the reactor vessel to reduce the gamma-ray intensity. A 8-inch-thick lead collar, containing a 15-inch-diameter hole, surrounded the collimator exit to reduce capture gamma-rays in the cadmium.
The absolute spectra of the low-energy neutrons incident on the slab samples through the boron and cadmium filters were measured using a Blosser spectrometer in the bare beam, in conjunction with beam mappings using a bare and cadmium-covered BF3 detector.
Measurements were made with samples of natural iron, oxygen, aluminum, copper, zinc, titanium, potassium, calcium, sodium, silicon, nickel, barium, sulfur, and type-321 stainless steel. The slab samples were 4 to 5 ft square with thicknesses between 1/16 and 4 in. The samples were placed vertically in the beam centerline at an angle of 45 deg. and at a mean distance of 6 ft from the edge of the reactor shield.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested  
This experiment was designed to test a given set of neutron total cross sections for iron in the range of 0.8 - 11 MeV.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration
The source used was the Tower Shielding Reactor II (TSRII) at the Tower Shielding Facility located in Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A 3.5-inch-beam of neutrons emerged from the 4-inch-collimator made of water and lithiated paraffin. The 8 and 12 inch samples of iron were placed approximately 50 feet away, lengthwise in the neutron beam and housed behind a 4-foot-thick water shield with a 3.5-inch-diameter hole concentric to the beam and iron samples. The detector was placed approximately 50 feet behind the sample and well shielded with water and lead. The purpose for the distance is to minimize in scattered neutrons mixing with the uncollided neutron spectrum.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested  
This experiment was designed to test a given set of neutron total cross sections for oxygen in the range of 1.9 - 8.6 MeV.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration  
The source used was the Tower Shielding Reactor II (TSRII) at the Tower Shielding Facility located in Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A 3.5 inch beam of neutrons emerged from the 4 inch collimator made of water and lithiated paraffin. The 60-inch sample of oxygen was placed approximately 50 feet away from the source, lengthwise in the neutron beam and housed behind a 4-foot-thick water shield with a 3.5-inch-diameter hole concentric to the beam and oxygen sample. The detector was placed approximately 50 feet behind the sample and was shielded with water and lead. The purpose for the distance between source, sample and detector was to minimize in scattered neutrons mixing with the uncollided neutron spectrum.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested
This experiment was designed to test a given set of neutron total cross sections for nitrogen in the range of 0.8 - 10 MeV.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration  
The source used was the Tower Shielding Reactor II (TSRII) at the Tower Shielding Facility located in Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A 3.5-inch beam of neutrons emerged from the 4-inch collimator made of water and lithiated paraffin. The 36-inch sample of nitrogen was placed approximately 50 feet away from the source, lengthwise in the neutron beam and housed behind a 4-foot-thick water shield with a 3.5-inch-diameter hole concentric to the beam and nitrogen sample. The detector was placed approximately 50 feet behind the sample and was shielded with water and lead. The purpose for the distance between source, sample, and detector was to minimize in scattered neutrons mixing with the uncollided neutron spectrum.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested  
This experiment was designed to test a given set of neutron total cross sections for oxygen in the range of 1.2 - 11.0 MeV.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration  
The source used was the Tower Shielding Reactor II (TSRII) at the Tower Shielding Facility located in Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A 3.5-inch beam of neutrons emerged from the 4-inch collimator made of water and lithiated paraffin. The 8-inch sample of stainless steel was placed approximately 50 feet away from the source, lengthwise in the neutron beam and housed behind a 4-foot-thick water shield with a 3.5-inch-diameter hole concentric to the beam and stainless steel sample. The detector was placed approximately 50 feet behind the sample and was shielded with water and lead. The purpose for the distance between source, sample and detector was to minimize in scattered neutrons mixing with the uncollided neutron spectrum.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested
This experiment was designed to verify the accuracy of iron and stainless steel cross sections used in transport calculations.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration
The source used was the Tower Shielding Reactor at the Tower Shielding Facility located in Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A series of transmission measurements through various thickness of iron slabs up to 3 feet and also through a 12 inch stainless steel slab were performed using a collimated beam of reactor neutrons.These measurements were made behind various combinations of thin 5 ft x 5 ft slabs. All were taken with a 4.25-inch-diameter collimator made of lithiated paraffin bricks and water.
The density of the Type-304 stainless steel slabs averaged 7.86 g/cm3, and the density of the iron slabs averaged 7.79 g/cm3. It was observed that the iron slabs were actually carbon steel.


Purpose and Phenomena Tested

This experiment was designed to verify the accuracy of sodium cross sections to be used in transport calculations.

Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration

The source used was a collimated beam of reactor neutrons from the Tower Shielding Reactor at the Tower Shielding Facility located in Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Measurements of neutron fluence and neutron spectra were made behind various combinations of four 11-ft-diameter cylindrical aluminum tanks filled with solid sodium up to 15-ft-thick. Concrete, at least 1.5-ft-thick, surrounded the periphery of the tanks to reduce the effects of transverse leakage from the slabs.

The average thickness of the four sodium tanks, including 1 inch of aluminum, was 29.91 +/- 0.22, 60.08 +/- 0.52, 59.86 +/- 0.42, and 29.56 +/- 0.53 inches for tanks 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively. The density of the sodium tanks averaged 0.945 g/cm3, which is accurate to 1%.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
The reliable determination of RPV neutron field parameters is needed for an evaluation of the radiation embrittlement of RPV steel. Calculational procedures used for the determination of neutron fluence, fluence rate and spectrum at critical points of Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) of Russian design water-water-power-reactor with electrical power 1000 MW (VVER-1000) are to be validated.
To solve this task, a neutron dosimetry experiment using activation and fissionable detectors was carried out at Russian NPP Balakovo, unit 3 (Balakovo-3), during cycle 5, from March 1994 to January 1995. The detectors were installed in the ex-vessel cavity near the outer RPV surface.
The purpose was to: (1) evaluate the reliability of ex-vessel dosimetry measurement techniques, (2) provide data for a 3D full scale validation of neutron transport calculations, (3) develop the regulatory guides for a RPV ex-vessel neutron dosimetry procedure.
The area of neutron transport investigation extends from the reactor core center to the biological shield, from the core bottom to the top, and includes 60-degree azimuthal sector.
Description of Source and Experimental Configuration:
The activation detectors were situated in aluminum capsules which were attached to the experimental rack. This experimental rack had azimuthal and axial rods which were situated in the cavity near the outer surface of the pressure vessel on the same reactor radius 228 cm from the center. Detail information includes capsules coordinates, construction and material data, and also the arrangement of the detector sets in the capsules.
The reactor configuration includes:
- the design description of the VVER-1000 reactor,
- the azimuthal-radial geometrical approximation of the reactor(r-theta model),
- axial-radial geometrical approximation of the reactor (r-z model),
- material compositions of the modeled zones and temperatures of the water layers,
- nuclear concentrations of the zones.
The neutron source is a 3D power reactor core with fuel assemblies of hexagonal form and with the same form arrangement of the fuel pins. The fuel is fresh and burnup uranium dioxide. The 5th fuel cycle was arranged with fresh fuel on the core periphery which had the initial 235U enrichment of 4.4 %. The irradiation period was 170.1 Effective Full Power Days (EFPD).
The detail fission source description includes:
- reactor operating data during the detector irradiation time (total power history, 2D assemblies power distributions, coolant temperature variations),
- time-dependent neutron-physical parameters of the core:
  - 2D and 3D assemblies power distributions
  - 2D and 3D assemblies burnup distributions
  - 3D pin-to-pin power distributions of the peripheral assemblies
  - 3D pin-to-pin burnup distributions of the peripheral assemblies
  - heavy metal concentration in assemblies
  - burnup-dependence of neutron emission.
To estimate the composition of the fuel as a function of burnup (e.g. using MCNP and Monteburns) the following information can be useful:
- Balakovo-3 cooling water with boron acid H3BO3:
       EFPD = 0:      Concentration H3BO3   5.2 g/kg H2O
       EFPD = 170.1:  Concentration H3BO3   2.7 g/kg H2O
- Average fuel temperature per VVER-1000 Full Power is 830 C degrees.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
Study of the neutron deep penetration in homogeneous materials commonly used in the construction of advanced reactors: Fe (and Na). Flux and spectra were measured up to 130 cm in Fe. Experience gained from Aspis experiment was used to prepare this benchmark.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
The neutron source in a converter disc made of 6 trapezoidal U-Al alloy plates forming an almost circular source with a diameter of 80 cm. The space dependence of the source can be approximated by a cosinusoidal radial profile. The spectrum is very similar to the U235 fission spectrum. The EURACOS source strength (6.12E11 n/s) is about of the same order of magnitude as the one of Aspis.
The converter is situated at the end of the thermal column of a TRIGA MARK II reactor (University of Pavia) in front of the irradiation chamber which is surrounded by borated concrete walls of two different compositions. The first part extending from 35 cm to 162.4 cm from the converter mid-plane consists of ordinary concrete with a density of 2.3 g/cm3. The second part of the tunnel shield is made of heavy concrete with a density of 3.6 g/cm3.
The iron mock-up is a block of dimensions 145x145x130 cm3. A Boral plate was placed between the source and the Fe block to reduce the low energy flux originating in the thermal column. Use of large sulphur detectors, and low background measurements during a counting period of 5-6 half lives, made it possible to measure attenuation up to 8 decades of fast neutrons.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
Study of the neutron deep penetration in homogeneous materials commonly used in the construction of advanced reactors: Na (and Fe). Flux and spectra were measured up to 360 cm in Na.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
The neutron source in a converter disc made of 6 trapezoidal U-Al alloy plates forming an almost circular source with a diameter of 80 cm. The space dependence of the source can be approximated by a cosinusoidal radial profile. The spectrum is very similar to the U235 fission spectrum.
The converter is situated at the end of the thermal column of a TRIGA MARK II reactor (University of Pavia) in front of the irradiation chamber which is surrounded by borated concrete walls of two different compositions.
The first part extending from 35 cm to 162.4 cm from the converter mid-plane consists of ordinary concrete with a density of  2.3 g/cm3. The second part of the tunnel shield is made of heavy concrete with a density of 3.6 g/cm3. Its composition is listed in Table 3.
The Na mock-up was made of 7 Fe containers filled with liquid Na, having a useful length of 382 cm. A Boral plate was placed between the source and the Na block to reduce the low energy flux originating in the thermal column.
Use of large sulphur detectors, and low background measurements during a counting period of 5-6 half lives, made it possible to measure attenuation up to 7 decades of fast neutrons.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
Mock-up of the pressure vessel internals representative of a 3 Loop Westinghouse LWR.
Methods to reduce Lead Factor and to improve its prediction were investigated, taking into account axial source distribution. As proposed for some early built reactors, at the most critical corners of the core periphery part of the fuel length was replaced by the Partial Length Shielded Assemblies thus reducing the Lead Factor at the level of the pressure vessel horizontal welding. Pin-to-pin pitch was typical for 17x17 PWR fuel assemblies.
The LWR-PVS-BENCHMARK experiment in VENUS was aimed at validating the analytical methods needed to predict the azimuthal variation of the fluence in the pressure vessel.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
The VENUS Critical Facility is a zero power reactor located at CEN/SCK, Mol (Belgium).
The Partial Length Shielded Assemblies were loaded at the corners of the core periphery. The shielded part was obtained by replacing part of the fuel length by a stainless steel rod. For benchmarking this improvement, the VENUS-3 core has been built with 3/0-SS rods at the periphery (the 3/0-SS rods were made of half a length of stainless steel and half a length of 3.3 % U-235 enriched UO2 fuel).
The core is made of 16 "15x15" subassemblies, instead of "17x17" ones (the pin-to-pin pitch remains typical of the "17x17" subassembly).
The second water gap and the pressure vessel are not simulated; a validation of the calculation up to the thermal shield was considered as acceptable; the complete simulation in the radial direction was indeed investigated in a slab geometry with the PCA mock-up.
Except for the baffle- and the reflector minimum-thickness, the thicknesses have been somewhat reduced to fit the VENUS geometry.
The angular shape of the core barrel is such that both quadrant and octagonal symmetries are achieved with acceptable reflecting conditions (in stainless steel) at 0 deg., 45 deg. And 90 deg. Respectively.
The angular shape of the thermal shield, so-called Neutron Pad was limited by the available space (it is moreover removable); the quadrant and octagonal symmetries are also achieved with reflecting conditions in water at 0 and 90 deg. and with reflecting conditions in stainless at 45 deg. This geometry was moreover considered as representative of some BABCOCK & WILCOX designs.
The power distributions are measured precisely through gamma activity measurements. The relative uncertainty of the neutron fission source with regard to absolute power is below 4% and the uncertainty of source space distribution is between 1.5% and 4%. The missing points were determined through interpolation procedure RECOG-ORNL performed at the NEA. The input and output data for the RECOG code are also provided. The complete 3-D map of the neutron source power distribution is given. The corresponding uncertainty estimations, defined as a difference between the measured values and those calculated by the RECOG code, are included.
The reference measured fission rate is 8.845E9 (+-4%) fissions/sec/pin/quadrant and should be used as a multiplication factor for converting the provided normalised 3D neutron source to the source at 100% power( the total fission rate value per quadrant was obtained from absolute measurements at several locations using U-235 miniature fission chambers; this measurement yielded a value of 5.652E12 fissions per second per core quadrant which then was divided by 639 pins per quadrant yielding 8.845E9 fissions/sec/pin/quadrant).

Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
Fission reaction rates for four nuclides - 235,238U, 237NP, and 239Pu - were measured in the leakage spectrum outside spherical water moderators of various radii surrounding a 252Cf neutron source.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
The measurements were performed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, Maryland, US.
A thin-encapsulated 252Cf neutron source was suspended by a thin-walled stainless steel tube at the center of a spherical shell of stainless steel. A pair of double-fission chambers were positioned symmetrically on opposite sides of the container.
Measurements were performed with the stainless steel tube and spherical container, either dry or filled with very pure water. Measurements were performed with and without cadmium covering the fission chambers. Three sets of measurements utilizing different sized containers were performed for foils of 235,238U, 237NP, and 239Pu. The stainless steel containers for the three sets of measurements had radii of 3.81, 5.08, and 6.35 cm (1.5, 2.0, and 2.5" radii), with corresponding average foil positions of 7.62, 7.62 and 9.525 cm. Therefore, for each foil location and foil type, four measurements were made: no water or cadmium (Bare), no water with cadmium (Cd), water and no cadmium (H2O), and water with cadmium (H2O + Cd).

Objective of Experiment:
Measurement of spectra and leakages of photons from thick spherical and hemispherical samples of the most commonly used structural materials irradiated with a Central 14-MeV Neutron Source for validation of existing nuclear data on gamma-production of these elements.
Description of Source and Experimental Setup:
An installation NG-200 (200-KeV deuteron accelerator with the current of separated D+ ion beam of up to 1 mA) was used as 14-MeV neutron source. The target was a zirconium foil saturated with tritium. The target was placed in the centre of spherical samples of inside diameter in=100 mm and outside diameter out = 200 mm.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested
Determination of the fission neutron transport in iron for penetration up to about 80 cm, and in graphite for penetration up to 50 cm for the fast neutrons and up to 120 cm for the thermal neutrons.
Description of the Source and experimental Configuration
The source is a fission plate irradiated by a beam of purely thermal neutrons coming from the graphite reflector of the ZOE heavy water reactor located in France at Fontenay aux Roses. The plate is 1 square meter and the thickness of the fissile part is 2 cm. It consists of 9 square tiles 0.333 m along the side, made of natural uranium cladded with 1 mm of aluminum. Behind the fission plate, which generates fission neutrons, there is a large experimental area (27 cubic meter) in which the graphite block is placed. A boral screen separated the fission plate from the experimental area to avoid thermal neutron backscattering. The iron and graphite block thicknesses were respectively 150 cm and 140 cm, and their sections were 2.00 m x 2.00 m surrounded by a neutron shield (wood and concrete).
The absolute fission neutron source distribution is determined by Monte Carlo calculation (TRIPOLI 4) using the thermal neutron flux measurements (Mn-55) for the source term. This determination take into account all fissions (U-235 and U-238) provided by the neutron diffusions in the converter itself, in structures and in the mock-up (sub critical system with a source of thermal neutrons).

Purpose and Phenomena Tested
Determination of the fission neutron transport in light water for penetration up to about 50 cm for the fast and up to 150 cm for the thermal neutrons.

Description of the Source and experimental Configuration
The source is a fission plate irradiated by a beam of purely thermal neutrons coming from the graphite reflector of the ZOE heavy water reactor located in France at Fontenay aux Roses. The plate is 1 square meter and the thickness of the fissile part is 2 cm. It consists of 9 square tiles 0.333 m along the side, made of natural uranium cladded with 1 mm of aluminum. Behind the fission plate, which generates fission neutrons, there is a large experimental area (27 cubic meter) in which an aluminum tank is placed. In this experiment, the tank is filled with light ordinary water. A boral screen separated the fission plate from the experimental area to avoid thermal neutron backscattering. The water along the fission plate axis was 250 cm deep. The square section of the tank was 250 cm x 250 cm. The tank is surrounded laterally by an ordinary concrete shield of thickness 80 cm (50 cm at the top).
The absolute fission neutron source distribution is determined by Monte Carlo calculation (TRIPOLI 4) using the thermal neutron flux measurements (Mn55) for the source term. This determination takes into account all fissions (U235 and U238) provided by the neutron diffusions in the converter itself, in structures and in the mock-up (sub critical system with a source of thermal neutrons). In this experiment, the diaphragm diameter was 60 cm. The counter chambers were suspended from a steel section with precise position (accuracy 0.1 cm). The dosimeter foils were fixed to Plexiglas rods.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
Measurement of spectra and leakages of photons from thick spherical and hemispherical samples of widespread earth's crust elements irradiated with a Central 14-MeV Neutron Source for validation of existing nuclear data on gamma-production of these elements.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
For these measurements has been using the same equipment as for paper [1].An installation NG-200 (200-KeV deuteron accelerator with the current of separated D+ ion beam of up to 1 mA) was used as 14-MeV neutron source. The target was placed in the center of spherical samples of inside diameter 100 mm and outside diameter 200 mm.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
The VVER-440 Mock-up experiments have been realized to support the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) dosimetry methodology qualification.
The differential neutron energy spectra were measured at the crucial positions of the WWER-440, i.e. at the barrel outer surface (surveillance specimen position), inner and outer surfaces of the RPV, and inside the RPV (1/3 of its thickness).
The spectra measurements were carried out with a proton recoil spectrometer consisting of a stilbene scintillator and a set of spherical, hydrogen filled proportional chambers with different gas pressure.
The neutron spectra were measured in the horizontal central plane of the core symmetry along the Mock-up symmetry axis in the energy region from ~ 0.1 to 10 MeV.
The differential neutron energy spectra measured in the Mock-up provide a good test of the calculational models and data libraries, and provide more information than a set of reaction rates usually measured in many benchmarks.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
A mock-up simulating symmetry sector of about 1/6 of VVER-440 reactor was assembled in LR-0 experimental reactor in Nuclear Research Institute (NRI) Rez near Prague. The mock-up represents full scale simulation in radial direction from the core boundary to the biological shield. The core, core blanket, basket and barrel simulators were located inside the LR-0 tank, and the PV and biological shield outside the tank. A steel displacing tank (an air gap) simulated the water density reduction corresponding to the VVER-440 operational NPP. The mock-up is axially shortened (50 %) due to 1.25 m active length of the LR-0 fuel pins.
The LR-0 experimental reactor is a critical assembly (without cooling); maximum allowed power is 5 Kw for 1 hour or 10**8 / cm2 / sec maximum thermal neutron flux density. The fuel is fresh (without burn-up) and the source distribution can be calculated by appropriate pin-by-pin codes (e.g. MOBY DICK, which is standardised for VVER in the Czech Rep., or by Monte Carlo codes). The core boundary power distribution simulates the equilibrium after 5 fuel cycles in a VVER-440 power reactor.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
The LR-0 benchmark data consist of neutron + photon spectra (WWER-1000 Mock-up) in several points from the barrel simulator to the outer surface of Reactor Pressure Vessel and evaluated integral fluxes, space-energy indices, like the spectral indices and attenuation factors in measuring points.
The space-energy distribution of the mixed neutron - photon radiation field has been measured over Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) simulator thickness in the WWER-1000 engineering benchmark assembly in the LR-0 experimental reactor with a multiparameter scintillation spectrometer. The spectra have been measured before the RPV, in 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 of its thickness and behind the RPV simulator in the energy range ~ 0.5 - ~ 10 MeV. The measurements were performed in the frame of the project REDOS, WP 2 [1], 5th Frame Work Programme of the European Community 1998 - 2002.
The presented measured data consists of integral data - ratios of integral photon and neutron fluxes in measuring points and differential photon spectra in the measured fine structure

Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
Detailed studying of the spatial energy distributions of neutrons and photons scattered in the air near the ground-air interface for generation of a database (of experimental and analytical nature) to verify the computer codes that are used for justification of the radiation and ecological safety of population residing in direct proximity to nuclear power plants.
Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
The experimental studies were carried out at the research RA reactor incorporated in the "Baikal-1" unique complex of research reactors near Semipalatinsk, belonging to Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy in the Kazakhstan National Nuclear Centre (IAE NNC RK), being constructed in thinly populated steppe area. The altitude differences in the region of measurements (0.0 - 1500 m from the source) never exceed +/- 5 m. The distance from the nearest residential settlements was at least 60 km. The vegetative cover is purely grass; its height doesn't exceed 20-30 cm above the soil layer.

The core of the RA research reactor was the source of neutron and photon radiation. The upper biological shielding of the reactor was removed during the experiments to ensure release of highly intensive fluxes of neutron and photon radiation to the air. During the experiment the spatial detection points were located at the height of 1.0 m above the ground at a distance from 50 to 1500 m from the reactor axis.
Reactor power during measurements was 300 kW.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested
The main purpose is the determination of the fission neutron transport in concrete for penetration up to 100 cm for fast neutron measurements and up to about 120 cm for thermal neutrons measurements. Considering the discrepancy between thermal neutron measurements and calculations, we propose benchmarks in water and in concrete using a pure thermal neutron source.
The NAIADE 1 facility, located in Fontenay aux Roses, was composed of a thermal or fission neutron source reaching a large experimental area (27 cubic meters) in which various shielding mock-ups were placed in order to validate nuclear constants and computer programs. The thermal neutron source is the direct collimated beam coming from the core of the ZOE heavy water reactor surrounded by a graphite reactor. This beam is collimated with two sizes (60 cm and 40 cm) and can be used as a neutron source directly. For obtaining a fission source a uranium plate was interposed between the collimator plate and the experimental area. The plate is 1 square meter and the thickness of the fissile part is 2 cm. It consists of 9 square tiles, 0.333 m along the side, made of natural uranium, clad in 1mm of aluminum. Behind the fission plate, which generates fission neutrons, there was the experimental area in which an aluminum tank was placed. A boral screen separated the fission plate from the experimental area to avoid thermal neutron backscattering. In the concrete experiments, the concrete block thickness was 200 cm, and its section was 200 cm x 200 cm enclosed in a steel frame 1cm thick and surrounded by a thick concrete shield to avoid neutron bypassing. The chemical compositions of two concrete samples, S2 and S5 are given.
The absolute fission neutron source distribution is determined by Monte Carlo calculation (TRIPOLI 4) using the thermal neutron flux measurements (Mn55) for the source term. This determination takes into account all fissions (U235 and U238) provided by the neutron diffusions in the converter itself, in structures and in the mock-up (a sub-critical system with a source of thermal neutrons). In this experiment, the diaphragm diameter was 60 cm.
Despite all precautions taken into account in the fission benchmark interpretation using the TRIPOLI 4 program and ENDF/B/VI R4, a discrepancy is found between the measurement and calculation results in the thermal energy range for all penetration distances. The present benchmark also contains measurements and interpretations for 2 experiments using the pure thermal neutron source: 1] experimental area filled by light water (to improve the pure thermal neutron beam intensity and its weak intermediate neutron background noise) and 2] with the concrete block (to improve the total macroscopic absorption cross-section of the concrete)
In all parts of these benchmarks, the background noise is calculated and compared with available measurements.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested
Neutron leakage spectra between 0.1 MeV and 15 MeV from bismuth shell were measured by the time-of-flight technique using a 14 MeV neutron generator and Cf-252 fission ionization chamber. The sphere had outer radius 12.0 cm, inner radius 3.0 cm, wall thicknesses 9.0 cm.
The experiments were performed in period 1992 to 1997.
Description of Experimental Set-up and Measuring Procedure
1. Bi shell specification
Bi spherical shell of pure bismuth had outer radius 12.0 cm, inner radius 3.0 cm, and cylinder hole with radius 2.5 cm to accomadate either 14 MeV or Cf-252 neutron sources. The weight of the sphere was measured and atom density was assessed as 0.0282E+24 atoms/cc. The material composition was 100% Bi.
2. Experiment with 14 MeV neutron source
A Cockroft-Walton type accelerator, the KG-0.3 pulse neutron generator in Obninsk, was used to accelerate deuterons to a kinetic energy of 280 keV. The layout of the experiment is shown in Figure 1.

The deuterons were led through a conical aluminium tube of only 0.5 mm wall thickness and collimated by a diaphragm with an 8 mm hole to a solid Titanium-Tritium target backed by a copper radiator 0.8 mm thick and with diameter 11 mm. Beam spot diameter was 5 mm.

The center of the target is located in the geometrical center of the bismuth shell. For monitoring the neutron source strength, the alfa particles generated in the deuterium-tritium reaction were detected at 175 deg. Through a 1 mm diameter collimator by a silicon surface barrier (SSB) detector.
The ion pulse width is 2.5 ns. The repetition period of the pulse can be set arbitrarily to multiples of 200 ns. The mean beam current for 800 ns period was 1 microampere.

The mean energy and yield of the '14 MeV' neutron source peak are slightly angle dependent, as shown in Figure 2.

The detector used was a fast scintillation detector located at an angle of 8 deg. Relative to beam trajectory extension and at a flight path of 679.0 cm. The detector was installed in a lead house behind a concrete wall. A conical hole drilled through the wall acted as a collimator (see Figure 1).

The detector itself consisted of a cylindrical paraterphenyl cristal of 5 cm diameter and 5 cm height. It was coupled to a FEU-143 photomultiplier.

The time-of-flight measurement is made in the usual inverse method, i.e. using the detector signal as a start signal and the delayed deuteron pick-up pulse as a stop signal. In this way only the useful neutron bursts, i.e. those producing a signal in the detector are used, so avoiding dead time losses.
The experimental spectra were corrected for the background effects. To measure the background neutron spectra, a 1 m long by 18 - 26 cm diameter iron shadow bar and a 30 cm long borated polyethylene cylinder were placed between the detector and the sphere (Figure 1).
3. Experiment with Cf-252 neutron source
The neutron leakage with a Cf-252 neutron source has been measured by time-of-flight method using a fast ionization chamber (Figure 3). The latter had 34 mm diameter and 120 mm length and was filled with Ar-CO2 gas. The one disc electrode had Cf-252 layer with intensity of 4*E+5 n/s.
The output of the chamber, with discrimination against pulses from alpha particles, supplied the stop pulses for the TOF measurement as well as the total number of disintegrations during the experiment.
The scintillation detector (the same as used for measurements with 14 MeV neutron source) was located at 558.5 cm flight path from the sphere center (Figure 3). The angle between the axis of the hole in the sphere and the direction to the detector was 135 deg. To reduce the influence of the streaming of source neutrons through the hole.

For background measurements an iron shadow bar was installed between detector and sphere. The efficiency of the detector was measured employing the same Cf-252 neutron source by removing the bismuth sphere. This results in elimination of part of the experimental uncertainties.
4. Uncertainties
The estimated uncertainties of the experimental data and their main components are listed in Table 1. During the experiment the main spectrometer parameters (detector efficiency, absolute normalization factor, etc.) were measured several times, hence the stability of the spectrometer could be estimated by calculating the mean square deviation of individual runs.
Two radioactive reference sources were used, Cf-252 for neutron detector calibration and Pu-238 for alpha-detector calibration, with their specific uncertainties. The uncertainties of corrections for Cf-chamber scattering and time-of-flight conversion to energy, calculated with MCNP, were estimated at about 1-2/%.
In Table 1 the quadratic sum of components 2-5, considered as systematic, is
calculated and its quadratic summation with the statistical uncertainty gives
the total uncertainty of the experimental data.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested
Neutron leakage spectra between 0.2 MeV and 15 MeV from thorium shell were measured by the time-of-flight technique using a 14 MeV neutron generator and Cf-252 fission ionization chamber. The sphere had outer radius 13.0 cm, inner radius 3.0 cm, wall thicknesses 10.0 cm. The experiments were performed in the period from 1987 to 1992.
Description of Experimental Set-up and Measuring Procedure
Th shell specification
Th spherical shell of pure thorium had outer radius 13.0 cm, inner radius 3.0 cm, and cylinder hole with radius 2.5 cm to accomadate either 14 MeV or Cf-252 neutron sources. The weight of the sphere was measured and atom density was assessed as 0.0293E+24 atoms/cc. The material composition was 100% Th.




Purpose and Phenomena Tested


The purpose of this experiment was to compare measurements and calculations of fast-neutron leakage spectra from a spherical shell of iron to test the validity and accuracy of the neutron cross-section data.


Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration


Two sources were used: (1) a californium-252 spontaneous fission source, and (2) a D-T fusion neutron source provided by a neutron generator. For the measurements using the D-T source, the flight tube of the neutron generator was inserted through a 9.5 cm diameter re entrant hole. For the measurements using the Cf-252 source, the reentrant hole was plugged with a steel cylinder, and the Cf-252 source was hung from a small steel holder attached to the plug. The holder positioned the Cf-252 source at the center of the iron sphere.


The iron sphere and the neutron detector were both situated 1 meter above the concrete floor with the detector positioned 200 cm from the center of the sphere.


The iron sphere contained 0.21% by weight of carbon and 0.47% by weight of manganese. The spherical shell of iron had an inner radius of 7.65 cm, an outer radius of 38.10 cm, and a number density of 0.0849 nuclei/barn-cm.

Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
A benchmark analysis is described for an experiment performed in 1977 at the Kansas State University Nuclear Engineering Shielding Facility in which skyshine from 60Co photon sources was measured at distances in air up to 700 m. The intent of the experiment was to provide this information as benchmark data against which to compare calculated data. For this reason the experiment was carefully documented, and the geometry was kept simple to facilitate computer modeling. Benchmark calculations for the experiment were performed with the MCNP5 code using ENDF/B-VI nuclear cross-section data. The simulation model was an updated and enhanced version of the model described in a 1993 benchmark analysis [1].

3. Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
Photon skyshine measurements were performed using three 60Co sources with nominal activities of 10.33, 229.1, and 3,804 Ci. Sources were nickel-plated 60Co pellets within cylindrical volumes with diameters of 0.693, 0.693, and 2.527 cm and lengths of 0.635, 1.905, and 2.54 cm. Each measurement was performed with one of the sources placed within an annular concrete silo with 91.44 cm (3 ft) thick walls. Each source was contained in one of two steel casks mounted on a cart. Cart mobility and slide movements in the casks allowed sources to be horizontally centered within the silo and raised 2.54 cm above the top of the cask to the required height of 1.98 m above grade. Concrete wedges and lead bricks lining the top of the silo collimated the source into a 150.5deg vertical-conical beam.

Gamma radiation exposure rates were measured using a 25.4 cm diameter, high-pressure (25 atm), argon-filled ionization chamber. Measurements were made at distances of 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, and 700 m from the source at 1 m above the ground. Because the height of the silo exceeded 1 m and the walls were thick, only radiation that scattered from the air outside the silo (skyshine), the outside walls and base of the silo, and the ground (groundshine) was detected.

Background measurements were taken. Also, spectra were measured at locations along the 700 m baseline and used to generate multiplicative energy correction factors for the sources. These were required because of the non-flat energy response of the detector.




Purpose and Phenomena Tested:

These benchmark data were collected by measuring a 4.5 kg 94% 239Pu plutonium metal sphere reflected by spherical polyethylene shells. Six different configurations of the plutonium sphere were measured: bare, and reflected by polyethylene 1.27, 2.54, 3.81, 7.62, and 15.24 cm thick. The neutron and photon emissions from this source were measured using three instruments: a high efficiency high purity germanium (HPGe) gamma spectrometer, a gross neutron counter using moderated helium 3,and a neutron multiplicity counter using moderated helium 3. The gamma spectrometry data consist of gamma spectra with 32,768 channels and a maximum photon energy of 11.8 MeV. The gross neutron counting data consist of neutron count rates measured with two different configurations of detector moderation. The neutron multiplicity data consist of time stamped list mode detection events acquired with one microsecond time resolution.


These data provide observations of the total neutron production rate, the neutron multiplicity distribution, and the gamma spectrum of plutonium metal with neutron multiplication between approximately 4 and 17.


Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:

The plutonium source for this series of experiments was the BeRP Ball, a 4.5-kg sphere of alpha-phase, weapons-grade plutonium fabricated by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in October 1980. The sphere is clad in stainless steel. Cf Figure 1.


The BeRP ball was cast and machined to a mean radius of 3.7938 cm. The theoretical density of alpha-phase plutonium metal is 19.655 g/cm3. However, the measured mass of the plutonium sphere was 4483.884 g, and the volume of the sphere was 228.72 cm3 (based on the mean diameter). Consequently, the calculated density of the plutonium sphere is 19.604 g/cm3. LANL documentation describing the assembly of the BeRP ball indicates the plutonium sphere was partially immersed in Freon to shrink it just prior to its final assembly in the steel cladding. The dimensions of the plutonium sphere following this Freon bath were not recorded by LANL. As a result, the actual density of the plutonium sphere may be higher than its calculated density if the Freon bath permanently reduced the volume of the sphere by changing the grain structure of the metal.


The BeRP ball was encased in a cladding of stainless steel 304 that is nominally 0.0305 cm thick. The nominal composition of the steel cladding is listed in Table 1. Its nominal density is 7.62 g/cm3. As shown in Figure 1, the cladding was constructed from two hemishells, each with a nominal inside radius of 3.8278 cm and a nominal outside radius of 3.8583 cm. Each hemishell also had a 4.3764-cm radius, 0.0457-cm thick flange. When the plutonium sphere was assembled in the cladding, the two hemishells were electron-beam-welded together at this flange. Because the outside of the radius of the plutonium sphere is smaller than the inside radius of the cladding by 0.0340 cm, there is a gap between the plutonium sphere and the cladding that is nominally 0.0680 cm at its widest point.


The polyethylene reflectors were constructed as a series of five nesting spherical shells. Each individual shell was constructed of two mating hemishells. Figure 3 is a photograph of the plutonium source in the nested hemishells. The mating surfaces of the hemishells were stepped to eliminate any streaming path. Each shell was supported by its own aluminum support stand. The stands were designed to keep the center of the plutonium source 8.3 inches above the work surface




Purpose and Phenomena Tested

Determination of the neutron transport for penetrations up to 67 cm in steel.


Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration

The source is a fission plate constructed of 93% enriched uranium aluminium alloy driven by a thermal flux from the extended graphite reflector of the NESTOR reactor. The effective radius of the fission plate is 56 cm and the thickness 2 mm. The energy spectrum of the source is that of neutrons emitted from the fission of U-235. The absolute source strength is determined by fission product counting and the spatial distribution via detailed low energy flux mapping with activation detectors.


The shield is made from 13 mild steel plates, each approximately 5.1 cm thick, with a gap of average thickness of 7.4 mm between them, to allow detector access within the shield. Each plate is 1.8 m x 1.9 m in cross-section. Behind this array is a deep backing shield manufactured from mild and stainless steel, respectively 20.32 cm and 22.41 cm thick. The outer boundaries of the experimental region are formed by the walls and floor (steel plates) of the ASPIS trolley and by the roof of the ASPIS cave. Concrete encases the whole assembly.




Purpose and Phenomena Tested

The in- and ex-vessel neutron dosimetry measurements were performed at the H.B. Robinson-2 (HBR-2) nuclear power plant, which is a commercial pressurized light-water reactor designed by Westinghouse. HBR-2 is a three loop reactor with 2300-MW (thermal) power. It was placed in operation in March of 1971, and is owned by Carolina Power and Light Company.


The measurements served several purposes. By performing the measurements on both sides of the pressure vessel, that is, in the surveillance capsule located in the downcomer region between the thermal shield and the pressure vessel, and outside the pressure vessel, in the cavity between the vessel and the biological shield, the consistency between the (traditional) in-vessel dosimetry and the cavity dosimetry (which was new at the time of these experiments) was tested. The cavity measurements were used to experimentally verify the effectiveness of the low-leakage fuel loading pattern which was introduced in the HBR-2 in fuel cycle 9 to reduce the pressure vessel irradiation.

The measurements also provided a means to test the ability of neutron transport calculations to predict the through the wall attenuation.


The measurements were used to prepare the "H. B. Robinson-2 Pressure Vessel Benchmark" (Ref. 1), which can be used for partial fulfilment of the requirements for the qualification of the methodology for calculating neutron fluence in pressure vessels, as required by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 1.190, "Calculational and Dosimetry Methods for Determining Pressure Vessel Neutron Fluence."





Purpose and Phenomena Tested:

Determination of neutron spectra and detector reaction rates at different depth in a bulk iron shield about 1 m thick.


Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:

The source is a fission converter plate consisting of 364 natural uranium metal plates driven by a thermal flux from the extended graphite reflector of the NESTOR reactor. The energy spectrum of the source is the one of neutrons emitted from the fission of U-235; the radial dependence is cosine shaped.

The iron shield consists of 24 mild steel plates 183x191x5.08 cm stacked one behind the other with 0.635 cm air gaps between adjacent plates to allow foils to be loaded.

This array is followed by a 10.16 cm steel plate followed by a 30.5 cm iron shot concrete block.




Purpose and Phenomena Tested:

Determination of the accuracy of methods used to calculate the neutron component of nuclear heating. Threshold reaction rates were measured up to 0.7 m in graphite.


Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:

The source is a fission plate constructed of 93% enriched uranium aluminium alloy driven by a thermal flux from the extended graphite reflector of the NESTOR reactor. The energy spectrum of the source is the one of neutrons emitted from the fission of U-235. The absolute source strength is determined by fission product counting and the spatial distribution via detailed low energy flux mapping with activation detectors.

The graphite assembly had lateral dimensions 180 cm x 190 cm and total length was 177.32 cm. It was built from graphite block of various sizes. The concrete of the approximate thickness 76 cm encases the whole assembly. The detectors were placed in the central block in the cylindrical plug, inserted in 6.45 cm radius hole along the major axis of the block.



Purpose and Phenomena Tested:

Determination of the fast neutron spectra above 1 MeV and detector reaction rates up to 50 cm in water.


Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:

Winfrith Water Benchmark Experiment comprised a central air-filled measurement tube surrounded by up to 8 symmetrically located Cf-252 sources. The whole arrangement was contained within a water tank. The sources were movable along the support arms by units of 50.8 mm in order to alter the source-detector separation distance.




Purpose and Phenomena Tested:

Both neutron activation and gamma-ray dose-rate were measured in the experimental configuration comprising the shield of iron and water and the neutron source generated in a U-235 fission plate.


The experiment was performed in the ASPIS facility of the NESTOR reactor at AEE Winfrith.


Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:

The source is a fission plate constructed of 93% enriched uranium aluminium alloy driven by a thermal flux from the extended graphite reflector of the NESTOR reactor. The effective radius of the fission plate is 56.1 cm and the thickness 2 mm. The energy spectrum of the source is that of neutrons emitted from the fission of U-235. The absolute source strength is determined by fission product counting and the spatial distribution via detailed low energy flux mapping with activation detectors.


The fission plate is followed by the experimental configuration comprising several layers of mild steel and two about 20 cm thick water filled containers made of stainless steel (see Figure 5). The array has a biological shield of concrete behind this.




Purpose and Phenomena Tested:

Neutron transport in regions of mild steel and stainless steel. The purpose was to test the prediction of neutron penetration through stainless steel when the incident spectrum was typical of that emerging from a fast reactor.


Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:

The source is a fission plate constructed of 93% enriched uranium aluminium alloy driven by a thermal flux from the extended graphite reflector of the NESTOR reactor. The effective radius of the fission plate is 56 cm and the thickness 2 mm. The energy spectrum of the source is that of neutrons emitted from the fission of U-235. The absolute source strength is determined by fission product counting and the spatial distribution via detailed low energy flux mapping with activation detectors.

The fission plate is followed by steel plates which give thicknesses of 17.85 cm mild steel, 40.39 cm stainless steel, and 56.72 cm mild steel. The initial region of mild steel modifies the spectrum of neutrons incident upon the stainless steel to make it closer to that leaving a fast reactor. The array has a 61 cm thick biological shield of concrete behind this.




Purpose and Phenomena Tested:

Neutron transport in regions of mild steel and sodium. The purpose was to test the prediction of neutron penetration through sodium when the incident spectrum was typical of that emerging from a fast reactor.


Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:

The source is a fission plate constructed of 93% enriched uranium aluminium alloy driven by a thermal flux from the extended graphite reflector of the NESTOR reactor. The effective radius of the fission plate is 56 cm and the thickness 2 mm. The energy spectrum of the source is that of neutrons emitted from the fission of U-235. The absolute source strength is determined by fission product counting and the spatial distribution via detailed low energy flux mapping with activation detectors.

The fission plate is followed by four mild steel slabs, six tanks of sodium, two slabs of stainless steel and a backing shield of polythene and lead. This gives a thickness of 280 cm sodium preceded by 17.85 cm mild steel.

The initial region of mild steel modifies the spectrum of neutrons incident upon the stainless steel to make it closer to that leaving a fast reactor.




Purpose and Phenomena Tested:

Neutron transport in a shield simulating the radial shield of a PWR, including the cavity region and the backing shield.


Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:

The source is a fission plate constructed of 93% enriched uranium aluminium alloy driven by a thermal flux from the extended graphite reflector of the NESTOR reactor. The effective radius of the fission plate is 56 cm and the thickness 2 mm. The energy spectrum of the source is that of neutrons emitted from the fission of U-235. The absolute source strength is determined by fission product counting and the spatial distribution via detailed low energy flux mapping with activation detectors.

The shield simulates the radial shield of a PWR and consists of 12.1 cm of water, a 6.3 cm stainless steel plate simulating the thermal shield, 13.2 cm of water, five mild steel plates giving a thickness of 22.8 cm to simulate the pressure vessel, a 29.4 cm cavity region and a backing shield of aluminium, water and mild steel.





Purpose and Phenomena Tested:

Determination of neutron spectra and detector reaction rates at different depth in the ASPIS facility in a water/iron shield reproducing the ex-core radial geometry of a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR).

A replica of the Oak Ridge PCA experiment with a highly enriched fission plate in place of the core source. The cross-sectional area of the fission plate was identical to that of the PCA source.


Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:

The PCA-REPLICA duplicated precisely the Oak Ridge PCA 12/13 configuration (12 and 13 cm of water respectively between the core and thermal shield and between the thermal shield and the pressure vessel-RPV) with the exception that the reactor source was replaced by a thin fission-plate to provide a well characterized neutron source. The fission-plate was irradiated by the NESTOR reactor at UKAEA-Winfrith (30 kW max. power) through a graphite thermal column of total thickness 43.91 cm, in the ASPIS shielding facility.


The REPLICA shielding array was arranged in a large steel tank (square section; side 180.0 cm) filled with water and surrounded by a thick concrete shield. After the first water gap (12.1 cm), there was the stainless steel thermal shield (TS) simulator (5.9 cm thick) and the second water gap (12.7 cm). Then the mild steel RPV simulator (thickness T = 22.5 cm) was located and tightly connected with a void box made of a thin layer of aluminium, simulating the cavity (thickness = 29.58 cm) between the RPV and the biological shield in a real PWR.


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Measurement System and Uncertainties  
The measurements were made with a NE-213 spectrometer, with a 2-in. x 2-in. active fluid cylinder. A modified Forte circuit separated the neutron from the gamma-induced pulses. Unfolding the pulse-height distributions was accomplished by using the FERDoR computer code. The data uncertainty is due to statistical collections and a 5-10% error in power calibration. The data is unfolded into a 68% uncertainty range (high and low) for flux values, excluding the power calibration error.
Description of Results and Analysis  
The data was collected for a bare beam, (sodium sample removed and lead, stainless steel container housing the sample left in place) to collect a source spectrum, for use in the calculated uncollided spectrum. Data was then collected for a 60.56-cm-wide x 40-inch-diameter sodium sample. The density of the sample was 0.0254 atoms/barn-cm and considered to be 100% Na.

Measurement System and Uncertainties  
Three detectors were used to measure the transmitted spectrum behind the iron slabs.  A 2" x 2" NE-213 measured neutron spectra from 1.5 to 10 MeV.  The tabulated unfolding uncertainties at 1 sigma deviations were generated by FERDO.  The lower energy neutrons were measured from 10 keV to 1 MeV using spherical proportional detectors of H2 and CH4 gas.  These spectra were unfolded using the SPEC-4 code and have an estimated +/- 10% standard deviation in general, with +/- 25% in the deep spectral valleys.  
Description of Results and Analysis  
Slabs of iron 9.6, 16, and 19.2 cm thickness were placed into the reactor beam and the transmitted spectrum measured.  Measurements were taken at 0 and 30 degrees off centerline from the collimated neutron beam.  Results are plotted and tabulated with their 1-sigma standard deviations.  Older analyses with ANISN and MORSE using ENDF/B-III and IV data files were performed.  Calculational results were varied.

Measurement System and Uncertainties:
The detectors used were:
Detector                             Standard
                                         Deviation (%)
    Rh103(n,n')                            15          
    S32(n,p)pellet                         15           
    Na(n,gamma) /Cd                         5           
    Mn(n,gamma) /Cd                         5
    Au(n,gamma) /Cd                         5
    SP2 proton recoil Spectr.              10 (80keV - 1.35MeV)
No information on the dimensions of the detectors was found in the literature.
For the sodium, the concentrations of impurities were not known very accurately, particularly the concentrations of oxygen and hydrogen.
Description of Results and Analysis:
Detector activation measurements were carried out at 7 different distances from the core mid plane: 51, 73, 123, 173, 223, 273, and 323 cm. (Channels 0 to 6). Only relative values, normalised to 1 in the channel 1 are given.
Spectra in the energy range between 80 and 1350 keV were measured at two positions (in channel 0 - outside of Na, and in channel 1 - 73 cm from the centre of the core). The results are normalised to 1. The counting ratio between the channels 0 and 1 is also given.
A 1-D and 2-D calculational model have been developed by the authors (using ANISN, DOT 3.5 [1], [3] and TRIPOLI [2] codes).
Note: The available information on the geometry, materials and neutron source allows only very approximate and partial calculations of this experiment.

Measurement System and Uncertainties:
The detectors used were:
Detector            Diameter  Effective  Statistical   System
                       (mm)   Length (mm)  Error (%)    Error (%)
proton recoil spec.   4.8        12.6      5 - 10       8 - 11
proton recoil spec.   8.9        83.5      5 - 10       8 - 11
He-3 spec.                                 5 - 10       5 - 6
Description of Results and Analysis:
Using cylindrical gas-filled proton-recoil proportional counters the integral (angle integrated) neutron leakage spectra and by means of collimators also angular dependent neutron spectra in the energy region from 60 keV to 5 MeV were measured. The spectra were measured at a distance of about 1 m from the sphere centre with the axis in the radial direction. The room-scattered background was corrected for by evaluation of the difference of spectra from measurements without and with a shadow cone.
The integral leakage spectra, measured with the proton-recoil proportional counters, were normalized to one source neutron. The spectra were unfolded with the SPEC-4 code [6].
Using small He-3 semiconductor spectrometers, which were located directly on the surface of the sphere, scalar neutron spectra were measured in the energy region from 100 keV to 8 MeV. Measurements were corrected for the background due to (n,d) and (n,p) events and unfolded through the program described in [7]. The spectra are given in relative values only.
In addition to the iron spectra the pure Cf-252 source spectrum was measured.
A 1-D calculational model has been recommended by the authors. Some calculations are described in ref. [1], [2], [3], [4].

Measurement System and Uncertainties:
The activation detectors used were:
                              Typical  Counting  Systematic
Detector  Diameter  Thickness  Mass     System   Absolute    Random
           (mm)       (mm)      (g)              Calibration  error
Rh103(n,n') 12.7     0.015    0.20       NaI      3.0%      1 - 4%
S32(n,p)    38.1     2.41     5       Plastic     5.0%      1 - 2%
Pressed Pellet                       Scintillator
S32(n,p)    51       5.6     22       Plastic     5.0%      1 - 2%
Cast Pellet                          Scintillator
In addition neutron spectrum measurements were made in the cavity with three hydrogen proportional counters and an NE213 scintillator.
Description of Results and Analysis:
Measurements of the reaction rate for S32(n,p)P32 were made between the steel plates (thermal shield and reactor pressure vessel regions) and in the cavity whilst Rh103(n,n')Rh103m measurements were made in the water regions.
In addition, during all irradiations of activation detectors within the shields, three sulphur pellets were placed in locations at the centre of the front face of the fission plate to monitor its run-to-run power via the S32(n,p)P32 reaction.
The results were corrected for the background responses due to the NESTOR core. Using the hydrogen filled proportional counters of the TNS system the correction was found to be around 6(+/-2)% in the RPV and cavity and 2(+/-2)% and 4(+/-2)% respectively in the first and second water cells.
Calculations were carried out with the Monte Carlo codes McBEND Version 2 [3].

Measurement System and Uncertainties:
The detectors used were:
Detector        Diameter  Thickness  Systematic   Total
                  (mm)      (mm)      Error (%)   Error (%)
Rh-103(n,n')                0.2         10          10
In-115(n,n')       18       0.5          7         7-8
S-32(n,p)pellet    30       1.0          8         8-30
SP2 proton recoil Spectr.                          5-15
Description of Results and Analysis:
Activation measurements were carried out at 6 different depth into the iron shield: 0, 10, 20, 35, 50 and 65 cm. Spectra were measured at 10, 20, 35 and 50 cm in iron (steel-37), and at 20, 35, 50 cm in steel 18-8.
The spectra were unfolded by the SPEC4[3] computer code. A 2-D calculational model has been recommended by the authors.

Measurement System:
Neutron reaction rates were measured in the ducts by use of coupled pairs of 6LiFand 7LiF thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD) and multiple foil activation detectors. The detector holders consisted of aluminium disks with thickness of 1.5 mm, which fitted precisely in the duct and which were kept at a constant distance from each other by thin aluminium bars. The detectors could be placed on the disk at four positions on a straight line through the disk centre at distances of 2.5 and 5.0 cm from the centre. The activation foils were irradiated in a small aluminium capsule with thickness of 0.5 mm, or in a cadmium capsule with thickness of 1 mm, while the TLD samples were irradiated in small aluminium capsules with a thickness of 1 mm.
The fast neutron flux was measured using 56Fe(n,p)56Mn, 54Fe(n,p)54Mn, 58Ni(n,p)58Co and 115In(n,n')115mIn threshold reaction detectors. For the thermal and epithermal energy range the reaction rates of 55Mn(n,g)56Mn, 197Au(n,g)198Au and 45Sc(n,g)46Sc were measured. Both bare and cadmium covered foils were used. Characteristics and locations of the activation detectors used for measuring the fast and thermal neutron flux are given.
Thermal neutron measurements were carried out by pairs of 6LiF (TLD600) and 7LiF (TLD-700) TLD samples with size of 3.1 x 3.1 x 0.89 mm3. The TLD600 samples are sensitive to thermal neutrons by means of the (n,a) 1/v capture reaction in 6Li (absorption cross-section is about 940 barn at 0.025 eV). All the TLD600 samples were equally sensitive to neutrons within 5% (one standard deviation) and to gamma rays within 3%. The TLD700 samples were equally sensitive to gamma rays within 3%. Although the capture cross section of 7Li is virtually zero, the TLD700 samples are slightly sensitive to neutrons due to the presence of a small amount of 6Li in these samples (~0.07%).
The TLD samples were irradiated pairwise (two TLD600 samples at the one side of the disk and two TLD700 samples at the other side, symmetrical with respect to the centre of the disk). The results of the TLD700 sample measurements were used to correct the TLD600 count yields for the gamma ray contributions, and vice versa for gamma flux determination. In this way both the gamma dose and the neutron (n,a) reaction rate could be determined.
Description of Results and Analysis:
Only a limited number of measurement results is available. The measured reaction rates for 115In(n,n')115mIn in the straight duct, 55Mn(n,g)56Mn in the 30 degree duct, 197Au(n,g)198Au and 55Mn(n,g)56Mn in the 90 degree duct are given.
Using the measured and calculated saturation activities per target nucleus of each foil, and cross sections from IRDF85, IRDF90 and DOSCROS84, spectrum adjustment calculations was done by SANDBP code. Such adjusted spectra in the straight duct at the entrance (1st measurement position) and at fourth position are given.
The relative neutron responses of the TLD samples for all geometries are available only in graphical form. The responses are normalised to the response of the first detector of each geometry. The energy dependent response function of the TLD samples was obtained from an adjoint transport calculation using the 1-dimensional discrete ordinates code XSDRNPM-S. The response function for the TLD600 and TLD700 samples is listed, compared to those obtained by approximate analytical expressions [1].
No information on gamma-ray measurements was found in the literature.
Error Assessment:
Counting statistic uncertainties were 3%, 5% and 8%, for 197Au(n,g)198Au, 115In(n,n')115mIn and 55Mn(n,g)56Mn measurements, respectively. The TLD calibration error was about 5 % for neutron, and 1 % for gamma calibration. Standard deviation (1s) of the measurements were about 12%.
Example of Experiment Analysis:
The calculations using the DOT3.5 and MORSE-SGC/S codes are described. Several DOT3.5 input and output files used for in this analysis are included.

Measurement System and Uncertainties
Four different types of detection systems were used in this experiment. A set of Bonner balls (3-, 4-, 5-, 8-, 10-, and 12-inches diameter) filled with BF3 gas was used to measure the neutron flux. In order to cover a range of neutron energies, the counter was used bare, covered with cadmium, or enclosed in various thicknesses of polyethylene shells surrounded by cadmium. A NE-213 liquid scintillator measured the neutron spectrum from about 800 keV to 15 MeV. Spherical proton-recoil counters, filled with hydrogen to pressures of 1, 3, and 10 atmospheres, covered the neutron
energy range from about 50 keV to 1 MeV. The Hornyak button detector consisted of a lucite button interspersed with zinc sulfide mounted on a photomultiplier tube. It was used to measure the absorbed energy per gram and to define the neutron streaming effect where small gaps existed in the mockup structure.
The uncertainty in the reactor power determination was assumed to be +/- 5%. The NE-213 and hydrogen counter measurements were expressed in terms of lower and upper limits that represented a 68% confidence interval. Both of the spectra for these counters has an error of about +/- 5%. The error in the Hornyak button measurements depends largely on the ability to maintain a constant temperature. The errors assigned to both the Bonner ball and Hornyak button detector measurements should lie within about +/- 10%.
Description of Results and Analysis
Twelve different measurements of the neutron spectra were taken: (1) spectrum modifier, (2) B4C homogeneous hexagon, (3) SS homogeneous hexagon, (4) B4C central blockage + B4C homogeneous assemblies, (5) B4C central-blockage type assemblies, (6) SS central blockage assembly + 6 SS homogeneous-type assemblies, (7) SS central-blockage-type assemblies, (8) fission gas plenum + the 7 B4C central-blockage-type assemblies, (9) B4C rod bundle + B4C homogeneous-type assemblies, (10) SS rod bundle + SS homogeneous-type assemblies, (11) B4C central Na channel assembly + B4C homogeneous-type assemblies, and (12) SS central Na channel assembly + SS homogeneous-type assemblies.
Data from the Bonner ball measuremens was predicted analytically by folding a calculated neutron spectrum with Bonner ball response functions. The NE-213 spectrometer pulse-height data was unfolded with the FERD code to yield absolute neutron energy spectra. Pulse-height data from the proton-recoil counters was unfolded with the SPEC-4 code.
The measurements for each detector were referenced to the reactor power (watts) using the data from two fission chambers positioned along the reactor centerline as a basis.

Measurement System and Uncertainties
Three different types of detection systems were used for this experiment.  A set of Bonner balls filled with BF3 gas was used to measure neutron flux.  To cover a range of neutron energies, the counter is used bare, covered with cadmium, or enclosed in various thicknesses of polyethylene shells surrounded by cadmium.  An NE-213 liquid scintillator measured the spectrum from 800 keV to 50 MeV.  Spherical proton-recoil counters , filled with hydrogen to pressures of 1, 3, and 10 atmospheres, covered the neutron energy range from about 50 keV to 1 MeV. A study of sodium activation was made using sodium carbonate filled polystyrene capsules meausred utilizing a well-shielded Ge(Li) detector.
The uncertainty in the reactor power determination was assumed to be +/- 5%. The NE-213 and hydrogen counter measurements were expressed in terms of lower and upper limits that represented a 68% confidence interval. Both of the spectra for these counters has an error of about +/- 5%.  The errors assigned to the Bonner ball measurements should lie within about +/- 10%.
Description of Results and Analysis
Nine different measurements of the neutron spectra were taken: (1) mockups below spent fuel region, (2) mockups in spend fuel region, (3) mockups for fission gas plenum region of spent fuel, (4) sodium with sodium side slabs IHX mockup, (5) boron carbide front shield with sodium side slabs IHX mockup, (6)boron carbide front shield with partial side shield IHX mockup, (7) boron carbide with boron carbide side slabs IHX mockup, (8)boron carbide front shield with aluminum window and boron carbide side shield IHX mockup, and (9) solid boron carbide/aluminum front shield with full boron carbide side shields IHX mockup.
Data from the Bonner ball measurements was predicted analytically by folding a calculated neutron spectrum with the Bonner ball response functions.  The NE-213 pulse-height data was unfolded suing the FERD code to yield absolute neutron energy spectra.  Pulse-height data from the spherical proton-recoil counters was unfolded using the SPEC-4 code.
The measurements for each detector were referenced to the reactor power (watts) using the data from two fission chambers positioned along the reactor centerline as a basis.

Measurement System and Uncertainties
Three different types of detection systems were used for this experiment.  A set of Bonner balls filled with BF3 gas was used to measure neutron flux. To cover a range of neutron energies, the counter is used bare, covered with cadmium, or enclosed in various thicknesses of polyethylene shells surrounded by cadmium.  An NE-213 liquid scintillator measured the spectrum from 800 keV to 50 MeV.  Spherical proton-recoil counters , filled with hydrogen to pressures of 1, 3, and 10 atmospheres, covered the neutron energy range from about 50 keV to 1 MeV.  A study of sodium activation was made using sodium carbonate filled polystyrene capsules measured utilizing a well-shielded Ge(Li) detector.
The uncertainty in the reactor power determination was assumed to be +/- 5%. The NE-213 and hydrogen counter measurements were expressed in terms of lower and upper limits that represented a 68% confidence interval. Both of the spectra for these counters has an error of about +/- 5%.  The errors assigned to the Bonner ball measurements should lie within about +/- 10%.
Description of Results and Analysis
Six different measurements of the neutron spectra were taken: (1) near core shield, (2) benchmark experiment, (3) tank type radial shield, (4) IHX shield, (5) graphite benchmark, and (6) near core shield.
Data from the Bonner ball measurements was predicted analytically by folding a calculated neutron spectrum with the Bonner ball response functions.  The NE-213 pulse-height data was unfolded suing the FERD code to yield absolute neutron energy spectra.  Pulse-height data from the spherical proton-recoil counters was unfolded using the SPEC-4 code.
The measurements for each detector were referenced to the reactor power (watts) using the data from two fission chambers positioned along the reactor centerlineas a basis.

Measurement Systems and Uncertainties
The measurements were made with Np237 and U238 fission chambers and Rh103, In115, Ni58, and Al27 activation dosimeters at the core midplane.  The positions included key reactor capsule locations of 1/4 T, 1/2T, and 3/4T of the RPV.  The experimental access tubes allowed centralized placement of dosimeters and were filled with a similar material that surrounded each tube to minimize flux perturbations.  
All fuel element specifications are within +/- 0.1 cm (2 sigma), and the experimental configuration is within +/-0.2 cm (2 sigma) of the specified dimensions.  The as-built and plan design specifications for the 12/13 experiment show differences of up to 0.4 cm for material placement.
The uncertainties for the measured equivalent fission fluxes are between 6 and 10%.
Description of Results and Analysis
The measurements are reported at distances from the aluminum window simulator of 12, 23.8, 29.7, 39.5, 44.7, 50.1, and 59.1 cm.  All reaction rate measurements are converted to Equivalent Fission Fluxes and normalized to the core neutron source strength of 1 n/s.  The reaction cross sections, averaged over U235 fission spectrum are provided.  Only the 12/13 results are provided here (12 cm water between aluminum window and thermal shield, 13 cm water between thermal shield and pressure vessel).

Measurement System and Uncertainties
The 5-inch-diameter x 5-inch long NaI (Tl) crystal was located inside a spherical lead-water shield with 4 lead irises to collimate the gamma-rays.  This reduced the background of the gamma rays not born in the sample.  A 2-inch.thick borated polyethylene slab covered the outermost iris to reduce thermal-neutron effects in the crystal detector.  The detector is placed at 20 ft from and at the midpoint of the sample.  The detector viewed the entire slab face and was limited by the addition of two aluminum-walled tanks filled with borated water, lined with borated polyethylene, placed midway between the detector and the sample.
Description of Results and Analysis
The experimental results for all 14 elements plus the stainless steel are presented as cross sections versus energy.  The minimum energy is 1 MeV to approximately 10 MeV.  The standard deviation is +/- 15% and contributions from discrete and continuum gamma rays are included in the results.  No transport calculations are necessary for this benchmark, hence no model description, atom densities, etc. are needed.  Calculations could simply consist of summing the thermal-neutron absolute capture spectra over appropriate energy intervals, however, it is recommended that a 'standard' ENDF/B photon production group averaging code be used to accomplish this task.
The resulting reduced spectral intensities in photons per 100 captures were summed over 0.5-MeV intervals and converted to units of millibarns per capture by using handbook values of the radiative-capture cross section at 0.0253 eV.

Measurement System and Uncertainties
Measurements were made using a single-crystal spectrometer placed so that the detector collimator was at an angle of 90 deg. to the reactor beam collimator, 45 deg. with respect to the slab sample normal. The spectrometer was a 5-in.-diameter by 5-in.-long NAI(Tl) crystal located inside a spherical lead-water shield. The crystal was placed 20 ft from the midpoint of the reactor and had the ability to view the entire transmitting face of the slab. This geometry minimized the incidence of reactor gamma rays on the crystal. The NaI crystal yielded energy resolutions which varied from 6.2% at 1.38 MeV (FWHM) to 2.5% at 10.83 MeV.
Two gamma-ray spectra were measured for each sample. One was obtained by placing a 2.13-cm-thick boron filter over the reactor collimator, and the other was obtained with a 30-mil-thick cadmium filter placed over the collimator.
Description of Results and Analysis
The experimental data are differential in the gamma-ray energy from approximately 1 to 6.5 MeV and are expressed as values of 4*PI times the differential gamma-ray production cross section in millibarns at 90 deg. to the incident neutron beam averaged over a neutron source lying above 1 MeV. The gamma-ray production measurements are accurate to +/- 30% and include the contributions from both discrete and continuum gamma rays. No transport calculations are necessary for this benchmark, hence model description, atom densities, etc. are not needed. It is recommended that a 'standard' ENDF/B photon production group averaging code be used to determine the production cross sections.
Each slab sample was either in metal or powder form, and all but one of the powder samples was a compound. Some of the samples also contained impurities, which are given in weight percentages.

Measurement System and Uncertainties  
The measurements were made with a NE-213 spectrometer, with a 2 in. x 2 in. active fluid cylinder. A modified Forte circuit separated the neutron from the gamma-induced pulses. Unfolding the pulse-height distributions was accomplished by using the FERDoR computer code. The data uncertainty is due to statistical collections and a 5-10% error in power calibration. The data is unfolded into a 68% uncertainty range (high and low) for flux values, excluding the power calibration error.
Description of Results and Analysis  
The data was collected for a bare beam, (iron sample removed) to collect a source spectrum, for use in the calculated uncollided spectrum. Data was then collected for a 8-inch-long x 4-inch-diameter iron sample and a 12-inch-long x 4-inch-diameter iron sample. The density of the samples was 0.0847 atoms/barn-cm and considered to be 100% Iron.

Measurement System and Uncertainties  
The measurements were made with a NE-213 spectrometer, with a 2-in. x 2-in. active fluid cylinder. A modified Forte circuit separated the neutron and gamma-induced pulses. Unfolding the  pulse-height distributions was accomplished by using the FERDoR computer code. The data uncertainty is due to statistical collections and a 5-10% error in power calibration. The data is unfolded into a 68% uncertainty range (high and low) for flux values, excluding the power calibration error.
Description of Results and Analysis  
The data was collected for a bare beam, (oxygen sample removed, dewars and lead left in place) to collect a source spectrum, for use in the calculated uncollided spectrum. Data was then collected for a 60-inch-wide x 4-inch-diameter oxygen sample. The density of the sample was 0.0429 atoms/barn-cm and considered to be 100% O2.

Measurement System and Uncertainties  
The measurements were made with a NE-213 spectrometer, with a 2-in. x 2-in. active fluid cylinder. A modified Forte circuit separated the neutron from the gamma-induced pulses. Unfolding the pulse-height distributions was accomplished by using the FERDoR computer code. The data uncertainty is due to statistical collections and a 5-10% error in power calibration. The data is unfolded into a 68% uncertainty range (high and low) for flux values, excluding the power calibration error.
Description of Results and Analysis  
The data was collected for a bare beam, (nitrogen sample removed, dewars and lead left in place) to collect a source spectrum, for use in the calculated uncollided spectrum. Data was then collected for a 36-inch-long x 4-inch-diameter nitrogen sample. The density of the sample was 0.0347 atoms/barn-cm and considered to be 100% N2.

Measurement System and Uncertainties
The measurements were made with a NE-213 spectrometer, with a 2-in. x 2-in. active fluid cylinder. A modified Forte circuit separated the neutron from the gamma-induced pulses. Unfolding the pulse-height distributions was accomplished by using the FERDoR computer code. The data uncertainty is due to statistical collections and a 5-10% error in power calibration. The data is unfolded into a 68% uncertainty range (high and low) for flux values, excluding the power calibration error.
Description of Results and Analysis  
The data was collected for a bare beam, (stainless steel sample removed, lead left in place) to collect a source spectrum, for use in the calculated uncollided spectrum. Data was then collected for a 8-inch-wide x 4-inch-diameter oxygen sample.The density of the sample was 0.0436 atoms/barn-cm and was considered to be one of two possible compositions, taken from different references, since no chemical analysis was performed on the SS sample.

Measurement System and Uncertainties
The transmission neutron spectra from ~80 keV to 10 MeV were measured with two detectors: (1) a NE-213 liquid scintillator, and (2) a Benjamin proton recoil spectrometer. The NE-213 spectrometer was used to determine the spectra in the energy range from 0.8 to 10 MeV. The Benjamin spectrometer was used to determine the spectra in the range from ~80 keV to 1.5 MeV. In addition, a set of three BF3 detectors ("Bonner balls") were used to obtain weighted integral flux measurements.
The accuracy of the incident absolute neutron spectrum is estimated to be +/-10% down to 200 keV and +/-20% below 200 keV. All the measurements have an estimated reproducibility of +/-5%, due primarily to power calibration uncertainties. Because of the underestimation of the background measurements, the Bonner ball data is accurate to about 10%.
Description of Results and Analysis
Spectra were measured behind six different iron slab thickness: 1.5, 4, 6, 12, 24, and 36 inches, and behind one stainless steel slab with a thickness of 12 inches.
The spectra measurements obtained from the NE-213 scintillator were unfolded by the FERDoR computer code. The spectra measurements obtained from the Benjamin spectrometer were unfolded by the SPEC4 computer code. Spectral errors in the data unfolding statistics are shown by one sigma percentage values for the Benjamin counters and by high/low values for the NE-213. The calculations were done by multigroup Monte Carlo techniques employing "point" cross sections.

Measurement System and Uncertainties
The spectral measurements were taken using two types of spectrometers: (1) a NE-213 scintillator, and (2) a Benjamin proton recoil spectrometer. The NE-213 was used to determine the spectra in the energy range of 0.8 to 15 MeV. The Benjamin spectrometer was used to determine the spectra in the range of ~70 keV to 1.5 MeV. In addition, a set of spherical BF3 detectors ("Bonner balls") were used to obtain integral flux measurements.
The accuracy of the incident absolute source spectrum is estimated to be +/- 10% down to 200 keV and +/- 20% below 200 keV. All the measurements have an estimated reproducibility of +/- 5%, due primarily to power calibration uncertainties.
Description of Results and Analysis
Measurements were obtained behind sodium thicknesses of 2.5, 5, 10, 12.5, and 15 feet and covered an energy range of ~70 keV to 11 MeV. Measurements of the incident neutron beam were made with each detector to obtain an absolute energy spectrum.
The spectra measurements obtained from the NE-213 were unfolded by the FERDoR computer code. The spectra measurements obtained from the Benjamin spectrometer were unfolded by the SPEC4 computer code. Spectral errors in the data unfolding statistics are shown by one sigma percentage values for the Benjamin counters and high/low values for the NE-213. The results were obtained using multigroup Monte Carlo, MORSE, and two-dimensional discrete ordinates code, DOT-III.

Experimental data and Uncertainties:
As experimental data to be compared with calculations were chosen the End-Of-Irradiation Activities (EOIAs). The analysis of data measured by the participants of Balakovo-3 experiment resulted in reference absolute EOIAs sets for capsule positions at 9.4, 32, 37, 47 and 55.8 deg. azimuth angles. The following dosimetry reactions were analyzed: 237Np(n,f)137Cs, 238U(n,f)137Cs, 93Nb(n,n')93mNb, 58Ni(n,p)58Co, 54Fe(n,p)54Mn, 46Ti(n,p)46Sc, 63Cu(n,alpha)60Co, 93Nb(n,gamma)94Nb.
The experimental results include also set of evaluated Reaction Rates (RR) and very detailed ex-vessel azimuthal and axial distributions of the 54Fe(n,p) reaction rates.
The following centers took part in measurements by their own activation detectors, and results of which were used in the intercomparison:
- SEC NRS of GOSATOMNADZOR of Russia, Moscow, Russia,
- Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (RIAR), Dimitrovgrad, Russia,
- Moscow Institute of Engineering Physics (MIFI, Moscow) in cooperation with Institute of Physics Technical and Radio Technical Measurements (VNIIFTRY, Mendeleevo), Russia,
- Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" (KI), Moscow, Russia,
- Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V. (FZR), Dresden, Germany,
- The NRG, formed the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN), Petten, The Netherlands,
- SKODA, Nuclear Machinary, Plzen, Czech Republic.
Niobium-93 measurement data were resulted from "robin round" intercomparison, in which the same niobium foils were analyzed.
Additional centers took part in this stage of intercomparison:
- SIEMENS AG KWU, Erlangen, Germany,
- VTT Chemical Technology, Espoo, Finland,
- Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE), Sofia, Bulgaria,
- SCK(CEN Fuel Research, Mol, Belgium.
The detector activities were measured in participant own laboratories by using their own measurement techniques. The results intercomparison procedure was a "blind test" one. The uncertainty of reference results reflects as the statistical discrepancy of results of different participants (in case of representative statistic) and an evaluated uncertainty of participant data (in case of two values in the intercomparison).
Comparison of Measurements and Calculations:
The measured data are accompanied with neutron transport calculated results.
The reference measured EOIAs (E) were compared with calculated results (C).
The comparison of E with C resulted from DORT code (Sn method) coupled with BUGLE-96 library and TRAMO code (Monte Carlo method) with library based on ENDF/B-VI data are demonstrated by table 1.
   Table 1 - Average C/E for Balakovo-3 benchmark
     Reaction         DORT&BUGLE-96      TRAMO&ENDF/B-VI
     237Np(n,f)         0.951               0.918
     93Nb(n,n')         0.982               0.937
     238U(n,f)          0.986               0.936
     58Ni(n,p)          1.069               1.014
     54Fe(n,p)          1.097               1.043
     46Ti(n,p)          0.974               0.961
     63Cu(n,a)          0.998               1.010

Measurement System and Uncertainties:
The detectors used were:
Detector                              Diameter Thickness    Error
                                        (cm)      (cm)       (%)
S-32(n,p)P-32                           2     0.2 - 1   5.6 - 15.5
In-115(n,n')In-115m                    (*)               10 - 15
Rh-103(n,n')Rh-103m                    (*)                5 - 8
Au-197(n,gamma)Au-198/under Cd (1mm)   1.0     0.01       5 - 8
NE213 liquid scintillator spectrometer volume = 3.35 cm3
gas proportional counters              4.04 (spherical)
(*) thin foils, can be neglected in the calculation.
The gold foil consists of an Au/Al alloy with 0.1 wt% gold content. The thickness of the Cd coating is 1 mm.
The energy resolution of the proton recoil spectrometers is between 5 and 15%.
Description of Results and Analysis:
Measurements with activation detectors were carried out approximately every 8 cm up to the depth of 60 cm with In(n,n'), 94 cm with S(n,p) and Rh(n,n'), and 133.5 cm with Au(n,gamma).
The energy range between 14 keV and 10 MeV was covered with liquid scintillator spectrometer and gas proportional counters.
In the case of the scintillation counters the neutron spectra were furnished by the NE213 code applying the differential method. For proportional gas counters the spectra were unfolded by the SPEC4 code [9].
The neutron spectra are given at 6 locations (22, 38, 54, 70, 86, 102 cm).
As the authors are not completely confident that the unfolding was performed according to state-of-the-art procedures, the original distributions of the impulses measured by spectrometers and the detector geometry are included as well for those who wish to carry out their own unfolding.
MCNP-3 calculations performed using various flux estimators are described in [6].
More recently this benchmark was studied by Dr Steven C. van der Marck, NRG, NL - 1755 ZG Petten ( He prepare a new input for MCNP-4c 'mcnp4-fe.inp' from the original MCNP-3 file (mcnp3-fe.inp). Few details on the updates and results are given in eufe-cal.htm.

Measurement System and Uncertainties:
The detectors used were:

Detector                       Diameter  Thickness     Error
                                  (cm)      (cm)         (%)
S-32(n,p)P-32/under Cd          2 - 7     0.2 - 10    5.6 - 15.5
Au-197(n,gamma)Au-198/under Cd   1.0        0.01        5 - 8
H proportional counters         4.04 (spherical)    
The gold foil consists of an Au/Al alloy with 0.1 wt% gold content.
The thickness of the Cd-coating is 1 mm (S-32 and Au-197).
The energy resolution of the proton recoil spectrometers is between 5 and 15%.
Description of Results and Analysis:
Measurements with activation detectors were carried out at distances 18.35, 66.4, 125.2,184.5, 243.2, 302.4, 362.2 cm for S-32(n,p) and Au-197(n,gamma). The radial profiles were measured with Ni-58(n,p) at 62 cm depth in Na, and with Au-197(n,gamma) at 95.4, 121 and 213.5 cm in Na.
Energy range between 100 and 650 keV was covered with hydrogen proportional counters. The spectra were unfolded by the SPEC4 code [9], and normalized with the BF3 monitor. The neutron spectra are given at 6 positions in Na (18.35, 66.4, 125.2, 184.5, 243.2, 302.4 cm).
As the authors are not completely confident that the unfolding was performed according to state-of-the-art procedures, the original distributions of the impulses measured by spectrometers and the detector geometry are included as well for those who wish to carry out their own unfolding.
MCNP calculations performed using various flux estimators are described in [6]. An input file for the MCNP-3 code is available in mcnp3-na.inp. See the EURACOS Iron benchmark compilation eufe-abs.htm for hints on how to prepare an input for MCNP-4c from the MCNP-3 file.

Measurement System and Uncertainties:
Measurement locations: the 21 deg. and 45 deg. angles, which correspond to the maximum - and minimum fast fluxes respectively, were provided with experimental holes. In particular, access holes were accommodated at 21 deg. and at the centre with a view to performing neutron- and gamma-spectrometry.
Detectors used: Ni-58(n,p), In-115(n,n') and Al-27(n,alpha) reaction rates were measured at several points in the reactor. The measurement positions and the corresponding results are given in venus3.res and r_rates.xls, expressed in terms of the measured reaction rates. This was preferred to equivalent fission fluxes since involving only (or to higher degree) the measured values.
If preferred the equivalent fission fluxes can be found in [9] and [11]. Note however that the equivalent fission fluxes were derived by dividing the reaction rates by the fission averaged detector cross-sections measured at MOL (see report of Maerker/ORNL [12]):
Ni-58(n,p): 0.1085 b
In-115(n,n'): 0.1903 b
Al-27(n,alpha): 0.706E-3 b
The above values were used for all the measurement positions in the VENUS-3 reactor.
The literature cites the relative uncertainty of the neutron fission source with regard to absolute power below 4% and the source space distribution between 1.5% and 4%. The relative uncertainty of the individual measured reaction rates is given as 3% and the estimated composite of all measurement uncertainties of the fission equivalent fluxes is below 5%. However the information related to the dosimeter activity measurements is not sufficient.
Description of Results and Analysis:
Calculations were performed by the ANISN, DORT, TORT and MCNP-4 codes. The analyses performed in the scope of the NEA Nuclear Science Committee organised blind benchmark intercomparison are described in details in [9] and [10]. The following computational models using TORT and MCNP4B inputs are included here:
- mcnp4b.inp: MCNP4B input for VENUS-3, provided by J. Marian, Instituto de Fusion Nuclear (DENIM), Madrid, Spain.
- gipv3.inp, tortv3.inp: input data for the GIP cross-section preparation (using BUGLE-96 ENDF/B-VI data, not provided here) and TORT 3D transport calculation, prepared at NEA.
- gip-enea.inp, tort_rtz.inp, tort_xyz.inp: input data for GIP (using BUGLE-96 ENDF/B-VI cross-sections, not provided here), TORT r-theta-z and TORT xyz calculations, provided by M. Pescarini et al., ENEA Bologna, Italy.
The cross-section sensitivity and uncertainty analysis using the SUSD3D code to evaluate the neutron flux uncertainties is described in [7] and [8].

Measurement System and Uncertainties:
Each of the two fission chambers positioned on the opposite side of the sphere contains two detector surfaces, labeled TARGET B and TARGET T. The fission rates for four isotopes (235,238U, 237NP, and 239Pu) were measured for both target positions. The respective T and B targets were always loaded with the fissionable deposit of the same nuclide. In the experiments the counts  from the symmetric deposits are averaged to give a result which is less sensitive to the exact positioning of the source. The geometric average of the two rates has been found to be constant within +/- 0.5%  (1 sigma) even in a very extreme case when the respective fission rates (per unit mass) from the two sides were as much as 15% discrepant.
Description of Results and Analysis:
The quantity tabulated is:
    {[fissions /(fissionable nucleus x source neutron)] * 4*pi*r**2},
which has the units of a nuclear cross section. Here r**2 is mean-squared-radial distance to the fissionable deposits from the source center.
Monte-Carlo code MCNP, using ENDF/B-V and ENDF/B-VI cross sections has been used in refs. [2], [3] and [4].
The following MCNP input data obtained from [5] are included here:
  filename       experiment   sphere   calculations      
                 modeled      radius   for fission in    
  nocdnoh2.i15     bare        1.5     U5, U8, Pu9, Np7  
  17f2u.i15        water       1.5         U8,      Np7  
  cdnoh2ou.i15     cd          1.5     U5, U8, Pu9, Np7  
  cddxtu.i15       cd+water    1.5     U5, U8, Pu9, Np7  
  14f2dxtu.i15     water       1.5     U5,     Pu9       
  nocdnoh2.i2      bare        2.0     U5, U8, Pu9, Np7  
  nbs3i17u.i2      water       2.0         U8,      Np7  
  cdnoh2ou.i2      cd          2.0     U5, U8, Pu9, Np7  
  cdcov10u.i2      cd+water    2.0     U5, U8, Pu9, Np7  
  nbs3i14u.i2      water       2.0     U5,     Pu9       
  nocdnoh2.i25     bare        2.5     (not measured)    
  h2nocdhi.i25     water       2.5         U8,      Np7  
  cdnoh2o.i25      cd          2.5     (not measured)    
  h2ocd.i25        cd+water    2.5     U5, U8, Pu9, Np7  
  h2nocdlo.i25     water       2.5     U5,     Pu9       
The experimental results from Table 3 are to be compared with results from tallies 2 and 12 from the MCNP runs. These MCNP results have to be multiplied by 4*pi*r**2, where for the 1.5 inch and 2.0 inch spheres the range for r is 7.606 - 7.634, whereas for the 2.5 inch spheres the range is 9.511 - 9.539. Therefore one should multiply the tally results by:
  4 * pi * 7.62**2    for the 1.5 and 2.0 inch sphere experiments
  4 * pi * 9.525**2   for the 2.5 inch sphere experiments
These average r values correspond to the 'average foil positions' as mentioned in section I ('Benchmark Specifications') of nist-exp.htm.

Measurement System and Uncertainties:
The measurements were performed using a scintillation detector having a stilbene crystal with dimensions of diam. 60 x 60 mm. Gamma-neutron separation was done using the scintillation pulse shape. Direct 14-MeV neutrons from the target that were not scattered by the sample were delayed by a steel rod of diameter 30 mm and length L=400 mm, placed in the immediate vicinity of the sample.
Between the source and the detector, a concrete 1.5-m thick wall with a collimator was situated. To reduce the background of scattered photons and cosmic rays the detector was placed in a shield of 50-mm thick lead bricks. In addition, to reduce the background from secondary gamma-rays falling on the detector due to interaction of neutrons with materials surrounding the detector, a polyethylene cylinder of diameter 100 mm and length L=200 mm was placed into the collimator.
The cylinder substantially (approximately by 10 times) absorbed neutrons and not very heavily (2-3 times) absorbed gamma-rays.
The 14-MeV neutron flux was measured with an all-wave detector pre-calibrated in absolute measurements of the neutron flux of the installation. These absolute measurements were conducted using the activation method and the reaction Al-27(n,alpha)Na-24. When replacing the samples, the indications of the all-wave detector were adjusted according to the flux amplification/attenuation coefficient of the samples used. The coefficients were measured experimentally as a relationship of count rate of the all-wave detector with and without the sample. These coefficients are presented in Table 2.
Description of Results and Analysis; Comparison with Calculations.
The photon spectra are very various and individual for each element. The spectra of the hemispheres repeat the structure of the sphere's spectra to small fluctuations in the order of +-5% of the intensities of the main peaks. This shows the high relative accuracy of the measurements performed. In some cases the spectra calculated using the code MCNP code with libraries ENDF/B6 and ENDL-92 differ greatly from the experimental ones and fall far outside the limits of experimental uncertainty.
Summarizing the analysis of the results, it is possible to say that there is significant difference in gamma-production of the calculations and the experiments even for the most common elements, and the accepted systems of nuclear data should be appropriately updated. Besides, it should be noted that the studies conducted refer only to the energy region of incident neutrons close to 14 MeV. The region of intermediate neutron energies 5-14 MeV is still unstudied, and it is possible to suppose that the discrepancies between the calculations and experiments in this range will be even greater.
The problem of correlation between total neutron cross-section and gamma-production cross-section still remains unclear. If such correlation exists, the functions of photon leakage depending on the neutron energy may be very complicated (according to the structure of full cross-sections). Therefore, the extrapolation of data on photon-production into unstudied region of neutron energies will be unreliable. It is necessary to conduct experiments on gamma-leakage for neutron energies ranging from 5 to 10 MeV.

Measurement System and Uncertainties:
The following detectors were used for iron experiment:
1- P31(n,p) thickness 3mm
2- WIGNER Si based upon damage formation in a silicon diode 5mm in diameter and 0.25mm in thickness
3- Rh103(n,n') thickness 0.2mm
4- Np237 fission chamber
5- Bare Mn55 and Mn55 clad in Cadmium
6- In115(n,gamma) clad in Cadmium with a deposit of 0.1mg/cm2
7- Au197(n,gamma) clad in Cadmium with a deposit of 0.1mg/cm2
8- Fission chambers (U235 and Pu239)
Note from the data compiler:
If we analyze the total dispersion of the conventional fluxes measured at the same points during successive irradiations, we obtain the following values :
- Fast flux dosimeter +/- 8%
- Epithermal flux dosimeter +/- 11%
The following detectors were used for graphite experiment:
1. S-32(n,p)
2. Rh-103(n,n')
3. P-31(n,p) (2 sets of measurements)
4. 3 sets of measurements with silicon diodes (WIGNER effect)
5. Mn-55(n,gamma) under cadmium
6. Mn-55(n,gamma) (bare metal)
7. 2 sets of measurements using Au-197(n,gamma) under cadmium, one at short distance, the other at longer distance with overlap
8. 2 sets of measurements using the In-115(n,gamma) under cadmium.

Note of the data compiler:
It is possible to provide an estimation of the total dispersion (reactor power, detector position and calibration, counting) of several conventional fluxes because some measurements have been made during successive irradiations at the same location and for the same detector (P-31, Silicon diodes, In-115/Cd).
We found:
- Total dispersion on P-31: +/-7.5%
- Total dispersion on silicon measurement s+/4.2%
- For the In-115/Cd dosimeter, 80% of the measurements lead to a dispersion less than +/-3% and one measurement gives +/-22%.

Measurements System and Uncertainties
The following detectors were used:
1- Phosphorus dosimeters (P31(n,p) reaction)
2- Rhodium dosimeters (Rh103(n,n') reaction)
3- Silicon diodes (Wigner effect)
4- Sulphur dosimeters (S32(n,p) reaction)
5- Equivalent dose rate measurements using photomultiplier
6- Indium 115 covered with cadmium ((n,gamma) reaction)
7- Gold deposit Au197 covered with cadmium ((n,gamma) reaction)
8- BF3 chamber covered with cadmium
9- Mn55 foils covered with cadmium ((n,gamma) reaction)
10- Bare BF3 counter up to 180cm
11- Bare Mn55 foils ((n,gamma) reaction)
All dosimeters were calibrated in well known fluxes depending on their characteristics: Maxwellian thermal flux at 27 degC in a reference block, fission spectrum with correction tacking into account the diffusion effects altering slightly the pure fission spectrum, constant flux per unit of lethargy.
Note of the data compiler:
It is possible to provide an estimation of the total dispersion (reactor power, detector position and calibration, counting) of several conventional fluxes because some measurements have been made during successive irradiations at the same location and for the same detector (S32, Silicon diodes, BF3 chamber). We found:
- Total dispersion on silicon diode measurements: +/-0.6% with three times of 2 or 3 measurements separated only by 2 days.
- Total dispersion on S32 fluxes:+/-3% with twice 2 measurements separated by 1 week.
- Total dispersion on BF3 counter measurements (X<130cm): +/-9.4% with 8 times of 2 measurements separated by 3 years.

Measurement System and Uncertainties:
The measurements were performed using a scintillation detector having a stilbene crystal with dimensions of 60x60 mm.
The 14-MeV neutron flux was measured with an all-wave detector pre-calibrated in absolute measurements of the neutron flux of the installation. These absolute measurements were conducted using the activation method and the reaction Al-27(n,alpha)Na-24.
Measuring equipment and processing of experimental spectra.:
The photon spectrum measurements were conducted using a scintillation detector having a stilbene crystal with dimensions of 60x60 mm. Measured energy range is 0.3 - 8.0 MeV. Energy resolution for lines Co-60 (1.17 and 1.33 MeV) was about 10%. At energies higher than 3 MeV it was 6-7% and at energies less than 0.5 MeV it was 15-20%.
Measurement uncertainty:
The measurement uncertainty is a sum of the following components:
Statistical uncertainty Delta1=+-5 %.
Uncertainty in the detector efficiency:
The detector efficiency was determined by measuring the spectra of standard preparations of Na-22, Cs-137, Co-60, Na-24. Within the energy range 0.5 - 3.0 MeV this uncertainty is estimated as +/-5 %. Within the range 3 - 8 MeV the efficiency uncertainty may reach Delta2=7-8% due to the absence of standard preparations reference specimens with such energy. Uncertainty in mathematical processing of the experimental spectra is Delta3=+-7%. Sum of the above mentioned uncertainties is 12%.
Possible uncertainty of the both sphere radii is +-1 mm and possible uncertainty of target unit dimensions is +-0.1 mm.
Description of Results and Analysis; Comparison with Calculations:
Figures 5-9 show that the photon spectra are very various and individual for each compound. The spectra of the hemispheres repeat the structure of the sphere's. This shows the high relative accuracy of the measurements performed. In some cases the spectra calculated using the code MCNP and library ENDF/B-VI rel.6 differ greatly from the experiments and fall far outside the limits of experimental uncertainty.

Measurement System and Uncertainties
The fast neutron spectra in the energy range from about 0.1 MeV up to 10MeV approximately were measured with the proton recoil spectrometer in the central plane along the mock-up axis in the monitoring and crucial points of the PV (at the barrel - in the displacer, before and behind the PV simulator and in 1/3 of its thickness). The spectrometer consists of stilbene scintillator and a set of spherical hydrogen filled proportional counters with different pressures of the hydrogen.
A table of typical uncertainties(energy resolution, counting statistics) in different energy regions is presented in reference [1]. The energy resolution varies in the mentioned energy interval from 6 to 10 %, the (typical) statistical uncertainties were in the interval 2 - 20 %. To support core calculations, several hundreds of fuel pins were scanned to measure radial power distribution.
Description of Results and Analysis
The neutron spectra in crucial points were measured by two independent groups from the Czech Republic (Skoda Plzen and NRI Rez) and two rounds of mock-up measurements were done. The measured spectra were (except where errors were found) identical within the experimental uncertainties. The spectrometers were compared also in reference fields.
The Skoda results are presented because of their completeness and consistency, the uncertainty information is included [1, 3]. The measured proton recoil spectra were unfolded using a differential method described in [2].
Because the measurement of absolute power in a critical assembly is difficult, especially when the power is changed by several orders, the space-energy distribution is presented in relative units (i.e. the spectra in measuring points).

Measurement System and Uncertainties:
Measurements of neutron energy spectra were conducted within the wide
range of energy (30 keV - 10 MeV) applying the following sets of
spectrometric instruments: 1H- and 3He-spectrometers with a cylindrical counter, scintillation spectrometer, multisphere spectrometer.
The photons energy spectra were measured by scintillation gamma-spectrometer with a stilbene crystal.
The neutron fluxes were measured by: MKS-01R radiometer-dosimeter, scintillation fast neutron counter, and scintillation thermal neutron counter.
For the photon dose rates the following instruments were used: MKS-01R radiometer-dosimeter and thermoluminescent dosimeters.
Sets of threshold and resonance detectors were used to measure the
reaction rates and unfolding of neutron spectra near the core; the
energy range is 0.1 eV - 10 MeV, and total error of measurements does
not exceed +/- 30%.
Description of Results and Analysis:
Basic parameters of neutron and photon radiation released to the atmosphere were measured during 1996-1997 in several series of experimental studies at the RA reactor:  
- Fast and thermal neutron fluxes, dose rates of neutron and photon radiation at various altitudes from the reactor cover;  
- Spatial differential energy distributions of neutrons at various distances from the reactor axis (100, 200, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000 m);  
- Spatial distribution of neutron radiation dose rate at 50 from 1500 m;  
- Energy distribution of photon radiation fluxes and photon dose rates at various distances off the reactor.  
In addition  
- Influence of weather conditions and soil composition on radiation field characteristics has been studied;  
- It has been demonstrated that neutron radiation makes the major input to the total dose rate in the vicinity of the reactor;  
- It has been showed that for the case of long distances from the reactor the photons emerging as a result of thermal neutrons radiation capture in the soil, give a major contribution into photon dose rate in comparison to the photons emerging as a result of inelastic scattering of neutrons in the air.

Measurement System and Uncertainties:
The used detectors were:
   1. Phosphorus dosimeters (P31(n,p) reaction)
   2. Rhodium dosimeters (Rh103(n,n') reaction)
   3. Silicon diodes (Wigner effect)
   4. Gold deposit Au197 covered with cadmium ((n,gamma) reaction)
   5. Indium 115 covered with cadmium ((n,gamma) reaction)
   6. Mn55 foils covered with cadmium ((n,gamma) reaction)
All dosimeters were calibrated in well-known fluxes depending on their characteristics: Maxwellian thermal flux at 27 deg.C in a reference block, fission spectrum with correction taking into account the diffusion effects altering slightly the pure fission spectrum, constant flux per unit of lethargy.

All experimental results were given with a ZOE reactor power equal to 100 kW. The power stability and reproducibility were checked using a boron fluoride ?-compensated ionization chamber and Mn55 dosimeters placed on a rod located before the fission plate. The precision of the fission plate power varies from 1% when the measurements are made close together in time (a few days) to 5% when the measurements are separated by several months. During the dosimeter irradiation, the observed stability is dP/P = 0.5%. The dosimeter position uncertainty estimated by the experimental team itself is +/- 0.1 cm.
Description of Results and Analysis:
All results are expressed in conventional fluxes. (Equivalent fission flux, flux per unit of lethargy, equivalent thermal flux at 2200 m/s). The corresponding mean cross-section or integral of resonance are given. It is possible to express all calculated results in reaction rates without ambiguity. The as-measured experimental results are given on the converter axis for several distances. A calibrated dosimeter reassessment resulting from the nuclear data improvements was made recently (2003-2007) and published.
The interpretation using the French CEA Monte-Carlo code TRIPOLI 4 was made on these concrete benchmarks. A background noise evaluation was also made using at the same time TRIPOLI 4 calculations and fast and epithermal neutron flux measurements without a converter plate. The corresponding input and output data sets are included (see following table in section 10).

Description of Results and Analysis:
The measured TOF spectra were corrected for the background effects and converted to the energy spectrum. The leakage spectrum, L(E), representing the differential fluence of leakage neutrons, integrated over the full sphere (4 pi sr) and normalised to 1 source neutron, was then calculated from the following expression:
N(E)  = neutron energy spectrum, converted from measured TOF spectra,
eps(E) = neutron detection efficiency,
dOmega = detector solid angle (=3D(pi*r*r)/(L*L), where r is the detector radius and L the distance from the sphere to the detector),
Nn     = number of source neutrons.
The experimental results are presented in
Table 2 for bismuth shell with 14 MeV neutron source,
Table 3 for bismuth shell with Cf-252 neutron source.
    As leakage spectrum in terms of neutrons per MeV and per source neutron.
MCNP-4C input data for Bi shell are given in files mcnp_bi_14.inp  (14 MeV source) and mcnp_bi_Cf.inp  (Cf-252 source).
In the models the spheres and the neutron source are described precisely, including anisotropic energy and yield distributions of the T(d,n) source and energy distribution of Cf-252 source.
For an adequate comparison of measurements and analytical calculation, the convolution with the spectrometer response function, describing the energy resolution of the spectrometer, is necessary. It is presented in Table 4.
Further details on experiment and data analysis could found in Refs. [1] [2] and [3]. Ref. [4] discusses in details the corrections for time-of-flight measurements with bulk spherical samples and non-spherical effects, which should be taken into account in case of 1-dimensional (spherical) calculations using codes like ANISN, ONEDANT, ANTRA-1 etc.

The estimated uncertainties of the experimental data and their main components are listed. During the experiment the main spectrometer parameters (detector efficiency, absolute normalization factor, etc.) were measured several times, hence the stability of the spectrometer could be estimated by calculating the mean square deviation of individual runs.
Two radioactive reference sources were used, Cf-252 for neutron detector calibration and Pu238 for alfa detector calibration, with their specific uncertainties. The uncertainties of corrections for Cf-chamber scattering and time-of-flight conversion to energy, calculated with MCNP, were estimated at about 1-2%.
Description of Results and Analysis:
The measured TOF spectra were corrected for the background effects and converted to the energy spectrum. The leakage spectrum, L(E), representing the differential fluence of leakage neutrons, integrated over the full sphere (4 pi sr) and normalised to 1 source neutron, was then calculated from the following expression:


   N(E)  = neutron energy spectrum, converted from measured TOF spectra,
  eps(E) = neutron detection efficiency,
  dOmega = detector solid angle (=(pi*r*r)/(L*L), where r is the detector
           radius and L the distance from the sphere to the detector),
    Nn   = number of source neutrons.

MCNP-4C input data for Th shell are given in files mcnp_th_14.inp (14 MeV source) and mcnp_th_Cf.inp (Cf-252 source). In the models the spheres and the neutron source are described precisely, including anisotropic energy and yield distributions of the T(d,n) source and energy distribution of Cf-252 source.

For an adequate comparison of measurements and analytical calculation, the convolution with the spectrometer response function, describing the energy resolution of the spectrometer, is necessary. It corresponds to the neutron spectra measured without the Th splere.

Further details on experiment and data analysis could found in Refs. [1], [2] and [3]. Ref. [4] discusses in details the corrections for time-of-flight measurements with bulk spherical samples and non-spherical effects, which should be taken into account in case of 1-dimensional (spherical) calculations using codes like ANISN, ONEDANT, ANTRA-1 etc.




Measurement System and Uncertainties


The neutron spectrum measurements were made with a 5 cm x 5 cm glass-encapsulated NE-213 scintillator. The proton-recoil spectrometry system was chosen because it does not require an elaborate pulsed neutron source.


The total estimated systematic error in the normalization of the measurements is 8% standard deviation for a Cf-252 source within the iron spherical shell.


Description of Results and Analysis


The energy range between 1.0 and 15 MeV was covered by the NE-213 scintillator. Background contributions to the recoil spectra were measured by placing a paraffin shadow cone midway between the detector and the spherical assembly.


The spectra were unfolded by the FORIST computer code, which is a modified version of the COOLC and FERDoR computer codes. These modifications resulted in unfolded spectra having optimized energy resolution and increased accuracy through the use of an iterative smoothing technique.


The ANISN one-dimensional discrete ordinates neutron transport code was used to calculate the leakage spectra.

Measurement System and Uncertainties:
Experimental uncertainties of ~5% and ~4% were attributed to the source activity and source correction factors, respectively [1]. No further experimental uncertainty values were reported, although there was concern regarding the effects of uncertainties in the atmospheric conditions and terrain topology. Care was taken to obtain atmospheric information for the day on which the experimental data related to this analysis were obtained; however, it was implicitly assumed that conditions were constant throughout the course of the day. Also, measurements were performed from which it was concluded that the exposure rate was not sensitive to terrain features.

Additional uncertainties related to the following factors were investigated using the simulation model: material densities and composition, source spectra and location, model dimensions, and variations in atmospheric conditions. It was determined that uncertainties from all effects except the atmospheric conditions were small and totaled ~2.5%. Uncertainties resulting from estimated variations in the atmospheric conditions were estimated to be ~4%. In summary, the total combined average estimated uncertainty was ~8%.

With the exception of the measurements at 300 and 500 m, results show agreement with experimental data and are within the ~8% uncertainty estimate, and a viable benchmark is established for these locations (50, 100, 200, 400, 600, and 700 m). The calculated results at 300 and 500 m were found to be consistent with similar earlier calculations [1], which also showed disagreement with experimental values. It is concluded that there were very likely measurement anomalies at these two locations that prohibited agreement between experimental and simulated values within the estimated levels of uncertainty. Possible anomalies include a large terrain depression, unaccounted-for fluctuations in atmospheric conditions, or electronic instabilities.

Description of Results and Analysis:

Measured and calculated exposure rates are summarized and compared in [1}. Corrections for background and the multiplicative correction factors have been applied to the measured values.

Each MCNP calculation was performed with 1x107 source histories on a Linux-cluster PC, which resulted in an uncertainty (precision) of ~0.15% and required ~900 to ~1300 min.




Measurement System and Uncertainties:


Gross neutron counting, neutron multiplicity counting, and gamma spectrometry measurements were performed on the plutonium source in six configurations:

  • Bare

  • Reflected by 0.5 inch of HDPE

  • Reflected by 1.0 inch of HDPE

  • Reflected by 1.5 inches of HDPE

  • Reflected by 3.0 inches of HDPE

  • Reflected by 6.0 inches of HDPE


Gross neutron counting, neutron multiplicity counting, and gamma spectrometry measurements were collected for each of the preceding reflected configurations of the plutonium source.


In addition to the calibration and benchmark measurements described in preceding sections, several other auxiliary measurements were performed. These measurements were conducted to characterize

  • the effect of the polyethylene reflectors’ temperature on the response of the neutron multiplicity counter.

  • the effect of the neutron multiplicity counter’s large moderator on the response of the gross neutron counter.

  • the differences between the reflectors constructed by SNL and reflectors constructed at LANL.

  • the response of the instruments to the californium neutron calibration source in the polyethylene reflectors.


Gamma spectra were acquired using an Ortec DigiDart multichannel analyzer (MCA). The MCA was controlled using custom software developed by LANL. All spectra were saved in Ortec’s floating point “.chn” format. Gamma spectra were collected for 10-minute, 20-minute, and 60-minute dwell times. For a given reflected configuration of the plutonium source, typically all gamma spectra were collected either on the same day or on consecutive days.


Statistical and systematic uncertainties are provided with the measurements.


Description of Results and Analysis:


Gross neutron counting measurements acquired with the LANL SNAP are listed in Table 22. Measurements were performed with the SNAP polyethylene cover both on and off. Table 23 lists the SNAP neutron count rate and uncertainty versus the thickness of the polyethylene reflector. The measured count rates are plotted in Figure 47.


Neutron multiplicity counting measurements acquired with the LANL NPOD are listed in Table 24. The measured count rate and its uncertainty are given in Table 25 versus the thickness of the polyethylene reflector, and the count rate is plotted in Figure 48. Figure 49 shows the entire neutron multiplicity distribution versus coincidence gate width, and Figure 50 shows the measured neutron multiplicity distribution for a coincidence gate width of 1024 µs. Figure 51 and Figure 52 respectively show the measured Feynman-Y and Rossi-a versus reflector thickness.


Note that both the gross neutron counting measurements and the neutron multiplicity measurements demonstrate competition

  • Increasing neutron multiplication with increasing reflector thickness

  • Decreasing neutron leakage with increasing reflector thickness

As a result, most of the neutron metrics are maximized for the 1.5-inch thick reflector, where the product of multiplication and leakage probability are near their maximum.


Gamma spectrometry measurements acquired with the HPGe detector are listed in Table 26. Recall that measurements were performed both with and without the NPOD and SNAP present. For each reflected configuration of the plutonium source, gamma spectra were collected for 10, 20, and 60 minutes



Measurement System and Uncertainties:


The detectors used were:



Diameter (mm)

Thickness (mm)

Typical mass (g)

Cadmium cover (inches)

Counting system


Absolute Calibration (uncertainty)




















GeLi detector



Pressed Pellet





Plastic Scintillator



Cast Pellet





Plastic Scintillator







Ge detector




Description of Results and Analysis:

Detector activation measurements were carried out along the fission plate axis at the following shield thicknesses: 0, 5.1, 10.22, 15.34, 20.44, 25.64, 30.79, 35.99, 41.19, 46.44, 51.62, 56.69, 61.81, 66.99 cm. Al27 reaction rates were measured only up to 25.64 cm. Lateral distributions were also measured at various positions in the shields, the foils being located at intervals of 25 cm up and down from the nuclear centre line.


The results were corrected for the background responses due to the NESTOR core. Using the hydrogen filled proportional counters the correction was found to be around 2% throughout the shield for the four threshold detectors. For gold measurements the measurement was repeated with the fissile content ofthe fission plate removed in order to determine the background correction.


Calculations were carried out with the Monte Carlo code McBEND version 7B. The corresponding input is included.


Three-dimensional fixed source transport calculations in Cartesian (X,Y,Z) geometry were performed [6] using the TORT-3.2 discrete ordinates transport code. The ENEA-Bologna BUGJEFF311.BOLIB (JEFF-3.1.1 data) and BUGENDF70.BOLIB (ENDF/B-VII.0 data) broad-group coupled neutron/photon (47 n + 20 g) working cross section libraries, together with the similar ORNL BUGLE-B7 (ENDF/B-VII.0) and BUGLE-96 (ENDF/B-VI.3) libraries, were used. A TORT input example, is included (court. of M. Pescarini and R. Orsi, ENEA Italy).


The transport calculations performed using the MCNP-5 code are described in [7,8,9].

A two-dimensional model was also prepared for the DORT deterministic code and used for the cross section sensitivity and uncertainty calculations (see [9]).




Measurement System and Uncertainties:

The detectors used were:



Diameter (mm)

Thickness (mm)

Mass (g)

Systematic Error (%)

Standard Deviation (%)































NE213 Spectr.







Description of Results and Analysis:

Detector activation measurements were carried out at 17 different depth into the iron shield: 5.72, 11.43, 17.15, 22.86, 28.58, 34.29, 40.01, 45.72, 51.44, 57.15, 52.87, 68.48, 74.30, 85.73, 91.44, 102.87, 114.30 cm. (Not all detectors were placed in all positions). These were placed in the 0.635 mm air gaps between the plates.

To locate the NE213 spectrometer in the shield a special 5.08 mm thick mild steel plate was inserted. A central portion, 5.08 mm wide, had been cut from the plate to leave a 5.08 cm square section air-filled slot.

The measurement positions were at 22.68, 57.15, 85.73, 114.3 cm.

The spectra were unfolded by the RADAK[3] computer code.

A 2-D calculational model has been recommended by the authors.

The corresponding input to the 2-D discrete ordinates transport code DOT-3.5 is provided.




Measurement System and Uncertainties:

The detectors used were:



Diameter (mm)

Thickness (mm)

Mass (g)

Counting System

Systematic Error (%)





Ge detector






Plastic scint.






GeLi detector









The uncertainties (1 sigma) may be taken as uncorrelated, and derive essentially from the absolute calibration of the counting system.


Description of Results and Analysis:

Detector activation measurements were carried out at several graphite distances: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 cm. The positions correspond approximately to the fission plate axis. Not all detectors were placed in all positions. The results were corrected for the background responses due to the NESTOR core. They were measured for Al-27, S-32 and Rh-103. For In115 those for Rh-103 were assumed.

Calculations were carried out with the Monte Carlo code McBEND and the discrete ordinates code DOT 3.5.

The corresponding input to the 2-D discrete ordinates transport code DOT-3.5 is provided.


More recently the MCNP5 models were prepared [6] in the scope of the quality review process and are also included in this compilation.



Measurement System and Uncertainties:



Diameter (mm)

Thickness (mm)

Mass (g)

Systematic Error (%)

Statistical Error (%)







NE213 Spectr.

vol.= 3ml







Description of Results and Analysis:

The measured data comprises spectra unfolded by RADAK [4] from the pulse-height spectra of a NE213 organic liquid scintillator and the S-32(n,p)P-32 reaction rates.

Spectrometer measurements were performed, on axis only, at 10.16, 15.24, 20.32, 25.4, 30.48, 35.56 and 50.8 cm source/detector separation. Sulphur measurements were on axis and displaced vertically +-15 cm and +-30 cm at source/detector separations of 10.16, 15.24, 25.40, 30.45 and 35.56 cm.


Calculations by Sn code DOT and M/C code MCBEND, TRIPOLI and direct integration code PALLAS-2D were reported in the literature [2], [3], [5], [6], [7] and [8]. P-5 approximated calculation was found to improve the accuracy of the calculation as compared with that by P-3 approximation.


More recently the MCNP5 models were prepared [11] in the scope of the quality review process and are also included in this compilation.




Measurement System and Uncertainties:

Responses of several neutron detectors and of the gamma-ray dose-rate have been measured, detectors being positioned on the horizontal centre-line of the configuration.


The activation detectors used were Rh103(n,n'), S32(n,p) and Mn55(n,gamma) (bare and under Cd).


Gamma-ray measurements were made using the Thermoluminescence Detectors (TLD) LiF and BeO. Ionisation chamber type IG8 C/150/CO2. The calibration uncertainty is 3%.


Statistical and systematic uncertainties are provided with the measurements.


Description of Results and Analysis:

Measurements of the reaction rates for S32(n,p)P32, Rh103(n,n')Rh103m, and Mn55(n,g)Mn56 bare and Under Cd were made in the gaps between the steel layers at intervals of approximately 5 cm and at different distances in the two water tanks. Vertical scans were made with Mn and TDLs at selected positions.


The gamma expositions were corrected for the background responses due to the NESTOR core. The background varied from as much as ~35% close to the fission plate to ~1% at deep penetrations. The background corrections for neutron detectors, not included here, are discussed in compilations NESDIP-3, JANUS I. For the neutron threshold detectors the corrections are small, typically 1%

to 3%.


The activation detector results are given in units of Bq/atom per NESTOR Watt, and the TLD and ionisation chamber results in Roentgen/10kW/Hour.


Calculations were carried out with the Monte Carlo code McBEND [2].


More recently the MCNP5 models were prepared [11] in the scope of the quality review process and are also incuded in this compilation.




Measurement System and Uncertainties:

The activation detectors used were:



Diameter (mm)

Thickness (mm)

Typical Mass (g)

Counting System

Systematic Absolute Calibration (uncertainty)



















S32(n,p) pressed pellet




Plastic Scintillator


S32(n,p)cast pellet




Plastic Scintillator



The Mn and Au foils were contained in cadmium boxes of thickness 0.05 inches.


In addition neutron spectrum measurements were made at three locations with three hydrogen proportional counters and an NE213 scintillator.


Description of Results and Analysis:

Measurements of the reaction rates for S32(n,p)P32, Rh103(n,n')Rh103m, Mn55(n,g)Mn56 Under Cd, and Au197(n,g)Au198 Under Cd were made at intervals of approximately 4.5cm through the stainless steel, and 5.1cm in the regions of mild steel. Lateral scans were made with sulphur, rhodium, and gold at selected positions.


In addition, during all irradiations of activation detectors within the shields, three sulphur pellets were placed in locations at the centre of the front face of the fission plate to monitor its run-to-run power via the S32(n,p)P32 reaction.


The fast neutron spectra (E>52.5keV) were measured at three locations within the region of stainless steel. The reaction rates for S(n,p) and Rh(n,n') as derived from the spectra are compared with those measured directly.


The results were corrected for the background responses due to the NESTOR core. For the low energy detectors measurements were made with the plate fuelled and unfuelled. For the threshold detectors the hydrogen filled proportional counters of the TNS system were used in conjunction with the boral shutter for Cave C at NESTOR. For the low energies the background varied from 19% close to the fission plate to 2% at deep penetrations. For the threshold detectors the corrections were small being typically 1% to 3%.


Calculations were carried out with the Monte Carlo code McBEND Version 9B [4], [5].


More recently the MCNP5 models were prepared [86] and are also incuded in this compilation.




Measurement System and Uncertainties:

The activation detectors used were:



Diameter (mm)

Thickness (mm)

Typical Mass (g)

Counting System

Systematic Absolute Calibration (uncertainty)



















S32(n,p) pressed pellet




Plastic Scintillator


S32(n,p)cast pellet




Plastic Scintillator



The Mn and Au foils were contained in cadmium boxes of thickness 0.05 inches.


Description of Results and Analysis:

Measurements of the reaction rates for S32(n,p)P32, Rh103(n,n')Rh103m, and Au197(n,g)Au198 Under Cd were made at locations between the mild steel plates and between the tanks of sodium. The reaction rates for Mn55(n,g)Mn56 Under Cd were also measured in the region of sodium. Lateral scans were made with the four detectors at selected positions between the tanks of sodium.


In addition, during all irradiations of activation detectors within the shields, three sulphur pellets were placed in locations at the centre of the front face of the fission plate to monitor its run-to-run power via the S32(n,p)P32 reaction.


The results were corrected for the background responses due to the NESTOR core by making measurements with the plate both fuelled and unfuelled. For the low energies the background varied from 27% close to the fission plate to 2% at deep penetrations. For the threshold detectors the corrections were 1% close to the plate increasing to 13% at the last sodium tank.


Calculations were carried out with the Monte Carlo code McBEND Version 9A [3].

Input data for McBEND calculation of JANUS-1 (included in SINBAD-JANUS-1) could serve as a starting point to prepare the JANUS-8 input.


More recently the MCNP5 models were prepared [6] and are also incuded in this compilation.




Measurement System and Uncertainties:

The detectors used were:



Diameter (mm)

Thickness (mm)

Typical Mass (g)

Counting System

Systematic Absolute Calibration (uncertainty)











GeLi detector


S32(n,p) pressed pellet




Plastic Scintillator


S32(n,p)cast pellet




Plastic Scintillator



Description of Results and Analysis:

Measurements of the reaction rates S32(n,p)P32, In115(n,n')In115m and Rh103(n,n')Rh103m were made in activation foils between the mild steel plates (reactor pressure vessel region) and in the cavity whilst Rh103(n,n')Rh103m measurements were also made in the water regions.


In addition, during all irradiations of activation detectors within the shields, three sulphur pellets were placed in locations at the centre of the front face of the fission plate to monitor its run-to-run power via the S32(n,p)P32 reaction.


The results were corrected for the background responses due to the NESTOR core. Using the hydrogen filled proportional counters of the TNS system the correction was found to be around 2(+/-1)% in the RPV and cavity and 1(+/-1)% in the water cell.


Calculations were carried out with the Monte Carlo codes McBEND Version 7B [1], [5].


More recently the MCNP5 models were prepared and are also incuded in this compilation [8].




Measurement System and Uncertainties:

The detectors used were:



Diameter (mm)

Systematic Error (%)

Random Error

(1 sigma) (%)





















SP-2 counter

40.0 (internal diam.)



NE213 Spectr.

spherical,vol=3.5 ml




* thin foils, can be neglected in the calculations.


Hydrogen-filled proportional counters with gas fillings of approximately 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, and 10.0 atmospheres were used in combination to cover the energy range from 50.0 keV to 1.2 MeV. Neutron fluxes between 1.0 and 10.0 MeV were determined with a NE213 organic liquid scintillator.


Description of Results and Analysis:

Threshold detectors were located at 10 different positions: in the water gaps 1.91, 7.41, 12.41, 14.01, 19.91, 25.41, 30.41 cm from the fission plate (Rh measurements only) and at 1/4 and 3/4 thickness of the RPV and in the void box (Rh, In, S).

Spectral measurements were performed at two positions: at 1/4 thickness of the RPV and in the void box.

The spectra were unfolded by the RADAK [6] computer code.

At least 2-D calculational model has been recommended by the authors.

Monte-Carlo codes McBEND, TRIPOLI and MCNP-5, -6.1 & -X, and 2-D and 3-D discrete ordinates transport code DOT-3.5 TORT-3.2 have been used in refs. [1], [3], [4], [9], [11], [12], [13] and [14].

top ]
The NE-213 energy resolution and the Bonner ball response functions are included to aid in computational comparison with results.

1. Experimental reference data obtained by interlaboratory ex-vessel dosimetry experiment
2. Detailed reactor and neutron source description
3. Interlaboratory neutron transport calculations by Sn and Monte Carlo methods and intercomparison of results
4. Comparison between calculated and experimental reference data

Method of generalized differentiation with semi-empirically determined coefficients for transferring apparatus electron-recoil spectra into energy spectra.

Method of generalized differentiation with semi-empirically determined coefficients in order to transfer apparatus electron-recoil spectra into energy spectra.

Engineering model with geometry and material composition corresponding to the power station. The benchmark was realised in two variants, with standard and reduced cores (i.e. with dummy steel element simulators at the core boundary).

1. The work was accomplished during the years of 1996-1998 within the project # 517 of the International Scientific and Technical Centre under the contract with Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
2. As the result of work the set of experimental and computed data which provided detailed description of radiation situation both around the reactor and the regularities in radiation fields formation stipulated by scattering of reactor-caused radiation in the air, ground reflection and emerging of photons due to neutrons radiation capture in the soil under different weather conditions has been received;
3. At all stages of work analytical estimation of data using the codes and methods of high accuracy (Monte-Carlo method, method of discrete ordinates) was carried out.

Quality assessment:
In order to use the Bismuth IPPE experiment for the validation of modern cross-section evaluations, supplementary experimental information would be needed on the experimental set-up. Moreover, the availability of the bare 252Cf source measurements would be advisable.

For detailed evaaluation see [5].

Quality assessment:
In order to use the Thorium IPPE experiment for the validation of modern cross-section evaluations, supplementary experimental information would be needed on the experimental set-up. Moreover, the availability of the bare 252Cf source measurements would be advisable.

For detailed evaluation see [5].



  1. Experimental reference data obtained by simultaneous in-vessel and ex-vessel dosimetry experiment

  2. Detailed reactor and neutron source description

  3. Neutron transport calculations by discrete ordinates method and intercomparison of results for different cross-section libraries

  4. Comparison between calculated and experimental reference data





Quality Assessment:

The ASPIS Iron experiment is ranked as an experiment of NOT of BENCHMARK QUALITY for modern purposes.

The main drawback is that there is not primary information on the experimental set up. Some important experimental information would need to be derived from that used in past benchmark models and some specifications are nonetheless inconsistent of not complete.




Quality Assessment:

The Graphite experiment is ranked as experiment of BENCHMARK QUALITY.

Nevertheless, obtaining additional experimental information would be valuable on:

- detectors arrangement in the slots (dimensions are inconsistent)



Quality Assessment:

The Water experiment ranking is: BENCHMARK QUALITY experiment.

Nevertheless, obtaining additional experimental information would be valuable on:

- the NE-213 spectrometer,

- the water tank (container, bowing effects),

- the experimental room.





Quality Assessment:

The Water/Steel experiment is ranked as an experiment of BENCHMARK QUALITY.

The major drawbacks in the lack of detailed experimental information of:

- the detectors arrangement,

- bowing of the water tanks,

- background subtraction,

- cave walls.




Quality Assessment:

The JANUS-1 experiment is ranked as benchmark quality experiment. The major drawback in the available experimental information is represented by the specifications concerning the detectors arrangement.




Quality Assessment:

JANUS-8 is ranked as benchmark quality experiment.

More experimental information would be advisable on:

- set-up of the activation foils

- rear wall of the ASPIS cave




Quality Assessment:

The NESDIP-2 experiment is ranked as experiment of low benchmark quality because of the missing details on the absolute calibration.

Moreover, additional experimental information would be advisable on:

- detectors arrangement,

- water tanks bowing,

- effect of the NESTOR reflector,

- background subtraction.




Quality Assessment:

The Water/Iron experiment or PCA-Replica is ranked as a BENCHMARK QUALITY EXPERIMENT.

For modern nuclear data validation more experimental information would be useful on:

- set-up of the activation foils

- rear wall of the ASPIS cave


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Package ID Status date Status
NEA-1517/01 16-APR-2019 Tested restricted
NEA-1517/21 01-DEC-2000 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/30 01-DEC-2000 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/40 12-SEP-2000 Tested at NEADB
NEA-1517/43 12-SEP-2000 Tested at NEADB
NEA-1517/45 12-SEP-2000 Tested at NEADB
NEA-1517/47 12-SEP-2000 Tested at NEADB
NEA-1517/50 01-MAR-2002 Tested at NEADB
NEA-1517/52 01-DEC-2000 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/53 01-DEC-2000 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/54 01-DEC-2000 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/55 01-DEC-2000 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/56 01-DEC-2000 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/57 01-DEC-2000 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/58 01-DEC-2000 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/59 01-DEC-2000 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/60 01-DEC-2000 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/61 01-DEC-2000 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/62 01-DEC-2000 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/63 01-DEC-2000 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/65 04-NOV-2003 Tested at NEADB
NEA-1517/66 15-JAN-2004 Tested at NEADB
NEA-1517/67 31-MAR-2006 Tested at NEADB
NEA-1517/69 21-DEC-2004 Screened
NEA-1517/70 12-FEB-2004 Tested at NEADB
NEA-1517/74 31-MAR-2006 Tested at NEADB
NEA-1517/78 15-DEC-2006 Tested at NEADB
NEA-1517/79 15-DEC-2006 Tested at NEADB
NEA-1517/80 16-MAY-2007 Tested at NEADB
NEA-1517/81 10-FEB-2009 Report Only
NEA-1517/82 10-FEB-2009 Report Only
NEA-1517/83 17-SEP-2009 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/86 21-DEC-2011 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/87 01-MAR-2012 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/88 01-MAR-2012 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/89 20-DEC-2013 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1517/91 26-NOV-2014 Masterfiled restricted
NEA-1517/92 26-NOV-2014 Masterfiled restricted
NEA-1517/95 16-APR-2019 Tested restricted
NEA-1517/96 28-NOV-2019 Masterfiled restricted
NEA-1517/97 15-MAY-2020 Masterfiled restricted
NEA-1517/98 15-MAY-2020 Masterfiled restricted
NEA-1517/99 26-MAY-2020 Masterfiled restricted
NEA-1517/100 27-MAY-2020 Masterfiled restricted
NEA-1517/101 29-MAY-2020 Masterfiled restricted
NEA-1517/102 05-JUN-2020 Masterfiled restricted
NEA-1517/103 05-JUN-2020 Masterfiled restricted
NEA-1517/104 09-JUN-2020 Masterfiled restricted
top ]
NEA-1517/21, bibliography:
Background references:
[4] R.M. Freestone, Re-unfolding of original NE-213 Spectrometer results using FERD, est 1988, compiler acquired via private communication w/ D.T. Ingersoll, 5/96.
NEA-1517/21, included references:
[1] C.E. Clifford, E.A. Straker, et al.:
Measurements of the Spectra of Uncollided Fission Neutrons Transmitted
Through Thick Samples of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, and Lead:
Investigation of the Minimum Total Cross Sections
Nucl. Sci. Eng. 27, 299 (1967)
[2] E.A. Straker:
Experimental Evaluation of Minima in the Total Neutron Cross Sections
of Several Shielding Materials, ORNL TM 2242, June 1968
[3] R.E. Maerker, "SDT4. Sodium Broomstick Experiment-An Experimental Check of
Neutron Total Cross Sections," ORNL TM 3870, Sept., 1972.
[5] R.E. Maerker and F.J. Muckenthaler:
The Absolute Neutron Spectrum emerging through a 15-1/4-IN.
Collimator from the TSR-II Reactor at the Tower Shielding Facility, ORNL-TM-4010

NEA-1517/30, bibliography:
Background references:
[2] V. V. Verbinski, et al.: ANS-SD-2 (1964)
[4] H. Tokumaru: private communication
[7] H. Hirayama, T. Nakamura:  The memories of the Faculty of Engineering Kyoto University 34, part 2 (1972) Kyoto, Japan.
NEA-1517/30, included references:
[1] Results of the First Four Single-Material Experiments in Iron, NEACRP-U-73
Ed. R. Nicks, EURATOM CCR, Ispra, May 1976.
[3] P. W. Benjamin, et al.: AWRE-09/68 (1968)
[5] W. W. Engle, Jr.:
A Users Manual for ANISN - A One Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code
with Anisotropic Scattering K-1693 (1967)
[6] E. A. Straker, P. N. Stevens, D. C. Irving and V. R. Cain:
The MORSE code - A Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Monte Carlo Transport Code
ORNL-4585 (1970)
[8] K. Shin, T. Nishibe, R. Murakami, H. Fujity, T. Hyodo, Y. Oka, and S.An:
Fast Neutron Spectra Tansmitted through Iron and Sodium Slabs, J. of Nuclear
Science and Technology, 17 (1), (1980) pp 37-43
[9] Y. Oka et al.:
Progress Report on Shielding Experiments at YAYOI
[10] Y. Oka et al.:
Two-Dimensional Shielding Benchmarks for Sodium and Iron at YAYOI

[11] Y. Oka et al.:
Two-Dimensional Shielding Benchmarks for Iron at YAYOI
NEA-1517/40, included references:
[1] J.P. Trapp, D. Calamand and M. Salvatores:
Deep Penetration in Pure Sodium Experiments Using the HARMONIE Source Reactor,
NEACRP Meeting on Shielding Benchmark, Paris (Sept. 1984)
[2] J. C. Nimal, T. Vergnaud:
Interpretation par le code TRIPOLI-2 des Mesures de Propagation de Neutrons
dans le Sodium sur le Reacteur Harmonie, NEACRP Meeting on Shielding Benchmark,
Paris, (Oct. 1986)
[3] A. De Carli, M. Guma, A. Grosso, D. Calamand, M. Salvatores:
JEF-1 Data Validation on Shielding Neutron Propagation Benchmarks, NEACRP
Specialists' Meeting on Shielding Benchmark, Paris (Oct. 1986)
[4] J.P. Trapp, R. Valenza and R. Vienot:
Le Programme Experimental JASON associe a l'Optimisation des Protections
Neutroniques de la Filiere Rapide Francaise
[5] D. Calamand et al.:
Results of Neutron Propagation in Steel Sodium Mixtures with Various Source
Spectra on Harmonie and Tapiro
[6] D. Calamand:
The JASON experimental configurations and results

NEA-1517/43, bibliography:
Background references:
[3] M. Lanfranchi, J. F. Jaeger:
Shielding Benchmarks. Some Considerations on Three Iron Shielding Benchmarks, EIR Report, TM-45-86-33, NEACRP Specialists' Meeting on Shielding Benchmarks, Paris (Oct. 1986)
[4] J. Hasnip, V. Herrnberger:
Analysis of Fe-Shielding Benchmark Experiments by the JEF-1/EFF-Library, NEACRP Specialists' Meeting on Shielding Benchmarks, Paris (Oct. 1986)
[6] P. W. Benjamin et al.:
The analysis of recoil proton spectra, Report AWRE No. 09/68 (1968)
[7] H. Bluhm: Nucl. Instr. Meth. 115 (1974) 325
NEA-1517/43, included references:
[1] H. Werle, H. Bluhm, G. Fieg, F. Kappler, D. Kuhn, and M. Lalovic:
Neutron Leakage Spectra from Iron Spheres with a Cf-252 Neutron Source in the
Centre, Proceedings of the Specialists' Meeting on Sensitivity Studies and
Shielding Benchmarks, Paris (Oct. 1975)
[2] H. Werle et al.:
Measurement and Calculation of the Neutron Leakage Spectra of Iron Spheres
with a Cf252 source at the Center
Report KFK 2219 (1975); English translation in EURFNR - 1317 (1975)
[5] H. Werle:
Neutron Spectrometry with Proton-Recoil Proportional Counters in  the
Energy Region up to 10MeV, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 99 (1972) 295-300
[8] R. Nicks:
Results of the First Four Single-Material Experiments in Iron, NEACRP-U-73
[9] M. Kawai:
Shielding Benchmark Tests of JENDL-3 (JAERI 1330, March 1994)

NEA-1517/45, bibliography:
Background references:
[1] M. J. Armishaw, J. Butler, M. D. Carter, I. J. Curl, A. K. McCracken:
A Transportable Neutron Spectrometer (TNS) for Radiological Applications, AEEW-M2365 (1986)
[2] I. J. Curl:
CRISP - A Computer Code to Define Fission Plate Source Profiles, RPD/IJC/934
[4] J. Butler et al.:
The PCA Replica Experiment, Part 1. Winfrith Measurements and Calculations, AEEW-R1763
NEA-1517/45, included references:
[3] P. C. Miller:
A Review of LWR Pressure Vessel Dosimetry and Associated Shielding Studies,
Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, Sept. 12-16,
1988, Bournemouth, UK, Vol.1, p.37.
[5] M. J. Armishaw et al.:
NESTOR Shielding and Dosimetry Improvement Programme: The Cavity, Nozzle and
Coolant Duct Benchmark Blind Test Edition, AEEW-M2334 (1986).
[6] A. Avery:
18/20 NESDIP 3 Benchmark Experiment Data for Inclusion in the SINBAD Database

NEA-1517/47, bibliography:
Background references:
[2] M. Lanfranchi, J. F. Jaeger:
Shielding Benchmarks. Some Considerations on Three Iron Shielding Benchmarks, EIR Report TM-45-86-33, NEACRP Specialists Meeting on Shielding Benchmarks, Paris (Oct.1986)
[3] P. W. Benjamin:
The analysis of recoil proton spectra, AWRE 09/68, Aldermaston, Berks (1968)
NEA-1517/47, included references:
[1] K. Gmur, M. Jermann, C. McCombie, R. Richmond, V. Herrnberger:
The Revised Proteus Iron Shielding Benchmark Experiment, NEACRP Specialist
Meeting on Shielding Benchmarks, Paris (Sept.1984)
[4] R. Richmond et al.:
Measurements of Neutron Spectrum and Reaction Rates in a Gas-Cooled
Fast Reactor Lattice, EIR-Bericht Nr. 239 (July 1973)
[5] K. Gmur et al.:
Benchmark Shielding Experiments in a GCFR Spectrum, Paper submitted for 1977
Winter Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Nov. 27-Dec. 2 1977, San
Francisco, USA
[6] C. McCombie et al.:
Assessment of Iron and Steel Cross Section Data for Shielding by Integral
Experiment Measurement and Analysis, Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor
Physics, Gatlinburg, USA (1978)
[7] C. McCombie et al.:
Benchmark Shielding Experiments for Testing Iron and Steel Data
Paper presented at the for Topical Conference on Advances in Reactor
Physics,  April 10-12 1978, Gatlinburg, USA
[8] R. Richmond:
Measurement of the Physics Properties of Gas-Cooled Fast Reactors
in the Zero Energy Reactor PROTEUS and Analysis of the Results
EIR-Bericht Nr. 478 (December 1982)
[9] R. Chawla et al.:
Fast Reactor Experiments with Thorium at the PROTEUS Facility
EIR-Bericht Nr. 444 (November 1981)
NEA-1517/50, included references:
[1] J. L. Kloosterman:
On Gamma Ray Shielding and Neutron Streaming Through Ducts, PhD Thesis, Delft
University of Technology (1992)
[2] J. L. Kloosterman, J. E. Hoogenboom:
Experiments and Calculations on Neutron Streaming Through Bent Ducts, Journal
of Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 30, No 7, p. 611-627, July 1993
NEA-1517/52, included references:
[1] F.J. Muckenthaler, R.R. Spencer, H.T. Hunter, A. Shono, and K. Chatani,
"Measurements for the JASPER Program Axial Shield Experiment," Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, ORNL/TM-11839 (August 1991).
[2] R.E. Maerker et al., "Calibration of the Bonner Ball Neutron Detectors Used
at the Tower Shielding Facility," ORNL/TM-3465 (June 1971).
[3] C.E. Burgart and M.B. Emmett, "Monte Carlo Calculations of the Response
Functions of Bonner Ball Neutron Detectors," ORNL/TM-3739 (April 1972).
[4] B.W. Rust, D.T. Ingersoll, and W.R. Burrus, "A User's Manual for the FERDO
and FERD Unfolding Codes," ORNL/TM-8720 (September 1983).
[5] J.O. Johnson and D.T. Ingersoll, "User's Guide for the Revised SPEC-4
Neutron Spectrum Unfolding Code," ORNL/TM-7384 (August 1980).
[6] F.J. Muckenthaler et al., "Measurements for the JASPER Program Fission Gas
Plenum Experiment," ORNL/TM-10422 (June 1987).
NEA-1517/53, included references:
[1] F.J. Muchenthaler, R.R. Spencer, H.T. Hunter, J.L. Hull, A. Shono,
"Measurements for the JASPER Program Intermediate Heat Exchanger Experiment,"
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/TM-12064 (July 1992).
[2] R.E. Mercker et al., "Calibration of the Bonner Ball Neutron Detectors Used
at the Tower Shielding Facility," ORNL/TM-3465 (June 1971).
[3] C.E. Burgart and M.B> Emmett, "Monte Carlo Calculations of the Response
Functions of Bonner Ball Detectors," ORNL/TM-3739 (April 1972).
[4] B.W. Rust, D.T. Ingersoll, and W.R. Burrus, "A User's Manual for the FERDO
and FERD Unfolding Codes," ORNL/TM-8720 (September 1983).
[5] J.O. Johnson and D.T. Ingersoll, "User's Guide for the Revised SPEC-4
Neutron Spectrum Unfolding Code," ORNL/TM-7384 (August 1980).
[6] J.K. Dickens and S. Raman, "Fission-Producct Yield Data from the US/UK
Joint Experiment in the Dounreay Prototype Fast Reactor," ORNL-6266 (1986).
NEA-1517/54, included references:
[1] R.E. Maerker et al., "Calibration of the Bonner Ball Neutron Detectors Used
at the Tower Shielding Facility," ORNL/TM-3465 (June 1971).
[2] C.E. Burgart and M.B. Emmett, "Monte Carlo Calculations of the Response
Functions of Bonner Ball Neutron Detectors," ORNL/TM-3739 (April 1972).
[3] B.W. Rust, D.T. Ingersoll, and W.R. Burrus, "A User's Manual for the FERDO
and FERD Unfolding Codes," ORNL/TM-8720 (September 1983).
[4] J.O. Johnson and D.T. Ingersoll, "User's Guide for the Revised SPEC-4
Neutron Spectrum Unfolding Code," ORNL/TM-7384 (August 1980).
[5] W.W. Engle, Jr., D.T. Ingersoll, C.O. Slater, F.J. Muchenthaler,
"Specifications for the JASPER Program Attenuation Experiment,"
ORNL/LMR/AC-86/5 (October 1986).

NEA-1517/55, bibliography:
Background references:
[3] Personal Communication with I. Remec, June, 1998.
NEA-1517/55, included references:
[1] I. Remec and F. B. K. Kam:
Pool Critical Assembly Pressure Vessel Facility Benchmark, NUREG/CR-6454
ORNL/TM-13205 1997.
[2] W. N. McELroy, ed.:
LWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Improvement Program: PCA Experiments
and Blind Test, NUREG/CR-1861 (HEDL-TME 80-87 R5), July 1981.
NEA-1517/56, included references:
[1]  R. E. Maerker and F. J. Muckenthaler "Gamma-Ray Spectra Arising from
Thermal Neutron Capture in Elements Found in Soils, Concretes, and Structural
Materials," ORNL-4382, UC-34-Physics, August 1969.
[2]  R. E. Maerker "SB2. Experiment on Secondary Gamma-ray Production Cross
Sections Arising from Thermal-Neutron Capture in Each of 14 Different Elements
Plus a Stainless Steel," ORNL-TM-5203 ENDF-227 January, 1976.
[3]  J. D. Court and J. S. Hendricks "Benchmark Analysis of MCNP ENDF/B-VI
Iron," LA-12884, UC-700, Dec. 1994
NEA-1517/57, included references:
[1] R.E. Maerker, "SB3. Experiment on Secondary Gamma-Ray Production Cross
Sections Averaged Over a Fast-Neutron Spectrum for Each of 13 Different
Elements Plus a Stainless Steel," ORNL-TM-5204 (ENDF-228), Oak Ridge National
Laboratory (January 1976)
[2] R.E. Maerker and F.J. Muckenthaler, "Gamma-Ray Spectra Arising from
Fast-Neutron Interactions in Elements Found in Soils, Concretes, and Structural
Materials," ORNL-4475, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1969)
[3] R.E. Maerker and F.J. Muckenthaler, "Gamma-Ray Spectra Arising from
Fast-Neutron Interactions in Elements Found in Soils, Concretes, and Structural
Materials," Nuclear Science and Engineering: 42, 335-351 (1970)

NEA-1517/58, bibliography:
Background references:
[4] R.M. Freestone, Re-unfolding of original NE-213 Spectrometer results using FERD, est 1988, compiler acquired via private communication w/ D.T. Ingersoll, 5/96.
NEA-1517/58, included references:
[1] C.E. Clifford, E.A. Straker, et al.:
Measurements of the Spectra of Uncollided Fission Neutrons Transmitted
Through Thick Samples of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, and Lead:
Investigation of the Minimum Total Cross Sections
Nucl. Sci. Eng. 27, 299 (1967)
[2] E.A. Straker:
Experimental Evaluation of Minima in the Total Neutron Cross Sections
of Several Shielding Materials, ORNL TM 2242, June 1968
[3] R.E. Maerker:
SDT1. Iron Broomstick Experiment-An Experimental Check of Neutron Total
Cross Sections, ORNL TM 3867, Sept., 1972
[5] R.E. Maerker and F.J. Muckenthaler:
The Absolute Neutron Spectrum emerging through a 15-1/4-IN.
Collimator from the TSR-II Reactor at the Tower Shielding Facility, ORNL-TM-4010

NEA-1517/59, bibliography:
Background references:
[4] R.M. Freestone, Re-unfolding of original NE-213 Spectrometer results using FERD, est 1988, compiler acquired via private communication w/ D.T. Ingersoll, 5/96.
NEA-1517/59, included references:
[1] C.E. Clifford, E.A. Straker, et al.:
Measurements of the Spectra of Uncollided Fission Neutrons Transmitted
Through Thick Samples of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, and Lead:
Investigation of the Minimum Total Cross Sections
Nucl. Sci. Eng. 27, 299 (1967)
[2] E.A. Straker:
Experimental Evaluation of Minima in the Total Neutron Cross Sections
of Several Shielding Materials, ORNL TM 2242, June 1968
[3] R.E. Maerker, "SDT2. Oxygen Broomstick Experiment-An Experimental Check of
Neutron Total Cross Sections," ORNL TM 3868 (Sept., 1972) and addenda.
[5] R.E. Maerker and F.J. Muckenthaler:
The Absolute Neutron Spectrum emerging through a 15-1/4-IN.
Collimator from the TSR-II Reactor at the Tower Shielding Facility, ORNL-TM-4010

NEA-1517/60, bibliography:
Background references:
[4] R.M. Freestone, Re-unfolding of original NE-213 Spectrometer results using FERD, est 1988, compiler acquired via private communication w/ D.T. Ingersoll, 5/96.
NEA-1517/60, included references:
[1] C.E. Clifford, E.A. Straker, et al.:
Measurements of the Spectra of Uncollided Fission Neutrons Transmitted
Through Thick Samples of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, and Lead:
Investigation of the Minimum Total Cross Sections
Nucl. Sci. Eng. 27, 299 (1967)
[2] E.A. Straker:
Experimental Evaluation of Minima in the Total Neutron Cross Sections
of Several Shielding Materials, ORNL TM 2242, June 1968
[3] R.E. Maerker:
SDT3. Nitrogen Broomstick Experiment-An Experimental Check of Neutron Total
Cross Sections, ORNL TM 3869, Sept., 1972.
[5] R.E. Maerker and F.J. Muckenthaler:
The Absolute Neutron Spectrum emerging through a 15-1/4-IN.
Collimator from the TSR-II Reactor at the Tower Shielding Facility, ORNL-TM-4010

NEA-1517/61, bibliography:
Background references:
[4] R.M. Freestone, Re-unfolding of original NE-213 Spectrometer results using FERD, est 1988, compiler acquired via private communication w/ D.T. Ingersoll, 5/96.
NEA-1517/61, included references:
[1] C.E. Clifford, E.A. Straker, et al.:
Measurements of the Spectra of Uncollided Fission Neutrons Transmitted
Through Thick Samples of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, and Lead:
Investigation of the Minimum Total Cross Sections
Nucl. Sci. Eng. 27, 299 (1967)
[2] E.A. Straker:
Experimental Evaluation of Minima in the Total Neutron Cross Sections
of Several Shielding Materials, ORNL TM 2242, June 1968
[3] R.E. Maerker:
SDT5. Stainless-Steel Broomstick Experiment-An Experimental Check of Neutron
Total Cross Sections, ORNL TM 3871, Sept., 1972.
[5] R.E. Maerker and F.J. Muckenthaler:
The Absolute Neutron Spectrum emerging through a 15-1/4-IN.
Collimator from the TSR-II Reactor at the Tower Shielding Facility, ORNL-TM-4010

NEA-1517/62, bibliography:
Background references:
[2] R.E. Maerker, F.J. Muckenthaler, "Final Report on a Benchmark Experiment for Neutron Transport Through Iron and Stainless Steel," ORNL-4892, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (April 1974).
NEA-1517/62, included references:
[1] R.E. Maerker, "SDT 11. The ORNL Benchmark Experiment for Neutron Transport
Through Iron and Stainless Steel, Part I," ORNL-TM-4222 (ENDF-188), Oak Ridge
National Laboratory (1974).
[3] R.E. Maerker:
SDT1. Iron Broomstick Experiment-An Experimental Check of Neutron Total
Cross Sections," ORNL TM 3867, Sept., 1972.
[4] R.E. Maerker, F.J. Muckenthaler, J.J. Manning, J.L. Hull, J.N. Money, K.M.
Henry, Jr., and R.M. Freestone, Jr., "Calibration of the Bonner Ball Neutron
Detectors Used at the Tower Shielding Facility," ORNL-TM-3465, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory (1971).
[5] R.E. Maerker and F.J. Muckenthaler:
The Absolute Neutron Spectrum emerging through a 15-1/4-IN.
Collimator from the TSR-II Reactor at the Tower Shielding Facility, ORNL-TM-4010
NEA-1517/63, included references:
[1] R.E. Maerker, F.J. Muckenthaler, R.L. Childs, M.L. Gritzner, "Final Report
on a Benchmark Experiment for Neutron Transport in Thick Sodium," ORNL-4880,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (January 1974).
[2] R.E. Maerker, F.J. Muckenthaler, J.J. Manning, J.L. Hull, J.N. Money, K.M.
Henry, Jr., and R.M. Freestone, Jr., "Calibration of the Bonner Ball Neutron
Detectors Used at the Tower Shielding Facility," ORNL-TM-3465, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory (1971).
[3] G.L. Simmons, Editor, "Shielding Benchmark Problems," ORNL-RSIC-25
(ANS-SD-9), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1974).
[4] F.J. Muckenthaler, R.R. Spencer, H.T. Hunter, J.L. Hull, and A. Shono,
"Measurements for the Jasper Intermediate Heat Exchanger Experiment,"
ORNL-TM-12064 (July 1992).

NEA-1517/65, bibliography:
Background references:
[2] G.I. Borodkin and O.M. Kovalevich,
Interlaboratory VVER-1000 Ex-vessel Experiment at Balakovo-3 NPP, Report on the 9th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, 2 - 6 Sep. 1996, Prague, Czech Republic, Report E-147, 1996.  
[3] International Workshop on the Balakovo-3 Interlaboratory Dosimetry Experiment, September 2 - 5, 1997, FZR, Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany. Minutes on the Workshop.  
[4] Borodkin, G. I., Kovalevich, O. M., Barz, H.-U., Bohmer, B., Stephan, I., Ait Abderrahim, H., Voorbraak, W., Hogel, J., Polke, E., Schweighofer, W., Seren, T., Borodin, A. V., Vikhrov, V. I., Lichadeev, V. V., Markina, N. V., Grigoriev, E. I., Troshin, V. S., Penev I., and Kinova, L.:
Balakovo-3 Ex-vessel Exercise: Intercomparison of Results, Reactor Dosimetry: Radiation Metrology and Assessment, ASTM STP 1398, John G. Williams, David W. Vehar, Frank H. Ruddy and David M. Gilliam, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohoken, PA, 2001, pp. 320-327.
[5] G. Borodkin and B. Boehmer, Validation of 3D Synthesis RPV Neutron Fluence  Calculations using VVER-1000 Ex-Vessel Reference Dosimetry Results, 2000 ANS Annual Meeting, June 4-8, 2000, San Diego, California, Transactions of the ANS, volume 82, 2000, pp. 223-225.
[6] B. Boehmer, J. Konheiser, G. Borodkin and G. Manturov, Testing of Neutron Data Libraries in Application to Reactor Pressure Vessel Dosimetry, Internat. Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Oct. 7-12, 2001, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.
[7] GOSATOMNADZOR of Russia. Safety Guides. Procedure of Neutron Dosimetry on the Ex-Vessel Surface of VVER of NPP (RB-018-01). (Draft), G.I. Borodkin et al., November 2001.
NEA-1517/65, included references:
[1] Gennady Borodkin, Bertram Boehmer, Klaus Noack and Nikolay Khrennikov:
BALAKOVO-3 VVER-1000 Ex-Vessel Neutron Dosimetry Benchmark Experiment
(November 2002)

NEA-1517/66, bibliography:
Background references:
[9] P.W. Benjamin, The analysis of recoil proton spectra, AWRE 09/68, Aldermaston, Berks (1968)
NEA-1517/66, included references:
[1]- R. Nicks, G. Perlini and H. Rief:
Project and performances of the EURACOS II irradiation facility. Technical Note
No., JRC Ispra. (1985)
[2] R. Nicks, G. Perlini and H. Rief:
Fission neutron penetration in iron and sodium-I. Activation measurements.
Ann. Nucl. Energy Vol 15, No.9, pp.457-469, 1988
[3] G. Perlini and H. Rief:
Fission neutron penetration in iron and sodium-II. Neutron spectrometry. Ann.
Nucl. Energy Vol 16, No.4, pp.189-201, 1989
[4] R. Nicks, G. Perlini and H. Rief:
Iron and sodium benchmark experiments at EURACOS II - Part I: Activation
Measurements", NEACRP Specialists' Meeting on Shielding Benchmark, Paris,
October 13-14, 1986.
[5] G. Perlini, H. Rief, M.D. Carter and M.F. Murphy:
The S32(n,p)P32 threshold detector and its application for fast neutron
dosimetry (fast reactors and fusion reactors), Reactor Dosimetry, ECSC, ECC and
EAEC, Brussels and Luxembourg, p.457 (1985)
[6] H. Rief, T.A. Shamsi, M. Aglietti-Zanon and E. Vittone:
Deep Penetration Shielding Problem Analysis using 3-D MCNP Code, Final Report
10.EN.102/017 (15 April 1987)
[7] R. Garofoli, G. Gonano. G. Perlini and H. Rief:
Fast Neutron Attenuation in Large Iron and Sodium Columns, 9th European Triga
Users Conference, C.R.E., Casacia, Roma, 7-9 Oct.86
[8] G. Perlini, M. Carter and S. Acerbis:
Neutron Spectrometry Measurements in Iron, EUR 11767 EN Ispra. (1988)
[11] H. Rief:
Integral Shielding Benchmarks: Status of the EURACOS Iron & Sodium Deep
Penetration Experiments.
[12] G. Perlini, G. Gonano:
The EURACOS Deep Penetration Iron Benchmark Experiment
[13] G. Perlini, H. Rief:
The EURACOS Irradiation Facility
[15] R.-D. Bachle et al.:
Consistency Check of Iron and Sodium Cross-Sections with Integral Benchmark
Experiments Using a Large Amount of Experimental Information
[16] Y. Yeivin:
The EURACOS Activation Experiments: Preliminary Uncertainty Analysis, EUR 8011
[17] G. Hehn et al.:
Adjustment of Neutron Multigroup Cross Sections with Error Covariance Matrices
to Deep Penetration Integral Experiments
[18] G. Pfister et al.:
Validation of Multigroup Cross-Sections of JEF-1 Data with Single Material Deep
Penetration Benchmarks
[19] EURACOS Iron and Sodium Benchmark Analysis: A Comparison of JEFl and
BMCCS1 Cross Sections in Deep Penetration Experiments
[20] G. Perlini et al.:
Interpretation of the EURACOS Iron and Sodium Benchmarks
[21] Yen-Wan H. Liu et al.:
Calculations of EURADOS Iron Benchmark Experiment Using the Hybrid Method

NEA-1517/67, bibliography:
Background references:
[9] P.W. Benjamin:
The analysis of recoil proton spectra, AWRE 09/68, Aldermaston, Berks (1968)
NEA-1517/67, included references:
[1] R. Nicks, G. Perlini and H. Rief:
Project and Performances of the EURACOS II Irradiation Facility Technial Note
No. I. (April 1985)
[2] R. Nicks, G. Perlini and H. Rief:
Fission Neutron Penetration in Iron and Sodium I- Activation Measurements,
Ann. Nucl. Energy Vol 15, No.9, pp.457-469, 1988
[3] G. Perlini and H. Rief:
Fission Neutron Penetration in Iron and Sodium II- Neutron Spectrometry
Ann. Nucl. Energy Vol 16, No.4, pp.189-201, 1989
[4] R. Nicks, G. Perlini and H. Rief:
Iron and Sodium Benchmark Experiments at EURACOS II Part I: Activation
Measurements, NEACRP Specialists' Meeting on Shielding Benchmark, Paris,
October 13-14, 1986.
[5] G. Perlini, H. Rief, M.D. Carter, N.F. Murphy:
The S32(n,p)P32 threshold detector and its application for fast neutron
dosimetry (fast reactors and fusion reactors), Reactor Dosimetry, ECSC, ECC and
EAEC, Brussels and Luxembourg, p.457 (1985).
[6] H. Rief, T.A. Shamsi, M. Aglietti-Zanon and E. Vittone:
Deep Penetration Shielding Problem Analysis using 3-D MCNP Code, Final Report
10.EN.102/017 (15 April 1987)
[7] R. Garofoli, G. Gonano. G. Perlini and H. Rief:
Fast Neutron Attenuation in Large Iron and Sodium Columns, 9th European Triga
Users Conference, C.R.E., Casacia, Roma, 7-9 Oct.86
[8] G. Perlini and S. Acerbis:
Neutronic spectrometry measurements in sodium, Report EUR 11095 EN, Ispra.
[10] G. Perlini, S. Acerbis, U. Canali, G. Gonano, R. Nicks, H. Rief:
Construction of a neutron deep penetration sodium shield mockup, European Appl.
Res. Rept.- Nucl. Sci. Technol., Vol. 7, No.6 (1987)
[11] H. Rief:
Integral Shielding Benchmarks: Status of the EURACOS Iron & Sodium Deep
Penetration Experiments.
[13] G. Perlini, H. Rief:
The EURACOS Irradiation Facility
[14] G. Perlini and H. Rief:
Neutron Penetration in Sodium at EURACOS II, Paper presented at the meeting on
Shielding Benchmarks, Paris, September 1984
[15] R.-D. Bachle et al.:
Consistency Check of Iron and Sodium Cross-Sections with Integral Benchmark
Experiments Using a Large Amount of Experimental Information
[16] Y. Yeivin:
The EURACOS Activation Experiments: Preliminary Uncertainty Analysis, EUR 8011
[17] G. Hehn et al.:
Adjustment of Neutron Multigroup Cross Sections with Error Covariance Matrices
to Deep Penetration Integral Experiments
[18] G. Pfister et al.:
Validation of Multigroup Cross-Sections of JEF-1 Data with Single Material Deep
Penetration Benchmarks
[19] EURACOS Iron and Sodium Benchmark Analysis: A Comparison of JEFl and
BMCCS1 Cross Sections in Deep Penetration Experiments
[20] G. Perlini et al.:
Interpretation of the EURACOS Iron and Sodium Benchmarks

NEA-1517/69, bibliography:
Background references:
[1] LWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Improvement Program Review Meeting, NBS, Maryland, Oct.26-30, 1981: Exploratory calculations carried out at WESTINGHOUSE, S. ANDERSON in cooperation with G. GUTHRIE (HEDL).  
[2] A. FABRY, VENUS-3 PLSA Conceptual Design Considerations, CEN/SCK Note AF/sa 380/87-02, Feb.2, 1987
[3] Design Studies of VENUS-3, a Benchmark Experiments of PLSA calculational procedures to be performed in the VENUS critical Facility at Mol.  
[4] LWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Program "Activities, Status and Scheduling", March 29-April 2, 1982.
[5] M. L. Williams et al., "Calculation of the Neutron Source Distribution in the VENUS PWR Mockup Experiment," Proceedings of ehe Fifth ASTM-EURATOM Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, Volume 2, 711-718, Geesthacht, F.R.G., September 24-28, 1984.
[8] I. Kodeli, Multidimensional Deterministic Nuclear Data Sensitivity and Uncertainty Code System, Method and Application, Nucl. Sci. Eng., 138, 45-66 (2001)
[11] Bok-Ja Moon, VENUS-3 PWR UO2 Core 3-Dimensional Benchmark Experiment, IRPhE Project Compilation
[12] R. E. Maerker, Analysis of the VENUS-3 Experiments, NUREG/CR-5338 ORNL/TM-11106, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, August 1989.
NEA-1517/69, included references:
[6] L. Leenders:
LWR-PVS Benchmark Experiment VENUS-3 Core description and qualification,
FCP/VEN/01, SCK/CEN, September 1, 1988
[7] I.Kodeli, E. Sartori:
Analysis of VENUS-3 Benchmark Experiment, Proc. Reg. Meeting on Nuclear Energy
in Central Europe, Catez, Slovenia (Sept. 7-10, 1998)
[9] Prediction of Neutron Embrittlement in the Reactor Pressure Vessel,
OECD/NEA report 2000
[10] M. Pescarini, R. Orsi, M.G. Borgia, T. Martinelli:
ENEA Nuclear Data Centre Neutron Transport Analysis of the VENUS-3 Shielding
Benchmark Experiment, Report KT-SCG 00013 (2001)

NEA-1517/70, bibliography:
Background references:
[5]  J. F. Briesmeister: MCNP Models and Input Files for the NIST 1.5in, 2.0in and 2.5in radius water sphere, LANL-X6, 11 December 2000, private communication.
[6]  J. A. Grundl, D. M. Gilliam , N. D. Dudey, and R. J. Popek: Measurement of Absolute Fission Rates, Nuclear Technology , Vol. 25, 1975, p 237.
[7]  J. A. Grundl and C. M. Eisenhauer: Proc. Conf. Nuclear Cross Sections and Technology, Washington, D. C., March 1975, NBS Special Publication 425, p 250.
NEA-1517/70, included references:
[1] D. M. Gilliam: Specification of the Neutron Leakage Benchmark,
NIST, Private communication, 7.12.2000.
[2] D. M. Gilliam and J. F. Briesmeister: Neutron Leakage Benchmarks
for Water Moderators, ASTM-EURATOM Reactor Dosimetry Meeting,
Vail, August 1993.
[3] D. M. Gilliam and J. F. Briesmeister: Benchmark Measurements
and Calculations of Neutron Leakage from Water Moderators,
Proc. Intl. Topical Meeting on Advances in Mathematics, Computations,
and Reactor Physics, April 28-May 2, 1991, Pittsburgh, PA, Vol. 2,
pg 9.1 4-1 - 4-2.
[4] S. C. Frankle and J. F. Briesmeister: Spectral Measurements
in Critical Assemblies: MCNP Specifications and Calculated Results,
LA-13675, December 1999, pages 37 ff concern the NIST experiment.

NEA-1517/74, bibliography:
Background references:
[1] A.I. Saukov, B.I. Sukhanov, V.D. Lyutov, et al, "Photon Leakage from Spherical and Hemispherical Samples with a Central 14MeV Neutron Source", Nucl.Sci.Eng., V.142, No.2, p.158, 2002
[2] M.R. Ahmed, A.M. Demidov, et al, "Atlas of gamma-ray spectra from the inelastic scattering of reactor fast neutrons", Moscow, Atomizdat, 1978
NEA-1517/74, included references:
[3] A. I. Saukov, E. N. Lipilina, V. D. Lyutov:
Measurements of Neutron and Photon Leakage from Spherical and Hemispherical
Samples with a Central 14-MeV Neutron Source as a Possible Type of Benchmarks",
presented at the Int. Conf. On Radiation Safety, ICRS10 - RPS-2004, May 9-14,
2004, Madeira, Portugal

NEA-1517/78, bibliography:
Background references:
[1] M. Lott, P. Pepin, L. Bourdet, G. Cabaret, J. Capsie, M. Dubor, M. Hot, C. Goulet:
Etude experimentale de l'attenuation des neutrons dans differents materiaux de protection a l'aide du dispositif NAIADE I du reacteur ZOE
Note CEA 1386  December 1970
[2] J. Brisbois, M. Lott, G. Manent :
Mesure des flux de neutrons thermiques intermediaires et rapides au moyen de detecteurs par activation, Rapport CEA R 2491, August 1964.
[3] J.P. Both, Y.K. Lee, A. Mazzolo, O. Petit, Y. Peneliau, B. Roesslinger, M. Soldevila:
TRIPOLI-4 - A Three Dimensional Polykinetic Particle Transport Monte Carlo Code
SNA'2003, Paris, September 2003.
[4] J.P. Both, A. Mazzolo, Y. Peneliau, O. Petit, B. Roesslinger:
Notice d'utilisation du code TRIPOLI-4.3 : code de transport de particules par la methode de Monte Carlo, rapport CEA-R-6043, 2003.
[5] J.P. Both, A. Mazzolo, Y. Peneliau, O. Petit, B. Roesslinger:
User manual for version 4.3 of the TRIPOLI-4 Monte Carlo method particle transport computer code, rapport CEA-R-6044, 2003.
NEA-1517/78, included references:
[6] J.C. Nimal:
Nouvelles interpretations des experiences NAIADE 1, 1ere Partie: Experiences
sur le fer et le graphite, rapport NEA/NSC/DOC(2005)15, 25-Nov-2005.
[7] J.C. Nimal:
New interpretation of the NAIADE 1 experiments, Part 1: the Iron and Graphite
Experiments, report NEA/NSC/DOC(2005)15, 24-Nov-2005.
[8] J.C. Nimal:
New interpretation of NAIADE benchmarks, Proc. ANS 14th Biennial Topical
Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division, Carlsbad, New
Mexico, USA. April 3-6, 2006

NEA-1517/79, bibliography:
Background references:
[1] M. Lott, P. Pepin, L. Bourdet, G. Cabaret, J. Capsie, M. Dubor, M. Hot, C. Goulet:
Etude experimentale de l'attenuation des neutrons dans differents materiaux de protection a l'aide du dispositif NAIADE I du reacteur ZOE
Note CEA 1386  Decembre 1970
[2] J. Brisbois, M. Lott, G. Manent :
Mesure des flux de neutrons thermiques intermediaires et rapides au moyen de detecteurs par activation, Rapport CEA R 2491, Aout 1964.
[3] J.P. Both, Y.K. Lee, A. Mazzolo, O. Petit, Y. Peneliau, B. Roesslinger, M. Soldevila:
TRIPOLI-4 - A Three Dimensional Polykinetic Particle Transport Monte Carlo Code
SNA'2003, Paris, September 2003.
[4] J.P. Both, A. Mazzolo, Y. Peneliau, O. Petit, B. Roesslinger:
Notice d'utilisation du code TRIPOLI-4.3 : code de transport de particules par la methode de Monte Carlo, rapport CEA-R-6043, 2003.
[5] J.P. Both, A. Mazzolo, Y. Peneliau, O. Petit, B. Roesslinger:
User manual for version 4.3 of the TRIPOLI-4 Monte Carlo method particle transport computer code, rapport CEA-R-6044, 2003.
NEA-1517/79, included references:
[6] J.C. Nimal:
Experiences NAIADE relatives a la propagation des neutrons dans l'eau legere
diametre de la source 60 cm, rapport NEA/NSC/DOC(2006)24, Dec. 2006.
[7] J.C. Nimal:
NAIADE experiments relating to Fission Neutron Propagation in Light Water
Source Diameter 60 cm, report NEA/NSC/DOC(2006)24, Dec. 2006.

NEA-1517/80, bibliography:
Background references:
[1] A.I. Saukov, V.D. Lyutov, E.N. Lipilina, "Photon Leakage Spectra from Al, Ti, Fe, Cu, Zr, Pb, U-238 Spheres", SINBAD Database, OECD NEA Data Bank, France, Paris, identifier NEA-1517/72, 2006.

NEA-1517/81, bibliography:
Background references:
1. Osmera, B., Holman, M., Integral Experiments for Reactor Pressure Vessel Neutron Exposure Evaluation, Proceedings of Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Juelich, Germany, 13 - 17 May, 1991, pp. 650
2. Holman, M., Marik, P., Franc, L., Scintillation   Spectrometer with a Crystal of Stilbene, ZJE - 191, 1976, Skoda Works, Nuclear Power Construction Department, Information Centre, Plzen, Czech Republic Holman, M., Neutron Spectrometry Using Scintillation Spectrometer and Hydrogen - Filled Proportional Counters, ZJE-220, 1979, ibid.
3. Osmera, B., Reactor Dosimetry of WWER-440 Type Reactors, Nucleon, 3 - 4, 1993, p. 27, Nuclear Research Institute, 250 68 Rez, Czech Rep.
4. Osmera, B., Gurevich, M., Hort, M., Kam, F.B.K., Mikus, J., Remec, I., Zaritsky, S., WWER-440 Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Benchmarks Evaluated Experimental Data, 1998 ANS Radiation Protection and Shielding Division Topical Conference - Technologies   for   the   New   Century, Nashville, Tennessee, April 19 - 24, Proceedings, p. I-419
5. Gurevich, M., Zaritsky, S., Osmera, B., Mikus, J., Kam, F.B.K., Check and Visualisation of the Input Geometry Data Using the Geometrical Module of the Monte Carlo Code MCU: WWER-440 Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Benchmark, ibid., p. I-425
6. Zaritsky, S., Belousov, S., Brodkin, E., Egorov, A., Iljeva, K., Kam, F.B.K., Vessel Dosimetry Benchmarks : Calculation and Analysis, ibid., I-325
NEA-1517/81, included references:
- B. Osmera:
Benchmarking of Radiation Field Parameters, Relevant for Pressure Vessel
Monitoring. Review of Experimental Results in WWER-440 and WWER-1000 Benchmarks
in LR-0 Experimental Reactor
- WWER-440 Benchmarks in LR-0 Experimental Reactor [UJV 12992-R (2008)]:

- B. Osmera, S. Zaritsky:
WWER-440 Mock-up Experiments in the LR-0 Reactor, Mock-up No. 1 Description
UJV-11811-R; RRC KI No. 36/23-2002 (2002)
- B. Osmera, S. Zaritsky:
WWER-440 Mock-up Experiments in the LR-0 Reactor, Mock-up No. 2 Description
UJV-11812-R; RRC KI No. 36/24-2002 (2002)
- B. Osmera, S. Zaritsky, M. Holman:
WWER-440 Mock-up Experiments in the LR-0 Reactor; Experimental Data
UJV-11813-R; RRC KI No. 36/25-2002 (2002)
NEA-1517/82, included references:
- B. Osmera:
Benchmarking of Radiation Field Parameters, Relevant for Pressure Vessel
Monitoring. Review of Experimental Results in WWER-440 and WWER-1000 Benchmarks
in LR-0 Experimental Reactor
- WWER-1000 Benchmarks in LR-0 Experimental Reactor [UJV 12993-R (2008)]:

- B. Osmera, S. Zaritsky:
WWER-1000 Mock-up Experiments in the LR-0 Reactor, Mock-up Description and
Experimental Data (UJV-11815-R; RRC KI No. 36/27-2002
- B. Osmera, F. Cvachovec, M. Marik:
Pin-by-pin Relative Power Distribution in the mock-up core calculated by Code
The Results of Photon Spectra Measurements over the Reactor Pressure Vessel
Simulator in WWER-1000 Model (Engineering Benchmark) in the LR-0 Experimental
Reactor (REDOS R(06)/September 2003/Issue 0, September 2003)

NEA-1517/83, bibliography:
Background references:
[1] I.I. Deryavko, V.S. Zhdanov, I.G. Perepelkin, Yu.S. Cherepnin:
Radiating stability of carbide materials at an irradiation in the reactor with low neutron fluxes. VANT, ser. Physics of radiating damages and radiating materiology. Kharkov, v. 1, p.48, 1992  
[2] Zh.R. Zhotabaev, D.I. Zelensky, I.S. Pivovarov, V.P. Smetannikov, Yu.S. Cherepnin:
Possibilities of the experimental base of Kazakhstan for tests of elements of space nuclear reactors. Bulletin NNC RK, "Nuclear engineering and safety of the nuclear power station", v.1, p.7, 2000  
[3] Sc.T. Tuhvatulin, I.L. Tazhibaeva, V.P. Smetannikov, V.P. Pavshuk, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoj, I.I. Fedik, Yu.S. Cherepnin:
Reactor complexes of the National nuclear center of Republic Kazakhstan. Proc.
Of the International conference "Experience of Designing of nuclear reactors", Moscow, 2002  
[4] MCNP - A General Monte-Carlo N-Particle Transport Code, Version 4B,
LA-12625-M (March 1997)  
[5] S. Berg. Modification of SAND-2. BNWL-855, 1968  
[6] I.A. Bochvar, T.I. Imadova  et al.:
Method of IKS Dosimetry, M., Atomizdat, 1977  
[7] MKS-01R Radiometer-Dosimeter. Certificate Zh1P.289.201PS  
[8] V.N. Avaev, G.A. Vasiliev  et al.:
Experimental Studies of Gamma and Neutron Radiation Fields. Edited by Yu.A. Egorov, M., Atomizdat, 1974  
[9] R.L. Bramlett, R.I. Ewing, T.W. Bonner:
A New Type of Neutron Spectrometer. Nucl. Instr. And Meth., 1960, v. 9, n.1, p. 1  
[10] R.H. Johnson, B.W. Wehring, J.J. Dorning:
Nucl. Sci.Eng., v.73, 1980, p.93  
[11] R.V. Hemming:
Numerical Methods. Nauka, M., 1968  
[12] L.Z. Rumshinsky:
Mathematical Processing of Experimental Results,M., Nauka, 1971
[13] R.D. Vasiliev et al.:
Method of Reaction Rate Calculation and Its Errors. In collection: Metrology of Neutron Measurements at Nuclear-Physical Facilities. M., Atominform, 1976  
[14] A.A. Gui, J.K. Shultis, R.E. Fow:
Response Functions for Neutron Skyshine Analysis. Nucl. Sci. Eng., 1997, v. 125, No. 2, p.111-127  
[15] W.A. Rhoades, R.L. Childs:
The DORT Two-dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code. Nucl.Sci.Eng. 99, 1, 88-89 (May 1988)  
[16] RSIC library DLC-23/CASK. 40-Group coupled neutron and gamma-ray cross-section data, 1973
NEA-1517/83, included references:
[17] Zharkov V.P., Dikareva O.F., Kartashev I.A., Kiselev A.N., Netecha
M.E., Sakamoto H., Nomura Y., Naito Y.:
Analytical Study of Reactor Radiation Scattering in the Atmosphere, Proc. Of
ANS conference "Technologies for the New Century", Tennessee, Nashville, USA,
April 1998
[18] Yu.V. Orlov, M.E. Netecha, V.N. Avaev, G.A. Vasiljev, Yu.L. Istomin, D.I.
Zelensky, Yu.S. Cherepnin, H. Sakamoto, Y. Nomura, Y. Naito:
Neutron and Gamma-Radiation Skyshine Experiment at Nuclear Reactor, Proc. Of
ANS conference "Technologies for the New Century", Tennessee, Nashville, USA,
April 1998
[19] M.E. Netecha, O.F. Dikareva, V.P. Zharkov, I.A. Kartashev:
Compilation of the series of measurements of spatial energy distributions
of neutrons and photons scattered in the air near the ground-air interface in
standard SINBAD Database format, Final Report, Federal Agency for Atomic
Energy, Federal State Unitary Enterprise, Research and Development Institute of
Power Engineering, Moscow 2005.
[20] Final Report on ISTC Project No. 517-96:
Experimental study of reactor radiation scattering in the atmosphere (for a
period of 24 months from September 1, 1996 to August 31, 1998), Mikhail E.
Netecha, (Project Manager), Research and Development Institute of Power
Engineering, September, 1998
[21] "BAIKAL-1 SKYSHINE EXPERIMENT" ICSBEP evaluated version September 2009
(NEA/NSC/DOC/(95)03/VIII Volume VIII)

NEA-1517/86, bibliography:
[1] Lott M., Pepin P., Bourdet L., Cabaret G., Capsie J., Dubor M., Hot M., Goulet C. (decembre 1970), Etude experimentale de l'attenuation des neutrons dans differents materiaux de protection a l'aide du dispositif NAIADE 1 du reacteur ZOE; Note CEA 1386.

[2] Nimal J.C. (decembre 2011), Nouvelles interpretations des experiences NAIADE 1- Partie 1 Experience sur le fer et le graphite, NEA/NSC/DOC(2005)15/REV1.
[3] Dulieu P. (janvier 1965), Utilisation pratique du detecteur de dommages au silicium, Note CEA 514.
De Cosnac B., Dulieu P., Le Ralle J.C., Manent G. (4-8 mars 1968), Mesure des flux de neutrons rapides au moyen de diodes en silicium sensibles aux dommages, 'Colloque d'Electronique Nucleaire et Radioprotection, Tome 1', Toulouse, France.
[4] Nimal J.C. (decembre 2011), Nouvelles interpretations des experiences NAIADE 1 - Partie 2 Propagation des neutrons de fission dans l'eau legere, diametre de la source 60 cm, NEA/NSC/DOC(2006)24/REV1.

[5] Both J. P., Lee Y.K., Mazzolo A., Petit O., Peneliau Y., Roesslinger B., Soldevila M. (September 2003), TRIPOLI 4 - A Three Dimensional Polykinetic Particle Transport Monte-Carlo Code, SNA'2003, Paris.
Both J.P., Mazzolo A., Peneliau Y., Petit O., Roesslinger B. (2003), Notice d'utilisation du code TRIPOLI-4.3 : code de transport de particules par la methode de Monte-Carlo, Rapport CEA-R-6043.
[6] JEF report 14. Table of Simple Integral Neutron Cross Section Data from JEF-2.2, ENDF/B-VI, JENDL-3.2, BROND-2 and CENDL-2; OECD/NEA, Paris.
[7] Case K. M., de Hoffmann F., Plazczek G. (June 1953), Introduction to the theory of neutron diffusion, Volume I; Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico.
[8] Nimal J.C., Reevaluation des reponses des diodes au silicium et du detecteur Au197(n,gamma). Application aux benchmarks relatifs a l'attenuation des neutrons de fission dans le fer, le graphite et l'eau legere. - Partie I, OCDE/AEN, Paris.
Nimal J.C., Reassessment of the silicon diode and Au197(n,gamma) dosimeters. Application to the fission neutron attenuation in iron, graphite and light water - Part I, OECD/NEA, Paris.
[9] Radiation Shielding and Dosimetry Experiments Database (SINBAD); OECD/NEA, Paris. Http://
NEA-1517/86, included references:

NEA-1517/87, bibliography:
Background reference:
[4]  B.V. Devkin, M. G. Kobozev, S.P. Simakov, U. Fischer, F. Kappler U. von Mollendorff: Evaluation of Corrections for Spherical-Shell Neutron Transmission Experiments by the Monte-Carlo Technique, Report FZKA 5862, Karlsruhe, 1996;
Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki I Tehniki, Seriya Yadernye Konstanty, Obninsk, 1997, no. 1-2, p. 38.
NEA-1517/87, included references:
[1] S.P. Simakov, B.V. Devkin, M.G. Kobozev, V.A. Talalaev, U. von
Moellendorff: Benchmarking of evaluated nuclear data for bismuth by spherical
shell transmission experiments with central T(d,n) and Cf-252 neutron sources,
Fusion Engineering and Design 46 (1999) 89-97
[2] S.P. Simakov, A.A. Androsenko, P.A. Androsenko, S.I. Dubrovina, B.V.
Devkin, M.G. Kobozev, A.A. Lychagin, V.A. Talalaev, D.Yu. Chuvilin, V.A.
Zagraydsij: Neutron leakage spectra from Be, Al, Fe, Ni, Pb, LiPb, Bi, U and Th
spheres with T(d,n) and 252Cf neutron sources, (SOFT-17, Rome, Sept. 1992) in
Fusion Technology, Elsevier, 1993, v. 2, p. 1489
[3] S.P. Simakov, B.V. Devkin, M.G. Kobozev, A.A. Lychagin, V.A Talalaev, A.A.
Androsenko: 14 MeV Facility and Research in IPPE, Report INDC(CCP)-351, IAEA,
Vienna, 1993; Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki I Tehniki, Seriya Yadernye Konstanty,
Obninsk, 1997, no. 3-4, p. 93.
[5] A. Milocco, "Quality Assessment of the IPPE Benchmark Experiments",
IJS-DP-10217, April 2009

NEA-1517/88, bibliography:
Background references:
[2]  S.P. Simakov, A.A. Androsenko, P.A. Androsenko, B.V. Devkin, B.V. Zhuravlev, M.G. Kobozev, V.A. Zagraydsij, D.V. Markovskij, D.Yu. Chuvilin:
Neutron leakage spectra from U and Th spheres with Cf neutron source, Report FZK-646, Dresden, 1988, p. 111.
[3]  S.P. Simakov, B.V. Devkin, M.G. Kobozev, A.A. Lychagin, V.A Talalaev, A.A. Androsenko:
14 MeV Facility and Research in IPPE, Report INDC(CCP)-351, IAEA, Vienna, 1993; Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tehniki, Seriya Yadernye Konstanty, Obninsk, 1997, no. 3-4, p. 93.
[4]  B.V. Devkin, M. G. Kobozev, S.P. Simakov, U. Fischer, F. Kappler, U. von Moellendorff:
Evaluation of Corrections for Spherical-Shell Neutron Transmission Experiments by the Monte-Carlo Technique, Report FZKA 5862, Karlsruhe, 1996; Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tehniki, Seriya Yadernye Konstanty, Obninsk, 1997, no. 1-2, p. 38.
NEA-1517/88, included references:
[1] S.P. Simakov, A.A. Androsenko, P.A. Androsenko, S.I. Dubrovina, B.V. Devkin,
M.G. Kobozev, A.A. Lychagin, V.A. Talalaev, D.Yu. Chuvilin, V.A. Zagraydsij:
Neutron leakage spectra from Be, Al, Fe, Ni, Pb, LiPb, Bi, U and Th spheres
with T(d,n) and 252Cf neutron sources, (SOFT-17, Rome, Sept. 1992), Fusion
Technology, Elsevier, 1993, v. 2, p. 1489
[5] A. Milocco, Quality Assessment of the IPPE Benchmark Experiments,
IJS-DP-10217, April 2009

NEA-1517/89, bibliography:


Background references:

[1] R.H. Johnson, "Integral Tests of Neutron Cross Sections for Iron, Nobium, Beryllium, and Polyethylene," PhD Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1975)

[3] M.L. Williams, C. Aboughantous, M. Asgari, J.E. White, R.Q. Wright and F.B.K. Kam, "Transport Calculations of Neutron Transmission Through Steel Using ENDF/B-V, Revised ENDF/B-V, and ENDF/B-VI Iron Evaluations," Annual Nuclear Energy, 18, 549-565 (1991)

[4] D.T. Ingersoll, "Integral Testing of Neutron Cross Sections Using Simultaneous Neutron and Gamma-Ray Measurements," PhD Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1977)


NEA-1517/89, included references:
[2] N.E. Hertel, R.H. Johnson, B.W. Wehring, and J.J. Dorning, "Transmission of
Fast Neutrons Through an Iron Sphere," Fusion Technology, 9, 345-361 (Mar 1986)
[5] N.E. Hertel, "High-Energy Neutron Transport Through Tungsten and Iron," PhD
Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1979)

NEA-1517/91, bibliography:
Background references:
[1] R. OLSHER, H. HSU, and W. HARVEY, 'Benchmarking the MCNP Monte Carlo Code with a Photon Skyshine Experiment,' Nucl. Sci. Eng., 114, 219-227 (1993).
[2] 'Calculation and Measurement of Direct and Scattered Gamma Radiation from LWR Nuclear Power Plants,' ANSI/ANS-ANS-6.6.1-1987, American Nuclear Society (1987).
NEA-1517/92, included references:
[1] SAND2009-5804-R3.pdf John Mattingly "Polyethylene-Reflected Plutonium Metal
Sphere: Subcritical Neutron and Gamma Measurements"
    Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 and Livermore,
California 94550 SAND2009-5804 Revision 3 (July 2012)

NEA-1517/95, bibliography:


Background references:

[2] I. J. Curl: CRISP - A Computer Code to Define Fission Plate Source Profiles, RPD/IJC/934

[3] M. J. Armishaw, J. Butler, M. D. Carter, I. J. Curl, A. K. McCracken: A Transportable Neutron Spectrometer (TNS) for Radiological Applications, AEEW-M2365 (1986).Cancun. ANS. 2018.

[5] M. PESCARINI and R. ORSI, Validation of the BUGJEFF311.BOLIB, BUGENDF70.BOLIB, BUGLE-B7 and BUGLE-96 Cross Section Libraries on the Iron-88 Neutron Shielding Benchmark Experiment, ADPFISS-LP1-106, ENEA-Bologna Technical Report (2018).


NEA-1517/95, included references:
[1] G.A. Wright and M.J. Grimstone:
Benchmark Testing of JEF2.2 Data for Shielding Applications:
Analysis of the Winfrith Iron 88 Benchmark Experiment
AEA-RS-1231 (March 1993) EFF-Doc-229 and JEF-Doc-421 (1993)
[4] G.A. Wright et al.:
Benchmarking of the JEF2.2 Data Library For Shielding Applications
Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, April 24-28,
1994, Arlington, Texas, U.S.A., vol.2, p.816 (JEF/DOC-476)
The Iron-88 (Fe) Neutron Shielding Benchmark Experiment - Deterministic
Analysis in Cartesian (X,Y,Z) Geometry Using the TORT-3.2 3D Transport Code and
the BUGJEFF311.BOLIB, BUGENDF70.BOLIB, BUGLE-B7 and BUGLE-96 Cross Section
Libraries, SICNUC-P9H6-004, ENEA-Bologna Technical Report (2019)
[7] A. Milocco, Quality Assessment of SINBAD Evaluated Experiments ASPIS Iron
(NEA-1517/34), ASPIS Iron-88 (NEA-1517/35), ASPIS Graphite (NEA-1517/36), ASPIS
Water (NEA-1517/37), ASPIS N/G Water/Steel (NEA-1517/49), ASPIS PCA Replica
(NEA-1517/75), Dec. 2015.
[8] A. Milocco, B. Zefran, I. Kodeli. Validation of nuclear data based on the
ASPIS experimeents from the SINBAD database. V: Proc. RPSD-2018, 20th Topical
meeting of the radiation protection and shielding division, 26-31 August 2018,
Santa Fe., American Nuclear Society. 2018.
[9] I. Kodeli, Transport and S/U analysis of the ASPIS-IRON88 Benchmark using
recent and older iron cross-section evaluations. Proc. PHYSOR 2018, Reactor
physics paving the way towards more efficient systems, 22 - 26 April 2018,
Cancun. ANS. 2018.

NEA-1517/96, bibliography:


Background references:

[2] R. E. Maerker, “LEPRICON Analysis of the Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Inserted into H. B. Robinson-2 During Cycle 9,” Nuc. Sci. Eng., 96:263 (1987).


[3] E. P. Lippincott et al., Evaluation of Surveillance Capsule and Reactor Cavity Dosimetry from H. B. Robinson Unit 2, Cycle 9, NUREG/CR-4576 (WCAP-11104), Westinghouse Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa., February 1987.


[4] S. L. Anderson, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, personal communication to I. Remec, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1996.


[5] R. M. Kirch, H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2, response to request for information regarding operating cycle 9, personal communication to J. V. Pace, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oct. 1, 1996.


[6] W. A. Rhoades et al., "TORT-DORT Two- and Three-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport, Version 2.8.14," CCC-543, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1994.


[7] M. L. Williams, M. Asgari, F. B. K. Kam, Impact of ENDF/B-VI Cross-Section Data on H. B. Robinson Cycle 9 Dosimetry Calculations,  NUREG/CR-6071 (ORNL/TM-12406), October 1993.


[8] W. A. Rhoades,"The GIP Program for Preparation of Group-Organized Cross-Section Libraries," informal notes, November 1975, RSIC Peripheral Shielding Routine Collection PSR-75.


[9] D. T. Ingersoll et al.,"Bugle-93: Coupled 47 Neutron, 20 Gamma-Ray Group Cross-Section Library Derived from ENDF/B-VI for LWR Shielding and Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applications," RSIC Data Library Collection, DLC-175, February 1994.


[10] M. L. Williams, M. Asgari, and H. Manohara, “Letter Report on Generating SAILOR-95 Library,” personal communication to F. B. K. Kam, ORNL, February 1995.


[11] J. E. White et al.,"BUGLE-96: Coupled 47 Neutron, 20 Gamma-Ray Group Cross Section Library Derived from ENDF/B-VI for LWR Shielding and Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applications," RSIC Data Library Collection, DLC-185, March 1996.


[12] M. L. Williams,"DOTSOR: A Module in the LEPRICON Computer Code System for Representing the Neutron Source Distribution in LWR Cores, EPRI Research Project 1399-1 Interim Report (December 1985), RSIC Peripheral Shielding

Routine Collection  PSR-277.


[13] M. L. Williams, P. Chowdhury, B. L. Broadhead, "DOTSYN: A Module for Synthesizing Three- Dimensional Fluxes in the LEPRICON Computer Code System," EPRI Research Project 1399-1 Interim Report (Dec. 1985); RSIC Peripheral Shielding Routine Collection  PSR-277.


[14] I. Remec and F. B. K. Kam, An Update of the Dosimetry Cross-Section Data Base for the Adjustment Code LSL-M2, ORNL/NRC/LTR-95/20, June 1995.


[15] F. W. Stallmann, LSL-M2: A Computer Program for Least-Squares Logarithmic Adjustment of Neutron Spectra, NUREG/CR-4349 (ORNL/TM-9933), March 1986.


[16] ANSI/ANS-6.1.2-1999: Neutron and Gamma-Ray Cross Sections for Nuclear Radiation Protection Calculations for Nuclear Power Plants


NEA-1517/96, included references:
[1] I. Remec and F. B. K. Kam, "H. B. Robinson-2 Pressure Vessel Benchmark,
"NUREG/CR-6453, ORNL/TM-13204, October 1997.
[17] The ENEA-Bologna technical report SICNUC-P9H6-003: H.B. Robinson-2
Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Benchmark - Deterministic Analysis in Both Cartesian
(X,Y,Z) and Cylindrical (R,theta,Z) Geometries Using the TORT-3.2 3D Transport
Code, the BUGJEFF311.BOLIB, BUGENDF70.BOLIB, BUGLE-B7 and the BUGLE-96 Cross
Section Libraries.
[18] The ENEA-Bologna technical report SICNUC-P9H6-005: H.B. Robinson-2
Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Benchmark: Summary of ENEA-Bologna Three-Dimensional
Deterministic Analyses.
[19] R. Orsi, H.B. Robinson-2 Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Benchmark:
Deterministic three-dimensional analysis with the TORT transport code, Nuclear
Engineering and Technology,
NEA-1517/97, included references:
[1] J. Butler, M.D. Carter, A.K. McCracken, A. Packwood:
Results and Calculational Model of the Winfrith Iron Benchmark Experiment,
NEACRP-A-629 (1984)
[2] A.K. McCracken:
The Establishment of a Shielding Experimental Benchmark at the NEA Data Bank,
NEACRP-A-1044 (1990)
[3] M.J. Grimstone:
The RADAK User's Manual, AEEW-M1455 (1976)
[4] H. D. Carter, M. M. Chestnutt, A. K. McCracken:
The ASPIS Iron Benchmark Experiment - Results and Calculational Model NEA
Specialists' Meeting - Nuclear Data and Benchmarks for Reactor Shielding,
Paris, 27-29 October 1980
[5] S.H. Zeng, I. Kodeli, C. Raepsaet, C.M. Diop, J.C. Nimal, A. Monnier:
Qualification and Improvement of Iron ENDF/B-VI and JEF-2 Evaluations by
Interpretation of the ASPIS Benchmark, Proc. Symposium on Nuclear Data
Evaluation Methodology, Brookhaven (1992) (JEF/DOC-447)
[6] A. Milocco:
Quality Assessment of SINBAD Evaluated Experiments ASPIS Iron
(NEA-1517/34), ASPIS Iron-88 (NEA-1517/35), ASPIS Graphite (NEA-1517/36),
ASPIS Water (NEA-1517/37), ASPIS N/G Water/Steel (NEA-1517/49), ASPIS PCA
Replica (NEA-1517/75), Dec. 2015.
[7] G. Hehn et al.:
Adjustment of Neutron Multigroup Cross Sections with Error Covariance
Matrices to Deep Penetration Integral Experiments
Paper presented at the Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science & Technology,
Antwerp, Sept. 1982
[8] M Kawai et al.:
Shielding Benchmark Tests of JENDL-3, JAERI 1330 (March 1994)
[9] I. Kodeli:
Validation of ENDF/B-VI and JEF-2 Iron Cross-sections by Sensitivity and
Adjustment Analysis (JEF-DOC-420, paper presented at NSS/EBS Regional Meeting,
Portoroz, Slovenia, 1993)
[10] S.J. Chucas et al.:
Application of JEFF3T Data to the Winfrith Iron Benchmark (JEF/DOC-790, March
[11] J.C. Nimal and S.H. Zheng:
Qualification des Sections Efficaces du Fer par l'Interpretation d'un Benchmark
de Penetration Profonde des Neutrons dans un Massif de Fer, ASPIS (Rapport DMT
94/161 - SERMA/LEPP/94/1617 (1994) (in French
NEA-1517/98, included references:
[1] M.D. Carter, P.C. Miller and A. Packwood:
The ASPIS Graphite Benchmark Experiment. Part 1 Experimental Data and
Preliminary Calculations, NEACRP-A-630 (1984)
[2] N. Sasamoto, K. Sakurai, A. Tsubosaka, H. Narita, M. Takemura, K. Hayashi:
Analysis of the ASPIS Graphite Benchmark Experiment with Discrete Ordinates and
Monte Carlo Codes, Report from NEACRP Specialists' Meeting on Shielding
Benchmarks, October 13-14, 1986, Paris, France
[3] Alan F. Avery:
AEA-RS-5628, private communication.
[4] G. A. Wright, A. Avery, M. J. Grimstone, H. F. Locke, S. Newbon:
Benchmarking of the JEFF2.2 Data Library for Shielding Applications,
Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, April 24-28,
1994, Arlington, Texas, U.S.A., vol.2, p.816.
[5] A. Milocco, B. Zefran, I. Kodeli:
Validation of nuclear data based on the ASPIS experiments from the SINBAD
database. V: Proc. RPSD-2018, 20th Topical meeting
of the radiation protection and shielding division, 26-31 August 2018, Santa
Fe., American Nuclear Society. 2018.
[6] A. Milocco:
Quality Assessment of SINBAD Evaluated Experiments ASPIS Iron (NEA-1517/34),
ASPIS Iron-88 (NEA-1517/35), ASPIS Graphite (NEA-1517/36), ASPIS Water
(NEA-1517/37), ASPIS N/G Water/Steel (NEA-1517/49), ASPIS PCA Replica
(NEA-1517/75), Dec. 2015.
NEA-1517/99, included references:
[1] M.D. Carter and A. Packwood:
"The Winfrith Water Benchmark Experiment", NEARCRP-A-628 (1984)
[2] A.K. McCracken, A.E.E. Winfrith:
"An Analysis of the Winfrith Water Benchmark Experiment Using the MCBEND Monte
Carlo Code", NEACRP Specialists' Meeting on Shielding Benchmarks, Paris (1986)
[3] P. C. Miller, A.E.E. Winfrith, E. Sartori:
"An Analysis of the Winfrith Water Benchmark Experiment Using the VITAMIN-J/175
Multigroup Library of the JEF-1 Cross-Section File", NEACRP Specialists'
Meeting on Shielding Benchmarks, Paris (1986)
[4] M.J. Grimstone: The RADAK User's Manual, AEEW-M1455 (1976)
[5] G.A. Wright et al.:
"Monte Carlo Sensitivity Analysis of the Winfrith Benchmark Experiments using
JEF-1 Cross-sections", Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Radiation Shielding, Bournemouth,
Sept. 1988, 2, pp. 725-733.
[6] H.F. Locke, G.A. Wright:
"Benchmark testing of JEF2.2 Data for Shielding Applications: Analysis of the
Winfrith Water Benchmark Experiment", AEA-RS-1232 (1993)
[7] J. C. Nimal, S. H. Zheng: Rapport DMT 94/159, CEA-Saclay
[8] N. Sasamoto, H. Narita, A. Tsubosaka, K. Sakurai, K. Ueki,
"An Analysis of the Winfrith Water Benchmark Experiment with DOT-DDX", private
communication (1987)
[9] G. A. Wright, A. Avery, M. J. Grimstone, H. F. Locke, S. Newbon:
Benchmarking of the JEFF2.2 Data Library for Shielding Applications,
Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, April 24-28,
1994, Arlington, Texas, U.S.A., vol.2, p.816.
[10] A. Milocco, B. Zefran, I. Kodeli:
Validation of nuclear data based on the ASPIS experiments from the SINBAD
database. V: Proc. RPSD-2018, 20th Topical meeting of the radiation protection
and shielding division, 26-31 August 2018, Santa Fe., American Nuclear Society.
[11] A. Milocco:
Quality Assessment of SINBAD Evaluated Experiments ASPIS Iron (NEA-1517/34),
ASPIS Iron-88 (NEA-1517/35), ASPIS Graphite (NEA-1517/36), ASPIS Water
(NEA-1517/37), ASPIS N/G Water/Steel (NEA-1517/49), ASPIS PCA Replica
(NEA-1517/75), Dec. 2015.
NEA-1517/100, included references:
[1] A. F. Avery, J. Butler, I. J. Curl, C. J. Hoare, P. C. Miller, A. Packwood,
C. Pike:
"A Benchmark Experiment to Validate Coupled Neutron/Gamma Ray Transport Methods
for Water/Steel Arrays", RP&SG/IJC/P(87)52 (1987)
[2] S. J. Chucas, A. F. Avery, I. J. Curl, C. J. Hoare:
"The Implementation and Validation of a New n-? Coupled Capability in the Monte
Carlo Code MCBEND"
[3] A. Milocco, B. Zefran, I. Kodeli:
Validation of nuclear data based on the ASPIS experiments from the SINBAD
database. V: Proc. RPSD-2018, 20th Topical meeting of the radiation protection
and shielding division, 26-31 August 2018, Santa Fe., American Nuclear Society.
[4] A. Milocco:
Quality Assessment of SINBAD Evaluated Experiments ASPIS Iron (NEA-1517/34),
ASPIS Iron-88 (NEA-1517/35), ASPIS Graphite (NEA-1517/36), ASPIS Water
(NEA-1517/37), ASPIS N/G Water/Steel (NEA-1517/49), ASPIS PCA

NEA-1517/101, bibliography:


Background references:

[1] M. J. Armishaw, J. Butler, M. D. Carter, I. J. Curl, A. K. McCracken:

"A Transportable Neutron Spectrometer (TNS) for Radiological Applications", AEEW-M2365 (1986).

[2] I. J. Curl:

"CRISP - A Computer Code to Define Fission Plate Source Profiles", RPD/IJC/934.

[3] J. Butler et al.:

"The PCA Replica Experiment, Part 1. Winfrith Measurements and Calculations", AEEW-R1763

[4] Wright G. A., Curl I. J., Hoare C. J., McCracken A. K., Miller P. C, and Ziver A. K.:

"Monte Carlo Sensitivity Analysis of Winfrith Benchmark Experiment using JEF-1 Cross-Sections", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, Bournemouth, p725,

Sept. 1988.

[5] Curl I. J., Calamand D., and Muller K. I.:

"The Role of the JANUS Experimental Shielding Programme in the Assessment of the Shielding Methods Employed for EFR", New Horizons in Radiation Protection and Shielding - ANS Topical Meeting, Pasco, p345, April 1992.

NEA-1517/101, included references:
[6] A. Avery: JANUS Phase 1 Benchmark Experiment Data for Inclusion in
the SINBAD Database, Jan. 1998
[7] A. Avery: A review of Shielding Benchmarks for the Validation of JEF 2.2,
JEF/DOC-666, Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, France, 1997.
[8] A. Milocco: Quality Assessment of Evaluated Experiments NESDIP-2,
NESDIP-3,JANUS-1 and JANUS-8, IJS-DP-11195, June 2012.

NEA-1517/102, bibliography:


Background references:

[1] I. J. Curl, "CRISP - A Computer Code to Define Fission Plate Source Profiles", RPD/IJC/934.

[2] J. Butler et al., "The PCA Replica Experiment, Part 1. Winfrith Measurements and  Calculations", AEEW-R1763

[3] Locke H. F., "The Analysis of JANUS Phase 8 Using the Monte Carlo Code MCBEND", AEA-RS-1182.

NEA-1517/102, included references:
[4] A. Avery:
JANUS Phase 8 Benchmark Experiment Data for Inclusion in the
SINBAD Database, Jan. 1998
[5] A. Avery:
A review of Shielding Benchmarks for the Validation of JEF 2.2, JEF/DOC-666,
Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, France, 1997.
[6] A. Milocco:
Quality Assessment of Evaluated Experiments NESDIP-2, NESDIP-3,JANUS-1 and
JANUS-8, IJS-DP-11195, June 2012.

NEA-1517/103, bibliography:


Background references:

[2] M. J. Armishaw, J. Butler, M. D. Carter, I. J. Curl, A. K. McCracken, A Transportable Neutron Spectrometer (TNS) for Radiological Applications, AEEW-M2365 (1986).

[3] I. J. Curl, CRISP - A Computer Code to Define Fission Plate Source Profiles, RPD/IJC/934.

NEA-1517/103, included references:
[1] A. Avery, AEA-RS-5629, private communication
[4] P. C. Miller:
A Review of LWR Pressure Vessel Dosimetry and Associated Shielding Studies,
Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, Sept. 12-16,
1988, Bournemouth, UK, Vol.1, p.37.
[5] G. A. Wright, A. Avery, M. J. Grimstone, H. F. Locke, S. Newbon:
Benchmarking of the JEFF2.2 Data Library for Shielding Applications,
Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, April 24-28,
1994, Arlington, Texas, U.S.A., vol.2, p.816.
[6] A. Avery:
A review of Shielding Benchmarks for the Validation of JEF 2.2, JEF/DOC-666,
Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, France, 1997.
[7] M.D. Carter, I.J. Curl:
NESTOR Shielding and Dosimetry Improvement Programme. The ASPIS-PCA Slab
Geometry Benchmarks. Blind Test Edition. UKAEA Winfrith, June 1986
[8] A. Milocco:
Quality Assessment of Evaluated Experiments NESDIP-2, NESDIP-3,JANUS-1 and
JANUS-8, IJS-DP-11195, June 2012.

NEA-1517/104, bibliography:


Background references:

[2] J. Butler, The NESTOR Shielding and Dosimetry Improvement Programme NESDIP for PWR Applications, PRPWG/P(82)5, Internal UKAEA Document, (1982)

[3] M.D. Carter, I.J. Curl, P.C. Miller, A. Packwood, Light-Water Reactor Radial Shield Benchmark Studies of the NESTOR Shielding and Dosimetry Improvement Programme (NESDIP), Reactor Dosimetry: Methods, Applications, and Standardization, ASTM STP 1001, Harry Farrar IV and E.P. Lippincott Editors, ASTM, Philadelphia

[5] McELROY W. N. (Ed), LWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Improvement Programs: PCA Experiments and Blind Test, HEDL-TME 80-87, R5 (NUREG/CR-1861), July 1981

[6] STALLMANN F. W., Reactor Calculation Benchmark PCA Blind Test Results, ORNL/NUREG/TM-428 (NUREG/CR-1872), January 1981


NEA-1517/104, included references:
[1] J. Butler, M.D. Carter, I.J. Curl, M.R. March, A.K. McCracken, M.F. Murphy,
A. Packwood:
The PCA Replica Experiment PART I, Winfrith Measurements and Calculations,
AEEW-R 1736 (1984)
[4] M.J. Grimstone, The RADAK User's Manual, AEEW-M1455 (1976)
[7] M.D. Carter, I.J. Curl: NESTOR Shielding and Dosimetry Improvement
Programme. The ASPIS-PCA Slab Geometry Benchmarks. Blind Test
Edition. UKAEA Winfrith, June 1986
[8] P. C. Miller:
A Review of LWR Pressure Vessel Dosimetry and Associated Shielding Studies,
Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, Sept. 12-16,
1988, Bournemouth, UK, Vol.1, p.37.
[9]A) M. Pescarini, DOT 3.5-E (DOT 3.5-E/JEF-1) Analysis of the PCA-Replica
(H2O/Fe) Shielding Benchmark for the LWR-PV Damage Prediction, ENEA Technical
Report, RT/INN/90/21 (1990)
[9]B) M. Pescarini, ENDF/B VI Iron Validation on the PCA-Replica (H2O/Fe)
Shielding Benchmark Experiment, ENEA Technical Report, RT/INN/94/11.
[10] M. Pescarini, PCA Replica Shielding Benchmark: Final Comparison of the
Validations of the ENDF/BVI and JEF-2.1 Iron Cross Sections, JEF Working Group
Meetings, JEF-DOC-392 (1992)
[11] M. Pescarini, R. Orsi, M. Frisoni:
PCA-Replica (H2O/Fe) Neutron Shielding Benchmark Experiment ? Deterministic
Analysis in Cartesian (X,Y,Z) Geometry Using the TORT-3.2 3D Transport Code and
the BUGJEFF311.BOLIB, BUGENDF70.BOLIB and BUGLE-96 Cross Section Libraries,
ENEA-Bologna Technical Report, UTFISSM-P9H6-009 (2014).
[12] P. Console Camprini, K. W. Burn, Calculation of the NEA-SINBAD
Experimental Benchmark: PCA-Replica, LA-CP-13-00634, ENEA-Bologna Technical
Report, SICNUC-P000-014 (2017).
[13] J. C. Nimal, S. H. Zheng, Rapport DMT 94/1616, CEA-Saclay
[14] A. Milocco, B. Zefran, I. Kodeli, Validation of nuclear data based on the
ASPIS experiments from the SINBAD database. V: Proc. RPSD-2018, 20th Topical
meeting of the radiation protection and shielding division, 26-31 August 2018,
Santa Fe., American Nuclear Society. 2018.
[15] A. Milocco, Quality Assessment of SINBAD Evaluated Experiments ASPIS Iron
(NEA-1517/34), ASPIS Iron-88 (NEA-1517/35), ASPIS Graphite (NEA-1517/36), ASPIS
Water (NEA-1517/37), ASPIS N/G Water/Steel (NEA-1517/49), ASPIS PCA Replica
(NEA-1517/75), Dec. 2015.
top ]
No specified programming language
top ]
C.E. Clifford, E.A. Straker, F.J. Muckenthaler, V.V. Verbinski, R.M. Freestone, Jr., K.M. Henry, and W.R. Burrus, 1967
R.E. Maerker ORNL TM 3870 (in reference to E.A. Straker ORNL TM 2242)
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
Hamilton Hunter, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA
Reviewer of compiled data:
C.O. Slater, Nuclear Analysis and Shielding Section, Computational Physics and Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P. O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6363, USA

S. An, Y. Oka, M. Akiyama (University of Tokyo)
T. Hyodo, T. Nishibe, K. Shin (University of Kyoto)
T. Fuse, K. Takeuchi, A. Yamaji,T. Miura (Ship Research Institute)
S. Miyasaka (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute)
S. Iwasaki (University of Tohoku)
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
Hamilton Hunter, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA
Reviewer of compiled data:
Kazuo Shin, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan

Experiment and analysis:
J. P. Trapp, D. Calamand
CEA, CE Cadarache, SPRC/LPEX, 13108 St-Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France
Compiler of data for Sinbad:
I. Kodeli
OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France
Reviewer of compiled data:
J. C. Cabrillat
CEA, CE Cadarache, SPRC/LPEX,
13108 St-Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France

Experiment and analysis:
H. Werle, H. Bluhm, G. Fieg, F. Kappler, D. Kuhn, and M. Lalovic
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, P.O. box 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe,
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
I. Kodeli
OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France
Reviewer of compiled data:
H. Werle
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, P.O. box 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe,

Experiment and analysis:
I.J. Curl, A K McCracken, P C Miller
AEA Technology                        
WINFRITH, Dorchester                  
Dorset DT2 8DH                        
Compiler of data for Sinbad:
A. Avery,
Performance and Safety Services Department,
AEA Technology
WINFRITH, Dorchester                  
Dorset DT2 8DH                        
Reviewer of compiled data:
I. Kodeli
OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France

Experiment and analysis:
K. Gmur, M. Jermann, C. McCombie, R. Richmond, V. Herrnberger:
Swiss Federal Institute for Reactor Research
CH-5303 Wuerenlingen
Compiler of data for Sinbad:
I. Kodeli
OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France
Reviewer of compiled data:
Dr. R. Seiler
Paul Scherrer Institute
CH-5232 Villingen PSI

Experiment and analysis:
Jan Leen Kloosterman
Interfaculty Reactor Institute
Delft University of Technology
Mekelweg 15, NL-2629 JB  Delft
The Netherlands
Dr. Zsolnay Eva Maria
BME Nuklearis Techn. Int.
Institute of Nuclear Techniques, Technical University of Budapest
H-1521 Budapest, Hungary
Compiler of data for Sinbad:
I. Kodeli
Institute Jozef Stefan, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Reviewer of compiled data:
S. Kitsos
OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France

Experiment and Analysis:
F.J. Muckenthaler*, R.R. Spencer*, H.T. Hunter*, A. Shono**, K. Chatani**
* Oak Ridge National Laboratory
** Japan Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
Jennifer Parsons, RSICC, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362
Reviewer of compiled data:
Hamilton Hunter, RSICC, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362,

Experiment and Analysis:
F.J. Muckenthaler*, R.R. Spencer*, H.T. Hunter*, J.L. Hull*, A. Shono**
* Oak Ridge National Laboratory
** Japan Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
William Marshall, RSICC, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA
Reviewer of compiled data:
Hamilton Hunter, RSICC, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA

Experiment and Analysis:
F.J. Muckenthaler*, B.D. Rooney*, J.D. Drischler*, N. Ohtani**, J.L. Hull*, L.B. Holland*
* Oak Ridge National Laboratory
** Japan Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
William Marshall, RSICC, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA
Reviewer of compiled data:
Hamilton Hunter, RSICC, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA

Experiment and analysis:
W. N. McElroy, et al.
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
Hamilton Hunter, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA
Reviewer of compiled data:
I. Remec, Nuclear Analysis and Shielding Section, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6363, USA

Experiment and analysis:
R. E. Maerker and F. J. Muckenthaler, ORNL, USA
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
H. T. Hunter, ORNL, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA
Reviewer of compiled data:
J. L. Parsons, ORNL, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA

Experiment and Analysis:
R.E. Maerker and F.J. Muckenthaler, ORNL, USA
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
Jennifer Parsons, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA
Reviewer of compiled data:
Hamilton Hunter, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA

C.E. Clifford, E.A. Straker, F.J. Muckenthaler, V.V. Verbinski, R.M. Freestone, Jr., K.M. Henry, and W.R. Burrus, 1967
R.E. Maerker ORNL TM 3867 (in reference to E.A. Straker ORNL TM 2242)
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
Hamilton Hunter, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA
Reviewer of compiled data:
C.O. Slater, Nuclear Analysis and Shielding Section, Computational Physics and Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P. O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6363, USA

C.E. Clifford, E.A. Straker, F.J. Muckenthaler, V.V. Verbinski, R.M. Freestone, Jr., K.M. Henry, and W.R. Burrus, 1967
Analysis :
R.E. Maerker ORNL TM 3868 (in reference to E.A. Straker ORNL TM 2242)
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
Hamilton Hunter, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA
Reviewer of compiled data:
C.O. Slater, Nuclear Analysis and Shielding Section, Computational Physics and Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P. O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6363, USA

C.E. Clifford, E.A. Straker, F.J. Muckenthaler, V.V. Verbinski, R.M. Freestone, Jr., K.M. Henry, and W.R. Burrus, 1967
R.E. Maerker ORNL TM 3869 (in reference to E.A. Straker ORNL TM 2242)
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
Hamilton Hunter, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA
Reviewer of compiled data:
C.O. Slater, Nuclear Analysis and Shielding Section, Computational Physics and Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P. O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6363, USA

C.E. Clifford, E.A. Straker, F.J. Muckenthaler, V.V. Verbinski, R.M. Freestone, Jr., K.M. Henry, and W.R. Burrus, 1967
R.E. Maerker ORNL TM 3871 (in reference to E.A. Straker ORNL TM 2242)
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
Hamilton Hunter, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA
Reviewer of compiled data:
C.O. Slater, Nuclear Analysis and Shielding Section, Computational Physics and Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P. O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6363, USA

Experiment and Analysis:
R.E. Maerker, ORNL-TM-4222, USA
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
Jennifer Parsons, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA
Reviewer of compiled data:
Hamilton Hunter, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA

Experiment and Analysis:
R. E. Maerker and F. J. Muckenthaler, ORNL-4480, USA
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
Jennifer Parsons, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA
Reviewer of compiled data:
Hamilton Hunter, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA

Organization of the Ex-Vessel Balakovo-3 Exercise:
Scientific and Engineering Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS) of Russian GOSATOMNADZOR, 14/23 Avtozavodskaya ul., 109280 Moscow, Russia
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V. (FZR), Postfach 510119, 01314 Dresden, Germany.  
Compiler of data for Sinbad:
G.I. Borodkin (SEC NRS), B. Bohmer and K. Noack (FZR)
Reviewer of compiled data:
I. Kodeli
OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France

Experiment and analysis:
R. Nicks, G. Perlini, H. Rief
Joint Research Centre, Ispra, 21020 Ispra (Varese), Italy
Compiler of data for Sinbad:
I. Kodeli
OCDE/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France
Reviewer of compiled data:
H. Rief
Joint Research Centre, Ispra, 21020 Ispra, Italy

Experiment and analysis:
R. Nicks, G. Perlini, H. Rief,
Joint Research Centre, Ispra, 21020 Ispra (Varese), Italy
Compiler of data for Sinbad:
I. Kodeli
OCDE/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France
Reviewer of compiled data:
H. Rief
Joint Research Centre, Ispra, 21020 Ispra, Italy

Experiment and analysis:
L. Leenders, A. Fabry, et al.
SCK-CEN, Belgium
Compiler of data for Sinbad:
I. Kodeli
OECD/NEA, 12 bd. des Iles,
92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France
Review of compiled data to be carried out

Experiment and analysis:
D. M. Gilliam (*), J. F. Briesmeister (**)
(*)  NIST, Physics Laboratory, Ionizing Radiation Division
     Gaithersburg, MD 20899, US
(**) LANL, Radiation Transport Group, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA
Compiler of data for Sinbad:
S. Kitsos
OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France
Reviewer of compiled data:
I. Kodeli
Institute Jozef Stefan, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Acknowledgement: We thank Dr. Steven C. van der Marck from NRG, NL,
for his comments and suggestions.

Experiment and analysis:
A.I. Saukov, V.D. Lyutov, E.N. Lipilina
(Zababakhin Russian Federal Nuclear Center

All-Russian Scientific Researching Institute of Technical Physics)
Vasiliev Street 13, P.O. Box 245
Chelyabinsk Region
456770 Russia
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
Elena N.Lipilina
Reviewer of compiled data:
I. Kodeli
OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France

Experiment and Analysis:
M. Lott, P. Pepin, L. Bourdet, G. Cabaret, J. Capsie, M. Dubor, M. Hot, C. Goulet
CEA (French Atomic Energy Commission), DPA/DEP/SEPP,
92260 Fontenay aux Roses, France
Compilation of data for Sinbad and experiment interpretation using TRIPOLI 4:
J.C. Nimal
CEA Centre de Saclay DEN/DM2S/SERMA/LEPP,
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France
Reviewer of compilated data:
I. Kodeli
OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France

Experiment and Analysis:
M. Lott, P. Pepin, L. Bourdet, G. Cabaret, J. Capsie, M. Dubor, M. Hot, C. Goulet
CEA (French Atomic Energy Commission), DPA/DEP/SEPP,
92260 Fontenay aux Roses, France
Compilation of data for Sinbad and experiment interpretation using TRIPOLI 4:
J.C. Nimal
CEA Centre de Saclay DEN/DM2S/SERMA/LEPP,
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France
Reviewer of compilated data:
I. Kodeli
OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France

Experiment and Analysis:
A.I. Saukov, V.D. Lyutov, E.N. Lipilina
Institution: RFNC-VNIITF
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
A.I. Saukov, V.D. Lyutov, E.N. Lipilina
Institution: RFNC-VNIITF
Reviewer of compiled data:
I. Kodeli
OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France

Experiment and analysis:
B. Osmera , J. Mikus
NRI Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc
250 68 Rez
Czech Republic
S. Zaritsky, M.Gurevich, T.Zaritskaya
INR RRC KI Institute of Nuclear Reactors
Russian Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute"
1, Kurchatov sq.
123182 Moscow, Russia
V. Smutny, V. Krysl, P. Mikolas
Skoda Nuclear Machinery plc
266 Orlik
316 06 Plzen, Czech Republic
Review of data for Sinbad to be carried out.

Experiment and analysis:
B. Osmera , J. Mikus, F. Hudec, B. Jansky, E. Novak, Z. Turzik
NRI Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc
250 68 Rez
Czech Republic
F. Cvachovec, P. Tiller
MA Military Academy
65, Kounicova
612 00 Brno, Czech Republic
S. Zaritsky, M.Gurevich, T.Zaritskaya
INR RRC KI Institute of Nuclear Reactors
Russian Research Centre"Kurchatov Institute"
1, Kurchatov sq.
123182 Moscow, Russia
M. Hort, V. Krysl, P. Mikolas, V. Smutny
Skoda Nuclear Machinery plc
266 Orlik
316 06 Plzen, Czech Republic
Review of data for Sinbad to be carried out.

Yu.V.Orlov, V.N.Avaev, G.A.Vasiljev, N.N.Soukharev, A.I.Yashnikov:  
FSUE RDIPE, P.O. Box 788, Moscow, 101000, Russia  
M.E.Netecha, O.F.Dikareva, V.P.Zharkov, I.A.Kartashev:  
FSUE RDIPE, P.O. Box 788, Moscow, 101000, Russia  
Compiler of data for SINBAD:
M.E.Netecha, O.F.Dikareva, V.P.Zharkov, I.A.Kartashev:  
FSUE RDIPE, P.O. Box 788, Moscow, 101000, Russia  
Evaluators for ICSBEP
O. F. Dikareva, I. A. Kartashev, M. E. Netecha, V. P. Zharkov
Research Development Institute of Power Engineering
Reviewer of SINBAD compiled data:
I. Kodeli
OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France
ICSBEP Internal Reviewer
A. P. Vasiliev
ICSBEP Independent Reviewers
Dale Hankins, USA
Virginia Dean, USA

Experiment and Analysis:
M. Lott, P. Pepin, L. Bourdet, G. Cabaret, J. Capsie, M. Dubor, M. Hot, C. Goulet
CEA (French Atomic Energy Commission), DPA/DEP/SEPP
92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses, France

Compilation of data for Sinbad and experiment interpretation using TRIPOLI 4:
J.C. Nimal
CEA Centre de Saclay DEN/DM2S/SERMA/
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France

Reviewer of compilated data:
I. Kodeli
OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France

Experiment and Analysis:
S.P. Simakov, B.V. Devkin, M.G. Kobozev, V.A. Talalaev (Inst. of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk)

Compiler of data for Sinbad:
A. Milocco
Institut Jozef Stefan, Jamova 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Quality assessment
A. Milocco
Institut Jozef Stefan, Jamova 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Reviewer of Compiled Data
I. Kodeli
OECD/NEA, 12 bd. des Iles,
92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France

Experiment and Analysis:
S.P. Simakov, B.V. Devkin, M.G. Kobozev, V.A. Talalaev (Inst. of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk)

Quality assessment:
A. Milocco - Institut Jozef Stefan, Jamova 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Reviewer of Compiled Data
I. Kodeli
OECD/NEA, 12 bd. des Iles,
92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France






Experiment and Analysis:
Richard Harold Johnson, Nuclear Engineering Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA


Compiler of data for SINBAD:
Jennifer Parsons, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA


Reviewer of compiled data:
Hamilton Hunter, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362, USA

Edward D. Blakeman
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 2008, MS 6172
Oak Ridge, TN 37831





Experiment and analysis:

John Mattingly

Sandia National Laboratories

1515 Eubank Boulevard Northeast

Mail Stop 0782

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87123 USA





Experiment and analysis:

S. Bell, I.J. Curl, G.A. Wright

AEA Technology

WINFRITH, Dorchester, Dorset DT2 8DH, UK


Compiler of data for Sinbad:

I. Kodeli

OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), 2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France


Reviewer of compiled data:

Alan F. Avery

Reactor Physics, Shielding and Criticality Department, AEA Technology

WINFRITH, Dorchester, Dorset DT2 8DH, UK


Quality assessment:

A. Milocco

Universita' di Milano-Bicocca, piazza della Scienza 3, Milano, Italy




The dosimetry experiment at the HBR-2 was performed as a cooperative venture between Carolina Power and Light Company and the United Stated Nuclear Regulatory Commission sponsored Light Water Reactor Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Improvement Program (LWR-PV-SDIP). The in-vessel experiment was in part funded by the LWR-PV-SDIP with additional support from Electric Power Research Institute.


The "H. B. Robinson-2 Pressure Vessel Benchmark" was prepared by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and was sponsored by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Division of Engineering Technology.


Compiler of data for Sinbad:

I. Remec

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

P.O. Box 2008

Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6172, USA


Reviewer of compiled data:

I. Kodeli

OECD/NEA, 2 rue Andre Pascal, Paris, France





Experiment and analysis:

J. Butler, M.D. Carter, A.K. McCracken, A. Packwood

AEA Technology

WINFRITH, Dorchester

Dorset DT2 8DH, UK


Compiler of data for Sinbad:

E. Sartori

OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France


Reviewer of compiled data:

Ivo Kodeli

Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia (ivan.kodeli at

& UKAEA/CCFE Culham, UK (ivan.kodeli at


Quality assessment:

A. Milocco,

Universita' di Milano-Bicocca, piazza della Scienza 3, Milano, Italy





Experiment and analysis:

M.D. Carter, P.C. Miller, A. Packwood

AEA Technology

WINFRITH, Dorchester

Dorset DT2 8DH, UK


Compiler of data for Sinbad:

I. Kodeli

Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia (ivan.kodeli at

& UKAEA/CCFE Culham, UK (ivan.kodeli at


Reviewer of compiled data:

Alan F. Avery

Reactor Physics, Shielding and Criticality Department, AEE Technology

WINFRITH, Dorchester

Dorset DT2 8DH, UK


Quality assessment:

A. Milocco

Universita' di Milano-Bicocca, piazza della Scienza 3, Milano, Italy






Experiment and analysis:

M.D. Carter, A. Packwood:

AEA Technology

WINFRITH, Dorchester

Dorset DT2 8DH, UK


Compiler of data for Sinbad:

I. Kodeli

Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia (ivan.kodeli at

& UKAEA/CCFE Culham, UK (ivan.kodeli at


Reviewer of compiled data:

S. Zheng


91191 Gif-sur-Yvette CEDEX, France


Quality assessment:

A. Milocco,

Universita' di Milano-Bicocca, piazza della Scienza 3, Milano, Italy





Experiment and analysis:

A. F. Avery, J. Butler, I. J. Curl, C. J. Hoare, P. C. Miller, A. Packwood, C. Pike

AEA Technology

WINFRITH, Dorchester

Dorset DT2 8DH, UK


Compiler of data for Sinbad:

I. Kodeli

Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia (ivan.kodeli at

& UKAEA/CCFE Culham, UK (ivan.kodeli at


Reviewer of compiled data:

S. Kitsos

OECD/NEA, 2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France

(stavros.kitsos at


Quality assessment:

A. Milocco

Universita' di Milano-Bicocca, piazza della Scienza 3, Milano, Italy





Experiment and analysis:

I.J. Curl, A K McCracken, P C Miller

AEA Technology

WINFRITH, Dorchester

Dorset DT2 8DH, UK


Compiler of data for Sinbad:

A. Avery

Performance and Safety Services Department,

AEA Technology

WINFRITH, Dorchester

Dorset DT2 8DH, UK


Reviewer of compiled data:

I. Kodeli

OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), 2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France


Quality assessment:

A. Milocco

Universita' di Milano-Bicocca, piazza della Scienza 3, Milano, Italy





Compiler of data for Sinbad:

A. Avery

Performance and Safety Services Department,

AEA Technology

WINFRITH, Dorchester

Dorset DT2 8DH, UK


Reviewer of compiled data:

I. Kodeli

OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), 2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France


Quality assessment:

A. Milocco

Universita' di Milano-Bicocca, piazza della Scienza 3, Milano, Italy





Experiment and analysis:

A. Avery, S. Bell, I.J. Curl, G.A. Wright

AEA Technology

WINFRITH, Dorchester

Dorset DT2 8DH, UK


Compiler of data for Sinbad:

I. Kodeli

OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), 2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France


Reviewer of compiled data:

A. Avery

Performance and Safety Services Department,

AEA Technology

WINFRITH, Dorchester

Dorset DT2 8DH, UK


Quality assessment:

A. Milocco

Universita' di Milano-Bicocca, piazza della Scienza 3, Milano, Italy





Experiment and analysis:

J. Butler, M.D. Carter, I.J. Curl, M.R. March, A.K. McCracken, M.F. Murphy, A. Packwood

AEA Technology

WINFRITH, Dorchester

Dorset DT2 8DH, UK


Compiler of data for Sinbad:

I. Kodeli

UKAEA, CCFE, Abingdon, UK (ivan.kodeli at

& IJS, Ljubljana, Slovenia (ivan.kodeli at


Reviewer of compiled data:

M. Pescarini

ENEA, Via Don Fiammelli 2, 40129 Bologna, Italy


Quality assessment:

A. Milocco

Universita' di Milano-Bicocca, piazza della Scienza 3, Milano, Italy

top ]

SDT4_A.HTM Abstract
SDT4_E.HTM Description of experiment
SDT4E1.GIF Figure 1 - Experimental Arrangement
SDT4E3.GIF Source Spectrum
Documentation in electronic format

UTFE1.TXT  Experiment 1 Source and Results
UTFE2.TXT Experiment 2 Source and Results
UTFE_A.HTM Abstract
UTFE_E.HTM Description of experiment
UTFIG1.GIF Figure 1 - Experiment 1 Arrangement
UTFIG2.GIF Figure 2 - Experiment 1 Detector Collimator
UTFIG3.GIF Figure 3 - Experiment 2 Arrangement
UTFIG4.GIF Fig.4 - Experiment 1 Spherical Proportional Counter Results
UTFIG5.GIF Figure 5 - Experiment 2 NE-213 Results

harm-abs.htm Information file
harm-exp.htm Description of Experiment
HARM-ANI.INP Input for Sn code ANISN
HARM-DOT.INP Input for Sn code DOT 3.5
Figure 1: Schematics of the reactor HARMONIE (preview and high quality)
Figure 2: Three core positions (preview and high quality)
Figure 3: Sodium tanks (preview and high quality)

kfk-abs.htm  Information file
kfk-exp.htm Description of Experiment
Fig. 1: Photo of the measurement facility
Fig. 2: Neutron source geometry
Fig. 3: Lay out of the leakage spectra measurements
Fig. 4: Lay out of the angular flux measurements
Fig. 5: Angular flux measured by proton recoil detectors (FE40)

nes3-abs.htm Information file
nes3-exp.htm Description of Experiment
Figure 1: Cross-section of the shield
Figure 2: Measurement locations
Figure 3: Schematic diagram of fission plate
Figure 4: Fuel element
Figure 5: Disposition of fuel in fission plate
Figure 6: Positioning of the fission plate
Figure 7: Location of fission discs in the fuel element
M2334.pdf   Reference
Nesdip3.pdf  Reference
aspis_0.pdf   Reference

prot-abs.htm  Information file
prot-exp.htm  Description of Experiment
Figure 1: Horizontal sections of the PROTEUS reactor
Figure 2: Vertical sections of the PROTEUS reactor
Figure 3: Schematic view of the PROTEUS experiment
Figure 4: 2-D modelling of the PROTEUS experiment
Figure 5: Fuel rod

iritub-a.htm  Information file
iritub-e.htm  Description of Experiment and Results
dot35-a.inp   Input for DOT3.5 k-eff calculations (R-core=18)
dot35-b.inp   Input for DOT3.5 k-eff calculations (R-core=19.9)
dot35-b.out   Output data of DOT3.5 calculations
dot35-c.inp   Input for DOT3.5 k-eff calculations (expanded geometry)
dot35-c.out   Output data of DOT3.5 calculations
dot35-d.inp   Input for DOT3.5 k-eff calculations (reduced geometry)
dot35-d.out   Output data of DOT3.5 calculations
dot35-e.inp   Input for DOT3.5 k-eff calculations (perturbed materials)
dot35-e.out   Output data of DOT3.5 calculations
Figure 1: Geometry from core to tunnel entrance
Figure 2: 0, 30, 45 and 90 degree duct geometries
Figure 3: Reactor calculational geometry for DOT3.5
Figure 4: Straight duct geometry for MORSE
Figure 5: In reaction rates in straight duct
Figure 6: Mn reaction rates in 30 degree duct
Figure 7: Au and Mn reaction rates in 90 degree duct
Figure 8: Neutron spectra at duct entrance (pos. 00.1)
Figure 9: Neutron spectra deep in straight duct (pos. 00.4)
Figure 10: Capture probabilities for TLD600 and TLD700 samples
Figure 11: Relative TLD responses in ducts

AX-APPA.TXT Appendix A - Experimental Program Plan
AXFIG1.GIF Spectrum Modifier Schematic
AXFIG2.GIF Radial Blanket Schematic
AXFIG3 to 10.GIF SS and B4C hexagon assembly configurations
AXFIG11.GIF Schematic of heterogeneous fission gas plenum
AXFIG13.GIF Schematic of aluminum mesh
AXFIG15.GIF Schematic of lithiated paraffin background shield
AXFIG21.GIF Schematic of axial shield
AXFIG22.GIF B4C homogeneous hexagon mockup using Hornyak button
AXFIG25.GIF SS homogeneous shield mockup using Hornyak button
AXSH_A.HTM Abstract
AXSH_E.HTM Description of experiment
AXSHTAB1.TXT  Tables 1 through 14 - Composition and analysis tables
AXSHTAB2.TXT Tables 15 through 29 - Experimental results
BONN12.HTM  Bonner Ball response function information
NE213RES.HTM  NE-213 resolution function information
TSFSRC2.HTM  TSR-II Source Spectrum information
TSR-II.GIF simplified top view of the large beam collimator
TSR-IIB.GIF 2-D approximation to Fig.Is to describe the source and collimator
AXFIG18.HTM Schematic of axial shield+Pb slab
AXFIG28.GIF B4C central blockage/6 homogeneous using Hornyak button
AXFIG29.GIF B4C central blockage homogeneous using Hornyak button
AXFIG30.GIF SS central blockage/6 homogeneous using Hornyak button
AXFIG31.GIF SS central blockage shield mockup using Hornyak button
AXFIG32.GIF Schematic of fission gas plenum+7 B4C central blockage mockup
AXFIG33.GIF fission gas plenum+7 B4C central blockage mockup using Hornyak
AXFIG34.GIF fission gas plenum+B4C rod bundle w/6 homogeneous using Hornyak
AXFIG35.GIF fission gas plenum+SS rod bundle w/6 SS homog using Hornyak button
AXFIG36.GIF fission gas plenum+B4C central sodium channel using Hornyak button
AXFIG37.GIF f. g. plenum+SS centr.sodium shield channel mockup using Hornyak

APP-AIHX.TXT Appendix A - Experimental Program Plan
BONN12.HTM Bonner Ball Response function
Information file
Description of experiment
NE213RES.HTM NE-213 resolution function
Table 10  Analysis of concrete around the cylindrical sodium tanks
Table 11  Analysis of boron carbide used in shield mockups
Table 12  Analysis of type 304 stainless steel in boron carbide containers
Table 13  Analysis of lead slabs
Table 14a BB @30 cm Experimental results
Bonner ball meas. on centerline at 30 cm behind a series of config.
Table 14b BB @30 cm Experimental results
Table 15  BB @150 cm Experimental results
Table 16  Sodium foil measurements
Table 17  NE213 neutron spectrum (Item IB)
Table 18  Hyd. Cntr neutron spectrum (Item IB)
Table 19  BB @NE213 location results (Item IB)
Table 20  BB @30 cm horizontal traverse results (Item IB)
Table 21  BB @30 cm results
Table22   BB @150 cm results
Table 23  Sodium foil results
Table 24  BB @30 cm horizontal traverse results (Item XE)
Tables 3 and 4  Composition of boral an sodium slabs
Table 5 Composition of small concrete blocks on each side of spectrum modifier
Table 6   Analysis of concrete blocks used to surround configuration
Table 7   Analysis of concrete slabs on top of the mockup
Table 8  Composition of lithiated paraffin bricks
Tables 1 through 13  Compositions and analysis tables
Table 15  BB @150 cm Experimental results
Table 15  BB @150 cm Experimental results
Table 15  BB @150 cm Experimental results
TSFSRC2.HTM Source Term (Figures 1s and 2s, Tables 1 and 2)
TSR-II.GIF Fig.Is. Simplified top view of the large beam collimator
TSR-IIB.GIF 2-D approximation to Fig.Is to describe the source and collimator
Figure 4  SPERT fuel rod
Figure 5  Schematic of Homogenous IVFS Mockup
Figure 6  Schematic of SS containers for boron carbide slabs
Figure 7  Schematic of SS containers for boron carbide slabs
Figure 8  Schematic of aluminum slabs
Figure 9  Schematic of sodium foil locations
Figure 10  Schematic of SM-2 for foil run
Figure 11  Schematic of SM-2 plus shield for Item II
Figure 12  Schematic of SM-2 plus shield for Item III
Figure 13  Schematic of SM-2 plus shield for Item IV
Figure 14  Schematic of SM-3 plus shield for Item V
Figure 15  Schematic of SM-3 plus shield for Item VI
Figure 16  Schematic of SM-3 plus shield for Item VII
Figure 17  Schematic of SM-3 plus shield for Item VIII
Figure 18  Schematic of SM-3 plus shield for Item IX
Figure 19  Schematic of SM-3 plus shield for Item X
Figure 20  Schematic of SM-3 plus shield for radial traverses Item X
Fig.11  Spectrum of high-energy neutrons
Fig.12  Neutron spectrum on centerline at 25cm behind the lead slabs
Fig.1 - Schematic of SM-2. Item IA
Fig.2 - Schematic of aluminium containers with sodium
Fig.3 - Schematic of SM-3 (sodium) plus lead. Item IB

APP_A2.TXT Appendix A - Experimental Plan
BONN12.HTM Bonner Ball response functions
NE213RES.HTM NE-213 resolution function
RADSH_A.THM Abstract
RADSH_E.HTM Description of experiment
TSFSRC2.HTM Source Description
TSR-II.GIF Fig.Is. Simplified top view of the large beam collimator
TSR-IIB.GIF 2-D approximation to Fig.Is to describe the source and collimateor
Fig.1 Spectrum modifier 1
Fig.2 Radial blanket
Fig.3 Spectrum modifier 2
Fig.4 Stainless stell slabs for boron carbide
Fig.5 to 24 Schematics of various experimental configurations
Tables (1)-(11)  Composition and analysis tables of different matierials
Tables (12)-(13) Neutron fluxes
Tables (14)-(17) Bonner ball measurements
Tables (18)-(19) Neutron fluxes
Table (20)      Bonner ball measurements
Tables (21)-(22) Neutron fluxes
Tables (23)-(27) Bonner ball measurements
Tables (28)-(29) Neutron fluxes
Tables (30)-(31) Bonner ball measurements
Tables (32)-(33) Neutron fluxes

PCA_A.HTM Abstract
PCA_E.HTM Description of experiment
Fig. 1 PCA Facility
Fig. 2 PCA Horizontal Cross Section View
Fig. 3 PCA Vertical Cross Section View
Fig. 4 Fuel element position
Fig. 5 Fuel cell boundary/aluminum window
Fig. 6 Fuel element
Fig. 7 Fuel side plates
Fig. 8 Fuel plates
Fig. 9 Control rod
Fig.10 PCA measurement coordinate system
Fig.11 1/2 core integral power density
Fig.12 1/4 core normalized measured power densities
Fig.13 PCA Detector results
Table 1 - PCA Fuel Element Position
Table 2 - PCA Core and Fuel Element Dimensions
Table 2 cont. - PCA Core and Fuel Element Dimensions
Documentation ORNL/TM-13205

SB2_A. HTM Abstract
SB2_E.HTM Description of experiment
SB2FIG1.GIF Figure 1 - SB2 Experimental Arrangement
SB2TAB2.TXT Tables 2 through 16  - SB2 Experimental Results
Documentation LA12884, ORNL-4382, ORNL-TM-5203

SB3_A.HTM Abstract
SB3_E.HTM Description of experiment
Figure 1 - SB3 Experimental Arrangement
Figure 2 - Neutron spectrum from boron-filtered beam
Figure 3 - Neutron spectrum from cadmium-filtered beam
Figure 4 - Fast-neutron spectrum from boron-filtered beam
Tables 3 through 17 - SB3 Experimental Results
Documentation ORNL-TM-5204, ORNL-4475, NuclSciEng-42-335-351

SDT1_A.HTM Abstract
SDT1_E.HTM Description of experiment
SDT1E1.GIF Figure 1 - Experimental Arrangement
SDT1E2.GIF NE-213 Source Spectrum
Documentation in electronic format

SDT2_A.HTM Abstract
SDT2_E.HTM Description of experiment
SDT2E1.GIF Figure 1 - Experimental Arrangement
SDT2E2.GIF Neutron Source Spectrum
SDT2E3.GIF Source Spectrum for Oxygen
Documentation in electronic format

SDT3_A.HTM Abstract
SDT3_E.HTM Description of experiment
SDT3E1.GIF Figure 1 - Experimental Arrangement
SDT3E2.GIF Source Spectrum
Documentation in electronic format

SDT5_A.HTM Abstract
SDT5_E.HTM Description of experiment
SDT5E1.GIF Figure 1 - Experimental Arrangement
SDT5E3.GIF Source Spectrum
Documentation in electronic format

SDT11_A.HTM Abstract
SDT11_E.HTM Description of experiment
SDT11E1.GIF Figure 1 - Experimental Arrangement
BONNER.HTM Bonner Ball response functions
Documentation in electronic format
Documentation ORNL-TM-3465

SDT12_A.HTM Abstract
SDT12_E.HTM Description of experiment
NAFIG1.GIF Figure 1 - Experimental Arrangement
NAFIG2.GIF Figure 2. - Counting Rate Profiles
NE213RES.TXT NE-213 Resolution Function
BONN12.HTM Bonner Ball Response Functions
Documentation ORNL-4880, ORNL-TM-3465, RSIC-25, ORNL-TM-12064

balak3-a.htm  Abstract
balakovo.pdf  Reference 1 with the description of Experiment
gip-b3.inp    Input data for GIP cross-section mixing code
dort-b3.inp   Input data for DORT transport code
fig1.gif   VVER-1000 60-degrees sector with dosimetry positions
fig2.gif   VVER-1000 radial-axial model used for Balakovo-3
fig3.gif   30-degree scheme of VVER-1000 baffle
fig4.gif   Arrangement and description of VVER-1000 fuel assemblies
fig5.gif   Numeration of pin positions in VVER-1000 fuel assembly
fig6.gif   Scheme of capsule in which dosimeters were irradiated
figA1.gif  TRAMO input spectra and adjusted spectra for two detector positions
figB2.gif  Absolute calculated neutron spectra at 55.8 deg. Ex-vessel position
table 1.1.xls NPP and core design parameters
table 1.2.xls Fuel assembly description
table 1.3.xls Dosimetry irradiation description
table 1.4.xls Material (zone) numbers and compositions
table 1.5.xls Densities and chemical compositions
table 1.6.xls VVER-1000 baffle channels
table 1.7.xls Total power history during detector irradiation
table 1.8.xls Nuclear concentration of zones
table 1.9.xls Reference Measured absolute End-Of-Irradiation Activities
table 1.10.xls Measured absolute End-Of-Irradiation Activities (EOIA)
table 1.11.xls Evaluated photofission effects
table 2.1.xls Average Relative Standard Deviations for Reference EOIA
table 2.2.xls Ratios of calculated-to-measured fuel assembly powers
table 2.3.xls Correction factors to account for local power history effects
table A.1.xls Calculation Positions
table A.2.xls Relative Standard Deviations (RSD) for different spatial points
table A.3.xls Auto Correlation Matrix and RSD for Point 6 (PVC, theta=9.4)
table A.4.xls Cross Correlation Matrix for 1/4 RPV thickness and cavity
table A.5.xls Fluence and dpa values before and after adjustment
table A.6.xls Relations between MSA and SSA results for fluence integrals
table B.1.xls Comparison of calculated fluence rates at 55.8 deg. position.
table B.2.xls C/E data for 3D synthesis DORT using different libraries
table B.3.xls C/E data for 3D synthesis DORT/BUGLE-96t w/different dosimetry
table B.4.xls Absolute evaluated experimental reaction rates and C/E ratios
table B.5.xls C/E results for different calculations
table B.6.xls C/E for Cd covered (n,gamma)-detectors (3D synthesis)
table B.7.xls C/E for bare (n,gamma)-detectors (3D synthesis calculations)
FILE_1.DAT    Assembly burnup per effective full power days (EFPD)
File_2.dat    Emitted neutrons per EFPD interval
File_3.dat    Axial burnup distribution per EFPD
File_4.dat    Relative axial neutron source distributions per EFPD interval
File_5.dat    Pin numbers in assembly
File_6.dat    Pin numbers in assembly
File_7.dat    Total power history during detectors irradiation

Information file
Description of experiment
Tables of neutron spectra
Tables of measured impulses
Description of transport calculations
Input Data for MCNP-3 Code
Input Data for MCNP-4c Code provided
Figure 1: Cross-section view of the EURACOS2 facility
Figure 2: Schematics of the experimental configuration
Figure 3: U-235 neutron converter
Figure 4: Sulphur detector support device
Figure 5: MCNP geometry
Figure 6: SP2 proportional counter
Figure 7: 3D view of the EURACOS2 iron experiment
Electronic references

This information file
Description of Experiment
Tables of Neutron Spectra
Tables of Measured Impulses
Input Data for MCNP Version 3 Code
Figure 1: Cross-section of the EURACOS2 facility
Figure 2: Schematics of the experimental configuration
Figure 3: U235 neutron converter
Figure 4: Activation detector support
Figure 5: Positioning of gas spectrometer
Figure 6: Cross-section of the sodium containers with detectors
Figure 7: Sulphur detector support device
Figure 8: 3D view of the EURACOS2 sodium experiment
Electronic references

ven3-abs.htm  Abstract
ven3-exp.htm  Description of Experiment & material compositions
venus3.src    VENUS3 Neutron Source Distribution
venus3.err    Neutron Source Uncertainty Information
venus3.res    Measured Reaction Rates
r_rates.xls   Measured Reaction Rates
mcnp4b.inp    MCNP4B input (provided by J. Marian, DENIM)
gipv3.inp     GIP Input for XS Preparation (prepared at NEA)
tortv3.inp    TORT Input for 3D Calculation (prepared at NEA)
gip-enea.inp  Input for GIP (provided by M.Pescarini et al., ENEA)
tort_xyz.inp  Input for TORT xyz Calculation (provided by ENEA)
tort_rtz.inp  Input for TORT r-theta-z Calc. (provided by ENEA)
recog1.inp    RECOG Input for Source Interpolation (Ax.level 1)
recog1.out    RECOG Output -  Source Interpolation (Ax.level 1)
recog2.inp    RECOG Input for Source Interpolation (Ax.level 2)
recog2.out    RECOG Output -  Source Interpolation (Ax.level 2)
recog3.inp    RECOG Input for Source Interpolation (Ax.level 3)
recog3.out    RECOG Output -  Source Interpolation (Ax.level 3)
ven3-f1.gif   Fig. 1: Vertical cross section of VENUS3 facility
ven3-f2.gif   Fig. 2: Core description (horizontal cross section)
ven3-f3.gif   Fig. 3: Top view of VENUS core
ven3-f4.gif   Fig. 4: Vertical cross sectional view of VENUS3 core
ven3-f5.gif   Fig. 5: VENUS3 model (horizontal cross section)
ven3-f6.gif   Fig. 6: VENUS3 model (vertical cross section)
ven3-f7.gif   Fig. 7: xy coordinates of measured power distribution
venus3-6.pdf  Reference 6
catez98.pdf   Reference 7
nea2128.pdf   Reference 9
enea.pdf      Reference 10

nist-abs.htm Abstract
nist-exp.htm  Description of Experiment
14f2dxtu.i15  Input data for MCNP calculations (1.5in sphere)
17f2u.i15    Input data for MCNP calculations (1.5in sphere)
cddxtu.i15    Input data for MCNP calculations (1.5in sphere)
cdnoh2ou.i15    Input data for MCNP calculations (1.5in sphere)
nocdnoh2.i15    Input data for MCNP calculations (1.5in sphere)
cdcov10u.i2     Input data for MCNP calculations (2.0in sphere)
cdnoh2ou.i2    Input data for MCNP calculations (2.0in sphere)
nbs3in14u.i2    Input data for MCNP calculations (2.0in sphere)
nbs3i17u.i2     Input data for MCNP calculations (2.0in sphere)
nocdnoh2.i2    Input data for MCNP calculations (2.0in sphere)
cdnoh2o.i25    Input data for MCNP calculations (2.5in sphere)
h2nocdhi.i25   Input data for MCNP calculations (2.5in sphere)
h2nocdlo.i25   Input data for MCNP calculations (2.5in sphere)
h2ocd.i25      Input data for MCNP calculations (2.5in sphere)
nocdnoh2.i25   Input data for MCNP calculations (2.5in sphere)
nist-1.gif       Figure 1: Typical Experimental Arrangement
nist-2.gif     Figure 2: Neutron Source
nist-3.gif    Figure 3: Neutron Source Holder
nist-4a.gif   Figure 4a: Geometry of 1.5 inch radius water sphere
nist-4b.gif   Figure 4b: Geometry of 2.0 inch radius water sphere
nist-5.gif    Figure 5: Fission Chamber Stems
nist-6.gif    Figure 6: NBS Aluminum Fission Chamber Components
Electronic references

This information file
Input data for the MCNP5 calculation
Fig. 1. Geometry of experiment
Fig. 2. Design of the target unit
Fig. 3. Gamma-spectrum of Na-22 specimen
Fig. 4. Gamma-spectrum of Na -24 specimen
Fig. 5. Calculated and experimental spectra of photon yield from Al sphere
Fig. 6. Calculated and experimental spectra of photon yield from Al hemisphere
Fig. 7. Calculated and experimental spectra of  photon yield from Ti sphere
Fig. 8. Calculated and experimental spectra of photon yield from Ti hemisphere
Fig. 9. Calculated and experimental spectra of photon yield from Fe sphere
Fig. 10. Calculated and experimental spectra of photon yield from Fe hemisphere

Fig. 11. Calculated and experimental spectra of photon yield from Cu sphere
Fig. 12. Calculated and experimental spectra of photon yield from Zr sphere
Fig. 13. Calculated and experimental spectra of photon yield from Zr hemisphere

Fig. 14. Calculated and experimental spectra of photon yield from Pb sphere
Fig. 15. Calculated and experimental spectra of photon yield from Pb hemisphere

Fig. 16. Calculated and experimental spectra of photon yield from U-238 sphere
Fig. 17. Calculated and experimental spectra of photon yield from U-238
Table 1. Parameters of samples used
Table 2. Total neutron yield from used samples per one neutron of a 14 MeV
Table 3. Results of measurements
Table 3. Results of measurements
Electronic reference

naiade-c.htm   Abstract (graphite)
naiade-fe.htm   Abstract (iron)
Electronic references  TRIPOLI 4 input  graphite direct flux
TRIPOLI 4 input graphite background scattering
TRIPOLI 4 input Fe direct flux
TRIPOLI 4 input Fe background scattering
Excel tables

Information file
Electronic references  TRIPOLI 4 input (water direct flux)   TRIPOLI 4 input (water background scattering)
Excel tables

Information file
Description of experiment
Input data for the MCNP5 calculation
Fig. 1. Geometry of experiment
Fig. 2. Design of the target unit
Fig. 3. Gamma-spectrum of Na-22 specimen
Fig. 4. Gamma-spectrum of Na-24 specimen
Fig. 5. Photon spectra from H2O sphere (calculated and experimental)
Fig. 6. Photon spectra from SiO2 sphere (calculated and experimental)
Fig. 7. Photon spectra from SiO2 hemisphere (calculated and experimental)
Fig. 8. Photon spectra from NaCl sphere (calculated and experimental)
Fig. 9. Photon spectra from NaCl hemisphere (calculated and experimental)
Table 1. Parameters of samples used
Table 2. Results of measurements
Table 2. Results of measurements (XLS format)

WWER-440 Mock-up Experiments in the LR-0 Reactor (Word and PDF files)

WWER-1000 Mock-up Experiments in the LR-0 Reactor (Word and PDF files)

Information file  
Description of Experiment  
Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of the RA reactor
Fig. 2: Detailed diagram of the RA reactor core
Fig. 3: Detailed model of the experiment
Fig. 4: "Simplified" model of the experiment  
Tables 1 to 26
Electronic references

TRIPOLI 4 input files (.data) and output files (.data.res) referring to the
direct signals
TRIPOLI 4 input files (.data) and output files (.data.res) referring to the
background noise
Information file
Electronic references

Information file
Experiment Description
MCNP-4C input for Bi sphere with 14 MeV neutron source
MCNP-4C input for Bi sphere with Cf-252 neutron source
Fig. 1: Experimental setup  with 14 MeV source
Fig. 2: Angular/energy distribution of '14 MeV' source peak
Fig. 3: Experimental setup  with Cf-252 source
Electronic references

This information file
Experiment Description
MCNP-4C input for Th sphere with 14 MeV neutron source
MCNP-4C input for Th sphere with Cf-252 neutron source
Fig. 1: Experimental setup  with 14 MeV source
Fig. 2: Angular/energy distribution of '14 MeV' source peak
Fig. 3: Experimental setup  with Cf-252 source
Fig. 4: Detector Experimental setup  with Cf-252 source
Electronic references

UIFE_A.HTM Abstract
UIFE_E.HTM Description of experiment
UIFE_E1.GIF Physical Arrangement for the iron sphere
UIFE_E2.GIF Background Contributions Layout
UIFE_E3.GIF Leakage Spectra for Cf-252 source in iron sphere
UIFE_E4.GIF Leakage Spectra for D-T source in iron sphere

Information file
Description of experiment
Photon skyshine measurements

berp_poly_2009-a.htm         Information file
berp_poly_2009-e.htm         Description of experiment
berp_ball_construction.pdf   Internal memorandum on assembly of Pu-239 ball
berp_ball_drawing.pdf        Schematic of berp-ball (high quality)
HPGe Measurements.xlsx       listing HPGe detector measurement file names
instrument_configuration.pdf Measurement locations (high quality)
neutron_counter_stand.pdf    schematic of neutron detector stand (high quality)
NPOD Measurements.xlsx       listing NPOD detector measurements file names  
room_layout.png              Drawing detailing source and detector placement
report of Polyethylene-Reflected Plutonium Metal Sphere: Subcritical Neutron and

Gamma Measurements
SNAP Measurements.xlsx       listing SNAP detector measurements
steel_cart.pdf               Schematic steel cart used in experiment
Synopsis.pdf                 Brief description of this experiment
ba133_certificate.pdf        activity certificate for Ba-133 calibration source
calibration_sources.pdf      List of calibration source
calibration_sources.xlsx     list of calibration sources
cf252_certificate.pdf        certificate for Cf-252 calibration source
cf252_details.xlsx     detailed calculations of Cf-252 neutron source strength
co60_certificate.pdf         activity certificate for Co-60 calibration source
cs137_certificate.pdf        activity certificate for Cs-137 calibration source
nist_sources.pdf             document describing NIST source construction
u232_info.pdf                information on NIST U-232 calibration source                     raw measurement dat

Information file
Description of Experiment
Input for McBEND MC Code
Figure 1: Schematic Side Elevation of the ASPIS Shield  
Figure 2: Measurement Locations  
Figure 3: The Enriched U/Al Alloy Fission Plate  
Figure 4: U/Al Alloy Fuel Element  
Figure 5: Details of the Fuel Loading Pattern when Viewed Looking Towards the
Figure 6: Fission Plate Positioning  
Input data for TORT-3.2
Contents of IRON88-ENEA_BOLOGNA.tar.gz
Document on quality assessment of ASPIS experiments
Electronic references

Information file
FILE1.DAT    Cycle 9, Assembly power and burnup.
FILE2.DAT    Cycle average assembly axail-segment-powers.
FILE3.DAT    Cycle-average assembly pin powers.
FILE4.DAT    Core power distributions at eight burnups.  
FILE5.DAT    Assembly burnups at eight core burnups.
FILE6.DAT    Assembly pin-powers at eight core burnups.
FILE7.DAT    Assembly axial power distributions at eight burnup steps.
FILE8.DAT    Reactor daily power history for Cycle 9.
HBR2-GIP.INP Input for cross-section preparation (GIP code).
HBR2-1D.INP  Input for the DORT 1-D r- calculation.
HBR2-RT.INP  Input for the DORT 2-D r - theta calculation.
HBR2-RZ.INP  Input for the DORT 2-D r - z calculation.
SYN-CAPSULE.INP Input for DOTSYN to synthesize fluxes at the capsule location
SYN-CAVITY.INP Input for DOTSYN to synthesize the fluxes at the cavity location
CAPSULE-XS.DAT Reaction cross-sections for capsule location.
CAVITY-XS.DAT  Reaction cross-sections for cavity location.
Table1.xls   Selected general data and dimensions of the HBR-2.
Table2.xls   Materials of the components and regions.
Table3.xls   Densities and chemical compositions of materials
Table4.xls   Measured specific activities of the dosimeters
Table5.xls   Calculated reaction rates
Table6.xls   Calculated Specific Activities
Table7.xls   Ratios of calculated-to-measured (C/M) specific activities     
Fig. 1       Horizontal cross section of the HBR-2 reactor
Fig. 2       Schematic cketch of the axail geometry
Fig. 3       Core baffle geometry
Fig. 4       Sketch of the surveillance capsule mounting on the thermal shield
Fig. 5       The numbering of the fuel elements in the HBR-2 core
Fig. 6       Content and format of the FILE1.DAT
Fig. 7       Content and format of the FILE2.DAT
Fig. 8       Content and format of the FILE3.DAT
Fig. 9       Content and format of the FILE4.DAT
Fig. 10      Content and format of the FILE5.DAT
Fig. 11      Content and format of the FILE6.DAT
Fig. 12      Content and format of the FILE7.DAT
Fig. 13      Content and format of the FILE8.DAT
Fig. 14      Schematic drawing of the axail positions of the cavity dosimeters
Input data for TORT-3.2
HBRHE74       Input data for MCNP5
HBRHE81        Input data for MCNP5
Memorandum of the MCNP5 input files
Electronic references

asfe-abs.htm  Information file
asfe-exp.htm  Description of Experiment
ASPIS_FE.INP  2-D Model for Sn code DOT-3.5 (.TIF and .GIF formats)
Figures 1 to 4: Description of Experiment
Electronic documentation
Document on quality assessment of ASPIS experiments

Information file
Description of Experiment
2-D Model for Sn code DOT-3.5
MCNPX(5) input model with Rhodium, Sulphur, Indium, Aluminium detectors
Figure 1: Cross-section of the ASPIS graphite benchmark experiment
Figure 2: Detail of the fission plate
Figure 3: Section through the ASPIS graphite benchmark model
Figure 4: RZ geometry of the ASPIS graphite benchmark
for the DOT 3.5 calculation
References in electronic form
Document on quality assessment of ASPIS experiments

Information file
Description of Experiment
Input data of TRIPOLI calculation for 25.4 cm
Figure 1: Schematic of the Water Benchmark Experiment
Figure 2: Detail of the Water Benchmark Experiment
Figure 3: Model of the Source Capsule
Figure 4: NPL Anisotropy Measurement Cf-252 Source
Electronic references
Document on quality assessment of ASPIS experiments
MCNPX(5) input models with Sulphur and NE213 detectors

Information file
Description of experiment
Figure 1: The ASPIS mobile shield tank in the NESTOR cave C
Figure 2: Schematic side elevation of the experimental shield
Figure 3: Fuel loading pattern viewed looking towards NESTOR cave
Figure 4: Mesh boundaries for the fission plate source
Figure 5: Measurement locations
Figure 6: 55Mn(n,g)56Mn axial scan
Figure 7: 103Rh(n,n')103mRh and 32S(n,p)32P axial scans
Figure 8: LiF Vertical scans
Figure 9: Gamma-ray exposure measurements
Electronic references
Document on quality assessment of ASPIS experiments
MCNPX(5) input models with Rhodium, Sulphur and Manganese detectors

Information file
Description of Experiment
Input Data for McBEND M/C Code
Figure 1: The ASPIS Mobile Shield Tank in the NESTOR Cave C
Figure 2: Schematic Side Elevation of the Experimental Shield of the JANUS Phase
1 in the ASPIS Trolley
Figure 3: The Enriched U/Al Alloy Fission Plate
Figure 4: Details of the Fuel Loading Pattern When Viewed Looking Towards the
Figure 5: The Individual U/Al Alloy Fuel Element
Figure 6: The Fuel Element Configuration and Manganese Foil Positions
Figure 7: Mesh Boundaries for the Fission Plate Source
Figure 8: Location of Fission Discs in the Demountable Fuel Element
Figure 9: Measurement Locations for JANUS Phase 1
Figure 10: A Schematic for the Arrangement of the Spectrometer at the
Measurement Locations
Electornic references
MCNPX(5) input model with the Mn activation foils
MCNPX(5) input model with the S, Rh, and Au activation foils
MCNPX(5) input model with the whole set of spectrometers

Information file
Description of Experiment
Figure 1: The ASPIS Mobile Shield Tank in the NESTOR Cave C
Figure 2: Schematic Side Elevation of the Experimental
Viewed Looking Towards the NESTOR Cave     
Figure 3: Sodium Tank Assembly Diagram
Figure 4: The Enriched U/Al Alloy Fission Plate
Figure 5: Details of the Fuel Loading Pattern When
Viewed Looking Towards the NESTOR Cave
Figure 6: The Individual U/Al Alloy Fuel Element
Figure 7: The Fuel Element Configuration and Manganese Foil Positions
Figure 8: Mesh Boundaries for the Fission Plate Source
Figure 9: Location of Fission Discs in the Demountable Fuel Element
Figure 10: Measurement Locations for JANUS Phase 8
Electronic references
Document on JANUS-1 quality assessment
MCNPX(5) input model with the whole set of activation foils
MCNPX(5) input model with the only Sulphur detector
MCNPX(5) input model with the only Mn and Au detectors

Information file
Description of the experiment  
Figure 1: Cross-section of the shield
Figure 2: Measurement locations
Figure 3: Schematic diagram of fission plate
Figure 4: Fuel element
Figure 5: Disposition of fuel in fission plate
Figure 6: Positioning of the fission plate
Electronic references
Document on quality assessment for NESDIP-2 experiment
MCNPX(5) input model with Rhodium detector
MCNPX(5) input model with Sulphur detector
MCNPX(5) input model with Indium detector

Information file
Description of Experiment
Fig. 1: NESTOR Neutron Source Reactor
Fig. 2: ASPIS Shielding Facility
Fig. 3: REPLICA Layout of the 12/13 Configuration
Fig. 4: Detail of the REPLICA Fission-plate
Fig. 5a: Co-ordinate System
Fig. 5b: Mn Foil Measurements
Fig. 6: Fuel Tablet Arrangement in a Fission Plate Element
Input data for MCNP6.1 calculations
MCNPX(5) input model with In detector
MCNPX(5) input model with Mn detector
MCNPX(5) input model with Rh detector
MCNPX(5) input with Sulphur detector
Input for TRIPOLI4 fast neutron calculations
Input for TRIPOLI4 thermal neutron calculations
Input for TRIPOLI3 calculations
Input data for TORT-3.2 (X,Y,Z) calculations
Input data for DOT-3.5 (X,Z) calculations
Input data for DOT-3.5 (Y-Z) calculations
Input data for DOT-3.5 Z calculations
Electronic references
Quality assessment of ASPIS experiments
top ]
  • Y. Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks

Keywords: data base systems, data library, evaluated data, shielding.