To submit a request, click below on the link of the version you wish to order. Rules for end-users are available here.
Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
ZZ-WIMSLIB/IJS0 | NEA-0329/09 | Tested | 18-MAY-1989 |
ZZ-WIMS-TRIGA | NEA-0329/12 | Tested | 17-JUN-1993 |
WIMS-D/4 | NEA-0329/14 | Tested | 20-AUG-1990 |
ZZ-WIMSLIB/IJS1 | NEA-0329/21 | Tested | 27-MAR-1992 |
ZZ-WIMS-TRIGA | NEA-0329/22 | Tested | 16-JUN-1993 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
NEA-0329/09 | DEC VAX series | DEC VAX 8810 |
NEA-0329/12 | DEC VAX series | PC-80486 |
NEA-0329/14 | IBM PC | IBM PC |
NEA-0329/21 | DEC VAX 8810 | |
NEA-0329/22 | DEC VAX series | DEC VAX 6000 |
NUMBER OF GROUPS: Extension of the WIMS library included in WIMS/D-4 package.
Materials deleted from library: 4001 (hydrogen bound in water), 4002 (deuterium bound in water), 5002 (deuterium bound in water), 8002 (deuterium bound in water), 9002 (deuterium bound in water), 1010 (boron-10), 1011 (natural boron), 232 (thorium-232), 233 (uranium-233), 238 (uranium-238), 1238 (uranium-238), 239 (plutonium-239), 1239 (plutonium-239), 2239 (plutonium-239), 240 (plutonium-240).
Materials inserted into the library: 1001 (hydrogen bound in water), 5001 (hydrogen bound in ZrHx), 166 (erbium-166), 1167 (erbium-167), 1149 (samarium-149).
ORIGIN: for the new data ENDF/B-III, ENDF/B-IV, ENDF/B-V.
NUMBER OF GROUPS: 69 groups. Extension of the WIMS library inclu- ded in WIMS/D-4 package.
Materials deleted from library: 4001 (hydrogen bound in water), 4002 (deuterium bound in water), 5002 (deuterium bound in water), 8002 (deuterium bound in water), 9002 (deuterium bound in water), 1010 (boron-10), 1011 (natural boron), 232 (thorium-232), 1232 (thorium-232), 233 (uranium-233), 238 (uranium-238), 1238 (uranium-238), 239 (plutonium-239), 1239 (plutonium-239), 2239 (plutonium-239), 240 (plutonium-240).
Materials inserted into the library: 3001 (hydrogen bound in water), 1241 (plutonium-241), 1235 (uranium-235), 3238 (uranium-238), 107 (silver-107), 1109 (silver-109), 1112 (natural cadmium), 1115 (indium-115).
NUMBER OF GROUPS: 69 groups.
WEIGHTING SPECTRUM: Maxwellian - 1/E - Fission
The Winfrith improved multigroup scheme (WIMS) is a general code for reactor lattice cell calculation on a wide range of reactor systems. In particular, the code will accept rod or plate fuel geometries in either regular arrays or in clusters and the energy group structure has been chosen for both thermal and fast reactor calculations. The basic library has been compiled with 14 fast groups, 13 resonance groups and 42 thermal groups, but the user is offered the choice of accurate solutions in many groups or rapid calculations in few groups. Temperature dependent thermal scattering matrices for a variety of scattering laws are included in the library for the principal moderators which include hydrogen, deuterium, graphite, beryllium and oxygen.
WIMS-D/4.1 is a modified version of WIMS-D/4 (NEA 0329/11). The changes are mainly designed to facilitate LWR calculations.
They are:
The ability to specify a cluster as part of an infinite system
The ability to calculate the explicit build-up of isotopes that normally would be considered to be in equilibrium.
The correct calculation of equilibrium number densities when a large change in power level occurs (such as in power off-base calculations).
The inclusion of P1 scattering matrices on the WIMSE file.
A more accurate resonance interpolation method.
An extension to the cross section library.
ICAROG converts a WIMS-D/4 nuclear data library from BCD to binary and vice versa. It also extracts a subset of nuclides according to the specification provided by for user.
WIMPUT (NEA 0329/23): WIMPUT edits the WIMS-D/4 keywords, their definitions and allows the user to choose the ones he/she needs to solve his/her specific problem.
The treatment of resonances is based on the use of equivalence theorems with a library of accurately evaluated resonance integrals for equivalent homogeneous systems at a variety of temperatures. The 'SPECTROX' collision theory procedure gives accurate spectrum computations in the 69 groups of the library for the principal regions of the lattice using a simplified geometric representation of complicated lattice cells. The computed spectra are then used for the condensation of cross-sections to the number of groups selected for solution of the transport equation in detailed geometry. Solution of the transport equation is provided either by use of the Carlson DSN method or by collision probability methods. Leakage calculations including an allowance for streaming asymmetries may be made using either diffusion theory or the more elaborate B1-method.
The output of the code provides eigenvalues for the cases where a simple buckling mode is applicable or cell-averaged parameters for use in overall reactor calculations. Various reaction rate edits are provided for direct comparision with experimental measurements. The main methods of solution used in WIMS-D/4 are left unchanged in WIMS-D/4.1. Some extra capabilities are included, while the original methods are retained as an option.
As variable dimensions are used in WIMS, there are no specific limits on such parameters as number of energy groups or mesh intervals other than an overall limit on the core storage of the computer used. The library of cross-sections has only 69 energy groups, but this is a limit on the data available, not on the program.
WIMPUT (NEA 0329/23): Minimum storage to run is 81 KB. Minimum disk storage is 127 KB. The internal editor is set to a maximum of 200 lines. This limits the WIMS/D-4 input that could be prepared in one run or at least in one WIMPUT output.
WIMS-D/4: A burnup calculation for a 36-rod cluster in a square cell with a flooded interlattice tube using the poison pin supercell option took less than one minute on IBM 3081.
Execution of all sample cases included in the WIMS-D/4 package required less than three minutes on IBM 3081.
WIMS-D is to be translated to other machines including IBM 7030, IBM 360/75 and ICL 4-70.
Meanwhile, coding is starting on WIMS-E, in which a standard interface will be introduced through which the various parts (modules) of WIMS will communicate with one another and hopefully with other programmes.
WIMS supersedes the programs THULE (3,4) and TRACER (5) and incorporates the programs THESEUS (6), RIPPLE (7), PIP1 (8), WDSN (9), HPS (10), PERSEUS (11), PRIZE (12), and PIJ (13).
WIMS library tapes are written by the program WIMLIB.
WIMS-D/4.1 is an improved version of WIMS-D/4.
WILIT (IAEA1243) is a comprehensive WIMS library utility program.
Package ID | Status date | Status |
NEA-0329/09 | 18-MAY-1989 | Tested at NEADB |
NEA-0329/12 | 17-JUN-1993 | Screened |
NEA-0329/14 | 20-AUG-1990 | Screened |
NEA-0329/21 | 27-MAR-1992 | Screened |
NEA-0329/22 | 16-JUN-1993 | Screened |
(A) Pertinent to WIMS
J.R. Askew, et al.: A General Description of the Lattice Code WIMS JBNES (Oct. 1966) p.564. for Resonance Treatment See also
F.J. Fayers et al.: JBNES (April 1967) p.161.
(B) Pertinent to Related Programmes
D.C. Leslie and M.J. Erry: A Preliminary Description of THULE AEEW-R25 (1963).
M.J. Terry: THULE - A Detailed Description AEEW-R354 (1964).
A.N. Buckler and J.D. MacDougall: A Description of the TRACER-1 Computational Scheme AEEW-R305 (1963).
A. Jonsson: THESEUS - A One Group Collision Probability Routine for Annular Systems AEEW-R253 (1963).
D.A. Newmarch: RIPPLE - A Method of Computing the Thermal Neutron Fine Structure in Thin Plate Assemblies AERE-R2425 (1959).
A.J. Clayton: The Programme PIP1 for the Solution of the Multigroup Equations of the Method of Collision Probabilities AEEW-R326 (1964).
J.R. Askew and R.J. Brissenden: Some Improvements in the Discrete Ordinate Method of B.G. Carlson for Solving the Neutron Transport Equation AEEW-R161 (1963).
J.R. Askew and H.H.W. Pitcher: Concerning the Analysis of Single Channel Substitution Measurement JBNES (1967) p.260.
C. Green: The IBM 7090 Programmes PERSEUS, ARIADNE and CERBERUS AEEW-R390 (1964).
H.H.W. Pitcher: PRIZE - A Program for Calculating Collision Probabilities in R-Z Geometry AEEW-M469.
J.E. Beardwood, et al.: The Solution of the Transport Equation by Collision Probability Methods Proc. of Conf. on The Application of Computer Methods to Reactor Problems ANL-7050 (May 17-19, 1965) pp. 93-112.
J. Vacek and P. Mikolas: Experience with the WIMS Computer Code at Skoda Plzen ZJE-286 (1991)
A.D. Caldeira: Extensao da cadeia de queima do Th-232 na biblioteca do programa WIMS-D/4 Nota Tecnica IEAv-006/91 (July 1991 - in Portuguese)
WIMS requires 3 user tapes and a disc or drum. also it needs at least 32K core storage and does benefit from more than this, since it uses variable dimensions.
WIMS-D/4.1 on IBM 370: 9 logical units including standard input and output are required. Also it needs at least 2000K core storage and does benefit from more than this, since it uses variable dimensions.
Package ID | Computer language |
NEA-0329/09 | FORTRAN-77 |
NEA-0329/12 | FORTRAN-77 |
NEA-0329/14 | FORTRAN-77 |
NEA-0329/22 | FORTRAN-77 |
M. J. Roth
AEE, Winfrith
Dorset, U.K.
R. Joubert
P.O. Box 582
PRETORIA 0001, South Africa
CDC-version: Joint effort between:
Institute of Atomic Energy
Otwok - Swierk, Poland
Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales
Madrid, Spain
released within the:
Coordinated Research Programme (CRP) on "Codes Adaptable to Small and Medium-Size Computers Available in Developing Countries for In-Core Fuel Management" of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
A.D. Caldeira
Caixa Postal 6044
12231 Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, Brazil
Orion de Oliveira Silva and Airton Prati
Instituto de Estudos Avancados
IEAv, Centro Tecnico Aerospacial – CTA, Sao Jose dos Campos SP, Brazil
File name | File description | Records |
NEA0329_09.001 | INFORMATION FILE | 67 |
NEA0329_09.003 | WIMSLIB/IJS0 DATA LIBRARY | 27044 |
File name | File description | Records |
NEA0329_12.001 | WIMTRIGA.INF Information file | 40 |
NEA0329_12.002 | WIMTRI.EXE Self-extracting TRIGA library | 0 |
NEA0329_12.003 | DOS file-names | 2 |
File name | File description | Records |
NEA0329_14.001 | Information file | 204 |
NEA0329_14.002 | Original BAT file | 1 |
NEA0329_14.003 | FORTRAN source | 209 |
NEA0329_14.004 | FORTRAN source | 436 |
NEA0329_14.005 | FORTRAN source | 594 |
NEA0329_14.006 | FORTRAN source | 527 |
NEA0329_14.007 | FORTRAN source | 49 |
NEA0329_14.008 | FORTRAN source | 552 |
NEA0329_14.009 | FORTRAN source | 417 |
NEA0329_14.010 | FORTRAN source | 715 |
NEA0329_14.011 | FORTRAN source | 931 |
NEA0329_14.012 | FORTRAN source | 415 |
NEA0329_14.013 | FORTRAN source | 491 |
NEA0329_14.014 | Original BAT file | 124 |
NEA0329_14.015 | Original BAT file | 52 |
NEA0329_14.016 | FORTRAN source | 11 |
NEA0329_14.017 | FORTRAN source | 79 |
NEA0329_14.018 | FORTRAN source | 995 |
NEA0329_14.019 | FORTRAN source | 416 |
NEA0329_14.020 | FORTRAN source | 156 |
NEA0329_14.021 | FORTRAN source | 752 |
NEA0329_14.022 | FORTRAN source | 557 |
NEA0329_14.023 | FORTRAN source | 497 |
NEA0329_14.024 | FORTRAN source | 139 |
NEA0329_14.025 | FORTRAN source | 276 |
NEA0329_14.026 | FORTRAN source | 895 |
NEA0329_14.027 | Original BAT file | 3 |
NEA0329_14.028 | Original BAT file | 5 |
NEA0329_14.029 | FORTRAN source | 1150 |
NEA0329_14.030 | FORTRAN source | 74 |
NEA0329_14.031 | FORTRAN source | 148 |
NEA0329_14.032 | FORTRAN source | 137 |
NEA0329_14.033 | FORTRAN source | 139 |
NEA0329_14.034 | FORTRAN source | 138 |
NEA0329_14.035 | FORTRAN source | 146 |
NEA0329_14.036 | FORTRAN source | 134 |
NEA0329_14.037 | FORTRAN source | 243 |
NEA0329_14.038 | FORTRAN source | 116 |
NEA0329_14.039 | FORTRAN source | 131 |
NEA0329_14.040 | FORTRAN source | 421 |
NEA0329_14.041 | FORTRAN source | 151 |
NEA0329_14.042 | FORTRAN source | 143 |
NEA0329_14.043 | FORTRAN source | 139 |
NEA0329_14.044 | FORTRAN source | 336 |
NEA0329_14.045 | FORTRAN source | 68 |
NEA0329_14.046 | FORTRAN source | 149 |
NEA0329_14.047 | FORTRAN source | 478 |
NEA0329_14.048 | FORTRAN source | 549 |
NEA0329_14.049 | FORTRAN source | 699 |
NEA0329_14.050 | FORTRAN source | 94 |
NEA0329_14.051 | FORTRAN source | 399 |
NEA0329_14.052 | FORTRAN source | 418 |
NEA0329_14.053 | FORTRAN source | 592 |
NEA0329_14.054 | FORTRAN source | 954 |
NEA0329_14.055 | FORTRAN source | 665 |
NEA0329_14.056 | FORTRAN source | 585 |
NEA0329_14.057 | FORTRAN source | 366 |
NEA0329_14.058 | FORTRAN source | 57 |
NEA0329_14.059 | FORTRAN source | 510 |
NEA0329_14.060 | FORTRAN source | 660 |
NEA0329_14.061 | FORTRAN source | 566 |
NEA0329_14.062 | Documentation file | 62 |
NEA0329_14.063 | FORTRAN source | 389 |
NEA0329_14.064 | FORTRAN source | 255 |
NEA0329_14.065 | FORTRAN source | 407 |
NEA0329_14.066 | FORTRAN source | 207 |
NEA0329_14.067 | FORTRAN source | 531 |
NEA0329_14.068 | FORTRAN source | 254 |
NEA0329_14.069 | FORTRAN source | 251 |
NEA0329_14.070 | FORTRAN source | 674 |
NEA0329_14.071 | FORTRAN source | 406 |
NEA0329_14.072 | FORTRAN source | 271 |
NEA0329_14.073 | Data library | 14989 |
NEA0329_14.074 | Data library | 14844 |
NEA0329_14.075 | Original BAT file | 153 |
NEA0329_14.076 | Original BAT file | 16 |
NEA0329_14.077 | Original BAT file | 0 |
NEA0329_14.078 | Original BAT file | 14 |
NEA0329_14.079 | Original linking procedure | 102 |
NEA0329_14.080 | Input file for case 1 | 141 |
NEA0329_14.081 | Output file for case 1 | 10115 |
NEA0329_14.082 | Input file for case 10 | 17 |
NEA0329_14.083 | Output file for case 10 | 2004 |
NEA0329_14.084 | Input file for case 11 | 84 |
NEA0329_14.085 | Output file for case 11 | 2379 |
NEA0329_14.086 | Input file for case 2 | 23 |
NEA0329_14.087 | Output file for case 2 | 1507 |
NEA0329_14.088 | Input file for case 3 | 69 |
NEA0329_14.089 | Output file for case 3 | 3649 |
NEA0329_14.090 | Input file for case 4 | 92 |
NEA0329_14.091 | Output file for case 4 | 4986 |
NEA0329_14.092 | Input file for case 5 | 26 |
NEA0329_14.093 | Output file for case 5 | 7670 |
NEA0329_14.094 | Input file for case 6 | 47 |
NEA0329_14.095 | Output file for case 6 | 2926 |
NEA0329_14.096 | Input file for file 7 | 33 |
NEA0329_14.097 | Output file for case 7 | 1348 |
NEA0329_14.098 | Input case for case 8 | 38 |
NEA0329_14.099 | Output file for case 8 | 8692 |
NEA0329_14.100 | Input file for case 9 | 96 |
NEA0329_14.101 | Output file for case 9 | 2693 |
NEA0329_14.102 | FORTRAN source | 338 |
NEA0329_14.103 | FORTRAN source | 219 |
NEA0329_14.104 | FORTRAN source | 448 |
NEA0329_14.105 | Original BAT file | 43 |
NEA0329_14.106 | FORTRAN source | 461 |
NEA0329_14.107 | FORTRAN source | 115 |
NEA0329_14.108 | Original BAT file | 8 |
NEA0329_14.109 | FORTRAN source | 466 |
NEA0329_14.110 | NEADB implementation notes | 215 |
NEA0329_14.111 | DOS file-names | 110 |
File name | File description | Records |
NEA0329_21.001 | Information file | 28 |
NEA0329_21.002 | ZZ-WIMSLIB/IJS1 data library | 27047 |
File name | File description | Records |
NEA0329_22.001 | Information file | 36 |
NEA0329_22.002 | TRIGA library (ASCII) | 26878 |
Keywords: cell calculation, collisions, data library, fast reactors, multigroup, neutron transport theory, reactor lattices, thermal reactors.