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ZZ CENPL, Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Parameter Library

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ZZ-CENPL: Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Parameter Library.

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To submit a request, click below on the link of the version you wish to order. Rules for end-users are available here.

Program name Package id Status Status date
ZZ-CENPL-MCC IAEA1256/02 Tested 15-JUN-1995
ZZ-CENPL-DLS IAEA1256/03 Tested 07-JUN-1995
ZZ-CENPL-NLD IAEA1256/04 Tested 07-JUN-1995
ZZ-CENPL-OMP IAEA1256/05 Tested 07-JUN-1995
ZZ-CENPL-GDRP IAEA1256/06 Tested 15-JUN-1995
ZZ-CENPL-FBP IAEA1256/07 Tested 15-JUN-1995

Machines used:

Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
IAEA1256/02 Many Computers PC-80486
IAEA1256/03 Many Computers PC-80486
IAEA1256/04 Many Computers PC-80486
IAEA1256/05 Many Computers PC-80486
IAEA1256/06 Many Computers PC-80486
IAEA1256/07 Many Computers PC-80486
top ]


CENPL - GDRP  (Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray)

FORMAT: special format described in documentation


NUCLIDES: V, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Te, I, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Ho, Er, Lu, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Pb, Bi, Th, U, Np, Pu.

ORIGIN: Experimental values offered by S.S.Dietrich and B.L.Berman



CENPL - FBP  (Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library)

FORMAT: special format described in documentation



  1. 51 nuclei region from Th-230 to Cf-255

  2. 46 nuclei region from Th-229 to Cf-253

  3. 24 nuclei region from Pa-232 to Cf-253


  1. Lynn

  2. Analysis of experimental data by Back et al.

  3. Ohsawa



CENPL - DLS (Discrete level scheme and branch ratio of gamma decay

FORMAT: Special format described in documentation






CENPL – NLD (Nuclear Level Density)

FORMAT: Special format described in documentation



ORIGIN: Huang Zhongfu et al.



CENPL – OMP (Optical model parameter sub-library)

FORMAT: special format described in documentation







CENPL - MCC (I) and (II) (Atomic masses and characteristic constants for nuclear ground states)

FORMAT: Brief table format


NUCLIDES: 4760 nuclides ranging from Z=0 A=1 to Z=122 A=318.

ORIGIN: Experimental data and systematic results evaluated b Wapstra, theoretical results calculated by Moller, ENSDF - BNL and Nuclear Wallet Cards.




CENPL contains the following six sub-libraries:

  1. Atomic Masses and Characteristic Constants for nuclear ground states (MCC). This data consists of calculated and in most cases also measured mass excesses, atomic masses, total binding energies, spins, parities, and half-lives of nuclear ground states, abundances, etc. for 4800 nuclides.

  2. Discrete Level Schemes and branching ratios of gamma decay (DLS). The data on nuclear discrete levels are based on the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File. For each level, its energy, spin, parity and half-life are listed, and if possible, also the order numbers of the final energy levels, branching ratios and multipolarity of gamma radiation.

  3. Level Density Library (LDL). This sub-library consists of tw data files: experimental data relative to level density and level density parameters. The experimental data includes s-wave average level spacing; neutron strength function and radioactive capture width at neutron separation energy; and cumulative number of low-lying levels.

  4. Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for gamma-ray strength function (GDP). This file collects the giant dipole resonance parameters (GDP) of 102 nuclides from V51 to Pu239 compiled by Dietrich and Berman. Since there are no GDPs for most nuclides, a treatment method including a formula with replacement, insertion, and calculation of systematics is included.

  5. Fission Barrier Parameters (FBP). There are three tables in this FBP file.The first table contains fission barrier parameters for 50 nuclides from Th230 to Cf255 recommended by Lynn. The second table contains 46 nuclides from Th229 to Cf253 obtained by Back et al.(1974), through analysis of experimental data measured by means of direct reactions. The last table is derived from Ohsawa's results (1988) obtained by analysis of fission cross sections for 24 nuclides from Pa232 to Cf253.

  6. Optical Model Parameter library (OMP). The file of this sublibrary contains two parts. In the first part we collected and compiled about 30 sets of global and regional OMPs for the following six types of projectiles: neutron, proton, deuteron, triton, He3, and He4. In the second part, the nucleus-specific optical parameters for neutrons only are collected and compiled. So far, about 70 sets of optimum optical model parameters have been compiled.

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Package ID Status date Status
IAEA1256/02 15-JUN-1995 Screened
IAEA1256/03 07-JUN-1995 Screened
IAEA1256/04 07-JUN-1995 Screened
IAEA1256/05 07-JUN-1995 Screened
IAEA1256/06 15-JUN-1995 Screened
IAEA1256/07 15-JUN-1995 Screened
top ]
  • Samuel S. Dietrich and Barry L. Berman: Atlas of Photoneutron Cross Sections Obtained with Monoenergetic Photons, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 38, 199-338 (1988)

  • Su Zongdi et al.: Progress on Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Parameter Library (CENPL) (IV) Communication of Nuclear Data Progress, No. 13 (1995), pp.124-129 - Su Zongdi et al.: The Sub-Library of Nuclear Level Density - The Data File of Nuclear Level Density Parameters (CENPL.LDP) Communication of Nuclear Data Progress, No. 13 (1995), pp.129-131

IAEA1256/02, included references:
- Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (First Edition)
  (CENPL.GDR) (May 10, 1992)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Progress on Nuclear Model Parameters Library at CNDC
  Reprint, pages 73-77 (received August 1992)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Plan and Progress on Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Paramater Library
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
  States (CENPL-MCC) (I) (The First Edition, Data File)
  (Nov. 10, 1993)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
  States (The First Edition, Management-retrieval code system)
  (CENPL-MCC) (II) (Jan. 25, 1994)
- Huang Zhongfu et al.:
  Nuclear Level Density Parameter Sublibrary
- Liu Jianfeng et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance parameter Sub-Library
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library (The First Edition,
  Data file)
  (CENPL-FBP)(I) (Aug. 15, 1992)
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library (The First Edition,
  Management-retrieval code system)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Optical Model Parameter Sub-Library
- Su Zongdi, et al.:
  Data File of Optical Model Parameter Sub-Library (CENPL-OMP)
  Part 2 Nuclear-specifiC Optical Model Potential Partameter Sets
  CNDC Note (15 August 1995)
- Liu Jianfeng et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (The First
  Edition, Data file).
  (CENPL.GDP)(I) (May 10, 1992)
- Zuo Yixin et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (The First
  Edition, Management-retrieval code system)
  (CENPL.GDP)(II) (Jan. 20, 1994)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Parameter and Program Libraries
  Progress on Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Parameters Library, (CENPL)
  pp 92-105
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Reference Input Library of Nuclear Parameters for Model
  Computations - Evaluated Nuclear Parameter Library
- Su Zongdi, Zhang Limin, Sun Zhengjun:
  The Sub-Library of Discrete Level Schemes and Gamma Ray Branching
  Ratios (CENPL-DLS)
  CNDC Note (20 December 1994)
- Su Zongdi:
  A Data File of Nuclear Level Density Sub-Library
  Nuclear Level Density Parameter Data File (CEMPL.LDP) (I)
  CNDC Note (15 December 1994)
- Su Zongdi et Ma. Lizhen:
  Parameter and Program Libraries, The Management - Retrieval Code o
  Sub-Library of Atomic Mass and Characteristic Constants for Nuclea
  Ground State
  Communication of Nuclear Data Progress
  CNIC-00922/CNDC-0015/INDC(CPR)-033/L  pp80-85 (No.12, 1994)
IAEA1256/03, included references:
- Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (First Edition)
  (CENPL.GDR) (May 10, 1992)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Progress on Nuclear Model Parameters Library at CNDC
  Reprint, pages 73-77 (received August 1992)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Plan and Progress on Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Paramater Library
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
  States (CENPL-MCC) (I) (The First Edition, Data File)
  (Nov. 10, 1993)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
  States (The First Edition, Management-retrieval code system)
  (CENPL-MCC) (II) (Jan. 25, 1994)
- Huang Zhongfu et al.:
  Nuclear Level Density Parameter Sublibrary
- Liu Jianfeng et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance parameter Sub-Library
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library (The First Edition,
  Data file)
  (CENPL-FBP)(I) (Aug. 15, 1992)
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library (The First Edition,
  Management-retrieval code system)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Optical Model Parameter Sub-Library
- Su Zongdi, et al.:
  Data File of Optical Model Parameter Sub-Library (CENPL-OMP)
  Part 2 Nuclear-specifiC Optical Model Potential Partameter Sets
  CNDC Note (15 August 1995)
- Liu Jianfeng et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (The First
  Edition, Data file).
  (CENPL.GDP)(I) (May 10, 1992)
- Zuo Yixin et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (The First
  Edition, Management-retrieval code system)
  (CENPL.GDP)(II) (Jan. 20, 1994)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Parameter and Program Libraries
  Progress on Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Parameters Library, (CENPL)
  pp 92-105
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Reference Input Library of Nuclear Parameters for Model
  Computations - Evaluated Nuclear Parameter Library
- Su Zongdi, Zhang Limin, Sun Zhengjun:
  The Sub-Library of Discrete Level Schemes and Gamma Ray Branching
  Ratios (CENPL-DLS)
  CNDC Note (20 December 1994)
- Su Zongdi:
  A Data File of Nuclear Level Density Sub-Library
  Nuclear Level Density Parameter Data File (CEMPL.LDP) (I)
  CNDC Note (15 December 1994)
- Su Zongdi et Ma. Lizhen:
  Parameter and Program Libraries, The Management - Retrieval Code o
  Sub-Library of Atomic Mass and Characteristic Constants for Nuclea
  Ground State
  Communication of Nuclear Data Progress
  CNIC-00922/CNDC-0015/INDC(CPR)-033/L  pp80-85 (No.12, 1994)
IAEA1256/04, included references:
- Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (First Edition)
  (CENPL.GDR) (May 10, 1992)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Progress on Nuclear Model Parameters Library at CNDC
  Reprint, pages 73-77 (received August 1992)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Plan and Progress on Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Paramater Library
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
  States (CENPL-MCC) (I) (The First Edition, Data File)
  (Nov. 10, 1993)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
  States (The First Edition, Management-retrieval code system)
  (CENPL-MCC) (II) (Jan. 25, 1994)
- Huang Zhongfu et al.:
  Nuclear Level Density Parameter Sublibrary
- Liu Jianfeng et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance parameter Sub-Library
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library (The First Edition,
  Data file)
  (CENPL-FBP)(I) (Aug. 15, 1992)
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library (The First Edition,
  Management-retrieval code system)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Optical Model Parameter Sub-Library
- Su Zongdi, et al.:
  Data File of Optical Model Parameter Sub-Library (CENPL-OMP)
  Part 2 Nuclear-specifiC Optical Model Potential Partameter Sets
  CNDC Note (15 August 1995)
- Liu Jianfeng et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (The First
  Edition, Data file).
  (CENPL.GDP)(I) (May 10, 1992)
- Zuo Yixin et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (The First
  Edition, Management-retrieval code system)
  (CENPL.GDP)(II) (Jan. 20, 1994)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Parameter and Program Libraries
  Progress on Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Parameters Library, (CENPL)
  pp 92-105
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Reference Input Library of Nuclear Parameters for Model
  Computations - Evaluated Nuclear Parameter Library
- Su Zongdi, Zhang Limin, Sun Zhengjun:
  The Sub-Library of Discrete Level Schemes and Gamma Ray Branching
  Ratios (CENPL-DLS)
  CNDC Note (20 December 1994)
- Su Zongdi:
  A Data File of Nuclear Level Density Sub-Library
  Nuclear Level Density Parameter Data File (CEMPL.LDP) (I)
  CNDC Note (15 December 1994)
- Su Zongdi et Ma. Lizhen:
  Parameter and Program Libraries, The Management - Retrieval Code o
  Sub-Library of Atomic Mass and Characteristic Constants for Nuclea
  Ground State
  Communication of Nuclear Data Progress
  CNIC-00922/CNDC-0015/INDC(CPR)-033/L  pp80-85 (No.12, 1994)
IAEA1256/05, included references:
- Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (First Edition)
  (CENPL.GDR) (May 10, 1992)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Progress on Nuclear Model Parameters Library at CNDC
  Reprint, pages 73-77 (received August 1992)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Progress on Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Parameter Library
  (CENPL) (IV) pp.124-131
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
  States (CENPL-MCC) (I) (The First Edition, Data File)
  (Nov. 10, 1993)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
  States (The First Edition, Management-retrieval code system)
  (CENPL-MCC) (II) (Jan. 25, 1994)
- Huang Zhongfu et al.:
  Nuclear Level Density Parameter Sublibrary
- Liu Jianfeng et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance Parameter Sub-Library
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library (The First Edition,
  Data file)
  (CENPL-FBP)(I) (Aug. 15, 1992)
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library (The First Edition,
  Management-retrieval code system)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Optical Model Parameter Sub-Library
- Su Zongdi, et al.:
  Data File of Optical Model Parameter Sub-Library (CENPL-OMP)
  Part 2 Nuclear-specifiC Optical Model Potential Partameter Sets
  CNDC Note (15 August 1995)
- Liu Jianfeng et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (The First
  Edition, Data file).
  (CENPL.GDP)(I) (May 10, 1992)
- Zuo Yixin et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (The First
  Edition, Management-retrieval code system)
  (CENPL.GDP)(II) (Jan. 20, 1994)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Parameter and Program Libraries
  Progress on Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Parameters Library, (CENPL) (III)
  pp 92-105
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Reference Input Library of Nuclear Parameters for Model
  Computations - Evaluated Nuclear Parameter Library
  (ENPL)(I) pp.1-4
- Su Zongdi, Zhang Limin, Sun Zhengjun:
  The Sub-Library of Discrete Level Schemes and Gamma Ray Branching
  Ratios (CENPL-DLS) (I)
  CNDC Note (20 December 1994)
- Su Zongdi:
  A Data File of Nuclear Level Density Sub-Library
  Nuclear Level Density Parameter Data File (CEMPL.LDP) (I)
  (The first edition, Data File) CNDC Note (15 December 1994)
- Su Zongdi et Ma. Lizhen:
  Parameter and Program Libraries, The Management - Retrieval Code of the
  Sub-Library of Atomic Mass and Characteristic Constants for Nuclear
  Ground State
  Communication of Nuclear Data Progress
  CNIC-00922/CNDC-0015/INDC(CPR)-033/L  pp80-85 (No.12, 1994)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
Plan and Progress on Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Parameter Library
IAEA1256/06, included references:
- Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (First Edition)
  (CENPL.GDR) (May 10, 1992)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Progress on Nuclear Model Parameters Library at CNDC
  Reprint, pages 73-77 (received August 1992)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Plan and Progress on Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Paramater Library
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
  States (CENPL-MCC) (I) (The First Edition, Data File)
  (Nov. 10, 1993)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
  States (The First Edition, Management-retrieval code system)
  (CENPL-MCC) (II) (Jan. 25, 1994)
- Huang Zhongfu et al.:
  Nuclear Level Density Parameter Sublibrary
- Liu Jianfeng et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance parameter Sub-Library
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library (The First Edition,
  Data file)
  (CENPL-FBP)(I) (Aug. 15, 1992)
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library (The First Edition,
  Management-retrieval code system)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Optical Model Parameter Sub-Library
- Su Zongdi, et al.:
  Data File of Optical Model Parameter Sub-Library (CENPL-OMP)
  Part 2 Nuclear-specifiC Optical Model Potential Partameter Sets
  CNDC Note (15 August 1995)
- Liu Jianfeng et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (The First
  Edition, Data file).
  (CENPL.GDP)(I) (May 10, 1992)
- Zuo Yixin et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (The First
  Edition, Management-retrieval code system)
  (CENPL.GDP)(II) (Jan. 20, 1994)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Parameter and Program Libraries
  Progress on Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Parameters Library, (CENPL)
  pp 92-105
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Reference Input Library of Nuclear Parameters for Model
  Computations - Evaluated Nuclear Parameter Library
- Su Zongdi, Zhang Limin, Sun Zhengjun:
  The Sub-Library of Discrete Level Schemes and Gamma Ray Branching
  Ratios (CENPL-DLS)
  CNDC Note (20 December 1994)
- Su Zongdi:
  A Data File of Nuclear Level Density Sub-Library
  Nuclear Level Density Parameter Data File (CEMPL.LDP) (I)
  CNDC Note (15 December 1994)
- Su Zongdi et Ma. Lizhen:
  Parameter and Program Libraries, The Management - Retrieval Code o
  Sub-Library of Atomic Mass and Characteristic Constants for Nuclea
  Ground State
  Communication of Nuclear Data Progress
  CNIC-00922/CNDC-0015/INDC(CPR)-033/L  pp80-85 (No.12, 1994)
IAEA1256/07, included references:
- Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (First Edition)
  (CENPL.GDR) (May 10, 1992)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Progress on Nuclear Model Parameters Library at CNDC
  Reprint, pages 73-77 (received August 1992)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Plan and Progress on Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Paramater Library
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
  States (CENPL-MCC) (I) (The First Edition, Data File)
  (Nov. 10, 1993)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Atomic Masses and Characteristics Constants for Nuclear Ground
  States (The First Edition, Management-retrieval code system)
  (CENPL-MCC) (II) (Jan. 25, 1994)
- Huang Zhongfu et al.:
  Nuclear Level Density Parameter Sublibrary
- Liu Jianfeng et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance parameter Sub-Library
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library (The First Edition,
  Data file)
  (CENPL-FBP)(I) (Aug. 15, 1992)
- Zhang Limin et al.:
  Fission Barrier Parameter Sub-Library (The First Edition,
  Management-retrieval code system)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Optical Model Parameter Sub-Library
- Su Zongdi, et al.:
  Data File of Optical Model Parameter Sub-Library (CENPL-OMP)
  Part 2 Nuclear-specifiC Optical Model Potential Partameter Sets
  CNDC Note (15 August 1995)
- Liu Jianfeng et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (The First
  Edition, Data file).
  (CENPL.GDP)(I) (May 10, 1992)
- Zuo Yixin et al.:
  Giant Dipole Resonance Parameters for Gamma-Ray (The First
  Edition, Management-retrieval code system)
  (CENPL.GDP)(II) (Jan. 20, 1994)
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Parameter and Program Libraries
  Progress on Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Parameters Library, (CENPL)
  pp 92-105
- Su Zongdi et al.:
  Reference Input Library of Nuclear Parameters for Model
  Computations - Evaluated Nuclear Parameter Library
- Su Zongdi, Zhang Limin, Sun Zhengjun:
  The Sub-Library of Discrete Level Schemes and Gamma Ray Branching
  Ratios (CENPL-DLS)
  CNDC Note (20 December 1994)
- Su Zongdi:
  A Data File of Nuclear Level Density Sub-Library
  Nuclear Level Density Parameter Data File (CEMPL.LDP) (I)
  CNDC Note (15 December 1994)
- Su Zongdi et Ma. Lizhen:
  Parameter and Program Libraries, The Management - Retrieval Code o
  Sub-Library of Atomic Mass and Characteristic Constants for Nuclea
  Ground State
  Communication of Nuclear Data Progress
  CNIC-00922/CNDC-0015/INDC(CPR)-033/L  pp80-85 (No.12, 1994)
top ]
Package ID Computer language
top ]

Su Zongdi, et al.

Chinese Nuclear Data Centre

P.O. Box 275-41

102413 Beijing

People's Republic of China

top ]
File name File description Records
IAEA1256_02.001 Information file 42
IAEA1256_02.002 MCC1.DAT Atomic masses library (ASCII) 5008
IAEA1256_02.003 MCC.FOR File manager for MCC.DAT (FORTRAN) 1360
IAEA1256_02.004 MCC.DAT Input data for MCC.FOR 4923
IAEA1256_02.005 MCC.EXE Executable MCC for MicroVax 0
IAEA1256_02.006 MCC.EXP Exec. MCC for PC with NDP Fortran 0
File name File description Records
IAEA1256_03.001 Information file 31
IAEA1256_03.002 DLS data library (ASCII) 174557
IAEA1256_03.003 Readme file 100
File name File description Records
IAEA1256_04.001 Information file 31
IAEA1256_04.002 Nuclear level density (NDL) data lib.(ASCII) 1037
IAEA1256_04.003 Readme file 125
File name File description Records
IAEA1256_05.001 Information file 31
IAEA1256_05.002 Optical Model Parameters (OMP)(ASCII) 751
IAEA1256_05.003 Readme file 112
File name File description Records
IAEA1256_06.001 Information file 39
IAEA1256_06.002 GDP1.DAT GDP data library (ASCII) 337
IAEA1256_06.003 GDP.FOR GDP file manager (source) 991
IAEA1256_06.004 GDP.DAT input data for GDP.FOR 211
IAEA1256_06.005 GDP.EXE Executable FDP for MicroVax 0
IAEA1256_06.006 GDP.EXP Executable for PC with NDP Fortran 0
File name File description Records
IAEA1256_07.001 Information file 37
IAEA1256_07.002 FBP.DAT fission barrier data library (ASCII) 255
IAEA1256_07.003 FBP.FOR FBP library manager (FORTRAN) ) 324
IAEA1256_07.004 FBP.EXE FBP lib manager (Exec for MicroVax) 0
top ]

Keywords: evaluated data, fission barrier, gamma radiation, half lives, nuclear reactions, optical models, photoelectric effect, resonance scattering, spectral density.