PKUNZIP.EXE Self-extracting archive file
ARCHELP.TXT ASCII text file containing help information used by ARCONVB
ARCON96.BAT Batch file that sets screen attributes & initiates code execution
ARCONVB.EXE Visual Basic for DOS program used for data input
ARCONVB2.EXE Visual Basic for DOS program that returns control to ARCONVB2
ARCON96F.EXE FORTRAN program that performs calculations
DOSXMSF.EXE Enables ARCON96F to access to extended memory
EX? ARCON96 example files (36 files)
ARCON96.FOR Main program, providing general framework for code
CURVEFIX.FOR Calculates low-windspeed corrections to diffusion coefficient in
INIT.FOR Calculates several model parameters
INVMOL2.FOR Converts stability class to the reciprocal of the Monin-Obuknov
MET.INC Include file containing meteorological and assorted data
METREAD.FOR Reads meteorol. data file and places input data in meteor. data
NSIGMA1.FOR Calculates initial diffusion coefficients
PARAM.INC Include files related to code operations
PROC.FOR Processes hourly x/Q data
RECORD.FOR Writes information read from run specification file
SCENARIO.INC Contains information on the release point/receptor geometry
SCENREAD.FOR Reads run specification file identified in command line
SHIFT.FOR Called when processing of available data is complete & more data is
SUMMARY.FOR Primary output routine for ARCON96
UNITS.INC Files related to code operations
WAKECORR.FOR Calculates building-wake corrections to diffusion coefficients
WINDYXOQ.FOR Calculates hourly centerline and sector-average x/Qs
XOQ.INC Contains info. on x/Qs
XOQ95.FOR Caculates the 95th percentile x/Q for each averaging period
XOQCALC5.FOR Processes hourly meteorological data