NUMBER OF GROUPS: 199 neutron and 42 gamma-ray groups
NUCLIDES: H-1; H-1(H2O); H-1(CH2); H-1(ZrH); H-1(benzine); H-1(liq CH4); H-1(solid CH4); H-1(ortho H); H-1(para H); H-2; H-2(D2O); H-2(ortho D); H-2(para D); H-3; He-3; He-4; Li-6; Li-7; Be-7; Be-9; Be-9(Be metal); Be-9(BeO); B-10; B-11; C; C(benzine); C(graphite); N-14; N-15; O-16; O-16(BeO); O-17; F-19; Na-22; Na-23; Mg; Mg-24; Mg-25; Al-27; Si; Si-28; Si-29; Si-30; P-31; S; S-32; S-33; S-34; S-36; Cl; Cl-35; Cl-37; Ar-36; Ar-38; Ar-40; K; K-39; K-40; K-41; Ca; Ca-40; Ca-42; Ca-43; Ca-44; Ca-46; Ca-48; Sc-45; Ti; Ti-46; Ti-47; Ti-48; Ti-49; Ti-50; V; Cr-50; Cr-52; Cr-53; Cr-54; Mn-55; Fe-54; Fe-56; Fe-57; Fe-58; Co-58m; Ni-58; Ni-59; Ni-60; Ni-61; Ni-62; Ni-64; Cu63; Cu65; Zn; Ga; Ga-69; Ga-71; Ge-70; Ge-72; Ge-73; Ge-74; Ge-76; As-74; As-75; Se-74; Se-76; Se-77; Se-78; Se-79; Se-80; Se-82; Br-79; Br-81; Kr-78; Kr-80; Kr-82; Kr-83; Kr-84; Kr-85; Kr-86; Rb-85; Rb-86; Rb-87; Sr-84; Sr-86; Sr-87; Sr-88; Sr-89; Sr-90; Y-89; Y-90; Y-91; Zr; Zr-90; Zr-91; Zr-92; Zr-93; Zr-94; Zr-95; Zr-96; Nb-93; Nb-94; Nb-95; Mo; Mo-92; Mo-94; Mo-95; Mo-96; Mo-97; Mo-98; Mo-99; Mo-100; Tc-99; Ru-96; Ru-98; Ru-99; Ru-100; Ru-101; Ru-102; Ru-103; Ru-104; Ru-105; Ru-106; Rh-103; Rh-105; Pd-102; Pd-104; Pd-105; Pd-106; Pd-107; Pd-108; Pd-110; Ag-107; Ag-109; Ag-110m; Ag-111; Cd; Cd-106; Cd-108; Cd-110; Cd-111; Cd-112; Cd-113; Cd-114; Cd-115m; Cd-116; In; In-113; In-115; Sn; Sn-112; Sn-113; Sn-114; Sn-115; Sn-116; Sn-117; Sn-118; Sn-119; Sn-120; Sn-122; Sn-123; Sn-124; Sn-125; Sn-126; Sb-121; Sb-123; Sb-124; Sb-125; Sb-126; Te-120; Te-122; Te-123; Te-124; Te-125; Te-126; Te-127m; Te-128; Te-129m; Te-130; Te-132; I-127; I-129; I-130; I-131; I-135; Xe-123; Xe-124; Xe-126; Xe-128; Xe-129; Xe-130; Xe-131; Xe-132; Xe-133; Xe-134; Xe-135; Xe-136; Cs-133; Cs-134; Cs-135; Cs-136; Cs-137; Ba-130; Ba-132; Ba-133; Ba-134; Ba-135; Ba-136; Ba-137; Ba-138; Ba-140; La-138; La-139; La-140; Ce-136; Ce-138; Ce-139; Ce-140; Ce-141; Ce-142; Ce-143; Ce-144; Pr-141; Pr-142; Pr-143; Nd-142; Nd-143; Nd-144; Nd-145; Nd-146; Nd-147; Nd-148; Nd-150; Pm-147; Pm-148; Pm-148m; Pm-149; Pm-151; Sm-144; Sm-147; Sm-148; Sm-149; Sm-150; Sm-151; Sm-152; Sm-153; Sm-154; Eu-151; Eu-152; Eu-153; Eu-154; Eu-155; Eu-156; Eu-157; Gd-152; Gd-153; Gd-154; Gd-155; Gd-156; Gd-157; Gd-158; Gd-160; Tb-159; Tb-160; Dy-156; Dy-158; Dy-160; Dy-161; Dy-162; Dy-163; Dy-164; Ho-165; Ho-166m; Er-162; Er-164; Er-166; Er-167; Er-168; Er-170; Lu-175; Lu-176; Hf-174; Hf-176; Hf-177; Hf-178; Hf-179; Hf-180; Ta-181; Ta-182; W-182; W-183; W-184; W-186; Re-185; Re-187; Ir-191; Ir-193; Au-197; Hg-196; Hg-198; Hg-199; Hg-200; Hg-201; Hg-202; Hg-204; Pb-204; Pb-206; Pb-207; Pb-208; Bi-209; Ra-223; Ra-224; Ra-225; Ra-226; Ac-225; Ac-226; Ac-227; Th-227; Th-228; Th-229; Th-230; Th-232; Th-233; Th-234; Pa-231; Pa-232; Pa-233; U-232; U-233; U-234; U-235; U-236; U-237; U-238; U-239; U-240; U-241; Np-235; Np-236; Np-237; Np-238; Np-239; Pu-236; Pu-237; Pu-238; Pu-239; Pu-240; Pu-241; Pu-242; Pu-243; Pu-244; Pu-246; Am-241; Am-242; Am-242m; Am-243; Am-244; Am-244m; Cm-241; Cm-242; Cm-243; Cm-244; Cm-245; Cm-246; Cm-247; Cm-248; Cm-249; Cm-250; Bk-249; Bk-250; Cf-249; Cf-250; Cf-251; Cf-252; Cf-253; Cf-254; Es-253; Es-254; Es-255; Fm-255
From 10**-5 ev to 0.125 eV -> Maxwellian Thermal Spectrum
From 0.125 eV to 820.8 keV -> "1/E" Slowing-Down Spectrum
From 820.8 keV to 20.0 MeV -> Fission Spectrum
NUMBER OF GROUPS: 47 Neutron, 20 Gamma-Ray groups
NUCLIDES: Ag-107; Ag-109; Al-27; Am-241; Am-242; Am-242m; Am-243; Au-197; B-10; B-11; Ba-138; Be-9; Be-9(Thermal); Bi-209; C; C(Graphite); Ca; Cd-Nat; Cl-Nat; Cm-241; Cm-242; Cm-243; Cm-244; Cm-245; Cm-246; Cm-247; Cm-248; Co-59; Cr-50; Cr-52; Cr-53; Cr-54; Cu-63; Cu-65; Eu-151; Eu-152; Eu-153; Eu-154; Eu-155; F-19; Fe-54; Fe-56; Fe-57; Fe-58; Ga; H-1(H2O); H-1(CH2); H-2(D2O); H-3; He-3; He-4; Hf-174; Hf-176; Hf-177; Hf-178; Hf-179; Hf-180; In-Nat; K; Li-6; Li-7; Mg; Mn-55; Mo; N-14; N-15; Na-23; Nb-93; Ni-58; Ni-60; Ni-61; Ni-62; Ni-64; Np-237; Np-238; Np-239; O-16; O-17; P-31; Pa-231; Pa-233; Pb-206; Pb-207; Pb-208; Pu-236; Pu-237; Pu-238; Pu-239; Pu-240; Pu-241; Pu-242; Pu-243; Pu-244; Re-185; Re-187; S; S-32; Si; Sn-Nat; Ta-181; Ta-182; Th-230; Th-232; Ti; U-232; U-233; U-234; U-235; U-236; U-237; U-238; V; W-Nat; W-182; W-183; W-184; W-186; Y-89; Zr; Zr(Zirc-2)
WEIGHTING SPECTRUM: The concrete-spectrum-weighted cross sections have been shown to be generally applicable to a wide range of shielding problems. Flux spectra from five specific locations were used, corresponding to:
1) off-center in a BWR core region,
2) off-center in a PWR core region,
3) the downcomer region in a PWR model,
4) within the pressure vessel at a depth of one-fourth the total thickness, and
5) within the concrete shield surrounding a PWR reactor vessel.
The weighting spectra were generated using the 1D XSDRNPM discrete-ordinates transport code in SCALE.
The fine-group VITAMIN-B6 and broad-group BUGLE-96 coupled cross-section libraries, which are based on ENDF/B-VI.3, have been successfully used for light water reactor (LWR) shielding applications since 1996. The new VITAMIN-B7 and BUGLE-B7 libraries, which were developed for the same type of applications, are based on ENDF/B-VII.0. In addition to using the most recent ENDF release, the new VITAMIN-B7 library provides cross-sections for a substantially increased set of nuclides (393 nuclides and 24 thermal moderators) compared to VITAMIN-B6. The BUGLE-B7 library, which was group collapsed from VITAMIN-B7, maintains the same nuclide ordering as BUGLE-96 to provide compatibility with transport calculations that have used BUGLE-96. Consistent with BUGLE-96, BUGLE-B7 provides data with upscattering included, as well as data using the ANISN "upscatter correction" for calculations that do not apply outer iterations.
The processing methodology used to develop the VITAMIN-B7 and BUGLE-B7 libraries is consistent with ANSI/ANS 6.1.2. The ENDF data were first processed (using the AMPX code system) into the fine-group, pseudo-problem-independent VITAMIN-B7 library, and then group collapsed into the BUGLE-B7 format using representative weighting spectra from important regions of LWR models. The fine-group and broad-group libraries were extensively verified to confirm proper processing of the data. Validation of the libraries was accomplished using a range of benchmark analyses, including pressure vessel dosimetry benchmarks, which have been previously evaluated with VITAMIN-B6 and BUGLE-96. In general, results with the new libraries are in good agreement with experimental data and with calculational results using VITAMIN-B6 and BUGLE-96.
The primary application of the VITAMIN-B7 and BUGLE-B7 libraries is for LWR shielding applications, including pressure vessel fluence calculations. It is expected that the full range of applications will be similar that of previous multigroup cross section development efforts using the VITAMIN concept (generation of fine-group, pseudo problem-independent data). Previous VITAMIN libraries have proven to be very effective for fusion reactor neutronics, LMFBR core physics analysis, radiation effects of nuclear weapons, and light water reactor shielding and dosimetry.