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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
ZZ-SIGMA-A | DLC-0139/01 | Tested | 27-DEC-1995 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
DLC-0139/01 | VAX under VMS |
FORMAT: special format
NUMBER OF GROUPS: Photon interaction and absorption coefficients covering the energy range 1 KeV to 100 MeV.
NUCLIDES: MATERIALS: A150TE PLAST (H, C, N, O, F, Ca); Ac; Air (N, O, Ar); Sb; Ar; As; At; BAKELITE (C, H, O); Ba; BARSO4; Be; Bk; Bi; BONE (H, C, N, O, Mg, P, S, Ca); B; Br; C552SHONKA P (H, C, O, F, Si); Cd; Ca; Cf; CAPINTEC (H, C, O, F, Si); C; Ce; Cs; Cl; Cr; Co; CONCRETE (H, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Fe); Cu; Cm; DELRIN (C, H, O); Dy; Er; Eu; FAT (H, C, N, O, S); F; Fr; FRICK8 (H, O, Na, S, Cl, Fe); Gd; Ga; Ge; Au; Hf; He; Ho; H; ICRP CORTICAL BONE (H, C, N, O, Mg, P, S, Ca, Zn); ICRP TISSUE (H, C, N, O, S, Mg, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Fe, Zn); ICRU TISSUE (H, C, N, O); In; I; Ir; Fe; Kr; Pb; LIFTLD (Li, F); Li; LUCITE (C, H, O); Lu; Mg; Mn; Hg; Mo; MUSCLE (H, C, N, O, S, Mg, P, S, K, Ca); Nd; Ne; Np; Ni; Nb; N; NYLON (H, C, N, O); O; Pd; P; Pt; Pu; Po; POLYETHYLENE (C, H); POLYSTYRENE (C, H); K; Pr; Pm; Pa; Ra; Re; Rh; Rb; Ru; Sm; Sc; Se; Si; Ag; SODIODIDE; Na; SOLWA1; SOLWA2; Sr; S; Ta; Te; Tb; Tl; Th; Tm; Sn; Ti; W; U; V; WATER (H, O); Xe; Yb; Y; Zn; Zr.
An extensive library of photon interaction coefficients has been developed by the Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, based on the compilation of Plechaty, Cullen, and Howerton. In addition to partial cross section data, the following are given: mass attenuation coefficients, mass energy transfer coefficients, mass energy absorption coefficients, average energy transferred to electrons, average energy absorbed per interaction, and average stopping power of electrons. Partial interaction coefficients and absorption coefficients are useful in any radiation transport or other radiation analysis application.
The data from the Ontario Cancer Institute are given for 94 elements and 25 composite materials covering the energy range 1 KeV to 100 MeV. The reactions considered are coherent and incoherent scattering, photoelectric absorption, and pair production.
The FORTRAN 77 data retrieval programs are designed for use on minicomputers. The main data file, containing tables for all materials, is converted to a direct access file by the RANDOM program. The retrieval program, READX, is used to locate the data for selected materials and output the data to a sequential file.
D.K. TRUBEY: Informal Notes, ORNL (August 1988)
J.R. CUNNINGHAM and H.E. JOHNS: "Calculations of the Average Energy Absorbed in Photon Interactions" Med.Phys. 7(1), 51-54 (Jan./Feb. 1980)
E.F. PLECHATY, D.E. CULLEN, and R.J. HOWERTON: UCRL-50400, Vol. 6, Rev. 1 (National Technical Information Service Springfield VA, 1975)
H.E. JOHNS and J.R. CUNNINGHAM: "The Physics of Radiology" Fourth Edition, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, III. (1983)
Contributed by: Radiation Safety Information Computational Center
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U. S. A.
Developed by: Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Auxiliary Programs: D.K. TRUBEY
Radiation Shielding Information Center
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U. S. A
File name | File description | Records |
DLC0139_01.001 | Information file | 91 |
DLC0139_01.002 | RANDOM Fortran source file | 91 |
DLC0139_01.003 | READX Fortran source file | 195 |
DLC0139_01.004 | Cross Section data | 11119 |
DLC0139_01.005 | Identifier data | 120 |
DLC0139_01.006 | DOS file-names | 5 |
Keywords: absorption, attenuation, coherent scattering, cross sections, data library, gamma radiation, incoherent scattering, pair production, photoelectric effect, photon interaction, shielding.