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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
ZZ-STORM-ISRAEL | DLC-0015/01 | Tested | 01-AUG-1972 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
DLC-0015/01 | Many Computers | Many Computers |
FORMAT: Data in ENDF/B file 23 format.
NUMBER OF GROUPS: energies from 1 KeV to 100 MeV
NUCLIDES: elements Z=1 to 100.
ORIGIN: E. Storm and H.I. Israel compilation
For use in general purpose gamma-ray transport codes.
A discussion of the evaluation and much of the data can be found in the packaged document. The data are given in barns/atom for energies 1 keV to 100 MeV and for elements Z=1 to 100. The material (MAT) numbers are equal to the atomic numbers (Z).
D. J. Dudziak, also of LASL, placed the data in ENDF/B BCD format.
The reaction type (MT) numbers used by Dudziak are consistent with those recommended in ENDF publications where possible, although several had to be assigned for the purpose. The ones used are summarized in Table I which can be found in the packaged document.
In the newer nomenclature sigmaa(tot) and sigmah(tot) may be regarded as kerma factors which should be applied to the spectral flux density in a fashion consistent with the transport calculation which determined the flux density. That is, if the transport model assumes bound-electron incoherent scattering and treats secondary photons from pair production and photoelectric reactions, sigmaa(tot) should be used to calculate kerma. If the model assumes free-electron incoherent scattering and treats pair production and photoelectric reactions as absorption, sigmah(tot) should be used.
EDIT-23 is a program developed especially for the purpose of editing photon interaction data that is in ENDF/B file 23 BCD format. The program was designed using selected portions of the PSR-18/PLOTFB edit capability. This was done by John R. Knight of ORNL. The current version was modified by RSIC so that it would recognize the new MT numbers used in the DLC-15/STORM-ISRAEL data.
A similar evaluation, performed by W. H. McMaster, et al., Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, California, is available from RSIC on tape as DLC-7/HPICE. These data are reported in UCRL-50174, Sec. II, Rev. 1 (May 1969), for energies less than 1 MeV and are for elements Z = 1-83, 86, 90, 92, and 94 and give sigma(tot), sigma(incoh), sigma(coh), sigma(pair), and sigma(photo). The data on tape cover the energy range 1 keV to 100 MeV.
A group (acting for the Cross Section Evaluation Working Group Shielding Subcommittee and headed by J. H. Hubbell, National Bureau of Standards Photon Cross Section Center) examined both the LASL and Livermore compilations and found them to be in substantial agreement. The Livermore data, available on tape and having passed substantial Phase I testing at the time the group reported (May 1970), were recommended as the ENDF/B reference data. Nevertheless we feel it is of value to make the Storm-Israel compilation available as an alternate evaluation.
File name | File description | Records |
DLC0015_01.001 | LIBRARY DATA FOR ELEMENTS 1-50 | 14215 |
DLC0015_01.002 | LIBRARY DATA FOR ELEMENTS 51-100 | 16763 |
DLC0015_01.003 | EDIT23 SOURCE PROGRAM | 1217 |
DLC0015_01.005 | EDIT23 SAMPLE PROBLEM OUTPUT | 500 |
Keywords: data, photon interaction.