Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks and Safety Joint Projects
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SETH/PKL, Countermeasures for two types of PWR accidents

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Program name Package id Status Status date
SETH/PKL CSNI2000/01 Arrived 01-MAR-2006

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CSNI2000/01 Many Computers
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The NEA Committee for the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) has been promoting international initiatives and collaborations to establish convincing experimental safety programmes around specific facilities. As a first step in this direction, the PKL (Pressurised Water Reactor) loop in Germany and the PANDA in Switzerland were requested to develop proposals consistent with the priorities indicated in the CSNI Senior Group of Experts on Safety Research (SESAR) report Nuclear Safety Research in OECD Countries: Summary Report of Major Facilities and Programmes at Risk. Their proposals, after discussions with Member country experts, formed the basis for the SETH Project.


The SETH Project covers two aspects of accident management:

  • Part 1 is related to gas mixing and stratification issues in LWR containments under accidental conditions. The experiments have been performed in the PANDA facility at PSI, Switzerland.

  • Part 2 is related to two PWR safety issues: boron dilution during SB-LOCA and loss of residual heat removal during mid-loop operation. The experiments have been performed in the PKL facility at AREVA NP, Germany.


The SNP/ PKL tests investigate two PWR safety issues: boron dilution in loss of coolant accidents and boron dilution during mid-loop operation (shutdown conditions). The first category of tests verifies if conditions can arise for core reactivity insertion due to boron dilution during a small-break loss of coolant accidents and with a natural circulation restart. The second test series assesses primary circuit accident management operations to prevent boron dilution as a consequence of loss of heat removal in mid-loop operation conditions.


The large-scale test facility PKL is a scaled-down model of a pressurized water reactor of KWU design of the 1300 MW class. Reference plant is the Philippsburg 2 nuclear power plant. The PKL test facility models the entire primary side and essential parts of the secondary side (without turbine and condenser) of the reference plant.


The 4 tests on inherent boron dilution during SB-LOCA were:

  • E1.1 (break in hot leg, HPSI into all 4 cold legs)

  • E2.1 (break in hot leg, HPSI into all 4 hot legs)

  • E2.2 (break in cold leg, HPSI into 2 cold legs)

  • E2.3 (break in hot leg, HPSI into 2 hot legs)

  • Test E3.1 (loss of RHRS in shutdown plant) was conducted utilizing boric acid and boron concentration measuring technique.


Project participants: Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.


Project period: April 2001-June 2005


The distribution of this package is restricted and subject to prior approval.


For more information see

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Two evaluation tools are included:
PKLDATAVIEW (courtesy of Won-Jae Lee, TH Safety Research Division, Kaeri) and PKL QUICK LOOK.

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Package ID Status date Status
CSNI2000/01 01-MAR-2006 Masterfiled restricted
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  • Report No. FANP TGT1/02/47 in German

CSNI2000/01, included references:
- K. Umminger, T. Mull, B. Schoen:
Final Report of the PKL Experimental Program within the OECD/SETH Project
FANP NGTT1/04/en/04 (December 2004)
- H. Kremin, H. Limprecht, R. Guneysu, K. Umminger:
Description of the PKL III Test Facility. FANP NT31/01/e30 (July 2001)
- H. Kremin, H. Limprecht, R. Guneysu:
Determination of Masses in the PKL Test Facility. FANP NT31/01/e34 (August 2001)
- H. Kremin, H. Limprecht, R. Guneysu:
Determination of Pressure Losses in the PKL Test Facility
FANP NT31/01/e39 (September 2001)
- H. Kremin, H. Limprecht, R. Guneysu:
Determination of Thermal Losses in the PKL Test Facility
FANP NT31/01/Exx (August 2001)
- H. Kremin, H. Limprecht, R. Guneysu:
Determination of Individual Volumes and of Total Volume in the PKL Test Facility
FANP NT31/01/e33 (August 2001)
- K. Umminger, T. Mull, B. Schoen:
Experiments on Boron Dilution in the Integral Test Facility PKL
The 10th Int. Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor
Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-10) Seoul, Korea, October 5-9, 2003
- K. Umminger and B. Brand:
Integral Tests Conducted at the PKL Test Facility on Topical PWR Safety Issues
- K. Umminger, R. Mandl, R. Wegner and M. Perst:
Restart of Natural Circulation in a PWR - PKL Test Results and S-RELAP5
- B. Schoen and K. Umminger:
Test PKL III E2.1: Inherent Boron Dilution during SB-LOCA (Break 40 cm2/145 in
Hot Leg of PRZ Loop, ECC Injection by 4 SIPs into Hot Legs and 4 LP Pumps into
Hot Legs, Cooldown at 100 K/h). FANP TGT1/02/en/11 (December 2002)
- T. Mull and K. Umminger:
Test PKL III E2.2: Inherent Boron Dilution during SB-LOCA (Break: 32 cm2/145 in
Cold Leg, ECC Injection by 2 HPSI Pumps into Cold Legs and 2 LPSI Pumps into
Cold Legs, Cooldown at 100 K/h). FANP TGT1/02/en/44 (December 2002)
- B. Schoen, K. Umminger:
Test PKL III E2.3: Inherent Boron Dilution during SB-LOCA (Break: 50 cm2/145 in
Hot Leg, ECC Injection by 2 SIPs into Hot Legs and 4 ACCs into Hot Legs,
Cooldown at 100 K/h) without Breakdown of Natural Circulation in the Loops Fed
by SIPs. FANP TGT1/03/en/47 (December 2003)
- B. Schoen, K. Umminger:
Test PKL III E3.1
Loss of Residual Heat Removal in 3/4 Loop Operation with the Reactor Coolant
System Closed. FANP TGT1/03/en/10 (December 2003)
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The monitor resolution has to be set with 1280 x 1024 pixels.

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No specified programming language
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  • Adobe Acrobat Reader for printing and reading the measurement list, the measurement plans and the plot sheets.

  • Microsoft Excel for reading the measured test data.

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Klaus Umminger
PKL Project Manager
Framatome ANP GmbH
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen


Thomas Mull
Evaluation and documentation of tests
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen

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PKL Descriptions (PDF files)
Results for tests E1.1, E2.1, E2.2, E2.3, and E3.1
RELAP5MOD3 input files
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  • Y. Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks

Keywords: boron dilution, loss-of-coolant accident, pressurized water reactor.