LOBI tests provide experimental data for checking and improving computer codes. In addition, they demonstrate the performance of reactor safety systems and procedures.
MOD2 is an extension of MOD1 25 large break loss-of-coolant experiments by the addition of components as needed for small break tests, e.g. scaled steam generators, a high pressure injection system (HPIS), secondary auxiliary feedwater injection (AFW), additional instrumentation and complete thermal insulation.
Test BT-00 belongs to the LOBI special transient test program and is part of the B-test series. Within the LOBI special transient test matrix this test is also called "ST-2" (scoping test no.2). Test BT-00 simulates a loss of main feedwater (LOFW) followed by a steam generator dryout and a subsequent cooldown via primary bleed and feed.
Scaling: The power input, the primary circuit coolant mass flow and volume are scaled down from the reactor values by a factor of 712. All the other most relevant quantities such as operating temperature, pressure, lengths and pressure drops along heat transfer surfaces have been scaled 1:1. Also the absolute heights and relative elevations of the individual system components have been kept at reactor values thus preserving the gravitational heads.