NRCDose72 is a software program developed by Chesapeake Nuclear Services that integrates the NRC's Fortran programs LADTAP II, GASPAR II, and XOQDOQ and provides a user-friendly interface for running the codes on a PC. These codes provide an accepted regulatory basis for assessing doses to the public as required for the licensing assessments for both license renewal and new build nuclear plants. Chesapeake Nuclear Services undertook an effort to update the dose conversion factors (DCFs) used in NRCDose72 to the factors reported in ICRP-72, naming the new program NRCDose72. The original NRCDose72 program is equipped to perform calculations with up to 169 radionuclides, seven organs (bone, liver, total body, thyroid, kidney, lung, and GI-LLI) and four age ranges (infant, child, teenager, and adult). The ICRP-72 methodology contains additional parameters, including dose factors for 25 discrete organs, plus a remainder organ and effective DCF. Also, there are a total of six different age ranges (newborn, 1-yr. old, 5-yr. old, 10-yr. old, 15-yr. old, and adult). Finally, ICRP-72 contains DCFs for a variety of chemical forms (H-3 as vapor or Organically Bound Tritium, for example) or inhalation classes (F, M or S for nearly all radionuclides).
Recent modifications in NRCDose72 include:
1. Updates to the CR51 ingestion dose factors, ground exposure and water immersion dose factors, and noble gas total body and skin dose factors (v1.1.6).
2. Updates to the LADTAP72 module - corrections to irrigated food pathway handling to ensure correct ordering of the Vegetable, Leafy Vegetables, Milk, and Meat pathways. Also increased the size of the report viewing dialog to display the entire report (v1.1.7).
3. LADTAP72 - Corrected irrigated food pathway handling when modifying an existing pathway (v1.1.8).
4. LADTAP72 - Corrected input of biota dose information, removing the printout of biota doses in the second module (already displayed in first module; GASPAR - editorial changes to "Location for Individual Doses" dialog; updated install package to load all DLLs and OCXs to the application directory to minimize any possible interference with other applications (v1.1.9).
5. GASPAR72 - Corrected adult inhalation dose factors for isotopes of niobium in the library files (LADTAP1.LIB and LADTAP2.LIB). These values all decreased, so there is no adverse impact on calculated inhalation doses. Some file handling enhancements were also added: 1) Modified LADT, GASP, and XOQD modules so that input and output (DAT) files are written and read from the subdirectory where the initial input (INP or DAT) file was read from, 2) Modified modules to check for Fortran input and output files after selection of the binary or DAT input file and enable main menu dialog buttons as appropriate. Also, the deletion of the output file was disabled upon exit from the program. (v1.2.1).
6. Minor editorial and cosmetic changes to dialogs. The dialog for reading input and output files is now resizable. Implemented file handling corrections, and UAC (User Access Control) modifications.
Updated installation package to remove all unnecessary Microsoft system files and load all DLLs and OCXs to the application directory to preclude interference with any other program installs.
Modified "File/New" functionality to immediately prompt for a binary input file name. Modified program so that input and output (DAT) files are written to, and read from, the subdirectory where the initial input (INP or DAT) file was selected.
Modified modules to check for Fortran module input and output files after selection of the binary or DAT input file and enable mainmenu dialog buttons as appropriate.
Corrected air immersion dose factor for XE138: from 1.25E-03 to 1.25E-02 (transcription error). Corrected ground dose conversion factor for CS137. Updated shoreline and submersion DCFs for Zr97, Ru106, Sn126, Te133m, I135, Cs137, and Ce144 in LIB files.
LADTAP - corrected display of default invertebrate consumption parameters, which are based on site type - fresh or salt water.
XOQDOQ - Modified VB XOQD so that if KOPT(1) = 0 (Calms distribution), then Variables menu item "Wind Data\Calms Data" dialog is disabled.
GASPAR - corrected extra blank line that was being written when multiples sources are used. Updated irrigated foods linkage between pathway and locations. Limited the number of titles of receptor types to 5 (per Fortran code), and updated receptor type handling. Updated Job Control Options dialog to address the "Individual Doses Only" and alternate met file interactions ("Individual Doses Only" option requires Special Location(s) dispersion data inputs - it does not read other met data, be it inputted into the module or provided as an alternate met input file). Updated I135 and Ce144 DCFs in LIB files. Clarified usage of average temperature value as it relates to relative/absolute humidity value inputs. Updated file handling to restore earlier functionality where when opening a file, the default location is the same as the location where the last file was opened - if this is not the first file opened (v1.2.3).