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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
EASYQAD 2.0.1 | CCC-0744/01 | Tested | 08-OCT-2019 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
CCC-0744/01 | PC Windows | PC Windows |
EASYQAD, Version 2.0.1, is a standalone Windows XP or Windows 7 code system which facilitates gamma and neutron shielding calculations with user friendly graphical interfaces. It is used to analyze radiation shielding problems and includes:
8 kinds of geometry types
Various flexible source options
Common material library
Various detector types
The update contents of EASYQAD Version 2.0 are below:
Addition of starting option with ‘P-code’ files
Addition of multi-source calculation function
Expansion of source geometries
Addition of warning message
Modifications of EASYQAD program errors
Coordination application problem in source division
Source position error
Rotation problem of source geometry
Program running error in using more than six gamma energy distribution
EASYQAD display problem of the right elliptic cylinder, ellipsoid and truncated right cone geometries
Through intuitive windows and their interactions inside EASYQAD, the user can specify the dimensions of 3D-shapes, their material compositions, their densities, the type of radioactive sources, the locations of the sources, the type and positions of detectors. With the ease of using these sequences, shielding problems will become simpler and more clearly understandable to the analyzer. Furthermore, the error checking system can prevent users from making mistakes by automatically debugging the user inputs and giving modal dialog windows. The included AECL implementation of QAD-CGGP-A, Version 95.2 (C00645MNYCP00), is run from the user interface.
EASYQAD, Version 2.0, is based on QAD-CGGP-A, which is a point-kernel code for calculating fast-neutron and gamma-ray penetration through various shield configurations defined by combinatorial geometry specifications. QAD uses a point-kernel ray-tracing technique for gamma-ray calculations and either a modified Albert-Welton kernel or kernels obtained from the moments method solution of the Boltzmann equation for neutron penetration calculations. The GP version optionally makes use of the Geometric Progression (GP) fitting function for the gamma-ray buildup factor. The GP parameters were determined by the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, and Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-mura, and were implemented into QAD-CG by JAERI and ORNL.
Background information:
K.A. Litwin, I.C. Gauld, G.R. Penner, "Improvements to the Point Kernel Code QAD- CGGP: A Code Validation and User's Manual," RC-1214, COG-94-65, AECL Research (August 1994).
V. R. Cain, "A Users Manual for QAD-CG, the Combinatorial Geometry Version of the QAD-P5A Point Kernel Shielding Code," NE007, Bechtel Power Corp. (July 1977).
Y. Harima, Y. Sakamoto, S. Tanaka, and M. Kawai, "Validity of the Geometrical Progression
Formula in Approximating Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors," Nucl. Sci. Eng. 94, 24-35 (Sept. 1986).
D. K. Trubey, "New Gamma-Ray Buildup Factor Data for Point Kernel Calculations: ANS-6.4.3 Standard Reference Data," NUREG/CR-5740, ORNL/RSIC-49/R1 (August 1991).
Y. Sakamoto, S. Tanaka, "QAD-CGGP2 and G33-GP2: Revised Versions of QAD-CGGP and G33-GP Codes with Conversion Factors from Exposure to Ambient and Maximum Dose Equivalents," JAERI-M 90-110, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (June 1990).
EASYQAD was developed for personal computers running Windows XP or Windows 7. The code system must be installed on the drive "C:" or the ‘MATLAB’ program must be installed for starting with ‘P-code’ files. The user interface is a MATLAB application. QAD-CGGP-A is written in Fortran 77 and compiled with Microsoft Fortran 5.1. Source code is not included.
Keywords: calculations, gamma, kernels, neutron, shielding, visualization.