Background references:
- L. P. Bass, A. M. Voloschenko and T. A. Germogenova, "Methods of Discrete Ordinates in Radiation Transport Problems," KIAM, Moscow (in Russian) (1986).
- A. M. Voloschenko, "Geometrical Interpretation of Family of Weighted Nodal Schemes and Adaptive Positive Approximations for Transport Equation," Proc. Joint International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Supercomputing for Nuclear Applications, Saratoga Springs, NY USA, vol. 2, p. 1517 (October 6-10, 1997).
- A. M. Voloschenko, "Experience in the Use of the Consistent Synthetic Acceleration Scheme for Transport Equation in 2D Geometry," Proc. Of International Conference on Mathematics and Computations, Reactor Physics, and Environmental Analyses in Nuclear Applications, Madrid, Spain, vol. 1, p. 104 (27-30 September, 1999).
- A. M. Voloshchenko, "KP1 Acceleration Scheme for Inner Iterations Consistent with the Weighted Diamond Differencing Scheme for Transport Equation in Two-Dimensional Geometry," Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 41, No. 9, 1379 (2001).
- A. M. Voloschenko, "Consistent P1 Synthetic Acceleration Scheme for Transport Equation in 3D Geometries," Proc. of International Conference on Mathematics and Computation, Supercomputing, Reactor Physics and Nuclear and Biological Applications, Avignon, France, on CD-ROM (September 12-15, 2005).
- A. M. Voloschenko et al., "The CNCSN: One, Two- and Three-Dimensional Coupled Neutral and Charged Particle Discrete Ordinates Code Package," Proc. Of International Conference on Mathematics and Computation, Supercomputing, Reactor Physics and Nuclear and Biological Applications, Avignon, France, on CD-ROM (September 12-15, 2005).
- A. M. Voloschenko and S. V. Gukov, "Some New Algorithms for Solving the Coupled Electron-Photon Transport Problems by the Discrete-Ordinates Method," Proc. Int. Conf. On the New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology: Reactor Physics, Safety and High-Performance Computing - PHYSOR 2002, Seoul, Korea (October 7-10, 2002).
- D. V. Gorbatkov and V. P. Kryuchkov, "SADCO-2: A Modular Code System for Generating Coupled Nuclear Data Libraries to Provide High-Energy Particle Transport Calculation by Multigroup Methods," Nucl. Instr. & Meth. In Phys. Res., A 372, 297 (1996).
- R. Orsi, "BOT3P Version 5.1: A Pre/Post-Processor System for Transport Analysis," ENEA report FIS-P9H6-014, Italy (2006).
- M. I. Gurevich, D. S. Oleynik, A. A. Russkov and A. M. Voloschenko, "About the Use of the Monte-Carlo Code Based Tracing Algorithm and the Volume Fraction Method for Sn Full Core Calculations," Proc. of International Conference Advances in Nuclear Analysis and Simulation - PHYSOR 2006, Vancouver, Canada, on CD-ROM (September 10-14, 2006).
- L. P. Abagian et al., "MCU-REA/2 with Data Bank DLC/MCUDAT-2.2," Editors: E.A. Gomin, L.V. Maiorov. Report of RRC Kurchatov Institute No. 36/17-2006, Moscow
- A. M. Voloschenko et al., "The CNCSN-2: One, Two- and Three-Dimensional Coupled Neutral and Charged Particle Discrete Ordinates Code System." Proc. Of International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computational Methods, and Reactor Physics, Saratoga Springs, USA, May 3-7, 2009, on CD ROM.
- M. I. Gurevich et al. "Experience in the Use of the Monte-Carlo Code Based Tracing algorithm and the Volume Fraction Method in VVER Radiation Shielding Calculations," Proc. of International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computational Methods, and Reactor Physics, Saratoga Springs, USA, May 3-7, 2009, on CD ROM.
CCC-0726/02, included references:
- A. M. Voloschenko and A. A. Dubinin:
"ROZ-6.6 - One-Dimensional Discrete-Ordinates Neutron, Photon and Charged
Particles Transport Code," User's guide, Report of Keldysh Inst. of Appl.
Math., Russian Ac. of Sci., No. 7-25-2004, Moscow (2004).
- A. M. Voloschenko and A. V. Shwetsov:
"KASKAD-S-3.0 - Two-Dimensional Discrete-Ordinates Neutron, Photon and Charged
Particles Transport code," User's guide, Report of Keldysh Inst. of Appl.
Math., Russian Ac. of Sci., No. 7-26-2004, Moscow (2004).
- A. M. Voloschenko, V. P. Kryuchkov:
"KATRIN-2.5: Three-Dimensional Discrete-Ordinates Neutron, Photon and Charged
Particles Transport Code," User's guide, Report of Keldysh Inst. of Appl.
Math., Russian Ac. of Sci., No. 7-27-2004, Moscow (2004).
- A. M. Voloschenko, S. V. Gukov and A. V. Shwetsov:
"ARVES-2.5 - Preprocessor for the Working Macroscopic Cross-Section FMAC-M
Format for Transport Calculations," User's Guide, Report of Keldysh Inst. of
Appl. Math., Russian Ac. of Sci., No. 7-24-2004, Moscow (2004).
- A. M. Voloschenko:
"CEPXS-BFP: Version of Multigroup Coupled Electron-Photon Cross-Section
Generating Code CEPXS, Adapted for Solving the Charged Particle Transport in
the Boltzmann-Fokker-Planck Formulation with the Use of Discrete Ordinate
Method," User's Guide, Report of Keldysh Inst. of Appl. Math., Russian Ac. of
Sci., No. 7-36-2004, Moscow (2004).
- D. V. Gorbatkov, V. P. Kryuchkov, O. V. Sumaneev:
"SADCO-2.4: A Modular Code System for Generating Coupled Nuclear Data Libraries
to Provide High-Energy Particle Transport Calculation by Multigroup Methods,"
User's Guide, Institute for High-Energy Physics (2005).
- M. I. Gurevich, A. A. Russkov, A. M. Voloschenko:
"ConDat 1.0 - Code for Converting by the Tracing Algorithm the Combinatorial
Geometry Presentation to the Bit-Mapped One, Users Guide," Preprint of Keldysh
Inst. of Appl. Math., Russian Ac. of Sci., No. 12 (2007).
- M. I. Gurevich:
"Geometrical Module NCG," Part 2.8 of Report of RRC Kurchatov Institute No.
36/17-2006, Moscow (2006).
- D. A. Shkarovski:
"MCU Viewer," Part 14.3 of Report of RRC Kurchatov Institute No. 36/17-2006,
Moscow (2006).
- A. M. Voloschenko:
"SYNTH: Utility for Construction of an Approximate Solution of 3D Transport
Equation in Vicinity of Reactor Pressure Vessel by the Synthesis Method,"
User's Guide, Report of Keldysh Inst. Of Appl. Math., Russian Ac. of Sci., No.
7-36-2007, Moscow (2007).