Computer Programs
last modified: 24-JUL-1997 | catalog | categories | new | search |


QAD-CGGP-A, Fast Neutron, Gamma Penetration in Shields with Combinatorial Geometry

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Program name Package id Status Status date
QAD-CGGP-A CCC-0645/01 Tested 24-JUL-1997

Machines used:

Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
CCC-0645/01 Many Computers Many Computers
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QAD-CGGP-A is a point-kernel code for calculating fast-neutron and gamma-ray penetration through  various shield configurations defined by combinatorial geometry specifications. AECL developed this release by modifying the CCC-0493/QAD-CGGP package. The major improvements to the new version include the incorporation of a cubic spline interpolation scheme for the gamma attenuation coefficients, an added capability for source translation and rotation, correction of a potential error in evaluation of buildup factors at very deep penetration, and the adoption of complete free-format input reading routines from KENO-IV.
CCC-0493/QAD-CGGP was based on CCC-0307/QAD-CG contributed by Bechtel Power Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland and modified by Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-mura, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The GP parameters were determined by the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan and JAERI. In August 1986, double precision combinatorial geometry routines from CCC-0203/MORSE-CG replaced the older geometry routines provided in the original QAD-CGGP from Japan. The code was modified in October 1988 to accommodate the ANS-6.4.3 1988 buildup factor compilation (26 materials).
The G-P buildup factor coefficients for the elements molybdenum to uranium were updated in July 1990 from new PALLAS calculations based on DLC-0136/PHOTX. The DLC-0129/ANS643 package was also updated with data from the PALLAS calculations.
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QAD-CGGP-A uses a point-kernel ray-tracing technique for gamma-ray calculations and either a modified Albert-Welton kernel or kernels obtained from the moments method solution of the Boltzmann equation for neutron penetration calculations. The GP version optionally makes use of the Geometric Progression (GP) fitting function for the gamma-ray buildup factor.
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5. RESTRICTIONS ON THE COMPLEXITY OF THE PROBLEM:  A math coprocessor is required for the PC version.
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Using the sample UNIX script, QAD-CGGP-A ran  all the sample problems in a total of 5 minutes 14 seconds on an IBM RS/6000-590 running AIX 3.2.5.
At the tests performed by the NEA/DB, the program QAD-CGGP-A was installed and the sample problems were executed on:

- DEC 3000 Model 300X, equipped with a Alpha/AXP architecture

  processor, running Digital UNIX V3.2G (Rev. 64)

- PC DELL Optiplex GXM 5100 equipped with a Pentium processor at 99
  MHz, base memory 640 Kbyte and extended memory 32 MByte, running

  MS-DOS 6.2

The following Table displays the execution (elapsed) times in both machines for each of the 19 sample problems.


                 |                |  Elapsed time (minutes)  |

                 | Sample problem |                          |

                 |   (filename)   |--------------------------|

                 |                |  PC-Pentium | DEC-Alpha  |

                 |                |   99 MHz    |  175 MHz   |


                 |  661.INP       |    0.21     |   0.153    |

                 |  661A.INP      |    0.01     |   0.008    |

                 |  AL.INP        |    0.05     |   0.014    |

                 |  BE.INP        |    0.05     |   0.015    |

                 |  C.INP         |    0.05     |   0.015    |

                 |  CONC.INP      |    0.05     |   0.016    |

                 |  CU.INP        |    0.05     |   0.015    |

                 |  ESIS_D2.INP   |    0.30     |   0.117    |

                 |  ESIS_D3.INP   |    0.34     |   0.134    |

                 |  ESIS_D5.INP   |    0.16     |   0.057    |

                 |  ESIS_D6.INP   |    0.18     |   0.078    |

                 |  F06.INP       |    0.07     |   0.047    |

                 |  F07.INP       |    0.33     |   0.183    |

                 |  FE.INP        |    0.02     |   0.008    |

                 |  FLSK.INP      |    0.04     |   0.015    |

                 |  H2O.INP       |    0.02     |   0.009    |

             |  PB.INP        |    0.05     |   0.022    |

                 |  TR_ROT.INP    |    8.89     |   4.495    |

                 |  U.INP         |    0.05     |   0.014    |

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Package ID Status date Status
CCC-0645/01 24-JUL-1997 Tested at NEADB
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- Y. Harima, Y. Sakamoto, S. Tanaka and M. Kawai:
  Validity of the Geometrical Progression Formula in Approximating
  Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors, Nucl. Sci. Eg. 94, 24-35 (Sept. 1986)
- D. K. Trubey:
  New Gammay-Ray Buildup Factor Data for Point Kernel Calculations:
  ANS-6.4.3 Standard Reference Data
  NUREG/CR-5740, ORNL/RSIC-49/R1 (August 1991)
- Y. Sakamoto, S. Tanaka:
  QAD-CGGP2 and G33-GP2: Revised Versions of QAD-CGGP and G33-GP
  Codes with Conversion Factors from Exposure to Ambient and
  Maximum Dose Equivalents
JAERI-M 90-110, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (June 1990)
CCC-0645/01, included references:
- K.A. Litwin, I.C. Gauld, G.R. Penner:
  Improvements to the Point Kernel Code QAD-CGGP: A Code Validation
  and User's Manual
  RC-1214, COG-94-65, AECL Research (August 1994)
- Informal Notes on Neutron Source Normalization (November 1988)
- V.R. Cain:
  A Users Manual for QAD-CG, The Combinatorial Geometry Version of
  the QAD-P5A Point Kernel Shielding Code
  NE007, Bechtel Power Corp. (July 1977)
- D.K. Trubey:
  Informal Notes -- Part I, ORNL (December 1988)
- D.K. Trubey:
  Informal Notes -- Part II, ORNL (March 1989)
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QAD-CGGP-A has run on HP 9000, IBM RS/6000-590, and on IBM PC compatible. In general the code should run on almost any machine equipped with a Fortran 77 compiler.
The program QAD-CGGP-A was installed and executed on a  DEC 3000 Model 300 X (Alpha AXP architecture processor) and on a PC  DELL equipped with a Pentium processor. About 3.6 MByte of disk space are required to download the package files, compile the source files, create the 'qad-cggp-a' executable and run the sample problems.
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Package ID Computer language
CCC-0645/01 FORTRAN-77
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A Fortran 77 compiler is required to compile the code on UNIX workstations. An executable for the PC created with MicroSoft Fortran 5.1 is included.
The program QAD-CGGP-A was installed and executed on the following systems: - DEC 3000 Model 300 X equipped with a
Alpha/AXP architecture processor, under Digital UNIX (formerly OSF/1) V3.2G. The source files were compiled using the Digital Fortran-77 compiler f77 v3.4 - PC DELL Optiplex GXM 5100 equipped with a Pentium processor at 99 MHz, under MS-DOS 6.2. The executable used has been compiled using the MicroSoft Fortran compiler Version  5.1
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Contributed by: Radiation Safety Information Computational Center
                Oak Ridge National Laboratory
                Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U. S. A.

Developed by:   AECL Research, Reactor Technology Branch
                Pinawa, Manitoba
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File name File description Records
CCC0645_01.001 Information file of package QAD-CGGP-A 746
CCC0645_01.002 Auxiliary script for unix installation 172
CCC0645_01.003 Notes on the program QAD-CGGP-A 257
CCC0645_01.004 Notes on the program QAD-CGGP-A Version 95.1 56
CCC0645_01.005 RSICC notes on the program QAD-CGGP 15
CCC0645_01.006 Source file # 1 82
CCC0645_01.007 Source file # 2 97
CCC0645_01.008 Source file # 3 112
CCC0645_01.009 Source file # 4 13
CCC0645_01.010 Source file # 5 60
CCC0645_01.011 Source file # 6 60
CCC0645_01.012 Source file # 7 236
CCC0645_01.013 Source file # 8 31
CCC0645_01.014 Source file # 9 11
CCC0645_01.015 Source file # 10 62
CCC0645_01.016 Source file # 11 131
CCC0645_01.017 Source file # 12 12
CCC0645_01.018 Source file # 13 13
CCC0645_01.019 Source file # 14 188
CCC0645_01.020 Source file # 15 162
CCC0645_01.021 Source file # 16 5
CCC0645_01.022 Source file # 17 544
CCC0645_01.023 Source file # 18 5
CCC0645_01.024 Source file # 19 62
CCC0645_01.025 Source file # 20 393
CCC0645_01.026 Source file # 21 205
CCC0645_01.027 Source file # 22 13
CCC0645_01.028 Source file # 23 256
CCC0645_01.029 Source file # 24 34
CCC0645_01.030 Source file # 25 78
CCC0645_01.031 Source file # 26 93
CCC0645_01.032 Source file # 27 21
CCC0645_01.033 Source file # 28 94
CCC0645_01.034 Source file # 29 355
CCC0645_01.035 Source file # 30 174
CCC0645_01.036 Source file # 31 44
CCC0645_01.037 Source file # 32 124
CCC0645_01.038 Source file # 33 95
CCC0645_01.039 Source file # 34 64
CCC0645_01.040 Source file # 35 61
CCC0645_01.041 Source file # 36 84
CCC0645_01.042 Source file # 37 21
CCC0645_01.043 Source file # 38 216
CCC0645_01.044 Source file # 39 57
CCC0645_01.045 Source file # 40 53
CCC0645_01.046 Source file # 41 28
CCC0645_01.047 Source file # 42 128
CCC0645_01.048 Makefile for IBM RS 6000 under AIX workstat. 241
CCC0645_01.049 Makefile for Hewlett-Packard workstations 240
CCC0645_01.050 Makefile for DEC-Alpha under Digital UNIX 241
CCC0645_01.051 Script to run all the sample problems 22
CCC0645_01.052 Script to run individual sample problems 16
CCC0645_01.053 Executable for PC's 0
CCC0645_01.054 Library of photon mass attenuation coeffs. 506
CCC0645_01.055 Library of geometric progression coeffs. 1581
CCC0645_01.056 Sample input file # 1 31
CCC0645_01.057 Sample input file # 2 33
CCC0645_01.058 Sample input file # 3 46
CCC0645_01.059 Sample input file # 4 42
CCC0645_01.060 Sample input file # 5 42
CCC0645_01.061 Sample input file # 6 46
CCC0645_01.062 Sample input file # 7 45
CCC0645_01.063 Sample input file # 8 41
CCC0645_01.064 Sample input file # 9 45
CCC0645_01.065 Sample input file # 10 48
CCC0645_01.066 Sample input file # 11 45
CCC0645_01.067 Sample input file # 12 40
CCC0645_01.068 Sample input file # 13 40
CCC0645_01.069 Sample input file # 14 38
CCC0645_01.070 Sample input file # 15 38
CCC0645_01.071 Sample input file # 16 42
CCC0645_01.072 Sample input file # 17 54
CCC0645_01.073 Sample input file # 18 38
CCC0645_01.074 Sample input file # 19 74
CCC0645_01.075 Sample output file # 1 326
CCC0645_01.076 Sample output file # 2 291
CCC0645_01.077 Sample output file # 3 407
CCC0645_01.078 Sample output file # 4 391
CCC0645_01.079 Sample output file # 5 391
CCC0645_01.080 Sample output file # 6 407
CCC0645_01.081 Sample output file # 7 403
CCC0645_01.082 Sample output file # 8 362
CCC0645_01.083 Sample output file # 9 378
CCC0645_01.084 Sample output file # 10 406
CCC0645_01.085 Sample output file # 11 403
CCC0645_01.086 Sample output file # 12 324
CCC0645_01.087 Sample output file # 13 325
CCC0645_01.088 Sample output file # 14 313
CCC0645_01.089 Sample output file # 15 314
CCC0645_01.090 Sample output file # 16 320
CCC0645_01.091 Sample output file # 17 766
CCC0645_01.092 Sample output file # 18 285
CCC0645_01.093 Sample output file # 19 1688
CCC0645_01.094 Sample output file # 1 (DEC-Alpha) 326
CCC0645_01.095 Sample output file # 2 (DEC-Alpha) 291
CCC0645_01.096 Sample output file # 3 (DEC-Alpha) 407
CCC0645_01.097 Sample output file # 4 (DEC-Alpha) 391
CCC0645_01.098 Sample output file # 5 (DEC-Alpha) 391
CCC0645_01.099 Sample output file # 6 (DEC-Alpha) 407
CCC0645_01.100 Sample output file # 7 (DEC-Alpha) 403
CCC0645_01.101 Sample output file # 8 (DEC-Alpha) 362
CCC0645_01.102 Sample output file # 9 (DEC-Alpha) 378
CCC0645_01.103 Sample output file # 10 (DEC-Alpha) 406
CCC0645_01.104 Sample output file # 11 (DEC-Alpha) 403
CCC0645_01.105 Sample output file # 12 (DEC-Alpha) 324
CCC0645_01.106 Sample output file # 13 (DEC-Alpha) 325
CCC0645_01.107 Sample output file # 14 (DEC-Alpha) 313
CCC0645_01.108 Sample output file # 15 (DEC-Alpha) 314
CCC0645_01.109 Sample output file # 16 (DEC-Alpha) 320
CCC0645_01.110 Sample output file # 17 (DEC-Alpha) 766
CCC0645_01.111 Sample output file # 18 (DEC-Alpha) 285
CCC0645_01.112 Sample output file # 19 (DEC-Alpha) 1688
CCC0645_01.113 Differences file # 1 (DEC-Alpha) 220
CCC0645_01.114 Differences file # 2 (DEC-Alpha) 68
CCC0645_01.115 Differences file # 3 (DEC-Alpha) 292
CCC0645_01.116 Differences file # 4 (DEC-Alpha) 285
CCC0645_01.117 Differences file # 5 (DEC-Alpha) 302
CCC0645_01.118 Differences file # 6 (DEC-Alpha) 295
CCC0645_01.119 Differences file # 7 (DEC-Alpha) 285
CCC0645_01.120 Differences file # 8 (DEC-Alpha) 227
CCC0645_01.121 Differences file # 9 (DEC-Alpha) 212
CCC0645_01.122 Differences file # 10 (DEC-Alpha) 302
CCC0645_01.123 Differences file # 11 (DEC-Alpha) 285
CCC0645_01.124 Differences file # 12 (DEC-Alpha) 195
CCC0645_01.125 Differences file # 13 (DEC-Alpha) 195
CCC0645_01.126 Differences file # 14 (DEC-Alpha) 213
CCC0645_01.127 Differences file # 15 (DEC-Alpha) 211
CCC0645_01.128 Differences file # 16 (DEC-Alpha) 184
CCC0645_01.129 Differences file # 17 (DEC-Alpha) 966
CCC0645_01.130 Differences file # 18 (DEC-Alpha) 116
CCC0645_01.131 Differences file # 19 (DEC-Alpha) 442
CCC0645_01.132 Conatenated differences of all files 5295
CCC0645_01.133 DOS file-names 132
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  • J. Gamma Heating and Shield Design

Keywords: buildup, fast neutrons, gamma radiation, shielding.