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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
PTRAN | CCC-0618/01 | Tested | 16-DEC-1994 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
CCC-0618/01 | PC-80386 | PC-80486 |
File name | File description | Records |
CCC0618_01.001 | Information file | 203 |
CCC0618_01.002 | RSIC information file | 154 |
CCC0618_01.003 | PARAM4 Fortran source code | 508 |
CCC0618_01.004 | PARAM4 executable file | 0 |
CCC0618_01.005 | Composition data for water | 3 |
CCC0618_01.006 | Stopping-power and range table for water | 70 |
CCC0618_01.007 | Total nonelastic X-sections for oxygen | 5 |
CCC0618_01.008 | Output table, Grid 1 | 374 |
CCC0618_01.009 | Output table, Grid 2 | 474 |
CCC0618_01.010 | Output table, Grid 3 | 702 |
CCC0618_01.011 | Output table, Grid 4 | 1184 |
CCC0618_01.012 | Output table, Grid 5 | 2178 |
CCC0618_01.013 | Output array for VPREP4 and MPREP4, Grid 2 | 220 |
CCC0618_01.014 | Output array for VPREP4 and MPREP4, Grid 3 | 334 |
CCC0618_01.015 | Output array for VPREP4 and MPREP4, Grid 4 | 575 |
CCC0618_01.016 | Output for PTRAN1D, PTRAN1DX or PTRAN3D, Gd2 | 201 |
CCC0618_01.017 | Output for PTRAN1D, PTRAN1DX or PTRAN3D, Gd3 | 309 |
CCC0618_01.018 | Output for PTRAN1D, PTRAN1DX or PTRAN3D, Gd4 | 525 |
CCC0618_01.019 | VPREP4 Fortran source code | 2965 |
CCC0618_01.020 | VPREP4 executable file | 0 |
CCC0618_01.021 | VCON4 Fortran source code | 31 |
CCC0618_01.022 | VCON4 executable file | 0 |
CCC0618_01.023 | VSAMP4 Fortran source code | 132 |
CCC0618_01.024 | VSAMP4 executable file | 0 |
CCC0618_01.025 | VSUM4 Fortran source code | 204 |
CCC0618_01.026 | VSUM4 executable file | 0 |
CCC0618_01.027 | Output file for VCON4, Grid 2 | 5291 |
CCC0618_01.028 | Output file for VCON4, Grid 3 | 12176 |
CCC0618_01.029 | Output file for VCON4, Grid 4 | 32900 |
CCC0618_01.030 | MPREP4 Fortran source code | 337 |
CCC0618_01.031 | MPREP4 executable file | 0 |
CCC0618_01.032 | MCON4 Fortran source code | 30 |
CCC0618_01.033 | MCON4 executable file | 0 |
CCC0618_01.034 | MSAMP4 Fortran source code | 139 |
CCC0618_01.035 | MSAMP4 executable file | 0 |
CCC0618_01.036 | Reduced deflection angles for Moliere distr. | 28 |
CCC0618_01.037 | Moliere expansion coefficients f(1) | 160 |
CCC0618_01.038 | Moliere expansion coefficients f(2) | 164 |
CCC0618_01.039 | Output file for MCON4, Grid 2 | 7853 |
CCC0618_01.040 | Output file for MCON4, Grid 3 | 11957 |
CCC0618_01.041 | Output file for MCON4, Grid 4 | 20633 |
CCC0618_01.042 | PTRAN3D Fortran source file | 689 |
CCC0618_01.043 | PTRAN3D executable file | 0 |
CCC0618_01.044 | Arrays used for sampling from Gaussian distr | 836 |
CCC0618_01.045 | Output from test run | 2348 |
CCC0618_01.046 | Auxiliary output for testing run | 16 |
CCC0618_01.047 | PTRAN1D Fortran source code | 607 |
CCC0618_01.048 | PTRAN1D executable file | 0 |
CCC0618_01.049 | PTRAN1DX Fortran source code | 690 |
CCC0618_01.050 | PTRAN1DX executable file | 0 |
CCC0618_01.051 | PTRAN1DY Fortran source code | 594 |
CCC0618_01.052 | PTRAN1DY executable file | 0 |
CCC0618_01.053 | PTSUM Fortran source code | 308 |
CCC0618_01.054 | PTSUM executable file | 0 |
CCC0618_01.055 | Output table from test run | 71 |
CCC0618_01.056 | Output array from test run | 37 |
CCC0618_01.057 | Message errors from Lahey compiler | 0 |
CCC0618_01.058 | Boundary information file | 31 |
CCC0618_01.059 | DOS file-names | 58 |
Keywords: Coulomb field, Monte Carlo method, inelastic scattering, protons, transport.