Computer Programs
last modified: 10-JAN-1996 | catalog | categories | new | search |


CEPXS ONELD, 1-D Coupled Electron Photon MultiGroup System

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Program name Package id Status Status date
CEPXS/ONELD CCC-0544/03 Tested 10-JAN-1996

Machines used:

Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
CCC-0544/03 PC-80486 PC Pentium 75
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CEPXS generates cross sections  to be input to the ONELD code. ONELD is a one-dimensional coupled electron-photon transport code.
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ONELD is an advanced discrete ordinates code that uses linear-discontinuous spatial differencing and diffusion- consistent weighted diamond angular differencing. The equations are  solved via source iteration with S-2 synthetic acceleration of the inner iterations.
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ONELD can be used for neutron transport calculations. However, only source calculations can be performed.
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Running time is directly related to problem size and to the computer's central processor and data transfer speed. On a Cray YMP, a problem consisting of 1.0 MeV electrons normal on .2107 cm. aluminium consisting of 40 groups, S16 and 50 fine mesh points ran in about 16 seconds. The cross section preparation time was about 37 seconds. The following table corresponds to the PC release.
Memory DOS(4Mb) DOS(8Mb) Win(8Mb)
(8byte words)
1. 206 sec 151 sec 162 sec
8197 scm 8.75 min 8.27 min 8.86 min
209440 lcm
2. 535 sec 425 sec 427 sec
16063 scm 33.37 min 24.48 min 27.65 min
913880 lcm
3. 723 sec 657 sec 660 sec
33956 scm 29.54 min 27.37 min 34.50 min
1587714 lcm
The three sample problems were run at the NEA-DB on a PC-Brett, Pentium processor, 75 MHz. The corresponding running times for the programs CEPXS and ONELD are displayed in the following table:

         | Sample problem  |   Input file   |   CPU time    |
         |     number      |      name      |      (s)      |
         |                 |                |---------------|
         |                 |                | CEPXS | ONELD |
         |        1        |  sample1.dat   |   60  | 130.2 |
         |        2        |  sample2.dat   |  228  | 322.8 |
         |        3        |  sample3.dat   |  291  | 342.0 |
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Package ID Status date Status
CCC-0544/03 10-JAN-1996 Tested at NEADB
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- Alice F. Rice and Robert W. Roussin (Editors)
  Deterministic Methods in Radiation Transport
  A Compilation of Papers Presented February 4-5, 1992
CCC-0544/03, included references:
- L.J. Lorence, Jr. et al.:
  Physics Guide to CEPXS - A Multigroup Coupled Electron-Photon
  Cross-Section Generating Code
  SAND89-1685 (October 1989).
- L.J. Lorence, Jr. et al.:
  User's Guide to CEPXS/ONEDANT - A One-Dimensional Coupled
  Electron-Photon Discrete Ordinates Code Package
  SAND89-1661 (September 1989).
- R.D. O'Dell et al.:
  Revised User's Manual for ONEDANT - A Code Package for
  One-Dimensional, Diffusion-Accelerated, Neutral-Particle Transport
  LA-9184-M, Rev., (December 1989).
- L.J. Lorence, Jr. et al.:
  Results Guide to CEPXS/ONELD - A One-Dimensional Coupled Electron
  Photon Discrete Ordinates Code Package
  SAND89-2211 (July 1990).
- T. Jordan:
  (August 25, 1992).
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The code runs on Cray or VAX computers. The Cray version requires fast core size sufficiently large to permit partitioning into SCM and simulated LCM. Random-access auxiliary storage may be occasionally required if simulated LCM storage is insufficient for the problem being executed. An 80386 or 80486 PC is required with at least 4 Mbytes of fast memory. Systems with less than 16 Mbytes of memory require additional hard disk space since the virtual memory manager will require at least the space used by the largest unpacked run image (16 Mbyte).
  The package CEPXS/ONELD was tested at the NEA/DB on a PC-Brett, Pentium processor, 75 MHz, base memory 640 Kbyte and extended memory 16 MByte.
MEMORY REQUIREMENTS: At least 4 Mbyte of fast memory is needed. All  executables will use the virtual memory manager when required (the VMM and the DOS extender are linked with the executables). ONELD, in particular, requires 16 Mbytes of memory, so it will run using the VMM on most machines. Systems with less than 16 Mbyte of memory will require additional hard disk space since the virtual memory manager  will require at least the space used by the largest unpacked run image (16 Mbyte).
DISKSPACE REQUIREMENTS 1) EXECUTABLE FILES: The filesize of the PC-executables created using the Lahey compiler and using the linking options -pack -stub runb,vmmb are:
        CEPXS.EXE    -  413 Kbyte
        ONELD.EXE    - 1038 Kbyte
        PRE1D.EXE    -  286 Kbyte
        POST1D.EXE   -  289 Kbyte
        REWRITE.EXE  -  238 Kbyte
        PRINTOUT.EXE -   59 Kbyte
2) LIBRARY FILES: The filesize of the two ASCII library files TAPE9  and TAPE10 are 253 and 2642 Kbyte, respectively.
3) AUXILIARY FILES: The auxiliary and output files produced during the execution of program ONELD require an additional diskspace of the order of 3-4 Mbyte.
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Package ID Computer language
CCC-0544/03 FORTRAN-77
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A FORTRAN 77 compiler is required. The Cray version runs under the Los Alamos CTSS operating system with the CFTLIB library. The VAX version runs  under VMS. The Lahey F77L-EM/32 Fortran compiler, Version 5.01, the  Phar Lap Linker, Dos Extender Version 4.1, and Virtual Memory Manager were used to create the executables distributed with this package.
  The package CEPXS/ONELD was tested at the NEA/DB on a PC-Brett, Pentium processor, 75 MHz, base memory 640 Kbyte and extended memory 16 MByte, running MS-DOS 6.2. The source code files  were compiled using the FORTRAN-77 Lahey compiler F77L/EM-32, Version 5.20, linked using the the Phar Lap Linker, Dos Extender, and Virtual Memory Manager packaged with that compiler.
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Contributed by: Radiation Safety Information Computational Center
                Oak Ridge National Laboratory
                Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U. S. A.
Developed by: Los Alamos National Laboratory
              Los Alamos, New Mexico, U. S. A.
              Sandia National Laboratory
              Albuquerque, New Mexico, U. S. A.
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File name File description Records
CCC0544_03.001 Information file of package CEPXS/ONELD 853
CCC0544_03.002 Notes on how to run in backgr. under WINDOWS 109
CCC0544_03.003 Notes on utility to view/print wide output 100
CCC0544_03.004 Main source code file of program CEPXS 11866
CCC0544_03.005 Source of aux. routines for program CEPXS 95
CCC0544_03.006 Source file # 1 of program ONELD 5399
CCC0544_03.007 Source file # 2 of program ONELD 5093
CCC0544_03.008 Source file # 3 of program ONELD 5354
CCC0544_03.009 Source file # 4 of program ONELD 5712
CCC0544_03.010 Source file # 5 of program ONELD 5240
CCC0544_03.011 Source file # 6 of program ONELD 4903
CCC0544_03.012 Source file # 7 of program ONELD 5077
CCC0544_03.013 Source file # 8 of program ONELD (main prog) 929
CCC0544_03.014 Source file # 9 of program ONELD 5129
CCC0544_03.015 Source file # 10 of program ONELD 5624
CCC0544_03.016 Source file # 11 of program ONELD 5005
CCC0544_03.017 Source file # 12 of program ONELD 5099
CCC0544_03.018 Source file # 13 of program ONELD 114
CCC0544_03.019 Source file # 14 of program ONELD 3756
CCC0544_03.020 Main source code file of program PRE1D 2209
CCC0544_03.021 Source of aux. routines for program PRE1D 72
CCC0544_03.022 Main source code file of program POST 2023
CCC0544_03.023 Source of aux. routines for program POST1D 52
CCC0544_03.024 Source code file of program PRINTOUT 216
CCC0544_03.025 Source code file of program REWRITE 30
CCC0544_03.026 Batch file to compile,link & go the 4 codes 14
CCC0544_03.027 Batch file to compile,link & go CEPXS 9
CCC0544_03.028 Batch file to compile,link & go ONELD 21
CCC0544_03.029 Batch file to compile,link & go POST1D 9
CCC0544_03.030 Batch file to compile,link & go PRE1D 9
CCC0544_03.031 Batch file to compile,link & run test cases 2
CCC0544_03.032 Batch file to compare the DOS and VMS result 31
CCC0544_03.033 Batch file to run all the 4 codes 31
CCC0544_03.034 Batch file to run CEPXS 8
CCC0544_03.035 Batch file to run ONELD 16
CCC0544_03.036 Batch file to run POST1D 1
CCC0544_03.037 Batch file to run PRE1D 4
CCC0544_03.038 File with directives to link program CEPXS 4
CCC0544_03.039 File with directives to link program ONELD 6
CCC0544_03.040 File with directives to link program POST1D 4
CCC0544_03.041 File with directives to link program PRE1D 4
CCC0544_03.042 File of Lahey 5.00 runtime mess. (english) 0
CCC0544_03.043 File of Lahey 5.00 runtime mess. (french) 0
CCC0544_03.044 File of Lahey 5.00 compiler switches 1
CCC0544_03.045 File of Lahey 5.20 runtime mess. (english) 0
CCC0544_03.046 File of Lahey 5.20 runtime mess. (french) 0
CCC0544_03.047 File of Lahey 5.20 compiler switches 1
CCC0544_03.048 Executable file of program CEPXS 0
CCC0544_03.049 Executable file of program ONELD 0
CCC0544_03.050 Executable file of program POST1D 0
CCC0544_03.051 Executable file of program PRE1D 0
CCC0544_03.052 Executable file of program PRINTOUT 0
CCC0544_03.053 Executable file of program REWRITE 0
CCC0544_03.054 Cross-section library file # 1 19602
CCC0544_03.055 Cross-section library file # 2 1870
CCC0544_03.056 Input file , sample problem # 1 17
CCC0544_03.057 Input file , sample problem # 2 21
CCC0544_03.058 Input file , sample problem # 3 49
CCC0544_03.059 Input file , used for search of ONELD.FOR 29
CCC0544_03.060 Input file , used by program REWRITE 21
CCC0544_03.061 Sample problem # 1 - output file # 1 378
CCC0544_03.062 Sample problem # 1 - output file # 2 1418
CCC0544_03.063 Sample problem # 1 - output file # 3 170
CCC0544_03.064 Sample problem # 1 - output file # 4 169
CCC0544_03.065 Sample problem # 1 - output file # 5 56
CCC0544_03.066 Sample problem # 1 - output file # 6 55
CCC0544_03.067 Sample problem # 1 - output file # 7 55
CCC0544_03.068 Sample problem # 1 - output file # 8 35
CCC0544_03.069 Sample problem # 1 - output file # 9 1026
CCC0544_03.070 Sample problem # 1 - output file # 10 31
CCC0544_03.071 Sample problem # 2 - output file # 1 535
CCC0544_03.072 Sample problem # 2 - output file # 2 2836
CCC0544_03.073 Sample problem # 2 - output file # 3 340
CCC0544_03.074 Sample problem # 2 - output file # 4 283
CCC0544_03.075 Sample problem # 2 - output file # 5 94
CCC0544_03.076 Sample problem # 2 - output file # 6 93
CCC0544_03.077 Sample problem # 2 - output file # 7 93
CCC0544_03.078 Sample problem # 2 - output file # 8 68
CCC0544_03.079 Sample problem # 2 - output file # 9 1385
CCC0544_03.080 Sample problem # 2 - output file # 10 35
CCC0544_03.081 Sample problem # 3 - output file # 1 502
CCC0544_03.082 Sample problem # 3 - output file # 2 1428
CCC0544_03.083 Sample problem # 3 - output file # 3 340
CCC0544_03.084 Sample problem # 3 - output file # 4 652
CCC0544_03.085 Sample problem # 3 - output file # 5 217
CCC0544_03.086 Sample problem # 3 - output file # 6 216
CCC0544_03.087 Sample problem # 3 - output file # 7 216
CCC0544_03.088 Sample problem # 3 - output file # 8 159
CCC0544_03.089 Sample problem # 3 - output file # 9 1980
CCC0544_03.090 Sample problem # 3 - output file # 10 71
CCC0544_03.091 Output from search of ONELD, subprogram name 961
CCC0544_03.092 Batch file for general WINDOWS run 226
CCC0544_03.093 WINDOWS PIF file for GORUN.BAT 0
CCC0544_03.094 Sample input file # 1 16
CCC0544_03.095 Sample input file # 2 17
CCC0544_03.096 Sample input file # 3 17
CCC0544_03.097 Sample input file # 4 14
CCC0544_03.098 Sample input file # 5 14
CCC0544_03.099 Sample input file # 6 14
CCC0544_03.100 Sample input file # 7 16
CCC0544_03.101 Sample input file # 8 16
CCC0544_03.102 Sample input file # 9 14
CCC0544_03.103 Sample input file # 10 14
CCC0544_03.104 Sample input file # 11 16
CCC0544_03.105 Sample input file # 12 16
CCC0544_03.106 Sample input file # 13 17
CCC0544_03.107 Sample input file # 14 17
CCC0544_03.108 Sample input file # 15 16
CCC0544_03.109 Sample input file # 16 14
CCC0544_03.110 Sample input file # 17 14
CCC0544_03.111 Sample input file # 18 14
CCC0544_03.112 Sample input file # 19 14
CCC0544_03.113 Sample input file # 20 16
CCC0544_03.114 Sample input file # 21 16
CCC0544_03.115 Sample input file # 22 14
CCC0544_03.116 Sample input file # 23 14
CCC0544_03.117 Sample input file # 24 15
CCC0544_03.118 Sample input file # 25 15
CCC0544_03.119 Sample input file # 26 18
CCC0544_03.120 Sample input file # 27 16
CCC0544_03.121 Sample input file # 28 16
CCC0544_03.122 Sample input file # 29 17
CCC0544_03.123 Sample input file # 30 16
CCC0544_03.124 Sample input file # 31 19
CCC0544_03.125 Sample input file # 32 19
CCC0544_03.126 Sample input file # 33 19
CCC0544_03.127 Sample input file # 34 16
CCC0544_03.128 Sample input file # 35 16
CCC0544_03.129 Sample input file # 36 16
CCC0544_03.130 Sample input file # 37 14
CCC0544_03.131 Sample input file # 38 14
CCC0544_03.132 Sample input file # 39 17
CCC0544_03.133 Sample input file # 40 15
CCC0544_03.134 Sample input file # 41 16
CCC0544_03.135 Sample input file # 42 21
CCC0544_03.136 Sample input file # 43 16
CCC0544_03.137 Sample input file # 44 16
CCC0544_03.138 Sample input file # 45 18
CCC0544_03.139 Sample input file # 46 16
CCC0544_03.140 Sample input file # 47 16
CCC0544_03.141 Sample input file # 48 16
CCC0544_03.142 Sample input file # 49 17
CCC0544_03.143 Sample input file # 50 16
CCC0544_03.144 Sample input file # 51 16
CCC0544_03.145 Sample input file # 52 16
CCC0544_03.146 Sample input file # 53 16
CCC0544_03.147 Sample input file # 54 16
CCC0544_03.148 Sample input file # 55 16
CCC0544_03.149 Sample input file # 56 16
CCC0544_03.150 Sample input file # 57 16
CCC0544_03.151 Sample input file # 58 16
CCC0544_03.152 Sample input file # 59 16
CCC0544_03.153 Sample input file # 60 16
CCC0544_03.154 Sample input file # 61 16
CCC0544_03.155 Sample input file # 62 16
CCC0544_03.156 Sample input file # 63 16
CCC0544_03.157 Sample input file # 64 14
CCC0544_03.158 Sample input file # 65 14
CCC0544_03.159 Sample input file # 66 14
CCC0544_03.160 Sample input file # 67 14
CCC0544_03.161 Sample input file # 68 14
CCC0544_03.162 Sample input file # 69 14
CCC0544_03.163 Sample input file # 70 14
CCC0544_03.164 Sample input file # 71 14
CCC0544_03.165 Sample input file # 72 14
CCC0544_03.166 Sample input file # 73 14
CCC0544_03.167 Sample input file # 74 14
CCC0544_03.168 Sample input file # 75 14
CCC0544_03.169 Sample input file # 76 14
CCC0544_03.170 Sample input file # 77 17
CCC0544_03.171 Sample input file # 78 16
CCC0544_03.172 Sample input file # 79 16
CCC0544_03.173 Sample input file # 80 17
CCC0544_03.174 Sample input file # 81 16
CCC0544_03.175 Sample input file # 82 26
CCC0544_03.176 Sample input file # 83 18
CCC0544_03.177 Sample input file # 84 18
CCC0544_03.178 Sample input file # 85 25
CCC0544_03.179 Sample input file # 86 25
CCC0544_03.180 Sample input file # 87 18
CCC0544_03.181 VMS Command file to run the program CEPXS 14
CCC0544_03.182 VMS Command file to make the exec. ONELD 9
CCC0544_03.183 VMS Command file to run the program ONELD 12
CCC0544_03.184 VMS Command file to run the program PRE1D 16
CCC0544_03.185 VMS Command file to run the program POST 25
CCC0544_03.186 Input file for sample problem # 1 17
CCC0544_03.187 Sample problem # 1 - VAX output file # 1 377
CCC0544_03.188 Sample problem # 1 - VAX output file # 2 1418
CCC0544_03.189 Sample problem # 1 - VAX output file # 3 170
CCC0544_03.190 Sample problem # 1 - VAX output file # 4 169
CCC0544_03.191 Sample problem # 1 - VAX output file # 5 56
CCC0544_03.192 Sample problem # 1 - VAX output file # 6 55
CCC0544_03.193 Sample problem # 1 - VAX output file # 7 55
CCC0544_03.194 Sample problem # 1 - VAX output file # 8 35
CCC0544_03.195 Sample problem # 1 - VAX output file # 9 1023
CCC0544_03.196 Sample problem # 1 - VAX output file # 10 31
CCC0544_03.197 Comparison (DOS vs VAX) output file # 1 133
CCC0544_03.198 Comparison (DOS vs VAX) output file # 2 322
CCC0544_03.199 Comparison (DOS vs VAX) output file # 3 38
CCC0544_03.200 Comparison (DOS vs VAX) output file # 4 32
CCC0544_03.201 Comparison (DOS vs VAX) output file # 5 3
CCC0544_03.202 Comparison (DOS vs VAX) output file # 6 3
CCC0544_03.203 Comparison (DOS vs VAX) output file # 7 22
CCC0544_03.204 Comparison (DOS vs VAX) output file # 8 12
CCC0544_03.205 Comparison (DOS vs VAX) output file # 9 645
CCC0544_03.206 Comparison (DOS vs VAX) output file # 10 12
CCC0544_03.207 DOS file-names 206
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  • D. Depletion, Fuel Management, Cost Analysis, and Power Plant Economics
  • J. Gamma Heating and Shield Design

Keywords: discrete ordinate method, electrons, multigroup, one-dimensional, photon interaction, photon transport, shielding.