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JANUS Phase VIII (Neutron Transport Through Sodium and Mild Steel)

 1. Name of Experiment:
    JANUS Phase 8 (1990)
 2. Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
    Neutron transport in regions of mild steel and sodium. The 
    purpose was to test the prediction of neutron penetration through 
    sodium when the incident spectrum was typical of that 
    emerging from a fast reactor.

 3. Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
    The source is a fission plate constructed of 93% enriched uranium aluminium
    alloy driven by a thermal flux from the extended graphite reflector of the 
    NESTOR reactor. The effective radius of the fission plate is 56 cm and the
    thickness 2 mm. The energy spectrum of the source is that of neutrons 
    emitted from the fission of U-235. The absolute source strength is 
    determined by fission product counting and the spatial distribution via 
    detailed low energy flux mapping with activation detectors.
    The fission plate is followed by four mild steel slabs, six tanks of sodium,
    two slabs of stainless steel and a backing shield of polythene and lead. 
    This gives a thickness of 280 cm sodium preceded by 17.85 cm mild steel. 
    The initial region of mild steel modifies the spectrum of neutrons 
    incident upon the stainless steel to make it closer to that leaving a fast

 4. Measurement System and Uncertainties:
    The activation detectors used were:

                                     Typical  Counting   Systematic
    Detector    Diameter   Thickness  Mass     System     Absolute
                 (mm)        (mm)      (g)               Calibration
  Mn55(n,g)/Cd   12.7        0.15     0.12       NaI        1.5%

  Au197(n,g)/Cd  12.7        0.05   0.12-0.13    NaI        0.9%

  Rh103(n,n')    12.7        0.015    0.20       NaI        3.0%

  S32(n,p)       38.1        2.41      5       Plastic      5.0%
  Pressed Pellet                             Scintillator

  S32(n,p)        51         5.6       22       Plastic     5.0%
  Cast Pellet                                Scintillator

    The Mn and Au foils were contained in cadmium boxes of thickness 
    0.05 inches.

 5. Description of Results and Analysis:
    Measurements of the reaction rates for S32(n,p)P32, Rh103(n,n')Rh103m,
    and Au197(n,g)Au198 Under Cd were made at locations between the mild 
    steel plates and between the tanks of sodium. The reaction rates for 
    Mn55(n,g)Mn56 Under Cd were also measured in the region of sodium.
    Lateral scans were made with the four detectors at selected positions
    between the tanks of sodium. 

    In addition, during all irradiations of activation detectors within the
    shields, three sulphur pellets were placed in locations at the centre of 
    the front face of the fission plate to monitor its run-to-run power via 
    the S32(n,p)P32 reaction. 
    The results were corrected for the background responses due to the NESTOR
    core by making measurements with the plate both fuelled and unfuelled. 
    For the low energies the background varied from 27% close to the fission 
    plate to 2% at deep penetrations. For the threshold detectors the 
    corrections were 1% close to the plate increasing to 13% at the last 
    sodium tank.

    Calculations were carried out with the Monte Carlo code McBEND Version 9A
    Input data for McBEND calculation of JANUS-1 (included in SINBAD-JANUS-1)
    could serve as a starting point to prepare the JANUS-8 input.

    More recently the MCNP5 models were prepared [6] and are also incuded in
    this compilation.

 6. Quality Assessment:
     JANUS-8 is ranked as benchmark quality experiment. 
     More experimental information would be advisable on:
     - set-up of the activation foils 
     - rear wall of the ASPIS cave

 7. Author/Organizer
    Compiler of data for Sinbad:    
    A. Avery, 
    Performance and Safety Services Department, 
    AEA Technology
    WINFRITH, Dorchester                  
    Dorset DT2 8DH                        

    Reviewer of compiled data:
    I. Kodeli
    OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France

    Quality assessment:
    A. Milocco, 
    Universita' di Milano-Bicocca, piazza della Scienza 3, Milano, Italy

 8. Availability:

 9. References:
    [1] I. J. Curl, "CRISP - A Computer Code to Define Fission Plate Source 
        Profiles", RPD/IJC/934.
    [2] J. Butler et al., "The PCA Replica Experiment, Part 1. Winfrith 
        Measurements and  Calculations", AEEW-R1763
    [3] Locke H. F., "The Analysis of JANUS Phase 8 Using the Monte Carlo Code
        MCBEND", AEA-RS-1182.
    [4] A. Avery, JANUS Phase 8 Benchmark Experiment Data for Inclusion in the
        SINBAD Database, Jan. 1998
    [5] A. Avery, A review of Shielding Benchmarks for the Validation of
        JEF 2.2, JEF/DOC-666, Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, France, 1997.
    [6] A. Milocco, Quality Assessment of Evaluated Experiments NESDIP-2,
        NESDIP-3,JANUS-1 and JANUS-8, IJS-DP-11195, June 2012.

10. Data and Format:

	    Filename     Size[bytes]   Content
    ---------------- ----------- -------------
  1 jan8-abs.htm          9.432  This information file 
  2 jan8-exp.htm         30.989  Description of Experiment 
  3 FIG-1.TIF           135.496  Figure 1: The ASPIS Mobile Shield Tank in the NESTOR Cave C 
  4 FIG-2.TIF           247.647  Figure 2: Schematic Side Elevation of the Experimental 
                                 Viewed Looking Towards the NESTOR Cave     
  5 FIG-3.TIF           103.528  Figure 3: Sodium Tank Assembly Diagram 
  6 FIG-4.TIF           152.450  Figure 4: The Enriched U/Al Alloy Fission Plate 
  7 FIG-5.TIF           200.259  Figure 5: Details of the Fuel Loading Pattern When 
                                 Viewed Looking Towards the NESTOR Cave
  8 FIG-6.TIF           150.639  Figure 6: The Individual U/Al Alloy Fuel Element
  9 FIG-7.TIF           171.708  Figure 7: The Fuel Element Configuration and Manganese Foil Positions 
 10 FIG-8.TIF           112.589  Figure 8: Mesh Boundaries for the Fission Plate Source 
 11 FIG-9.TIF           132.728  Figure 9: Location of Fission Discs in the Demountable Fuel Element 
 12 FIG-10.TIF          275.746  Figure 10: Measurement Locations for JANUS Phase 8
 13 FIG-1.gif            19.268  Figure 1: The ASPIS Mobile Shield Tank in the NESTOR Cave C (preview) 
 14 FIG-2.gif            19.827  Figure 2: Schematic Side Elevation of the Experimental 
                                 Shield of the JANUS Phase 8 in the ASPIS Trolley (preview) 
 15 FIG-3.gif            12.555  Figure 3: Sodium Tank Assembly Diagram (preview) 
 16 FIG-4.gif            15.305  Figure 4: The Enriched U/Al Alloy Fission Plate (preview) 
 17 FIG-5.gif            19.474  Figure 5: Details of the Fuel Loading Pattern When 
                                 Viewed Looking Towards the NESTOR Cave (preview) 
 18 FIG-6.gif            15.823  Figure 6: The Individual U/Al Alloy Fuel Element (preview) 
 19 FIG-7.gif            19.019  Figure 7: The Fuel Element Configuration and Manganese Foil Positions (preview) 
 20 FIG-8.gif            14.299  Figure 8: Mesh Boundaries for the Fission Plate Source (preview) 
 21 FIG-9.gif            13.917  Figure 9: Location of Fission Discs in the Demountable Fuel Element (preview) 
 22 FIG-10.gif           26.447  Figure 10: Measurement Locations for JANUS Phase 8 (preview) 
 23 janus8.pdf        5.179.627  Reference  
 24 jef-666.pdf         750.902  Reference 
 25 QualityAssessment.pdf 458.860 Document on JANUS-1 quality assessment
 26 J8Af.i               18.378  MCNPX(5) input model with the whole set of activation foils 
 27 J8S.i                17.273  MCNPX(5) input model with the only Sulphur detector
 28 J8MnAu.i             17.879  MCNPX(5) input model with the only Mn and Au detectors

    File JAN8-exp.htm contains the following tables:
    One table (1) of axial dimensions and (2) of material specifications, two 
    tables (3 & 4) describing the source distribution, four tables (5-8) of the 
    measured reaction rates and four tables (9-12) showing the lateral scans.

    Figures describing the geometry of the experiment and Tables A1 to A19 are
    included in TIFF5 compressed image format.

SINBAD Benchmark Generation Date: 1997
SINBAD Benchmark Last Update: 1/2013