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Winfrith Iron Benchmark Experiment (ASPIS)

 1. Name of Experiment:
    Winfrith Iron Benchmark Experiment (ASPIS)

 2. Purpose and Phenomena Tested:
    Determination of neutron spectra and detector reaction rates 
    at different depth in a bulk iron shield about 1 m thick.

 3. Description of the Source and Experimental Configuration:
    The source is a fission converter plate consisting of 364 natural uranium
    metal plates driven by a thermal flux from the extended graphite reflector
    of the NESTOR reactor. The energy spectrum of the source is the one of
    neutrons emitted from the fission of U-235; the radial dependence is
    cosine shaped.
    The iron shield consists of 24 mild steel plates 183x191x5.08 cm
    stacked one behind the other with 0.635 cm air gaps between adjacent
    plates to allow foils to be loaded.
    This array is followed by a 10.16 cm steel plate followed by a 30.5 cm
    iron shot concrete block.

 4. Measurement System and Uncertainties:
    The detectors used were:

    Detector       Diameter  Thickness  Mass  Systematic   Standard
                     (mm)      (mm)     (g)   Error (%)    Deviation (%)

    Au197(n,gamma)   12.7      0.05     0.125   0.9           7

    Rh103(n,n')      12.7      0.25     0.20    3.0          11-14

    In115(n,n')                1.6              2.0           7

    S32(n,p)pellet   38.1      2.5      5.0     4.0           9

    S32(n,p)cast     51.0      5.6      22.     4.0           9

    NE213 Spectr.    50        50

 5. Description of Results and Analysis:
    Detector activation measurements were carried out at 17 different
    depth into the iron shield: 5.72, 11.43, 17.15, 22.86, 28.58,
    34.29, 40.01, 45.72, 51.44, 57.15, 52.87, 68.48, 74.30, 85.73, 91.44
    102.87, 114.30 cm. (Not all detectors were placed in all positions).
    These were placed in the 0.635 mm air gaps between the plates.
    To locate the NE213 spectrometer in the shield a special 5.08 mm thick
    mild steel plate was inserted. A central portion, 5.08 mm wide, had been 
    cut from the plate to leave a 5.08 cm square section air-filled slot.
    The measurement positions were at 22.68, 57.15, 85.73, 114.3 cm.
    The spectra were unfolded by the RADAK[3] computer code.
    A 2-D calculational model has been recommended by the authors.
    The corresponding input to the 2-D discrete ordinates transport code
    DOT-3.5 is provided.

 6. Quality Assessment:
    The ASPIS Iron experiment is ranked as an experiment of NOT of BENCHMARK
    QUALITY for modern purposes.

    The main drawback is that there is not primary information on the experimental
    set up. Some important experimental information would need to be derived
    from that used in past benchmark models and some specifications are nonetheless
    inconsistent of not complete.

 7. Author/Organizer
    Experiment and analysis:
    J. Butler, M.D. Carter, A.K. McCracken, A. Packwood:
    AEA Technology                        
    WINFRITH, Dorchester                  
    Dorset DT2 8DH                        
    Compiler of data for Sinbad:
    E. Sartori, OECD/NEA, 12 bd des Iles, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France

    Reviewer of compiled data:
    Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia (ivan.kodeli at ijs.si)
    & UKAEA/CCFE Culham, UK (ivan.kodeli at ukaea.uk)

    Quality assessment:
    A. Milocco, 
    Universita' di Milano-Bicocca, piazza della Scienza 3, Milano, Italy

 8. Availability:

 9. References:
    [1] J. Butler, M.D. Carter, A.K. McCracken, A. Packwood: 
        Results and Calculational Model of the Winfrith Iron
        Benchmark Experiment, NEACRP-A-629 (1984)
    [2] A.K. McCracken:
        The Establishment of a Shielding Experimental Benchmark
        at the NEA Data Bank, NEACRP-A-1044 (1990)
    [3] M.J. Grimstone:
        The RADAK User's Manual, AEEW-M1455 (1976)
    [4] H. D. Carter, M. M. Chestnutt, A. K. McCracken:
        The ASPIS Iron Benchmark Experiment - Results and Calculational Model
        NEA Specialists' Meeting - Nuclear Data and Benchmarks for Reactor Shielding
        Paris, 27-29 October 1980
    [5] S.H. Zeng, I. Kodeli, C. Raepsaet, C.M. Diop, J.C. Nimal, A. Monnier:
        Qualification and Improvement of Iron ENDF/B-VI and JEF-2
        Evaluations by Interpretation of the ASPIS Benchmark, Proc. Symposium on
        Nuclear Data Evaluation Methodology, Brookhaven (1992) (JEF/DOC-447) 
    [6] A. Milocco:
        Quality Assessment of SINBAD Evaluated Experiments ASPIS Iron
        (NEA-1517/34), ASPIS Iron-88 (NEA-1517/35), ASPIS Graphite (NEA-1517/36),
        ASPIS Water (NEA-1517/37), ASPIS N/G Water/Steel (NEA-1517/49), ASPIS PCA
        Replica (NEA-1517/75), Dec. 2015.
    [7] G. Hehn et al.:
        Adjustment of Neutron Multigroup Cross Sections with Error Covariance
        Matrices to Deep Penetration Integral Experiments
        Paper presented at the Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science & Technology, Antwerp, Sept. 1982
    [8] M Kawai et al.:
        Shielding Benchmark Tests of JENDL-3, JAERI 1330 (March 1994)
    [9] I. Kodeli:
        Validation of ENDF/B-VI and JEF-2 Iron Cross-sections by Sensitivity and Adjustment Analysis 
        (JEF-DOC-420, paper presented at NSS/EBS Regional Meeting, Portoroz, Slovenia, 1993)
    [10] S.J. Chucas et al.:
         Application of JEFF3T Data to the Winfrith Iron Benchmark (JEF/DOC-790, March 1999)
    [11] J.C. Nimal and S.H. Zheng:
         Qualification des Sections Efficaces du Fer par l'Interpretation d'un Benchmark de Penetration
         Profonde des Neutrons dans un Massif de Fer, ASPIS (Rapport DMT 94/161 - SERMA/LEPP/94/1617 (1994) (in French)

10. Data and Format:

        Filename     Size(bytes)   Content
    ---------------- ----------- -------------
  1 asfe-abs.htm          7.787  This information file 
  2 asfe-exp.htm         22.560  Description of Experiment 
  3 ASPIS_FE.INP          7.647  2-D Model for Sn code DOT-3.5 
  4 ASPFE-1.TIF          15.093  Figure 1: Description of Experiment (high quality) 
  5 ASPFE-2.TIF          20.582  Figure 2: Description of Experiment (high quality) 
  6 ASPFE-3.TIF          11.119  Figure 3: Description of Experiment (high quality) 
  7 ASPFE-4.TIF           8.442  Figure 4: Description of Experiment (high quality) 
  8 ASPFE-1.gif          16.538  Figure 1: Description of Experiment (preview) 
  9 ASPFE-2.gif          18.069  Figure 2: Description of Experiment (preview) 
 10 ASPFE-3.gif          10.360  Figure 3: Description of Experiment (preview) 
 11 ASPFE-4.gif           7.777  Figure 4: Description of Experiment (preview) 
 12 WIN_FE_1.pdf        547.068  Reference 
 13 WIN_FE_2.pdf      1.328.671  Reference 
 14 WIN_FE_4.pdf      1.528.391  Reference 
 15 WIN_FE_5.pdf        424.239  Reference 
 16 WIN_FE_6.pdf      1.166.545  Reference 
 17 EUR_17.pdf          431.639  Reference 
 18 j1330.pdf         3.824.302  Reference
 19 jef-420.pdf         285.114  Reference
 20 jef-790.pdf          53.906  Reference
 21 Radak.pdf         1.109.263  Reference
 22 QualityAssess.pdf 6.851,768  Document on quality assessment of ASPIS experiments

    1. Dimensions and compositions of source (excluding fission plate)
    2. Dimensions and compositions of fission plate materials
    3. Chemical analysis of the iron shield and iron shot concrete
    4. Zone material densities for the ASPIS iron benchmark model
    5. Centerline activation measurements: Rh103, In115, S32, Au197
    6. Fluxes of NE213 Spectrometer at positions 22.86, 57.15, 85.73, 114.3 cm

    The data is provided in tabular form: reaction rates vs depth 
    and spectrum vs energy.

SINBAD Benchmark Generation Date: 1992
SINBAD Benchmark Last Update: 2/2020