Expert Group on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities

This expert group deals with multiple aspects related to the modelling and design of accelerator shield systems including electron accelerators, proton accelerators, ion accelerators, spallation sources and the following types of facilities: synchrotron radiation facilities; very high energy radiation facilities; accelerator production of tritium; and free electron lasers.


The expert groups objectives are to:

  • promote the exchange of information among scientists in this field;
  • identify areas in which international co-operation could be fruitful;
  • carry out a programme of work in order to achieve progress in specific priority areas.
The four main categories of accelerator facilities mentioned above are being considered.

Publications and reports

Terrestrial Neutron-Induced Soft Errors in Advanced Memory Devices by Takashi Nakamura (Tohoku University), Eishi Ibe (Hitachi Ltd.), Mamoru Baba (Tohoku University), Yasuo Yahagi (Hitachi Ltd.), Hideaki Kameyama (Renesas Technology Corporation) 368pp, Apr 2008, 978-981-277-881-9, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd

Rigour Within Uncertainty - an Unfinished Quest. ICRP and High-LET Radiations
Thirteenth Stannard Lecture Series "Excellence in Radiation Protection", Sacramento, USA, April 2005
Ralph H. Thomas, University of California (Retired)

Experimental and theoretical studies of the yields of residual product nuclei produced in thin Pb and Bi targets irradiated by 40-2600 MeV protons
Final Technical Report on the ISTC Project #2002, December 2004, State Scientific Center of Russian Federation - Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP)
Yu.E. Titarenko, V.F. Batyaev, E.I. Karpikhin, R.D. Mulambetov, V.M. Zhivun, A.V. Ignatyuk, V.P. Lunev, N.N. Titarenko, Yu.N. Shubin, V.S. Barashenkov, S.V. Mulambetova, K.A. Lipatov, A.V. Belkin, N.N. Alexeev, V.A. Schegolev, Yu.M. Goryachev, V.O. Kudryashov. Released to the NEA for non-commercial use

Computing Radiation Dosimetry - CRD 2002
Workshop Proceedings, ITN, Sacavém, Portugal, 22-23 June 2002

Advanced Monte Carlo Computer Programs for Radiation Transport
Seminar Proceedings, Saclay, France, 27-29 April 1993

Handbook on secondary particle production and transport by high-energy heavy ions
World Scientific Publication Company, Nakamura (Tohoku University, Japan) and Lawrence Heilbronn (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, (U.S.A.)
Secondary neutron yields from thick targets(TTY), Secondary neutron production cross sections(DDX), Measurements of HZE neutrons behind shielding, Production cross sections of spallation products created in heavy-ion reactions, Moving source parameterisation of TTY and DDX. The various numerical data are included on a CD-ROM

Nuclear Data and Benchmarks for Reactor Shielding
Proceedings of a Specialist's Meeting, Paris, France, 27-29 October 1980

Please note all files related to this benchmark are password protected


SATIF-14 proceedings (in preparation)


SATIF-13 proceedings



SATIF-12 proceedings

SATIF-12 proceedings – Instructions for authors (template) 


SATIF-11 proceedings

SATIF-11 proceedings – Instructions for authors (template) 

Related links

SATIF forum archives

Accelerator Radiation Safety Newsletter


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Last reviewed: 18 January 2019
