Reversibility and Retrievability in Geologic Disposal of Radioactive Waste - Taking Further the RWMC Work in Relation to Stepwise Decision Making


Proposal to the RWMC

National programmes would benefit from a shared and broad-based understanding at the international level of the reversibility and retrievability concepts and of the related opportunities and limitations. Such understanding could be used as a reference for those national programmes that are involved in siting and licensing repositories with strong local interactions. It could also help the elaboration of more robust waste management strategies for national programmes that are in their preliminary stage. The proposed work would make it possible for all to benefit from the recent progress in societal, scientific and engineering knowledge. Because of the vast experience associated with the advanced national programmes the RWMC represents and the breadth of its related highlevel initiatives, the Committee is uniquely placed to develop state-of-the-art guidance on reversibility and retrievability concepts in relation to stepwise decision making.