The Contracting Parties to the Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy (CPPC) held a virtual working meeting on 11 December 2024, attended by 16 participants from 10 countries. Continuing discussions initiated in previous meetings, the CPPCs further explored the application of the Paris Convention and the Brussels Convention Supplementary to the Paris Convention to nuclear incidents occurring, or nuclear damage suffered, on the high seas or in international airspace. They also resumed discussions on the criteria for applying the reciprocity principle laid out in Article 2(a)(iv) of the Paris Convention.
The CPPCs provided updates on their respective national legislative and administrative processes and the status of financial securities following the entry into force of the 2004 Protocols. The meeting included presentations by the Spanish delegation on specific issues concerning the implementation of the Joint Protocol Relating the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention, as well as on matters related to the interpretation of the Recommendation of the Steering Committee for Nuclear Energy on Nuclear Substances in Transit [NE/M(68)1].
A total of 16 countries are parties to the Paris Convention, covering 94 operating reactors and 7 under construction out of a total of 416 operating reactors worldwide and 63 under construction. Of those countries, 13 are also parties to the Brussels Supplementary Convention.