A look inside a robust platform for fuel and materials research

FIDES II meeting

Members of the NEA Second Framework for Irradiation Experiments (FIDES-II) from 14 countries assembled in Paris, France, on 8-11 October 2024 for meetings of its Technical Advisory Group and Governing Board. During the meetings, the project members reviewed the status of the nine Joint ExpErimental Programmes being simultaneously conducted under the Framework. The project’s significant expansion for the second triennial period, in terms of JEEPs and experimental facilities gave the members a lot to discuss over the four days of meetings. FIDES-II parties are already contemplating ideas for the third triennial period, inviting presentations from three additional experimental facilities to better understand their capabilities and opportunities for future research. Members also tackled strategic planning elements, including ways to formalise and structure the training and education activities developing within the Framework.

The expansion of FIDES-II in the second triennial period continues, with discussion already starting regarding the launch a variety of specialised fuel and material experiments, collaboration and transfer of specialised knowledge to prepare the third triennial period.

As nuclear research facilities necessary for fuel and material advancements continue to close, FIDES-II provides an avenue to sustain some of the remaining facilities and to ensure the exchange and preservation of the know-how to operate and advance these facilities.


The NEA Second Framework for Irradiation Experiments (FIDES-II) is a multilateral effort established to preserve and strengthen the global fuel and materials experimental capacity. Being the centre of gravity in the area of fuels and materials, this joint undertaking facilitates high-priority safety and operations-related Joint ExpErimental Programmes (JEEPs) that benefit a broad community of users around the world.

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