Operating experience and the lessons learnt from all phases of the nuclear power plant lifecycle is a valuable source of information for improving the safety and reliability of nuclear facilities. An effectively co-ordinated operating experience program systematically reviews event information, assesses its significance, provides timely and effective communication, helps to prevent events from recurring, and applies insights to regulatory decisions and programmes affecting nuclear power plants.
The mandate of the Expert Group on Operating Experience (EGOE) is to support the Working Group on Reactor Oversight (WGRO) and the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) to carry out their mandates by assessing operating experience of nuclear installations to identify what might be done to help enhance safety and prevent events from recurring globally.
In order to do so, the EGOE facilitates an active and timely exchange of operating experience information to establish, implement, assess, and continuously improve regulatory oversight practices and programmes, share event overviews, perform analyses, disseminate knowledge and provide expert insights from operating experience of nuclear power plants to identify global trends and lessons learnt.
Guided by the WGRO, the EGOE focuses on identifying and sharing relevant lessons learnt and good practices obtained from the evaluation of operating experience to help to prevent events from recurring and to provide assurance of the safe operation of nuclear power plants. The EGOE also serves as a forum to share safety-related operating experience information and assessment of those events by the regulatory body. While the primary focus is on operating power reactors, experiences from other phases of the reactor lifecycle are considered.
To implement this mandate, the EGOE will:
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