Dates: 3-7 April, 2023
Place: OECD Headquarters in Paris, France
Minimum enrollment required: 12 participants
Course fee: 1000 EUR
This 4.5-day interactive course is intended to give students a thorough introduction to the usage and application of the OpenMC Monte Carlo code. Students will work hand-in-hand with the instructors to develop models, run the code, and explore a wide variety of features.
Topics to be covered include:
• Geometry: constructive solid geometry; surfaces, cells, universes, lattices, DAGMC
• Sources: statistical distributions, source options
• Tallies: filters, scores, and tallies; cell instances; meshes
• Post-processing: working with statepoint files; Pandas dataframes; tally arithmetic
• Installation: Compiling and installing; the Python API; optional dependencies
• Nuclear data: cross section configuration; introspection of data; automated data
• generation; cross section visualization
• Depletion: depletion operators; time integration methods; activation calculations
• Multigroup cross section generation: automated generation of MGXS over spatial
• domains; group structures; MGXS libraries
• Visualisation: Geometry and tally visualisation with the OpenMC plotter application
• Coupling: C/C++ API, multiphysics calculations
The class will be based on the latest version of OpenMC (more information is provided at OpenMC Monte Carlo Code)
Students are expected to have basic knowledge and familiarity with Python 3.
Resources for learning basic Python will be provided in advance.
Students will need to bring a laptop to participate in the course.
Hedvig Nahon